TEMPRANCEV1LL Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Donald Chalk on the birth of another son on July a bro ther for Linda Jimmy Danny and Paul Mr Carl spent the week at home ill with a virus infection However he returned to his jewelry business in Sutton on Saturday Mrs Joseph had a surprise visit from her mother Mrs Sharah Payne for a few days this week Mrs Payne is s i natural partner of good things to eat SUTHERLANDS CEMENT BLOCKS Bond Head Ontario Plain and rock face Rock face silo blocks SUTHERLAND Phone Bradford at the Glen Home Hotel Glen Orchard Mrs- is visit ing Mrs Maurice and family for a week Miss K who has spent years as a missionary in Brazil was a guest of Mr and Mrs Palmer on the holi day weekend Mr and Mrs Charles Thomp son of Weston also Mr and Mrs Cliff Lloyd of were guests of Mr and Mrs Nelson Thompson on Sunday Mr Allan Miss Clare were married in King Catholic church Saturday morn ing Mrs Fred Hare arid Miss Shirley Hare attended the wed ding and reception Mjt1 Dawson Brown a former resident of and Miss June Dumas were married in College Street United church on August 2 Mr and Mrs Hare Miss Shirley Hare and Mr Robert Turner were guest- Miss Shirley Anderson has re turned home after spending a weeks holiday at Jacksons Point Miss Edna Anderson chose the home of her uncle in St Cath arines in which to spend a week of happy holidaying Mr and Mrs George Wilson were guests of Mr and Mrs PLBASANTVILLE On Wednesday afternoon July at the home of Mrs Glover whose living and dining room was beautifully decorated with lovely summer flowers gift of Mrs Walker over ladies and children gather ed to present Miss Rat- bride of this week with a lovely trirllght floor lamp It was presented by four little misses and Brenda Glover Preston and Kathleen Miss was completely taken by surprise but everyone few Well chosen Mr and Mrs mo tored to Mount Forest recently to visit Mr and Mrs Gordon Miss Preston was a guest for few days last week With little Miss Kathleen Guests for Saturday tea at the Greenwood home included Mr and Mrs and Earl and Mrs H Cole Miss Leone Cole and Master Guy all of Mr and Mrs Ci and two children of were guests of the weekend at the home of Mr Elmer Mrs Chas returned Queensville Prize List son Thompson Sunday evening home on Saturday after a long KESWICK WELLDRILLING CO and inch wells PHONE KESWICK County Hospital IN TOUR WILL j Mr Jack Anderson is suffer ing from an infection in his arm the result ah injury received at work and Mrs Ernest will be spending the rest of Aug ust vacationing at their summer home on the Island Mrs Berton Paltrier will be prepared to teach an adult class at Sunday school beginning Aug ust Everyone is welcome HOLLAND LANDING Services at Christ Church will be at pm for the next two Sundays In the absence of the rector Mr Blake who is on va cation Mr Fred Cook Bradford will be in charge The fifth annual sports day was held on Saturday and it is estimated that 5000 at tended the event to enjoy a day of recreation and entertainment Although it was rainy about in the village itself the sun was shining and the air clear The following are the winners in the sports and draws in or der Running- race Nancy Cole Barbara Lloyd Newmarket Dew best decorated doll carriage Wendy Johnson Toronto Linda Linda Newmarket Hidden shoe race boys Billy Bobby Stiles Newmarket Gordon Hough hidden shoe race girls Gloria Andrews New- market Jo Anne Adams Toron to Brehda Rogers Shoe kicking boys Billy Tom- Keswick Philip Beaver Toronto Paul am Queens- shoe kicking girls Mildred Sharon Shirley Jo Anne Adams Toronto J Bean race boys Lawrence Ronald with her sister Mrs Play- Toronto Kenneth Paul at Burlington Mr and Mrs Roy Cody spent a couple of days last week at their city residence Mrs of was a guest for a few days last week at the home of her son Mr Don and fam ily Rowlands Radiator Service 165 MAIN ST PHONE 1245 NEWMARKET Authorized Dealers For UNITED MOTOR SERVICE McCORD RADIATORS COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE ON ALL CARS AND TRUCKS PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE SHARON Mr and Mrs Ivan Sleekly and Sharon are holidaying near Donna and Vicky of spent last week with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Welly Stevens Mr and Mrs Donald Glover and Beverley spent a few days last week at St Catharines Mr and Mrs George Donald son and Miss Donaldson of Buckingham Que also Mrs Bennington of were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs E Donaldson Mr and Mrs Carman Hose and family of Holt also Mr Newmarket bean race girls Patsy Carol ore Barbara Blindfold race boys George Davis Newmarket Dan Thomas Newmarket Bob New market blindfold race girls Jane Roberts Shirley J Newmarket Gail Pol lock Keswick Best decorated bicycle Mellon Audrey El lis Jimmy Keswick thread the needle John and Bob Tom Sargent and Bill bell and Dan all of Youngest baby present in after noon prize Evelyne Newmarket month day- Youngest baby present in even ing and Jill Prize Raymond Jr weeks- Newmarket Oldest lady present Newmar ket Era prize Miss Oldest