Fog I Illl I III Wlnwr lazb um! 21 we lln ve beyond all queuon exolmlvo IIllII ourselves and not In be lound Illsawllcm Dul- 60"an Inuon Hn qnnnull Ilvel y anml shown In nhsoluloly lhv Very mm In North York ) ' non'n L ern Flno All wool IIxInnI Grey Worxl Bulls, made In llI'a InnomnII-Ie :l-,IInunII mylc, lllol olwllly \H ll monn'ngu Lrlm. . 1211 29.50 . , / / Men s IsnIl uullu Inn's Illull prwo'llllle 5mm I lnll ImoI-Iol Sull , wool nnIl IlIIlIlIo Ilyo, sold In most plow,- III mod, sold olsIIIIIInI-n Extra Spec almanluxl on pure 355 ' ,I If you > VVe hand I , Extra Special (IN SUITS), for WI ',, - jExtrol'Special 359.90 I - Buv your? WINT unlit ll ull. ul' owrmal to- you \vlll [Ind In a Illlnllul Sull. lll' ()I'Ercml. Ill Um l-rgm tmnnml ol ,, lon In: on; Mm'lforonhra Inn:le cloll'llll , glen nWGI alesl lIllIaly,mos a only (Jollllnu, I- urnlslllnus IIlIII llluhlgmdo Foohl'enr ln Lhwl . \Vgcll'allt'nno all compell um ' lelfl'Sll'ilS/SI Overcoals and non-o'nnn Youngl s uloIlIlnI; ever assembl In Norlh York, nearly every hull enables us Ext a. Special r - (IN OVERGOATS) / Mlocll. Ida c v Two-extremely noon gnoclnls m nlleml ln III-Ira nnII IiounII Men's (JVI QOIIIH, a blclalod male: 0! lost swam lust passed lIIIo Men's and Young Men's Flno T 'm Dl'pmclln, Inmln (mm pure Imported all wool l ahrlm,'tully nunmnleell us In style, color, ll unelllp and molarlnll llll Bullpm'llp-w-Llnle pnllems null wlorlnna, mode In bell IOI' as; w SM. Kym I'll In lo I . I, 29.90 I . ' 26 lion s and Young llen's Ova-walls {loud servlubnlllo Ilvwls, Ill bmwn and may mlxlurw, Llwfl collar llnll llllll Mll' In Illa (ll illnnry way I)! Eelllnu these coals \I nulyllm extra vnlllB II prlcbll nl $25 Eitfa' SpeCial 16.50 / onlur II n ~nu lelld nal III) e la huy M. n much lower nrlIn won 0qu Young Men s gults In ono, IIIo IuIIl one button IoI-m mung models, IIIIIIIII, IIII.uI. the my Inlnuln In mono Ill null IIIILIII, m llb non "of mu lull] nomads. 11mm. [weeds In nqnl. grey and bmlm mlxeujr. I 25.00, 27.50. 29.60. 357.00, 37.50 ao.oo.42.50.4o.oo. ) I(Nn 'Ilr'TlIx) I lliglFGrade, Eornishlngs To lle many frlenlla II IID hln c \ lslled our Ill-ell! lllrlllslllllu llepan. IIIcnI no men to llzll you IlInl you wlll InIl II nl all llmm mm,- nIIuIllul wllll on Io my nenesl In ImlellV. . . IIIIIID AND 50W (20 Imus, FINE \NII [IF \ ll 'lIEllllHAIl IllilmEYS. HELTS AND EVIEIIY MARI . IN Sl PIZVDEII., :11 [mm 15 In 25 per crnlxlm lllun ls I-lIm-gul lll masI elm-on IOI' Illf some UNIS. ER UNDERWEAR now new smog mun-ow lmIn IIIII IIenI cum". mlllw In or IInll IIIu prlw. w nsk you n: n Inw'n- Io lm'ta 00 um mIIIIo nny I-IIIIIIInI-Isnno nllywllere. We know your lnlelllnl lII-c III lend you In ymomxealsl hmls no. l ll II Illly