Newmarket Era, 15 Feb 1929, page 1

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Em largest of in bum W of The leading County as well as tho Oldest No paper sent out of York unless paid in advances of Town District in friendly way THOSE WHO BUY -nd- WHO SELL TINie TO MAKE PLANS The is getting higher tho longer and noon snow will disappear Hood lnlML03 been distributed and it is o plan f work ahead A beaut iful display abundance of crisp tender vegetables are within the roach all although too many cases and iii tlie small town and on tho farm gard ening is often neglected But there is really no mystery about it and very little work Moreover most of this work even the culti vation will really lie a pleasure at all events Only a small outlay cash is required A few a little ferti lizer a plan and a couple of dollars worth seeds will supply the table with flowejs to please the eye and vegetables to gladden the from earlv June until November dust and lawn oldfashioned backyard of chips weeds with a smooth veive f leading up beds of flowers which in turn the less beautiful but very practical vegetable Planning The Garden A garden plan is essential It will lime space and worry Now while the even ings are still long and the ground is frozen under the snow is time lo muke this pi Where the is large a full years supply vegetables can be easily produced and the lows in this case should be v enough to per mit horse cultivation This will mean that vegetables of ordinary size such as carrots beets lettuce and spinach shoud bo at leasi inches apart while the spreading sorts and taller ones such as cucumbers tomatoes porta toes and com should have from three- to lour feet On the farm or in the village gard en it will not be necessary to worry about con serving of space by inter or double cropping and narrow rows When the early crops such as lettuce spinach peas radish and the host of other delicacies which are ready in from three weeks to a couple of months after plant ing are harvested the best thing to do is to put in a crop of clover or some quick and close growing thing that will keep the weeds down and may be plowed under later on Tor ferti lizer Wherever garden experts ad vise running the rows north and south so that the sunshine will be more evenly distributed Melons squash cucumbers and other trailing plants are belter grown along a fence or on sloping ground so that the fruits will ma- lure evenly Tomatoes should be staked This slaking is often considered too much trouble hut it will repay labor and other expense many limes over not only in more northerly latitude where there is risk of an early frost and to normally only ripen two or three year out of five but also in the warmest districts Canada where the staked fruit ripens first and is therefore more valuable and il is always cleaner The vegetable en may he made more attractive by planting a lew showy flowers such as zinnias poppii marigolds and around the edge Here also may be grown those flowers for ing purposes like sweet peas and other plants the foliage of which is not par attractive The bright flowers will relieve the solid green of the vegetables and those grown for filling the vasses will do bet ter under vegetable garden conditions Laying Out Flowers Straight rows which are so in mak ing an attractive vegetable garden must be immediately abandoned when one starts out the space which will be devoted to flowers It is only in the most elaborate and expensive formal gardens which were import ed from Holland by the weathly years ago thai straight lines are approved The ama teur is warned against them and is urged wher ever possible to use curves and plant in lumps Of course where space is limited and the straight lines forming the boundaries of a rigid and very permanent concrete walk house wall or garage it is a very difficult thing lo have the back line of the in sweep ing curves but this can be disguised usually by a wavy front and irregular heights of flow ers planted in clumps along the front- To get best resuts use clumps of variety and color with the smaller sorts usually along the front the medium heights toward the centre and the taller ones near the back Just to prevent any hint of formality bring a few of the taller clumps a little forward than the others here and there Among the smaller sorts may be listed ageratum lobelia tagotes and dwarf marigolds There are hundreds of flowers which may fall in the med ium class but if one wants advice along this line he can choose petunias annual larkspur asters zinnias and marigold All the back wall will be placed cosmos large type zinnias and marigolds hollyhocks castor plant sunflowers and similar plants In New York last veor there were iii murder and manslaughter cases The number of convictions obtained on these was In Chicago the same period there with convictions A J lhan eight per l and punished The record of these two cities is a During tho six moilths conditions in the live stock trade have remained very steady supplies and