This the genuine tea iXViafi you do use Ufa a for stating the price you now pay ftn4 Blacitfcrcen or Mixed Tea PHONE Friday April of Mrs after of about soVftfryflfciv Mrs MOM T daughter of Inil Mount torn In Kins In Tim deceased la by ft largotam Grange te in the War Mrs wan momtifiV St Pauls Anglican church and will by a of flatty ijitfiftijjvoinlirteui to imsftlV jo of or lOdijy ft fKifLcU to he A iMMIiTOIV BOND DEALERS of Alberta Of for Colo following Due int Jan IPSO A July or fi by JViivliifii Columbia Apr a Dominion Onmil J- My Provide of luOft Ityi finar of CukiJb jsoa A Oct fiinti A Apr Oct Uy of Oily of In York inn unci Jan A July July Jan A July Apr Int Oct JoronlO 44i To WlUUItKO ttEGIHfl SflSKfltiDOH ttUPBRY VICTORIA LEAVES vie And via Svjad ad lUVcU fall fit aaai NoWmarkat Conner At AlllloOcMccl lu Aurora on April 11 under of a A Ihc infill wan Won by The of Sti In the four from Aurora and wo from Ihi leailer Ilia of Tin WW Sunday School of Church Sunday avon Ilia who va WuHliy lViH Ihrry John and Waller Johns of ood f allowing Items con Iaincd In last of con- by Ontario Depart lhat good grnrte at alNilay sale about white rtOWH around Small arc unusually ttcarco on Ihla market apifng and rim tram Qi2 lAft recording good demand at la eon and Pfeel representatives tile from lo When the of at heigh l IjihI fall packer realizing the inevitable effect- Issued reiterated warning to formers of he Information tiuii Jsaued a lotlic wh Many own realize how Will that vas to ROW MA OLD A little more tired close of A littles to have our way A ready lo scold and A care lor And so we arc tlie end time and meet and A less mm far hands and A more in days of old A view and mind And it idle nunc love for ail man hind A little more care fill of we say And an we are faring 11 way A more love for loe friends of A little leas zeal lor A Utile more charily in views i lor he daily news And so we are folding away And in silence close of day A more to sit ami dream A little more real Hie lliins unseen A bit nearer to those ahead With visions those longloved and dead And so we are going where all must To the Hie living may never know A little more a little more tears And we shall have told increasing years rite hook is closed and prayers are said And we are pari of the countless dead Thrice happy then if some con say live because lie has passed my way Why We Sell AutoShoes Have been in the tire business a good while have sold the in all know thelites mileage that are that never vary in We Mi AutoShoes in that and vc that once you fit a set you will come to us for ihctji Ik taU they ate real valuemileage thai liS el id a bio lltci l a guaranteed to the last slued OUT 1ni with -1- J j A Sii i Youll istirii ami labile VUa In IC Man at Canal On of last week Mr Itoseue heigh of who working on fjrml near Niagara Foil met with an aetudent at and at 6 from Injurtaa jicvcd lift was hJI a Hydro work train and i an l off and otherwise till led Kama day lnnd daughter of Mr and Mrs Win J houl jind with a lo loss rniMln here on Irhhty ud look On -t-t- IjjWi- incn In Cornel novrnnrkct are for In Newmarket ioinfitK ijiriiion tmd the Canal Town will he on the A viry held In Of Trail on of last vvtrck of being present IneludEng 1rOKhUiil Smith of A J who n In TahiKOos won lti Junior of tie ifxUltUUini of the Old Oil id can a train will be hi the was to color Junior and Jii Teams nan tin Tal3Koo in the and It dochled revive the name Ibis sum mer i I roils lion Mackenzie r 1 A Armstrong M Hon 1 Davis P P II K 1 P V Hotkey Club Hon President Mayor Manning VlrrPres A Leslie P tJoyle Hairy and lv to hold a day on July In addition la racing and a lacrosse nd will bo starnd This reboiiii ldn hORfi con the of those In the livestock tndUfllry the InanfloiitiV In bog u own enemy 0 i I Boy Trying to April to play a joke on bin little I en his life Saturday morning Hi amutftiK In ham lie his corning thought he would her He lUd a rope arauini while on a beam Ids fool slipped ulster lo Ihe mid if Mm rushed nut to barn and out the lad down of vlHn was and for nearly three he worked lo a of life but Ih vain All was an noon DEt UAH Of Micb April JO- Think tog it man run over iruehin Saturday was officer railed for dead from the Morgue loaded the I be and it for cham ber As attendants were draw ing the box of the lln cover up the dead man rose and he was lo