IIIIII when IllsIIIIIII Nmnmnws Gr ll, Fnlr llB sun-Inna lullou' IIIII crowd to NORTH YORK S 9 FOREMOST GLOTIIIERS ohm, n. H TINEDAIIE Ileana: M9UNT=ALIIEIIT. Queens .DUNL I Teswi Salton ) "bPPO. IMPERIAL BANK : I NEWMARKET Mount Albert. I Holland Landlng', MEETING. ' Mr. John SI union ,sl'll lll lllL' \\'|31)k~ 'l lle IEKUIIII' nlt ellllg DI lllv Mull! I l l ll4lllll . AIM)?! \\'0mvn' IIIbI mI Absoclilllnnl 1% llalun mm lllls rIlIanII'JI (6 WI lncol III lllc llnlun 0! A ("El Il Willa kul uIlUl Illtr Ilflllkl n I'll IIOIIIB. Johnson Dnl'l'lle ) Skill. 2IhlI M 5! . Il llllll 3! Il, In. All lllclnllrl'i lll' rl-qlll'slml III IE \\'I knellll he IIFESGDI, , wznum ' I , . ll - Two young Innlnn Illrllll l' II IIIIInIo pan I, m..." III-Mount Alum. were mur . lllllllllly,s I non; , )nslor III In IInIIIoIl I. IuI-on )II 9,; alllolnllng nl I-nlII I Ln-molllls. (In, IlluglIlIn- III In; S.\\' Slum, III R lell s mun-Inn In In, KnIIIIIIIII n > UI \ IUIWII, Y., (dull un 'l'IIurnIlny IInlIoI aorlylnle, Ilnuglllorl m, V 5 not mum, In Mm , his I m- 3"" 9- V' 1 llul'n nu, nlIIIIIII by nzmnmg qn nnmmxck Av wnI. mmlmmo .\lI-.l ., , , .. _ Douglas Henry Flllln, 'l III: Innrrlngesl Sdlumny lllglIl Ilullllll (In slorlll k I . m mm. 05 mm "mm IIInIl enllrllly lmuaumcd, I l' I "m M L _ III'IIfll nlllllon nsou'scrop Nollzn. -pmsmAI burs lurnod uul in large nunIIII 15 m m, m w. _ mm M, l)lIIIl__IIIII-e unnlllft In give mul ll mnlo \vn vlslldrx :II Illa homo or her] "55' mmeI pamnls, Mn Mrs. John mum lnAI , we I III-s. llnvey and ,\III.. Ker. nl llallll mm are urn. III IIII I In: llnlInI-l llnlcn. l r. Ilarolll llrnllorltk WIN: well! I Inc nll) sumo lllm ago, Is slnrl g Ill" m, a dry sand. mm mm II". on) nlfs, A. French III (Illnwn | nI Im- lIDlllll III Mrs. \anlon. many - IIAI'I MAN lr-Ila Gm] II [I'll on IIIIIIIIIII m In aIII-nrl Normal In l'nl'LmlO Mr. and All}. [(03 ll illln vcn milnu II Inc lInnIlI o1 \lr. Illn- lunl lltl: 1!!! Sunday I ll". LZIWI HCO Bl'll II n ll slslur Pearl Imk n I IIK Irlp In valnxll'lll l SR Mr, and Mr. IIanIIIIIlIlor III II.IInlI-| 3: tn mmlm 0, mm mm lon Ivor \-|sllar5 nI llll Ilalllt nl h, , M, m m mm lms. Hilly, lnsl worn, .mdm Mr. nnII Mr: I. Cbok u! \\'uollhl 0 ' . and daughter. Mal II null Mr: .I. llnl'rIE and ll lllIl l, l bl lo EDEllll IllI' (IAY I ll l u'llllllll' I ll Mr. I) Cook on Sunnw I .InII lricnll spam Ind willl llll' [Al'le I o number allt nllru Inc ll rcpur n gIIIII mm ,1 I n" and I I W l'lllK lll'lli lr I-III rl-lurnml on IIIIIIIlny ImIII lllllr lllp Ul o " L' In pronnnr-s, in (U, I , m . (in Mon 0 I: lIIIInII nl III. II llll ~ ll Ml'. IIIIlInII IIIIInwn ll 5 um,- . Illlll Mm \\'.' \\v', unnulngllnln , ' FARM roll sALE . . Inn on< I , ' .. . .I :ll rear or IIIIII Inn [1) nIIc-r nXlelIflh .I u ll-\) '1 - . I ,I I I ,, lllllllllr) , Ian nor good .ol,nnnnl III M "' P' ' ' AK'II S IIIIm-nnoll ouslI, gonll are m, . Imp I, mum wnh mm troll. I In lI'mI, gnarl Ilrlvlng MW) m 1.0mm ., .Ill lUSE.L{4IOllll -IIlIIII. I'lelll III IIanI ' .. In. Inn \Anlnr. Apply on IlIe prom- Noun nIIII Lo: In Quemsulll an- Sole .I . ,Ilpply In W. ll. Kowlmgll. 