KingCi strict Betas Mist Alice Ferguson was sur- when the learned picture of her brother Professor Walter Toronto appeared In daily Saturday even- In He was the recipient of new Bible from Street United church to mark his fiO a an elder of that congre gation Professor Fergusons late brother Albert and Henry were ministers Rev Henry Fer guson lost his life at the hands of Chinese bandits alter he had labored a missionary there for over 30 years One the largest paper col lections ever made by King coots and lions was completed last Saturday and thanks to everyone The neatly tied bund- lea facilitated the work of hand- Una and saved time The boys from until noon covering a wide district in and of the village Paper be trucked to Toronto this Small trucks for the a snow a Newmarket estimated at Ronald and Carol Parker received bumps on their heads while riding in the rear of Mr car Bruce Hall realtor and insur ance representative is in York County hospital Newmarket with Injuries from a highway traffic accident He was the second King man last week to be in a St accident hav ing to go to hospital at New market Mr Hall has seven fractured ribs three broken at both ends By Sunday he had de veloped pleurisy The accident occurred at the first stop south of last Friday even ing while the Halt car was pro ceeding south A truck travel ling north on St made a left hand turn In front of him giving him no chance to avoid collision The Hall car was dam aged to the extent of about but the truck was little dam aged nor were the occupants Fashion Snow A precedent was set at King City when a fashion show by a i V s v if Dew Eaton Hail Farm and Sir Ellsworth Street Name Posted An Improvement in King City is the street names which are bracketed on standards They are done In black and white and can be readily seen by the mot orist or pedestrian They were posted a week ago and are done with the exception of the main intersection at Keclc and King and Station Road to be done this week Named are William and Dew Pat ton Fisher- Doctors Lane Hoop and Revision Court Nov 3 The court of revision on assess ments for the township of King will be heard at the municipal office at on Monday Nov at oclock teflon Work on new club rooms King Legion is being rushed with a view of making it Habitable for winter use It Is expected a hydro pole will be In stalled to carry a temporary ser vice in order to a power saw UN Day at Kin School The senior room of King school observed United Nations Pay on Oct by studying the of Lester president of the UN stressing the fact that Canadians should be proud that one of their countrymen has received the high appoint went- Guided by the teacher Miss Eva Dennis the children wrote a story on Mr Pearsons back and his rise to promin ence The children talked brief- oil what they understand as Clie mission the UN to tabllsh peace law and order the world to work out equal rights for everyone Polio Victim Mary Chamberlain daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Chamber- King township died hist at the age of the isolation She had been a pal lent for five years Mary was stricken with polio and was an Iron lung for long time and at Intervals during her stay In hospital She was paralyzed her cheerful disposition en deared her to the doctors and niirsci The funeral was held on Friday from her parents home with interment in Laurel Mil cemetery at Sol Ion Allen Karris professor of College and Dr John officiated f Jural tributes were numerous M1 Mary is her parents two Mrs Pearl Brothers are Austin at home and She was a of Mm Herb Ross King Kobe John Carson Mr William A Carson of King Ernest Carson Maple of Aurora and Mrs Pearl Avery of were bereaved in the death of Robert John Carson BO who parsed away October after an illness of two years The service was held on JO Hill funeral home with interment in Maple cemetery Hie was the eldest son of the Mr and Andrew Carson township where fie haI apent his life arid farrneil until Surviving are his wife the former Alice Noiil and daughter Uh Henry aid tVelmaL Commissioner to Speak Mrs Oak Ridges York County Guide Com- wiil address the ladles auxiliary of First ie at meeting at the home of Mrs Cordon King- City Monday Nov at pm Mothers of brownie pro urged to attend Badly Damaged A car belonging to Mr Har vey received badly left rear fender damage to the door and cut tiro lost Friday near the King railway track ft was hit by a ear belonging to of Maple which was being shoved backward out of a hole on the WdsMa near the track ants was sponsored by King City in McDonald and Wells hall Oct 22 giving the institute a profit of The models were selected by the of two young mm from Newmarket who showed Morrisons clothing The local personnel was arrange by Mrs Gordon Wells Mrs A WI was chairman The stage scene was attractive with drapes forming a colorful back ground for the parade ramp The show displayed the new est materials and styling in practical but attractive costumes for the ladies teenagers young boys and girls down to the threcyear olds