Newmarket Era , November 5, 1920, page 10

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I' p. .1102)um a. I . 1 dried out Wmft w "mhnyartteoh-dlyettthtesxm unable to get _up whth lulu-lch .1 lrtea dllrorenl medte tm 1 mt Idvartls'od nedweatmledhytloetom ., tn ,trohent, A! In my home lowly 3 hot (Ito Rheum-tuna we; lneltI I In l lute In ea edrertlaemont um lrtnt l u'mld trap hot... man took; one box ntt rot - renal; then took them rtght Alon: ' (orphaned: repattn told the IIhnu-V 'pnuaen I... All [one and 1 tom m mtg-or . . . _ Anyone who woptd'em to who no art mud. knelt-entrant I would h. [led to tell no: what Troll... rte-mount 1,. a , mm: x. omoxnsotl, , y . out-nomad "may m. wanna-$2.50, rho 260. All-II doubt: or but pulp-Id hy ' ' allegat- undue. ottan. cat. _ .L HING. IPLUM'BINQ and FURNACES l 21' otm nlttola TVSIB ll . ASHTON, Itmttr HMDWAiIE NEWMARKE'I'. monumental Engraving. apehlal uttentlon aluea to Insert- Ilsa, latte-tat; la the Cemetery Lett ter- natthttt la a workmenehtp rm. tt oletut out and deep. trlntlr or cemetery Work 9 ptIy attended to. ouatattoa- may elven. . a. w. LUEEEY. Pattie ats. Arden Met. Newtnertttt W l 'aA'u: or nzalztt'runsa ' Debtllllurcs at the Town at New- nterltet are altered (or note tor en Imotntl. ruthelent to cover the east or anlalllus 'Sewerh on llttrle, Water, unto, tluron.. t'lmalhy ant) untstortt streets. .I n . , Amounts wllt he reeelvad Irarn stdo to mum at there. The rate or In [Heat In 6% and llle lerln 25 yellnl. rurlher lntortnatlen eon he had {rent \VIH . Itettlt, chetrrnan ur rlnanae Conl- ratlter. or at JERSON. P, J. . tyn Treasurer. Brighten Ill) the Home - Aqun t-llth new tall Patter that. met my hrtght hm molt.le tt wl ldld may at emu. mum. com. Ht m octets you er. wanna 0 '4, GI" Oak ' term you an "my tn hey u- m I put all utter wlttt. ttn mama It. HEW Gill-1H Palmer- and ner Henna Arden Ant. Newm-rkatl a Blake Wm at lm: st. ---t- uswteultlk neon: t PREVENT APPEttotol'rls Many Netttttttrkel people Ire INan sluttyl'u alycutlno, Ituettlhora hat-Ir, ate. a: tnlxed In Attler-I-Ita, Tttts lltlstltu nll ll upper and on vtr trowel w wilplek-ly It rrntovee all rent. an- euneutrtoo poisons Iroln atlmrntary "will! and prevents oppendlelttt. , Mord-Ila tettruert Amt tlhsh 0! 515 eie etpt nah or nour etoutuoh, Ollctt cum eeneupauan. Ipm uo' wondertul tesultr. w. J. nucleon, Druaelst. Newmtrltet. In one earn 01 Lhmln"slnllmull lt'onllle ONE holIIo ,lwer and hearty inblah "sterile. u. s. I. new ll? V attatton lrartt th tuneyt It den-'dll n allure u_ulll he return, alter htett h'trnt... lltn prettentattan M a ghlll.wtt|cll to lno mm a attuIreIe- llvlhtrttltthe lontt who he rlltcett tttetr hurt In the llqu \Var'. not to the re- tt'trnett uoya at where there were over or en )-Ilt o'pl'utl46l out at nearly one ltnntlrtttt on the IIttt ltehtttntte Atrlt. ChaI nllhrounh and