15 a n. w, I N'IINU lwa ITEIR LOBY l MUMYI IV mm: roll an: ' lIol-el lng IIIII ~ 11": um. Belhaven . 'l'llt ll'ls' sullsmno Cl llclllavm SIInll Snlluol Im: lIavlng a 11mm nl Illa school l nlr S/lnll- wlolms, onlIn, pollen, nIIIIllI-c crL-llIn wlll III 'IL rl'L'll .11 me lioIlIll. l: Irv- body no nnll hPIp llll: sunllny Snlmol along. 01 In: Manon; BALDWIN Annlvclsar) Sl-rvlccs or mr IInldwln ulIrlnIlnn- ullumlr wlll no held Sunday I!- zolll, I :l p, In, no ll. 5. 'er nI 7.30 11.1 . Algnr Llny evenln Snpl. 210-, u guml supper ulll no so III! III lllc home 01 Thus. Snllllll ullllr \Vlllnll a prognnn ol Solos. Readings and QIInIlI-Iles, ll or, III II In In church by Kcswlcl: null lm' l (lllonl. Come. Mum Queensville'. Those who dlll noI nllcnd [he corn and wclner rails! Inn IIInnIlaI- nIBlll norlnlnly nIlsson me (real of mo sen sou. onpnomlly Inn masv ears and hlrlck Inns. M Mar) .I. Burger nl I'llllodv l- In 'l llarnlllll wlllI llllllplllun. MI- Cal-Hull a! creomoro I: In! Ills nleI Iln J. ll. Smilh. 7 All, and II}. Allen Llou an all I) slam-l Its. [\VO lIlIle 5 Is wool over s ulnlny wlIII' om. anluiq lame Mr. D.llar n, n-IIII Is unIleI- lllmnl' I; care Jusl nnn . lr. (Ind MKS: Lllkl _' from Fran A ' n and Inns sml. pom-on. new IIsIIlng I ,\l . \anson \VIIKIII S Ian! nonl- lar (II! n .I In, \lrs Brown at Ponelanlz . - I IJCDDMIG :lnIllu I' Ion: mm "orallla nrn \Vllglll'a II wool. '6 , Our Ivnllnrs II :4 hrs lllll on I llll Sclmnl Pall mm m Sharon, lllll mI-r H II . Miss Il'lIl-l LIlllI .xlmlll IhI- Mk-Inn In IInlIlu . MAIL CONTRACT SE. TENDEIKSVaI IIIrZSS to lo l-oslmnsler nrnml, II no tea Wen nl mlawn unlil noon, on Flldty In. 1m. Ior Illa rauvewm Ills Moll Mnll . an II III-oposeu \ lslllIIK IIII- elm-III 'Iml'n IIII II II, II, Norm: Gw . mm 1 nt AUHUM. 3 ~ f . mmmmuq" mm; hand wok Imelllng, (anlclnlng IIInn !-) f-olll 5| r, moms Ell - . . . Imlnlul .nn Illmmlen, ll his?" mm Jsx'l w Inna 5M1 wnlcr, Imam III-I sumo. WW3 m "mm Inga}?! 5;}:l3Ix-d. [no IIIIIIInro an (mm / e'nulv Inn awn own-goal]. In 4 ll: InI'IuI can. 0' But I ll'llll on [IE mld e at Aulual Ian; A lay um nIqul In M ! 1." u .