The models were delighted with their vari ous outfits which they showed to good advantage There were who made appearances The children of course stole the show everyone lovely in attire from jeans to party dresses Like the ladies and young women the girls had special hair by the twins Little Barbara was so pleased with herself in a red with white fur trim she paused for a while to take in the audience with smile after smile Hood loved the parade and everybody there Little Bob Campbell in small boy togs did up to one point when he suddenly decided the show was worth at least a tear or two The Scott twins Lee and Lynn in pretty red vel vet had their steps and turns well practiced in fact all the children were happy ad proud hi costumes from Jack and Jill Mrs Arnold Peter Mrs Ivan Mrs Jackson and Mrs Howard wore in teresting outfits Freda Pent Shirley Mary Jane Walker and Norma Wells were lovely models These two sec tions modelled Dawson and wore beautiful cos tume jewellery from Yates One hi the outfits that interested the little hoy spectators was a mans colorful hunting outfit and rifle Other children in the- show were Paul Mary Carol spoon Carolyn Parker- Carolyn Shropshire June Brown AH music was supplied by Bert v After program was com pleted visiting group and their friends were served tea arid cookies by the at trio homo of W rThere have been on he farm land of lots and ho car or the fifth concession fit the fith line and the for nearly 1 years Lewis leaves illie old the old broken whcnTo on to take over acres the property Jigs purchased the dwelling and has Wutt Acres to the north on am the Mr and Mrs have bought a Mm in Aurora on St mm her ifimfta feur children are livirig the large house they have bought on St Aurora Mr Roy has taken the north acres but the south fiO has not yet been sold this almost pioneer land at the height of is picturesque Fifty of forest on the acresite has oak birch and mixed kinds of of old growth With If jo removal of the from Strange dist rict a connection that back nearly J years when George and lib wife bought from William Jived In log house back of the present silo and herd were raised their five sons four daughter The parents been dead ninny years and their There are 18 grandchildren so there is still aplenty of stir In this hospitable home Mr and Mrs earn si well deserved rest which their retirement should give them but their old friends will miss them as good neighbors and re liable friends Their auction sale will be held on Nov nth On the occasion of the 0th of Teston United church Nov Rev Davis a former ister will be the guest preacher Weston Victor White soloist of Knox Presby terian church Toronto will pro vide the music At- in the evening Rev Charles Murray minister of United church will and Wood- bridge choir Sing -v- j t ij Mrs William who is toe oldest of the congre will be serial- after the in the church basement for all who care to fiaptlsnui Rev Mi King was officiating- minister when four children baptised at the morning Service at of Xing City on Oct at New market hospital A good congregation attended church on Sunday morning when Reformation Sun day observed The Sunday school scholars remained for the service Announcement was made of anniversary services at the Ninth Line church on Sun day Nov The A will be held on Nov at the horn of Mrs Frank Armstrong 3rd Copies of the new Revised Standard Version of the Bibg are being purchased by mem- of congregation or others who may wish them Fifteen percent of the cost of the Bibles sold reverts to the church New Post -s- The new post office at King City is taking on the appear Of New for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly ma possible and confined to news and Other than routine report and announcements be printed separately has helpful building is finished by the con tractors the postal department steps in to install the fittings arid furnishings SAY FAREWELL The friends and neighbors of Mrs White held a surprise party at her home on October During the evening Mrs- White was given a beautiful United church on They lamp and a silk cushion Union Street branch will meet the home of Mra Irvine Rose Tuesday Nov at Mot to We plant a tree this day anct leave the blossoming to God Reply MrsTThos Swan- son Roll call A fact concern ing a local industry Topic Ag riculture and Canadian W6sv4lSWiteinch of fiiw wM fe guest speaker Mrs Mrs Edwin Page Era and Oct IKS among the members and will continue until March Elm Grove Institute members were guests and with Mrs Elmer Hamilton in the chair they provided the program Entertaining as well as educa tional readings were given by Mrs Mrs Bullock and Mrs Mrs gave a beautiful piano solo Mrs gave an excellent paper concerning leadership The meeting closed with God Save the Queen A dainty lunch was served by members of the Bel- haven branch The Kettfcby branch met at the home of Mrs on Oct Plans were made to send Christmas gifts to residents of York County Home a family in Great Britain and an Institute l be sent to the Ontario hospital