tho Aumla Aurora. ' XII": llc quul hr teh nl tl. [L U. v. hettt a meet new tutu IuI t-ntertnluntent In the that 'I'Iteatre here Io-nlahtI I oprlolor \thn turn. t'-tt tht ttt Ire over to Illeheya tree or The prncemls, antottntlnu to new. not huntlrtnl dollars; are to he uttl tl In protttrlnu uluh rootne tor the otunrhttlen. Mk I Stouifville; slut-Intuit, Ih ov. l t welt Intend- l U. I), o. Ittoolllls they ltetd here $Itltlrdtty nltrttt. It. w. l-I. Duruuhy wan the Ninth. upeaher. tle tttalettt hnl It ue are In pay our war them out at the top ulx lnehey o! the null, tn It to he tatetl out or plauahed uttl I no ror Ilte tanner, he would on the heat to pluulzll It ontl I . II. Salm- nter preeldetl, 'and other upe her. were; MmItW. Mllnloll, Ian A, ll. Mt:- I'llnll and e lteeve s. 1 . Route. 0! \Vllllclltlwll. ' . - MAHKHABl . , A P, wtlron who lnslrtllnenlul In prewnttlna a dtuaetroua the on Tutlsdqy lllnrlllfll. Ml", \Vllxon, \Vllo rcxltlI-IA' on \Vatthtneton tttreel, wot m thettrtl tthout {our u'oIoI-Ik IItttt nttunhur hy the rollot-tton at the on hlh hetlrttolu whu w and Kulllnk hp lo tn. vtt ntlttttttt It tutv that Ille tonne ul the rl-tu- and three at Iteeve Iteneartt'r Ilnrllt [mm \\'| . nlllnm llll lllltl I? ll'nlrrl 'NI' CTL UNIIK It|l lqulHl the hntttItng, Ito awakened y hlo nehrhher to "to north, null then rouuett up tlounelltor Gow- lnntt Ito unter a lew ttutln or water \Vt rt sullldlenlJn out out the the. whteh. gluon ten tntnuteo rneru thne would hate eaten Itu way into the monk, or the llulltllng and reeehed the hay mow. The the will eauaetl hy the Pullan at the turtle treat a henllre or Ionvl's etol rullltlnll, hureed tlte pra- vlntls tlay. onto a manure tttle. There must harp horn eonte ernhera at the sllll ltllvt- In the hotter lllItI they tentted the manure and mutually enread un- .tm- the rurlura to the (extra antt here, 09...; , r Holland Landing, . r. all that .ttonday nltslllI SIIIHII llllll all Illemllcts prt'N lIL A . tonmntentton \vttn "V (II tree. that lllc llm lll l I llru nbnlotl the Hand with two tlertnan ytnt ttne (run, and that they no e 11- .slIlltlIHII lllll Mr pbnk supplied lllt', lilll rml't A lloo hy Sheppard on reerhtnl antl nrlltrl'tl |0 he paid. Al'rullnl DI lilt Inspector IIII' w tlrk Ill/llL- ttlllotlltllltg ll) 8') Vt- Itlhlt ur tlt-I NI lrI II" WMI long Ills . Iall kink [llt'll I la ll Ultl porut ul l.lnll|lll)' ll) [my I , Shemlul tl a hlll {er Kuotle eunpltetl to n tatttlly who Itatl horn ttuarantlnett. It was lilllllll llm ldml lllal lllL lllll he not held as lt had not heen hunetlonrd lty {lll' Honnl M lll t'tHll. ' _ .ttr, .lltltu ltattery s entered an a Hall my. 5| MD .1. P, Wilson [of that. HEP! to MS llllEK) , hattan can"? In Col- ttttnn wlth \Ir, \\'llson s eat. ' Mr. uttthhrrt hone tnotoretl to New- tnnruet \Vt hdhy cvcnlng ntul was Intntett Into the hunters and prttttcees