prices moving according to expectations with no feature deserving special total supply of fat cattle- home and Irish proved amnio for Alio and prices moved downwards from high values ruling in June and July until they readied a level of approximately per livo for primo cattle and for second grade animals vol ruled throughout tho autumn months with little variation but the close of the year witnessed a curtailment of supplies of fat and a general advance in prices to extent of to per While homo grassfed cattle were plentiful there was a scarcity of real firstgrade animals leaving a large proportion of second and inferior quality cattle which generally proved slow to sell unless at reduced The trade in Canadian remains at a no shipments having been made In his country during the period under review to the high price of beef in the United States the whole available surplus of Can cattle is going across the border at prices with which the market here cannot compete Only decided and definite rise in values here or relative fall in the United States would change the position and warrant a resump tion of the Canadian trade with this country There is no immediate prospect of either of the above conditions becoming operative Fat sheep were marketed in large numbers during the summer months but Ithe advent of the store lamb sales in the autumn tended to limit the supplies of the fat market owing to the improved demand and higher prices for feedinglambs and sheep On the whol sheep prices have proved satisfactory and yielded feeders a good margin profit The general supply of store cattle proved larger than usual and more than adequate for the increased demand resulting from a plen tiful supply of winter keep During the sum mer and autumn months trade ruled steady hut at a moderate level of values ditioned cattle suitable for a short feeding- period selling at from to i8s per live The smaller and younger class of cattle par ticularly those of choice breeding met a and generally sold freely at prices per live with a maximum approaching 60s per live for the finest homebred classes autumn trade for the store lambs and breeding sheep moved upwards as was anticipated Store lambs can be quoted to 6s per head above last years ewes and gimmers advanced from 7s to 12s per head The general position of the live stock trade distinctly promising Supplies of stock ve been brought to levels in close harmony the requirements of the presentday market allowing for the regular imported quotas The inference all factors here and throughout the world is that any alteration in the live stock trade will be towards a higher level of values proved consumption marching ahead of and justifying a more intense production In the immediate future the trade for fat cattle is likely to remain steady during spring months A in the values may expected lo operate in May and continue until the grassfed cattle come forward in suficient numbers but the extreme prices obtained last year may not be equalled Sheep suppli are not too plentiful and a firm trade is prospect with a gradual tendency to high ly plentiful in most feeding districts values in April and May Winter is fair and this warrants the expectation that stock will be regularly marketed as it turily and precludes any periodical excessiv Discrepancies in tlic ants for high school education in County York has prompted council explanation from the Ontario department of education Increase in the cost education will result In increasing at least one mill for according Information from the educational Serious consideration was agal ien to the recommendation of tl committee for form high school secondary education eh the committee oro rce and asked leave to Bit again the June session here were large discrepancies In government grants towards the lous high school expenditures Deputy Reeve chairman of the educational induce told council To prove his charges Chairman Beckett submitted blowing statement showing the in grants made by the high schools through- Tho County Police Force The much discussed queeUon of the county police force baa been a chief topic station about the county offices dur ing the week mi finally settled when council rejected DeputyReeve plan to reduce the county force to a detective department In explaining his proposal Mr Mac- Donald declare reduction the county would eliminate over lapping and the jealousy existing be tween county and municipal and further claimed that If the far Dominion Parliament Considerable importance is attached to the Governments sponsoring of the Geary Mil as the effect will en able the Dominion Railway Board to Inquire between the Bell Telephone Co and its subsidiary the Northern electric Company It was the board Inability to go Into this matter the Boards hearing of the Bell Companys application for a rat Incomplete would be received thin to aid the at present Reeve A defended the existing system any overlapping or lac operation between county police and officers The matter should according to Mr