a a a ft flif iP Sks YORK MARBLE A K It i I raw chicks cosV too to lose by lack of care and proper feed White Diarrhoea and other chick diseases prevented by feeding Baby Chick Food It saves millions and insures healthy fartgrowing chicks and earlylaying Buy thebesC FURNACE KViTBOUBHlMfi THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON lo Express Herald Office to call classified Irish great gra n df a 1 1 1 i been natives of those inly bound May sack his hands and feel with strong cord Harry Friedman Jor a local fruit company found In his automobile road Ave miles from the city yesterday A woman heard Ids cried for held released hint called the police Friedman claim thai ho was kidnapped by three in front of a downtown depart mental road and latere robbed of Fifteen hundred dollars belong oil to his own firm and the other vas his own he told the police e men he charges in car while he store making sonic purchases he stepped the car he and forced into the NEW COUNTY ENGINEER The York Roads Commission have appointed A So Toronto as engineer to fill he vacancy caused by the death of Edgar A James Roses salary will oeSi a or more than paid Mr James who had charge of roads since inception Rose has considerable expei in road building He graduated from Toronto University and the School of Science about years and until latterly has been till the Ontario Department of Highways as resident roads t at Guelpli then at For the past the hardships Landing in Muddy York a lad of lie went at once to work it was while helping to lay rails of the old Northern Railway he met my mother The York Pioneer and Society exists to foster and just such sentiments as are expressed in the foregoing and will gladly welcome lo its ranks any and ail who either in memory of their forebears or for this dear old section of leaders the hi ever beheld and to know him is to love and admire him There nota human being on earth o good but what personal ac quaintance with our noble Canada One the the other two held revolvers at his threatening to kill him If be made noise Reaching tine suburban road 1 was robbed and bound Hundreds of pedes the claims he was kidnapped Royal Templars of Temperance at their last meeting passed a resolu tion which says In part Resolved that the Toronto District Council Royal Templars of to express approval of the published statement by the Chatr- the Ontario Liquor theeffect that regulations arc to be made prohibiting liquor adver tising of oil kinds in the province of Also That Ihe hours of sale quor will be strictly limited months he has been in a consulting engineer Mi took over the road following his appoint April 30 May With kk- Hi lite with We ion of Mrs will lead someone locally interested begin ning such a drive as she refers to to at least have members in your part of the a hopefully Caswell ill Inn belli Port Cred White plot of land obtained under the Soldiers Settlement Scheme Morse began his poultry farm hare shortly after his return France Today the Oak- Poultry Farm as Mr Morse calls bis place is recognized as the largeat in Canada It some acres of land and the most modern accomodation is rovided for his 23000 hens In July his phenomenal success ill be recognized by poultry ex erts from all over ho world he- in that month World Poultry Congress opens in and the delegates will pay a of inspection lo Oakridge CAME FROM PENITENTIARY H H Coffey Enjoys Brief Vacation Although he had waited in a room adjoining the county court Toronto for two days last week Coffey former manager of the Imperial Bank at nmale at Kingston penitentiary was not called as a in suit of Fred Skin- funeral director against 11a was the executor of the estate of W Skinner who died June 3 and as such had de ed plaintiff nephew of tes tator a mortgage on Bond Head Endorsedby Bliss Carman The choice of a bird to hi emblematic of Canada seems tc gone astray said Bliss an Canadian poet re-enter- the discussion yesterday io is only one bird worthy of the position Thai is the Canada goose But if we chose the goose the papers would be full of car icatures and jokes about us But there is no doubt about it the goose is the most bird the country It come with the spring and brings our finest thoughts of the year There is a lot to he said for it It va the wisest of birds the most courageous the most devoted and fearless altogether a noble bird If it had any other name than and popular acceptance ever accord- any fine car because represents the safest investment the firmest security and the highest The buyer of a con sciously invests his money of transportation in greater comfort and luxury in more satisfying performance in absolute dependability Such phenomenal advances as the Engine Vibrationless beyond belief Torque Tube Drive Mechanical FourWheel Brakes Sealed Chassis Vacuumcleaned Crankcase are evidences of the firm determination to keep McLaughlin- Buick always the standard by which automobile invest ment values are judged Those who regard a car from an investment standpoint should first consider McLaughlin- its quality and beauty today but its dividends of undiminished HUGE NEW ELEVATOR Port Arthur 13th Work is immediately on the construction of a elevator for the Unit ed Grain Growers at a cost of whole to ho by February This wjll be the largest single workinghouse elevator con struct world MEN WANTED Wages paid part lime while learn ing garage work electricity welding battery and house wiring We also Write or call for free illustrated Branches employment vice from coast Hemphill Schools St West open before a in And That here delivery by brewers private residences ilch are received by Hi- laces That should hotels 1m oxlcatlng liquor permitted to be LORD HIT HIM AGAIN This story lold at Itie Safely Convention In