tll All I le'l) I lt'liunery. The usual hrnttke were pleyed hy the Iteevr ol (:ettnctl gates earrled B\\ and heel: yard cott- yenlenees set down on the Mom street. Alllrtht lloyx to amuse yauhwlvt's but when you an on he as to lnaluet and in suit respectable eltlrette, hreak win- dow: In ttte tlounell room and prlyate ttwrlllnas tln ahaut tltue to null a halt ll I' Vllltlrc l0 p Well! .1 Ln ol vI ' r. Fl'f ll llnl} lIIlt, yenllIIK Illt: I lll nn'lltt Hr-Illlum t It] am] lll lv. the to the etty. , School Reports. Report at a. s, Ito. l, Horn. wllllm- bur-y- Sllllllllltg [or Ot . . l\. MYI I Palm s. V0411 l ol-. llownntl ntITBSy St Ill . Itotlaln Ilteul 5e- lltlrt', Itulrrc) ScdmeI .lr. lI tt htlltrr. Allin cil Harry Sud y than. lalttte l trlloal lament) ll .an-n-ntl- Pollock, vttmu Ila Klns, lrnnte . all: Manila", \Vlnnllt L-d Eellnrtu ' - Prlmcr D, .Ceett swore, stett'e Ml! ler. Adlllc Tllomphon, Lloyd St-tl'u'e. . t:vtt Itatlglntt. wtttte Ill-er, Mil ler dareI , ' . n._ the ltowelt. "Irma" spam. wetter matte, l. Mli t'm, Mons Morph-II. Ithttert nul, ; . I _At GI_I on more. l lmn sn- tlarr. Blmen'Cgrlll; not. mwrll - i awn-rs, Euorell th e or ttte htttery a! the ' tunttt utltlt-tt nt'aett to th pteatturo at m hnye en llallowe'en. Fences torn down. - antl satuelhtnlr will hat-e to do done In , Thor'el only one hpltln,th tn e ' wlllt the Item Clqll" O.II other In tel. ato'oplgI-etttIlntttntttIo-I . I oennht e l I here been toan by hyrtetan. r atnrteenIyr-n madman All: by mu llnnl he I? In, t , we. nhruapttltrn. lambtt t Inter Illnntt .ttn hora ol'lz hep elm I III 2 Ba er" nett- a eld! had, by eta-ny'ttrutyy'tlorpe t .dt ln omega 0 Al tth t t. the trade matte undo), or lttyer MIMI uth Manomtteeelduttr at Bell tteeeltt. tvhttr tt In well Itnoun um ntetne Bnydrlmhnu lelum, to n th. gimme Eon". lulllllunlmllhvijfnlll a: a er at In . t w p on WI 11 ' telly ghoul min I think, {3. "Blycx crot- ' gm Ill: _wh a ollltlhh lllu tneuntttlnltt nay-t etttnh: tnatty :t III/t0: Yul teh (IML'I'IM, l5 Iltu'ht-r than IIII tart. he [told Iluyotttl III and on: ltlttk not ttly eoat toretur I tout In none. rIgIIl. lhltt tlelttltt. telr. tlettttlr. Helena THE WILD: at: Ltltlh: t.tnte nol only chmelt roll ucltllly tnanttret untl purehnaetl one at the earl ltl l Illeert mlll truth the [lurclmtlc .' colmnet-elal plant Inntl-t ehelnleat and htoloaleul llonlllltllllL Ittr orojth Ilut II IIIterutuh ntettte In the toll would he unavalllthle lorIerott rmvlll eltetlllenl cumlol ulterd l!) days or poloh ll' settrolty. liven or Ilte polneh nr-cr Illahle. tnolsture. runny solltl they be Improved Ity lltne tandem them more comp:ch l 0K ltlrlltilttN. Wanna... THE Iull'rt'lltu not! Armis the reed trorn when the Wu- man Who saw ltven la n row a! ottl hrownttone {runltl ronvettett Into near tenements, The hey who hnltr lives In the tottth lteor treat. The Women the