answermy noes- tlonlhi wagon was full for tin fteeelving the man Wat examined anl found- to be If v The had passed the ab domen Injuries were fatal lie dhd soon being admitted lookuo Von of a Man Is Willi painful J hat we record the of Mr GmnA of Mr and Mis KIrby sad even I ni faintly residence on of tor a brief Illness of lens a wfk He Was not fueling iveHon ho previous hoi thought was a The usual remedies did appear to duee any effect and a medical ii tutor was called In Monday The follow- day duvelued but be was thought to be doing unlit morning when a rilapse net In and be passed away very suddenly was in iris and graduate of Newmarket High Seliool He hfs Norma and Ids was to be a High School Teacher folio wing la the footsteps of bis Mr K A of St Collegiate Institute He had hop Id own row and was mating good taught In Public Schools of Ontario and In West urn Canada for ten years and In the meant line spent two year a I Kingston At tin- lime of his death lie was en at Holland Landing ichooJ lbs is keenly fell by his parents who deservedly of Ids his sister Mrs j of and his Mr of The funeral took on Sundas aflernoon from of tils on Huron Siifcl lo Cemetery was eon- by J of the of he was a member and lie v f of the flljureti wltb bis are connected anil was a number tori owing reUtlvts sed April a laws Ineked since as the result of a Mally a real roan Is now able to chew as the result of an opera lion uerformed by fir nth a native of and a of Queens Such Is the word received by dnugairs mother The banns grew together so thai III Ireth fast locked and he could lake only Ihiufrl food The operation Ik as being very rare but is In every way a success WHAT TO ess per per The i and ton Westiy Wire Jliomas Stark and Potatoes Ihrivp on a fcamly lo gravelly loam This is a type- of soil thai must be heavily fed If It is to do Its best Urn potato also abundant feeding contain so starch they re lovers of potash On nor mal potato soil without you should from to pounds of high fertilizer per acre in gee best results with a good dressing of manure Ibis appli cation may be reduced to or 300 pounds per acre The analysis wo would ad should range lhan to eeiit phosphoric and cent How to Apply fertilizer Is best to by the especially potato renter drots fer- in row end work in l4n the seed piece Pome potato gjvJSvers prefer applying twtfltdrds of that it hi through the fertilizer diipp fit the be fore ihv are at lime ihey pm on to lbs of ihe planter If you do have either groin drill or slrltv nut Ihe furrows for lin- wpf soy- ho the fui row l this by Jn a light coveting of before you the piece a of which as nil Do not ul a potato fall on top of fertilizer or Injury win be done to he This pivcrtulion is liken cie of In the pot Mo planter A tree will make a million a mslch way destroy a mil lion trees When the woods take no with lighted matches or pie habit careful with fires Ibe woods no- Many ji lo of forest lire by they ie not to I heir enjoyjneni of the forest jus to eiiUvirv that core which they always when lirri tthotu thtfr own j 1 It 1 ft so show piMo that to within yotii Plant flowcis and Trim up the and your house with Brothers High Stand- Liquid Paint You can always bank on of paint having the Little Bine Flag Jradcmark on the label It may coat a little more per gallon than other paints but it spreads further and caster so youll money at tlie on both your ma terial and labor hills iluB paint also holds its color and lasts than moat other paints That means you not have to repaint often as We will glad to show you that the between Lowe and other paints more than a mere difference of opinion for color card and interesting literature 1 1 INNS HARDWARE NEWMARKET r i IK j r bringing of liquors into fclia IS I si rr on Voted against Vote Now against the people on April deckle the ballot reproduced above whether liquor for beverage purposes shall be allowed to come in or whether the door shall be shut ask you to vote vote to clinch your vote By your last vote the Sale of you made Ontario from within Now- vote against to inake safe without Prohibition should apply to all alike Take nothing for granted lempeiautc vote is needed livery temperance vote must he cast See a thai your every lnemher Willi to Vote to the polls Let us roll up a decisive majority today and settle his ques tion it r your ballot with an ami an A after Otitis J