en em a present Newmarket Era prize Oliver Blizzard Longest married couple Won der Bread prize and Mrs Oliver Blizzard Most newlywed couple Simpson Co prize Mr and Mrs Lloyd I month Sharon Person from the farthest Mrs J Koordal- Holland Child from longest distance Douglas and Ralph Price treat- Birthday closest to sports day that day Largest farm family Dominion Bank prize Mr and Mrs and nine children Winners in the Softball tourna ment were North York Keswick An open air concert by a group from Hamilton proved popular Dancing to VanZants orchestra in the arena was enjoyed by many The usual carnival games were played by many To wind up the day the grand draw was held when the following were the lucky winners in order Television set H Kelly Tor onto radiophonograph H Toronto Rita Zephyr electric teakettle Sally Beckett Toron to electric iron Lloyd Sharon electric fan Newman Queensville electric clock Orvin Huntley Keswick electric table lamp Ken Arnold Oak Ridges electric coffee maker Chapman electric heating pad Cottrell Kes wick The committee thanks all who helped to make the day such a success Well be seeing you all again in August SCHOMBERG Mr and Mrs and granddaughter are visiting with Mr and Mrs Bernard Sut ton in Sudbury Mrs- Edgar who has liv ed in the community and for a number of years moved to Toronto to live with her daughters Doras Wood of visiting her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Alex Miss Bertha Dixon of Toronto spent the holiday with her par- Mr and Mrs Smith Dixon Mrs of Bolton is visiting her aunt Mrs Andrew Mitchell for a few days The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday 9 CEDAR BEACH PARK North Shore LAKE VAN WALKER HIS ORCHESTRA DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Now accepting reservations for cabins and picnics Classifieds Bring Results DOWN THE CENTRE by August Accolade Down at last week to officiate the opening of the week long Legion Gras and renewed our acquaintance with Ralph Webb former golf pro at Aurora Ralph who later went to Pine Point and and still be ing manager- of the latter club was Major of the famous Shrine drill team and looked mighty sharp in his white and gold uniform and red fez Lloyd and Mr Free- The patrol winners at man had Sunday dinner York and Mexico put on a with Mr and Mrs Gordon display for the folks who ens lined the parade and Mr and Mrs Kenneth patrol by and two sons of Detroit Mich whistle only He sends regards were weekend guests of Mr and lo lhe and Mrs Fred The Misses of- his day at Aurora Evelyn and Violet McDonald and S Aurora was the Mr J McDonald of Toronto EM ROSE Furnaces Installed And Rebuilt Estimates Free 120 Yonge St South Phone Aurora 507 Aurora the season was over Bill for this Windsor Spits two years ago was over in come Estimates an club needs 500000 gross to break even on the year Thats one reason the clubs werent too re ceptive to the Cleveland appli cation Cleveland lacked the money to start Joint is pitching great ball in the Owen Sound City league Its just nine years ago that Joint hurled a norun game for Richmond Hill in the against Lansing the seveninning route continues to domin ate the South picture while Stroud bop off all opposition in the northern sec- t of baseball league district in attend- market and will find spent the weekend with their some Stroud mighty tough opposition uncle Wright all parts of Ontario joined to the league championship Mr and Mrs Donald Kiteloy inking it First round opposition for Mr and Mrs Frank Caruso and Newmarket wit come from the Cathie were Sunday guests of celebrated the of- Si County loop are Mr and Mrs J opening of their 2400 out in front followed by Col- Mr and Mrs ttdul stadium last night and Oriltia in and children are visiting Mrs a Sl Softball show and that order have parents Mr and Mrs A great credit to a dropped out and are Ramsay small village Chub in rating Likely winner Mr and Mrs Drake of known bush league hockey Barrio or Midland arid itll be and Mr and Mrs Jack Weston lne driving tough opposition for the Cain FREE 10 piece set Of stainless copper bottom cookware with new of Toronto were weekend W l of Mr and Mrs Ralph Long There will be no service at the United church the following two Sundays but there will be service in each Sun day at am IG RANGE COOK SET or Stainless COOK SNOWBALL Mrs Herb Patrick Mrs Em ma Miss Lois left lost Friday for a few holi days with Mr and Mrs at Mrs and daughter Mary are spending a few weeks with mother who is ill at Fort Francis On I Mrs Gould who spent two weeks holidays in Detroit and pall returned home last Monday Frank former Au rora and is located In Hanover where he is performing for Hanover Legion current leaders of the big Western Ontario circuit Senior hockey news definite af ter Aug Clippers led by Jack Church onetime Maple Leaf defence- man who met in the semis last are three sure starters and Weston are counted in as well with Newmarket Brampton and asked to make up their minds pronto We be lieve that the above group would be easier travelling for the Spits and there would be variety Perhaps