nrlsrn .ll all haul-s l/t rlutl out last when he ~l-tl lrl Igutlng tn the more (Ilg. hut he ls always at il "kx l. 5. end I o'etnrk. he the close to ho wtnrlow. hetw n It and the etutttnr, and he It pato Ite wunn very o'tI etltt. whtle eo are, and the .ttm at the atltrtqto Is nlwa s In hln nltlrl Rheumatism Net t, Sciatica, Neuralgltt. Templetatt u Rheumatic Capsules . Have hronahl you} Ian-31m to'huII-n-m llnn gunmen. Allulthlul. atone -savlngxemedy utttknaon lnr teen yem. pg rthett h daclnn, wld by drug gt v.30. box. Alk our men or vnte tor . lretl t nl rltllage. TempletonaJ Ktng ,,Torenta eon one In Stlllou \thl by , . Pmpetlieilol Sale I 209 store (ctrltt good so , On gantl gravel MB . and terms to, null purclluer. Large harna, bll gontl repaln' tor III Llnd or lnl tl humus. "who, ttaatt {11704. . m .e a out. The vc lull hath hm tread bulmllln. cue ttrlrlt eletl'on'lzarlr Itueh m . . brill In myth .Trhtet. ,olt nuptrlit l handle; Nennl t 'v A III: to? u _not al- 'l'llt: wlltlllllts road htunt tluwtnytt-tl lnt r. my path raltent 'Ullltl wlIl noon tltvt: tho \\'.ll trade up I Iteohunovlntr torwartl; ll thtne atran The u eanet het nttse the throttle nteun- wha would atteIu to hullllnll'l eltI untl Must nerve llttnsell lhreuutt valley or that maltan It onertnte to ttrow ultra. mall KIIHII'III'IK erahr. hut tt meter tt nnhhllllc let- torrent. to tlettue lllltxl- tntnn llulll llltt trout lllt- use or In a hlllkllll, eeorthlllte watrt r In llanutltan tarrntutr ttt.tlay you It um ol lIL-lurtt the eondltlotht Itnytt huen hut-raved hy the net-I a! IlIIII'r I.Itne not only rennum the atoll mutt, g whteh nlliltl'wlst: This is tt ttulltt iltztl-Dnlltrlo rarnturn over look In there llltlclt lrlllll Int lrnck gmwclx rm: tlndlnyr lI neeeeeary to resort to the use or tune an a many ul Itheratttnr mate the no at other elentente er planl fotltl pro- on heavy etay rolls tlnte lltN a tendency to separate the hraetletet end lllt'tke the sell more retenttre or On the nlltt-Ir hantlutunte no it: t)! lll . )H'GTHHL In lltla BHM' lllr (Int! ' your watch," sold In Newnterlt et by w. .l. more; (land hulltttnas, Th e miles to Sullort. pnee rtsttt ' eon acres In North pwlllttutlury and house. Ill It: The tttrht lrlntt or salt three Alhn two lrrtntt to But nwtmury. ry Ire-Inert "atqu In the Town at Ne t. _ I II he ot'lI titayIn' 1 some lltr It milllrl sure. he. ltnlllud'll twent- m and It hundred gate 0' rtueltr lllnl'l! . the .war heaen ' sh e atone r'un nlne alter the wont-In whun the ttar hall eronaed lhu,el r t tnu .ttra hluttlarn rttnnlna Is a ter. rlhltt llllttg, r Iv ' I ,I "\lnt. tuotttoeyy tayn ll'e a huntlred , ltlll h- a knlllvdIt IIHL , ter he mtg-[In when o/tly hut-one wot ltuhttn-t The allow 1" v I .The Women Who $nw loltt e ntee .YllllllK um U at t-tphtalt all aheut It. ; llt yntrtttt loo. y I tlttlt| he, "I! II WM) that any hrtlttt-tl tny nwler ttntt roeytt he's'rhtlng the III and IIml'l you lluruot It I you tell your Mm. .