Toronto laat week A meeting was being held in an old Scottish kirk to arrange for much to the little edifice As rose to speak he was ex pected to state lite amount of lie would donate towards the repairs Everybody was watting to hear Sandy who was known lo be- very canny and Sandy got up and said the kirk had been good enough for rather and be good enough for him Wn re money Just then a piece of lonsoDLd Itself from the ceiling and falling landed smack on Sandys fore head In a Sandy declared will donate twentyfive pounds lo tin repair of the Amid the silliness of the tho Bath tending his chicken ranch and by the time the delegates arrive hi Will completed linn A pessimist is a mot who doesnt consider it a perfect day till hes had a flat tire No matter what kind weal her comes along generally a good crop of fish They Keep You Free From Kidney Disorders Norwich May Special ago I had a bad tack of rheumatism in my hips writes Mr A ft Bradley a well- known resident of this place Two boxes of your Kid ney Pills completely relieved me I have not had any rheumatism in my hips since I are splendid Rheumatism is not exactly a kidney disease It is re sult of kidney derangement The and pains commonly known used by uric John Wilson who is employ fid in the planing mill at Victoria Harbor met with an while engaged a his work there ope day last week when one hand became caught in a ma chine and finger destroyed He was brought to Midland hos pital where is was found three other fingers were so badly crushed lhat he Will lose the u properly payment on account funeral Fred Skinner had sued Miss sole beneficiary in his uncled estate for and Interest on tho orig inal bill of for the burial Settlement was illy reached on Thursday Skinner receives Judge Denton endorsed cord under terms of consen Following he trial Coffey who was vigorously at a plpo smiled and bade farewell to news papermen Ho had enjoyed pleasure- of wifes company for a while during day and said he felt in excellent condition He left Thursday night Tor King- Ion company with a Under a settlement be fore Denton In- county court Fred Skinner rector of Port Credit agreed lo accept following suit for alleged a bill for for expenses of funeral of his ate Undo Skinner who died in Juno 3 QUARTETTE DRAW James Weir and Geo w sentenced by Magistrate Jeffs Wednesday morning to for two years less one day each for breaking and entering harxiware store May and stealing the total value of which about They pleaded lo ho as rheumat acid In blood IMIil are doing their duty should he no uric acid in blood But if the kidneys tired worn out or out of orJl amount of his poison in l crystallizes at joints and and lion comes those agonizing pains so many people know and The remedy la Kidnoy Pills They he kidneys so thai Ihey do their full work of re moving the uric acid from Try This to Banish Rheumatic Pains People who have been tormented for years yes even that were unable to lyilp them have been brought back to robust through the mighty power of acts with speed It should bring In a few days relief have prayed for It attacks Bra sons that cause agony and pain In joints and and quickly the torturing completely you Rheums We forced appear Get a bottle from any today It tho joyful rclJof you ex money will returned five and Wei Brown had been released Iison only a few days be foro Tottenham robbery ived a term for carrying led- weapons and re also charged at East about tho same time Will he taken to to face trial four men were arras ted Thursday of last week at Caiodon Dunning lived by Provincial Constables Kelly of Barrio and Owens of Brampton and their apprehension was result of some good work by tho local man who complimented in court by Crow Attorney Evans Constable Kelly was called to Tottenham a knife proved to have taken 1 rum store Th obtained number the car on inquiry at lie do pari iuertt of highways learned that it belonged lo Dunning llien went lo Calcdon East in company with Owens and found Brown and Dunning at house Searching tho tatter thorn ho found of Hair- II and Weir were located ii Calodtwii East and they also of he stolen property had their per and brought jo Barrio Three Identified by the told Kelly where guns could bo found near his homo at East Greasy produced Ihe them most of which shopbreaking Ihefl and similar Most of ho sentences had light though Dunning had served a threeyear term in Kingston BLIZZARD Agent NEWMARKET ONT Smiths Hardware NEWMARKET IN BUILDERS NEEDS FARM T0OL8 OF ALL KIND8 OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES AND WINDOW PAINT8 OILS AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE IF EVERYBODY DID IT Tlrink for a moment what would happen if even for week everybody in town were to shop elsewhere either in a neighboring town or by mail Would it cause consternation and would not all business houses bo very much They and with good reason Some Do Th Regularly And what is the result Every dollar sent lo distant business houses is gone for good so far as lhat particular district is concerned and serves to build up and maintain some distant town- The local How About Printing All business houses need more printed matter all of which is within the possibilities of the looal prin ter Yet how prone many are to pass up the home printer and let tho orders go to the oily offioes whicn have no interest whatever in rural communities except to gel printing orders and the cash to pay for them Business men remember hat the homo paper is con stantly promoting the or the home community and you owe it to yourself and your local paper to up these efforts by at least your printed manor done locally The Newmarket Era Issued by Iho Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Manning Chambers Toronto ARCHIVES OF