Two guests were present from Newmarket Mrs Mitchell Us an informative talk on Dis plays and Exhibits at Fairs Mrs Bowmans address on Care for Handicapped Children was very enlightening Current events were by Mrs a duet by Mrs Davis and Mrs Carson Hostesses were Mrs Mrs A Mrs Cook and Mrs P Schmidt children Dove Taylor Mark Mrs Emma Porter and Mrs Sarah Gould have passed Remaining are Lewis who Is and his shier Johnston of Lemonyille The home has been the scene of many family and neighboring were CarolvAnfe Rumble years and her brother Murray Rumble years the children of and Mrs John Rumble Kenneth Glenn Murray aged I year son of arid Mrs Bruce Murray Teston Mur ray six monthsdid daughter of Mr and Mrs Glenn Murray New Lowell At King City United church on Sunday evening the fireside monthly gathering was held With a large attendance Mr Harold showed beautiful pictures of Eastern Canada and the coastal Ameri can Slates Commends Lions Club District Governor Bud Toronto was the guest speaker at a dinner meeting of King City Lions on Oct 21 held in the parish rooms of All Saints Anglican church spoke on the value of enlarging on the international scope Lion praised the local club for the work it has done in the short time since incep tion The district governor was in troduced by J Lang- don first vicepresident and afterward was presented with a crystal relish dish by J W Par sons Lion tamer Lion Gordon Wells thanked Mr for his presence and inspiring thoughts Mr tenor soloist from To ronto was guest artist Visits Cousins Mr Bert Hutchinson Saskat chewanarrived at week for a visit with his cous ins Mrs Elizabeth Jos tawse Mrs and Mrs Shropshire He flew to where he bought a new motored to Eversley he is making J at the home lie was raised at oh homestead Mrs Leonard Shropshire vis ited her husband hospital at Newmarket after his accident last week Leonard is toarrive home this week and will be able to walk with crutches His right log is In a cast Wallace Sinclair Toronto a brother of Mrs Williams was recently operated on arid is reported doing well and have an oppor tunity to enjoy the annual Hal loween parly for the commun ity in McDonald and Wells halt on Friday Oct There be prizes treats and an entertainment by a An admission fee of cents for adults will defray expenses- Mr arid Mrs Walter Lloyd settled in their home at Ridges the former property A dance organized by young people at Sacred school auditorium last Friday night attended by The child ren were shown how to do square dances by the older ones Mr and Mrs Allan Bales visited her parents and Mrs Arthur at Tottenham farm on Sun day Frank j treat paid a visit with his parents Mr and Mrs Duma King Ridge Mr and Mrs Harvey had their daughter and her husband Donald and children Bob by and Charlie at their home on Sunday- Thirtyfour the AP and AM held their annual parade to All Saints Anglican church lust Sunday Mrs Hoy Minion Is slowly recovering from an attack of pleurisy whkh kept her in bed for three weeks after was III with the flu Dining her sick mm Iter Win Young Toronto stayed with her for two looking after her while Mr Minion kept on with his work at Brampton Creamery Mrs Albert Jones Is bock from Newmarket hospital but is still in bed Mr and Mrs Ralph Hunter King City and Mr Hunters mother Mrs John Wilkinson attended of William Sound on The children were given money and a gift was sent to Mr White A dainty lunch was served and everyone wished them a success ful future and a safe trip Orchard branch meeting at the hohie of Mrs Wilbur Shropshire on Wed nesday afternoon Nov IS An interesting account of her to Alaska was given by Mrs Colin Newmarket The members were pleased with the fashion show sponsored by mer chants of Newmarket- held re cently at the school Beihaven branch met hi the hall on Tuesday Oct with the president in the chair The mot to was very capably replied to by Mrs Ross Mainprise A mem bership contest was started Seconds to go gome over end across the crowded stadium excited fans cheer the winner in the Canadian football championship the Grey Cup Final one of Canadas sports classics or lira all through way beyond compare You will find Monarch a truly exciting experience the first time you take the wheel ami discover how new all through It really is Your excitement will grow as you take it through traffic or handle it on the highway for Monarch is so different vij Wherever you go the admiration excited its superb styling will cell you that its beautiful beyond compare And whether you drive it with Automatic Transmission thrifty Overdrive or smooth con ventional shift youll agree that where a fine car matters Monarch belongs FlightStylo Panel groups all instruments and controls in front of the driver for safer driving aliftjVj easier operation SVfS 3 1 New thrilling perform liny out of income see your dealer for a sus from above are even easier to driver more floor room- reduce noise and dust it 3 fc v FOR THE BEST BUY IN A USED CAR SEE YOUR MONARCH DEALER a- i i Main f r iTJ l ji 5t V -i- avKfcjs i1t 1 r