\luIlI- Knltlllal |" I . the (Milan rtltl. txut elle tlausn'l tItInIt .\Ira. tluttlaan unllerttood. Myanwv - ,ENQDUMQE' MUBIOAL TALENT ll Is a good lhtnt; to eultlvute the II LlItl Inellnntton or talent tor tnuate In yonutryrohle, There ran Inn-thy he too much p taunt-e In the average hu- nunt lllt at whatever tvttl odd to the nutn Iottt: lt \wrlll mum. and nunltr lt-rtotnl ttn-h llllhI .t [It rnoll who can [I no lllull lll II-Il tall-1y well. or who ran otnz, hat ntn eltttntr In rtnththute to seettty. and It there~ lure ln,d'!mltnd, so It ollen hntIoentt tttet young people who laelr neeont~ pllrhntenla letd that they are unuopu~ tar, ttnrl hart ntuey unhappy hour. lltal ndaht ltttyo heen rltareu them. The ulnno mutt head the llsl. hut the entalt- et- llmlrulnunls llto t-leIIuI Eullrtt't manrlolln. ete., make excellent matte, and for a person who ttllntttl lhe gullltr milth 2! good uccnml'lr'mllncnl, whllu n \ ll'llln It always welcome In eotnhnny. Young glrln nuw l Ilm vlolln It! ntlrn ll! young men do. A llute. well l'nyeo, lnakett rhunnlng music, and tho h tlo tn pnpulur; hut the Inrlrumrnl I hhteh allracltt the meat attrnlton ta- tlay In the ukulele. whtah en as tour hynt olllnwall. lltt-lll p1 llll same terms to htttnltt n nltintent lelltllslllllc-nl. Iltll \vllnlt vcr wlll l Illa hanpter for ourselves and ollwryt In worth the 1:03! or the he and lah oooe~__ El llT canttn/tllohtztl rs ron oIIILunEll lI Tllc grouting t'Illll) muMI llln'k [Ilellly rll lm-p. Up In 51X m "L' hllolllll eteop ltItlI th Illneilwl lvl' out or ltvenly Intlr h urn. 'l tll'l ol Ihlo tlnte may he Included In the day- I thnen: .. 2, _ttlr roott hllmlltl he ttlontttut atht nuttttlonr, naeh ehlttt should haye I at tenet three plnls ol nulh t day. Pr lll ll! lhllt may he m hnlllu ulllt'r Iuittl. lt an cur-lard or lcl: errant. llu hll llltl atoo have tItnItttl qultlllllles ll, mml and plenty UI ('mls. (Icrdnli, \ lllll" all 'rlllltl. tt plenty or ant-or. lnl (4m mut'lt Wllrk, nor in!) lunK cunllnllul. l. tte shonttl Il:t a dolly hon tIr (llllrll wn and (t rltllmhlllg Ilulll \Yllll , warm w or llll Illlltl Stmp M luhsl nltancr nohslhlv. lmwcl allollltl Inl wc llacl) tll'lt't l um'l n d l , I! my lltl lttrl Ills dlcl ltlttl t-huclbl x hlluulll [In so tatgulttetl as to hrtutr ahanl thttt ro~ul| G.~|lt~ hlttrultl he Interested In the. ' Sntten, ttutl. or unhfmny rhltttren :N frt stllferlng [10 ! W, want (II Such a ehtle rhould lll \h tlcllutl |r) dlst r ll pnsrlllll: \h lllll llr' our enloy and where his nnlurttl Internet llra: and It Lt tlten rm easy task ((1 sllmulnlqltls lull-ms! tlnlll llls whole nlllludn I: clan . _ 7. o llaulll Ila l llgltl simple [F5- rnn or nrrsunhl hyaleu the nee er lntlivhltlol lowuls, htntlherehlele. taltet artteltr; anon rare at