- . yarn or one, One nlu dawn. Owner Good slums work home [or lulu. I I. rerlllnlnl In urn" yummy. Im-IPI-Ice 350.00. um In. , clauses and an: Inn- nwgy u 5y um ' ' 'MY 7.3m owllllnwm. Maunl. Amen, P. 0. Apply In ' Inns. l'. (IRONIN. I31 1, cl... canImI-l-ror Inur mm. on mnu II. weak an Inn muln wunsvnu nominally: up. I vln mrcnnll' 'lmm me I'M JInllm Y. I921, om. , vrlnlen nnlleu contaman lurlher Infomnllon u m canalnous 0! pm or III coon-no; may be non mu ulnnl (arms 01 undo; Inn, on column I I: Poll DMIIBI M Ouunl lle. Bum), shun um al Ill: omu ol Illa Posl or, an: unusual, .Toronln. I ~ A SWHERLAN'D, ' ' , Poll Ol u Impaler. Poll DIEM lnuwwr u 0mm; ,7 ,Tnlplllo, All}. Ml, 320., . g IlnIlIoml. I _ 1 Half! ( MEI [he Annh'nnzty Ser. 0,, mm :Ilr. nononson ol Tommn IIIenI Illa Kesw1ck., I m lIadII-s' All: 01 Illlrlslr Ion CllurL lI Ire plainlan a on noncon In "It near lulu - wall-II InI- D Jar Ill w Elm mason In no Ills) \VHKLI around Illa vlllage lllglliu all IILY on Io IlIn cll) , (m'nI wlnnl. IIIII lrI-mrl. gnollillmo. III I: Pookler llnvl- flln'llly [mu Snakf lslnnn um thy Ion work. . 1 TlIo trunlnlI slmltnls IrIIIII Koawlck m mnklllx llll Drl p muons lnI Wurk ngtllu nI (Inelnlullls )eal. na CEDAR BIIAE 0 .Im sorry LII- lll ur (In: ill Hearse llollerlsun has DEBIT V1411 II. \\ c lInllnw nlIo II, n llllle nouon nuII 'IIIIIpc sIIII Inny In oom: In a low anyn. I . InlInI Taylor Nlurllml home . weak one. Ipomllng z wank. on Dr alllll In Sullan I .\l| IllIIlIIu Dal-am: and nhlhlrc-n um \IsllluE llor gluing ms, mull MellII-r unlStIlJlnlny ml. Sorl In. Hot IIInI M155 flllwl Kny IIns noon YE slo I'll/Le nlln- will soon He well again. . lllss OHS mlllon o: Sullml Inmn n (cw days at Mi: on. Kay's last week. .\llss Nollln Bulle) III Tomnlu- rc- med lmmB on. sunny elm-spoon In week wllll IIn llslvr, ms. Frank 'st \u be ll dll n llIvI Egypt Memadlsl hurt on umhy, Sepl. mm. Sc:- \ lcu nI 2.30am 7. Alzcr a muslml nmgganl nn \VI-Ilnesdny (-I'rnlllg, Sepl. Eiml. Mr. James Black end \vllh Ills llmmc 511ml lIle Mk I here. wk M \leII no Ialllr-rjmll mnllmr IInr ~ III. and MI .- Jollll stake \lsllml _wIIII lll'l' Ilsler. Mr: G . lumrrlaun .\Ir Nalllan mIlc-I lawn? a rounlc III on - In Toronto lea! wu \\-I- no so ) 0 III'III' II \V I Taylor ls sl-L llnpo III we lIIIn ulv ngaln won, ' g moawf BAI.D\V|N Illllil IZKS Ill-Mn wan n InngnInconl Ills play or nleelI-lcal Illslulllnnca lll o on 'Sillurday lliglll Mounds inlervnncd buloeell llm, nasllon llunv y llIuIIIlol- mull 'II Ill ll of 1895 Illure was 8; aimilal display; which lnRI _ HIM days and nlgllls- Iwnlollml' il Im- lwo nlgllln, but one [bird I: tell aslo'ep on my nosl nl Ilutyluld, won lo nun II had dl tk l I Mrs. Hard lm an leiled llM' hl'DI, Malllon HDI In London [Dr Pro weeks.and nbl ,Rhu mull lka ll. halter nor 1., Toronto, Ina mean allywllyI .ol (ruler Is lawman (or me. l ' The Yankea Ann'l'xn nm , ljggri , my: .Aa I VIII": mun lawn.) soon a III'Iu,'IIlI only: 1: my III we