they wouldnt SomoUiucs we hear something about slowedup by oldage You can your own opinions but here are the prewar are still performing we would say most cases no than their younger mates At Aurora Hank Clubine Ray White White George Hod- were all members of the Aurora Scene entry while Child and Doug Richardson and Murray were performing elsewhere Roy Allen was in action at Bolton John came on the scene in the early as did Harry Sutton have missed one or two but theyre the main ones In the Lake circuit the optics would see as vintage players such chaps as Elmo Paisley Hal Watts Andy Lloyd McNeil Red Mitchell Har old Roy Eves Rut- ledge ton Cliff Ward Bill Bruce Stan In the Newmarket loop such orchids as Lefty Harvey Mickey Smith are doing right well Bill VanZant Art and Toddy came on the scene in the early Weve probably missed a few of the present day oldtimers but perhaps they wont being classed with the kids Harry of is of course after straight pitch ing years stilt the top mounds- man of the district Ontario Baseball Association have set the site for the finals in all minor series a new depart ure This means regardless of where the finalists come from the games will be played there but the draws are so arranged that the one finalist is sure lo come from the district where the final will be held North York must be held cheaply by the B A as no finals are carded for these parts Come on Opti mists Richmond Hill and ville prove the experts wrong RADIO TELEVISION APPLIANCES RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS Universal Wgidaire i TELEVISION SETS Admiral console S22 Admiral con sole Admiral 10 mantel Admir al mantel 75 Admiral 16 mantel like new STOVES New apartment size elements Thor washers up RADIOPHONOGRAPH COMBINATIONS Special price SALE PRICE SEE US AT THE TRADE FAIR MAIN ST RADIO AND APPLIANCES NEWMARKET PHONE The Outstanding Summer Event Sutton Horse Show Fair AFTERNOONS EVENINGS THUR SAT AUG 7TH 8TH More of Interest More to See More Fun THURSDAY AFT Childrens Races Home Depart ment Flowers Vegetables Grain Judging EVENING Tractor Rodeo Open Air Dancing FRIDAY SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Arena Ex Two Harness Races Each Day also Steeplechases Friday Saturday Events Jumping Horses and Hunters SAT AFT Judging Cattle J Heavy Horses Hogs Sheep FRIDAY SAT Evening Grandstand Variety Show MIDWAY GAMES RIDES ALL 3 DAYS Admission Auto Children Sat Free hc Timbers of Aurora spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Geo of Toronto spent the weekend with their brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Aubrey Woods and family The and are in vited to the home of Mrs Harry Haines of Sutton on Wednesday Aug Further particulars in next weeks issue AS D M00HS PROM percent down small monthly payments s Appliances SALES AND GUARANTEED SERVICE MAIN ST NEXT TO PHONE r Mr and Mrs Tom Severn To ronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr Mrs Miss Jean Mitchell spent week holidaying with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Norman Kay Mr- Norman King visited Mr and Mrs Ml Albert oh Marietta returned with them for a holiday Mr and Mrs Albert spent the joint week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Mrs George and Donald motored to Middle- port to visit relatives last a Miss Phyllis Winch a week with her aunt at Mr and Mrs Jack Morgan and family of Claremont visited Mr and Mrs Norman King on Sun day A prairie jigger is a device whereby Manitoba fishermen hang a under the ice during the winter fishing months Midland and Certainly with the ex ception of Stouffville theres very little ran following from Toronto area teams Eddie Bush as we definitely predicted months ago rumor to the con trary is safely in the job at for both in termediate and junior and hes been busy filling the vacancies Morrill- who centred the BarrettDance line and has been up in intermediate has been transferred to Toronto by his bank employers We know too old for junior in any event but hes good senior material Canadian Legion district tournament for Aurora next Saturday Aug The Legion hoi three series meet and rating conditions There will be ho A teams from the district but Newmarket and will likely be thb entries with Aurora Pcnetang and In from the Aurora North Downs stables Is an entry you can watch from now on at Hamilton and Toronto Erics Boy Erics Girii Omars Gift Freedom Girl are others owned by Eric who are about better Jack maestro of De troit Redwings gave out with some inside dope at a recent Rotary dinner in Windsor None of the Wings made less than before playoft cuts and some salaries Howe Abel Ted Lindsay Leo etc are close to the mark As an Mem of expense he related that the bill for sticks for Ted Lindsay over HERE IT IS LADIES Sensational SERVIS Washer BRITAINS BEST WASHER AND SEE FOR YOURSELF SERVIS washer will be in our store window on FRIDAY SATURDAY AUG 7 9 see for yourself how the new washer washes cleaner faster and wrings drier It is better to have bought a SERVIS than to wish you had ft NEWMARKET FURNITURE ELECTRIC Main Si Newmarket 1232