lrrlll. none. eyes, llnnlfs and reel. - Lind altautd he [ought to honour. that ta [ta healthy In one or the ( INA ltuh aettteyentente tn the world, am! "UL-El pall'l llt. . . wltAv oouttn Mom A young antn huuuttt a sold wttlcll ntth a 20-year gu nttllee. la a (oi/t ltlllllllts llL bmuglll ll hack Slylnxg "It! I'm: lot-led llkt: mass. The JCWEIIEI" looked at H, rtlthd ll It lllllL , asked the young ntan II he had heea taunt; uttttletae eeatalntne tron. The young rare salt! he hart, VellI" sale the yew-alter. "the Iran has colno oul with ' HIE nrl aplratlolt' and ltllS |En1l cd What you are alleolx olltut: :0 lo (ran dld the will: I \V" etttta lnatre ourselves more hrIsttl or more dull b) our llvns. Tllluk til Emman'n etuylng to one : "ll w run I llL Itl' \ Ill ) ttu sly. wltnn lllll you am ta tamer thuntlettna In my ears I" Word Picture of Mu skoka Hospital Awovnznutm e: lnvl or to D! rentea llh nx on Ell lens" ""31. ""r. "M" 6! MN ,r nlnun I on rnnrr set on .n :llvnlnn lh- noruotta I'm Hnrpltat tar eonrulnanttun renal-nun at an In rlmuy tor hen runner. wlth nmneeh. ovulanlt- n. no lulu. and muny (our. to... open tr pntttenr, urrounatnrr nltll nun lawn; n mu coin en un tu- {3&"1'h kea'izm' on Peace one mttn'E-m. Ill "I! e. a I, III ' Elia-o ' u no I tanugt tic'ltive ' TORONTO lt'r utter In II l" I > Real Eltl'alo, 4 Phono 30333, THE SAFEST INVESTM ds dellvot ad to your Vlclory Loan lax lra Duo I922 1923 S921 1933 1937 NH - Inst a ' Rod Ine ' atone ' a 5t; ' Ygound llzmuarvyorlhd Ring "cu" Carton. . I Never bold In, bulky, a. " v_ I , v t, .. I , HAMILTON SON. , I I Flro lnrumnoe. Bond Dealqn. / . EN 'lN ,CANADA V-I'jc'torjy' Blonds" Barth 'roe of all 'dolltmt-y or brokerage I ohm-goat v ' I BARGAINS Ill too I a Bands at. prhn enl price: are ubooluloly In the bltrgaln cloth. The unholy ayallahte In lhnlted, r Pmnlpl actten ta urged lor there whe tleelre to take advantage at the atrium! ummrlunlly. t Youn OllDIOE or FIVE HATUDIYIED. ' Prlee and lnlereht It I . Is . 97 , 9650. . Ila . Tnxnutta tcduno o'l . . . on . cotatl Ylllld fe 6.31 (1. ! .6.00 not 6.11 hands doth-urea to your nnntt Ire [30% p H Pkl 1 l'rne world at HIDUBTI IV nntt aohtmalrtoz'ttaatendr work nutty ton- oemd. Illuodlly executed and recuruttly lnllhcd. I I I ' Our THOHOIJGH and PMOTICAL count: M trntnlng enehler our graduate. la rnttet. thle demand and rtIndcr entltlutlun In the mint ult- GOMPLETE COURSE ln TVPzwnI'rlllaI OFFIGE nuUTmE. PENIJIIIIBIIIP, EllctLloltl nAPID ORLOULIIYID" nun nusllla PNAOTIOE allon nlnun, sPELLIuII, Prorprcllyh Ill-Imam: uo advltrd la Ettl'toLL It roan u pouthtn as the teeomtrtudtruon In our prerent promlm etrtetly Ill-nttett. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES MTEB humus TUlTlultl uttEonLLEn INQUIRES SOHGI ED Newme trket Stenograpltic School mum or forlorn-o nLooIt "EWIthwa olt'l'ltnlo. Phone 855. pull): 4 HIV, Front. _ Boy Wontool r BIG WAGES WILL BE PAID Ta Ilttollloont Boy . 