been to the County Poll Commission Council then voted on the resolutlo During the the of education towards which tin made a grant of This expenditure and gra as allocated among tin bonis as follows I hi Weston Markham ltichd Hill York York onted County Maglst at Higher Tax will Ago From Era Feb 21st 1870 Officers of York Reform Cane J Davis John Randal A special Congregational Meeting was held in the Methodist Church Prospect St on Thursday evening of 1 Toronto practical last week Dr r laving Jackson gave a statement of Trust Funds Rev Dr Rose of Toronto gave bill this of starting the the rink Monday is held In the skating evening About Band In attend- passed away doubling of its present of The railway lines to be acquired by the Government as intimated in the speech from the throne amongst others be the three in Alberta pure hased from the Government of tha province jointly by the Canadian Smyth Miss Emma Miller of Scott and Canadian National Hallways to Geo Arnold of Mt Albert and the St John alley When the Years Ago higher than last of Approv folio A VIO on the Building Strict East by the Council pre agreed upon Institute for the Blind in ad dition to the statutory grant of a grant of will be made to the department of Newmar ket for junior farmers work and a grant of towards expenses stock judging at Guelph Army to the Hospital and an additional grant cost of installing elevator in the hospital grants of Associations Of North York aw Aurora Mount Oakwood Poultry Fair Mimi- Shore North York Poultry Seeing Newmarket By Clark Newmarket Grand Pro Km Feb King of Almeda was the guest of Mr Allen Ed Cane gave a Thimble Tea ielfoy last Wednesday evening The day thou shall rest ink this means that on daj list rest know the rest Newmarket is over one old and belongs the Marl likely to cause any sudden drop The general position indicates that cattle will yield a fairly satisfactory return to feeders without proving as profitable as did last year while sheep can be expected to sell well right through the spring season level of prices which will give a really profitable return for feeding the offices the ridge Maple Agin Cliff Thorn Islington 50 fair Hill allowed t fair and Rich- led the funeral of A It Watson on Monday The Christian Church choir had a and supper at My Frank Kelleys East on Friday evening The Golden Wedding of Erastus Jackson took place at on Monday evening About relatives a distance were present Very sharp frost lately Roads are 11 blocked with snow Metropolitan blocked from Thursday until irday night The Altar At the residence of the Feb 2nd by Rev J Morgan Edith Shuttleworth of to Jos of made to the York County shameful for God There is a power in mora audacity against stand Haywood HIRED BOY KILL8 WOMAN Smashes Skull With Axe Grimsby Feb 10 When James Stuart came home to his farm at with his nineyearold at six oclock on Saturday evening it was t find his wife aged with whom he had shared the sparse comfort of the rough boarded house lying dead in the woodshed her skull smashed in by blows by an axe that lay blood stained nearby He went out of the farmhous a crazed man Three hours later while husband held down on a couch in his father home still crazed a provincial police constable Arthur Grimes the farms 22- yearold hired boy huddled in helpless fright behind a barn a hundred yards away from the farmhouse where the woman had lain able to move lie was carried away and this af ternoon in St Catharines jail he confessed that had killed Mrs Stuart The cause of the crime is given by the Grimes a boy from an orphan grants home in Hamilton who has worked on the Stuart farm for the past seven is understood to have told the police officers that he caught up an axe and struck Mrs Stuart because she had threatened him with el pitch fork Affer day of and a night in which lie seemed unable to say a word Grimes suddenly told a tale of oppression and beatings and jail officials at St Catharines stated later that the boys body was covered with bruises hip lj the following as follows York Aid Society building York mai market of for the 01 North GwIUIinbury King 260 Scarboro Whitchurch Towns and Villages 11 and officials of highly of the Holland Landing Vil lage Richmond Hill Sutton Shupe in her market Feb his 78th Feb Iibbi rket Feb A due chiefly expenditures and Only Fashions for the Smart Woman UNUSUAL NECKLINE The it portended for ud dunning U the iti fasten original and the cut In with the poinded li to hire the frock of ted the and of a colored crept A left where the front Up tha right A narrow belt of frock I accentuates the lice The sleeves are long add It to make SHUA5 barge violating the rhe darkey was trembling fi that the judge thought he a little fun with the poor and so he asked his name the judge the Joshua that made the MRfttMCggQUESflOH By wJiLves Dad says a shovelful when when he puns this phrase BUY GOOD- GOAL BYE PROB LEMS Send in your order and let us do ARCHIVES OF TORONTO amm

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