DWWWWWOWWWWWWWWWWWWWQJW Erland Lee (Museum) Home ‘F‘ - E- Upcoming Events Craft workshops resume for the fall at the Erland Lee (Museum) Home! Learn a new craft while experiencing the historical atmosphere and enjoying fellowship in the circa 1873 Carriage House at the Lee! Line up: September 21st: Beginner Tatting - 10am to 2pm (cost: $20) October 19th: Crocheted Wire Necklaces - 1pm to 3:30pm (cost: TBA) November 16th: Outdoor Winter Planter - 10am to noon (cost: TBA) December 7th: Heritage Christmas Ornament - 9:30am to noon (cost: $20) Pre-registration is required due to the limited class size. Please contact the Lee at 905â€"662-2691 or erlandleehome@fwio.on.ca If you have ideas for future workshop topics or seminars, please contact us! Other Upcoming Events at the Lee December 14, 2013: Christmas at the Lee with Caroling - 2pm to 4pm February 16, 2014: Tea at the Lee - 2pm :97 7azZa/é'f/HOM ES Ellgl :gllg'"é :!I.!lal I I . la :3, x . .‘ul It)†ll‘ll Ill'lll’l‘ll I A ,l’4,\lllJ ' Hospitality Homes in Ontario are open to all WI Members and their companions for $15 each per night. If you would like to be added to the list or if you need to take your name off the list â€" please let Gillian Catto know. To obtain a copy of the list, visit the FWIO website, email Gillian at gilcat@vianet.ca or send three 63 cent stamps to Gillian Catto at 89 Ellmen Road, Whiteï¬sh, 0N POM 3E0. A, , :L w r'\ /, A. [Ix/2551: u; es of Umaao luVfll Ontario shaving education 2013 Board Listing President Evelyn Peck President-Elect Margaret Byl Northern Region Margaret Christenson Joyce Cockle Eastern Region Myra Kelly Mary Shortt Southern Region Kim Sauder Eleanor Williams Western Region Alana Robinson Barbara Weese VACATIONS CANADA 150 PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. - 40036824 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: FWIO 7382 WELLINGTON ROAD 30 RR 5 GUELPH ON N1H 612 Email: fwio@fwio.on.ca