14 or 113 you ll of age. Apply ttl ERA OFFIOE. Into v ' y. olt edtltyuaeonublat t . hln'Pr an 'lry II. we ll 11- Rooms, , t , ' ,Nawmmt. ;' . on; humanre lrtz t r I sent or Sank ot omrtto, pm" .9 'Btrllllme laclrnmllh Ella I I n. BERRIH B dREENHOUEE: adrhwn.8t.,t GUT FLOWERS 1 Funeral Flowers ,BULBSI no order tau then zoo: I notlterea % W. 8. Purrln, Phone 133. run DOUBLE Tnllolt ROUTE - batman unaxecltea Dlhtnt, oer Ednlw ' lenlt curs tttl nllthl 'l ltlh l tttltlr. l'or lttrthrr pntlletttorn apoly to my a ttyantl Trunk TleL-el Agent or o. I; llnlnan,T)lx|r1rl Ptnzcnger Agent, To. ontoI oat. .Y.\l'l v. onouuut'on. 7.23 H. UD-Tuv m A nl rtottee a! llpplletttan tet- mum NQ l'lCEvlh hereby lrh'clt Ihtt It- went atom nylon or the ally a! Toronto. In the county at tart, M the Frovlnce at Onlltrlo. Drtyer, will my to the Partltrnent el Emmi ll lite next Sesslon thereof tor a out at DIVDI CC (mm hls wllh Llllllll Purl Taylor. now residan in the ctly et To ronto. on the ground at adullen . Dalcd ll Toronto. Ihl! 'llll 51 bl Sept. 1920. annwm c. lt.ctr.I V tlttoneest.. Sollellor for the AWUILDL under or Appltat art tor nltem .r . Non I: herthi rhea llnl Itelut meant-read, or the t'llloae ot Lmtblo . 1 In the County at York and Prat-late at , Dularlo, wtlt apply to the harutnttal at Canada at the Mxl sesslon lhtteal tor e ml] or Dlroree treat her hut- I hand. Attred Greenwood, ot the at olq oranto, tn the County at York, IM Prr incl: at Onlarlo, on the ground It der lten and adultery. Dated at Turdnw lhte thlh day at tultusl. I. I1. mu. Ittten ermuotl. hy her (allcltobt ttontxlt'rt'ti. Gout-nah. l'ttrwt A L.\W:ON Tomato. 3 the Day Ilallco or Anpllc on tot Dllam NUTIG It- hclrbr gtran that nae. enn thereon-tn oyteyI or the any at 'l'orolllo, In the County or tort. In In. Provlnee el Dntarta. whl apply to Ill: Itarltantenl ot canadt tt the null Eu< stun Ihereet rat- a nut ol Dltnlce nun - ht, Ito, Phlricl: Sarth leey. en the I ground at adultery and urttrlton Dated at Toronto, In the t-rotutttol tntlrrte, the tulh day at Am). mo. Dunton tlettlonlltl uxlt). hy Ill: ollullrnll sxx 6 IN. '2, ttyhr: . l-II: null Int 00 WSW _llottea at Appttetuon tor uttere- ltrlTItl r: l: he rnto that Mr l-Ilt Eunley 'Ilol fllon rtl HIE Uly 'l etronlo tn the dental at tort. m prostate ol cattrto. llv|tlrrlrtl setottrI . vllll early to the {nrllalttrnl ul meter al the null Stnzlul tum! for I Bl] I or nhoree Inna hh out unmet Lurelu Ilene .ttorrl-nn, nee reenter. at the sttd Cll) at Tutultlb. an the. noun 0! lduller) , DA Al Tnmnltt lllln 25h! Ill! "I September, HID. GlanE A [HUN I I57 Boy S|r<t|. l . shttrttort~ [or [he torrent nnny pmylr yer there; ...I r I 3 than nut that. ltrlteu It: others It Ind Put-lol- Care on nrlttcltlel I) t '

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