have x I in In oLnya by qu1- -, "ml A . - I Inom quite her cquo . she has gone on. It continualion lrlp lo ' " 'zary, (IIII I llulIIe [0 anol Such racing around in Gill s as llll zru~ ls here, I never an The campers are gm mI but aul louals lllink/llley must keep up llIo bull. Pslla 0 Iluljwuy your cars and gm) on n I- 'I hn campers come emrwsum. mer nnIIInsllIly with Inn vlew or {resllenlllk no, reallm up, kicking up unen- lIools and other up.- nml III-Wm; not her slated. anu llley certainly do anpcan In ox- ll'acl much measure {mm their Inning.M Sumo Ila) ago ndennl. ellly II-onlI Inoklng cllagr whirled his cul' up' In the platinum and out lImiIle us. well l ollbll sol llEhlLIl , us. 5 VIII loo d which rullud ull Ills lungllc like drops (If water, I answorc-I III mlllly pnrlillulu quest ll ID Inn has! (II/lug allillly uI.I leer nqul How Ulll are you 1 l mongol Il. limo lo squelch llim, so sou DU you see all bllls 1" Ya I "\anl, th) tn: were when I came: n- ,lail'bal sido.wlilling laughs and. snick. ors I'll \vllal le Illa!)th was a puzzling problem for (he {resh mml lo 501"). But that was only nu ll lsllmnll'a evasive" answer, tantamount Lo Saying Noun 0! your llusin Son 1' y II. :30 II 'wavey (n NorlllJNeslel-n wblte wild 800ml 80! out OI Ils Inlllude In the neighborhood of Sullnn No one mom was sullloienlly \orsed in natural history In nnnle II. l.IlsL \L ck n mnn, unknown In any (ll our Ilil Ella, >Il uck Bald- lsInnuI llc Sluxlpl ll up nna cx II-nIloII Ins paw Howdy do - l I much pleased Io nlucl our no I lonn nlIoI- hvcllIy-Ilm years. Time has Elmllgcll mm In well us The UNI. [Exchange OI CPUI'IESIC S IInIl IlIII.I Gund.hyu." ever Iuool ugnm, Ipul hzlpa Alle, II c or Muskokn I.- visll. only I ills lnlallves llcrcllbauls. (lulu: a law fromJlerelook llI Inn Ivan III ToI-oul A nloannnl lbwndl e .m'es we" Um u-l lonIuI-II ol Inn 31mm {or Inn Ill-l lle O'lll loll kids was (he MMW . A lilllc nig el' {my wlmslllng WIN) A hznr a ouh tickled lllail vlsmlllllea. a Dr. aInI-II-II palrou: are plcnsod to hear there nre-lmnes or Ms II Lor'allon In a Hlll). ho Owl's, 9,) bars growling MIuJom mum's nu 'lIullqm um Vllhjukh nlmuau, and-h q-unplv-dlleISIMk. . call. n .II I r. n. , m, Ian-I mm B W . . , m. mo: It'll on: Mr. Fr d Snxlml of Tort)le lu, mmeny of anInzII-Lol, \leS 7 null. _ IV To Save Hard Work Become :1 Cream Sllippelj, I [LIB 1 0 BE? THE BEST nEouwa SHIP TO w{MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY For pullculo ra apply to 'll lle Mount Alber t Creamery 00., PEOIIE 509. 2 1 cranmcrlaa ml. omuwvnw. Ont Phono Ina CEIUNT ALBERT Pllclla SOD and *VISI-TIGIRS f f {WELWME I ISEE OUR PLANT- . BECOME ONE OF OUR PATRONS SUTTON AND. CRE A oA IRv MERY, '2: h , . 'Limited- V _,