Newmarket Era, 19 Dec 1919, page 7

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HE r rrCv j Dun LUUi IN THE RESTAURANT I AND TEA ROOM of candles Nuts find young people of Special Prices by In gallon the pi i Christian and Churches arranged to a union- Watch Night In the Christian Church on New Years five- from 1030 lo oclock ser vice will ho bright and Interesting lib public- arc Invited to attend Publlo Improvements The following resolution was adopted by Newmarket of Trade a Dec 1019 and Is for consideration of Candidates for council Resolved that In tint opinion of the Hoard of Trade so far as town flo unce for year will permit the following local Improvements should be proceeded with Signs 2nd- Uniform police 3rd Ughttng of Eagle- Street Yonge Street J Mission of- Church had palo in the Sunday School oh Wed- afternoon proceeds being over young ladles went a lot of trouble rooms but for trouble- I Sunday School next Sunday Special Christmas singing Tickets for Cantata ho given to lira teachers for distribution their scholars especially re quested to attend secure their Open session at School on Sun day Deo with Christinas prd- Christmas program to ho held in J Sunday School to R St the Market HI f if so w w that will add to your din nertime during this scocon taalloat of plum fruit ica anybody off toward a Year Merry Everybody J A ilh- grounds for keep and children Enforcpnicnl of bylaw to streets Negoliali with Office Specialty Co to f flH make Fairy Lake attractive Remove all poles and wires from Main SI reel Do Your Many lines cannot bo duplicated a small deposit have your goods set aside for you at Minis Tuesday evening December Is the dale of the Sun day School annual Tree and will bo hold In the school rooms Program to start at sharp Grand The Methodist Sunday School will present a Grand Christmas Cantata entitled Santa Clans in the Town Hall Tuesday Deo 23rd at 8 m Children In costume will rep resent Mother and engage In an election campaign splendid choruses solo and duets interspersed throughout the cantata A program by Hie children Be ginners and Primary Departments will also be given Music will be fur nished by the School Orchestra it conclusion of llio Cantata Santa Glaus will distribute gifts to and Primary children 0 Program to to which everyone is cor dially Invited Come bring the children whether you adhere to our church or not all ore welcome No admission charge but a frecwlll of fering will be taken and the total proceeds to be given to the Armenian and Syrian Relief This Is the same as last year and Is honed another large contribution can bo to he of destitute starving Let us be gener ous once The evening program will comprise musical selections lloiw etc mostly given by the young er scholars A Tree arid presentation of gifts by Santa to ttiel ones of school He sure to come early so as to ecure a seal Corn Induatrlal The enrollment for the Newmarket Night School Is DOW The school closed on Wednesday night for the Christmas Holidays and will reopen on the first Monday night In January The Principal Mr A Cornell has made out Hie report for Nov and Dec and it is very encouraging Follow ing ls a copy Dressmaking Teachers Mrs Cowl On Miss Gertrude sons Enrolled average attend ance Millinery Teacher Mrs A Lessons Enrolled average Stenography and Typewriting Teacher Mies Ethel Les sons Enrolled average Mechanical Drawing Teacher Manning Lessons Enrolled average Mathmctlce and English Teacher A Cornell Lessons Enrolled average Fees Anhual tea the t an Zrd A provided of dialogues Every- storm brought about dvlnbhcs of trafflo hi divided between and run On Wednesday morning It was 20 bolbw at the end and below at noon Wednesday night It was below zero but during tho night the moderated and at six a yesterday it was only Quito cold enough for ordinary Canadians Pauls Fourth 8undayln Advent i a Holy Com munion Sabbath School p Evensong and Christmas Day a Holy Communion Matins- and Holy Commu nion Anthems Carols etc Newmarket Is to be favored by Interesting the arid of January when Mr M J Mncktem of Toronto formerly a flying ofleer In the air force will give two travelogues In Christian Church under auspices of the Christian En deavor Society The first evening ho Church The first evening on ho lecture will be on Egypt In cluding Alexandria Cairo the Pyra mids etc- The lecture on the follow ing evening will be on India including Agra Taj Mahal Benares etc The pictures vcre taken by Mr during his war work and will be most Interesting and Egypt and India are the most Interesting countries to pcopjo and these lectures wilt bo a lasting benefit to all who hear him Mr a lawyer and pains taking Die lectures will appeal particularly to adult scholars See posters for further particulars The Fire Hall was filled with a of interested spectators on Tuesday afternoon when Major lon opened proceedings Starting from Toronto on a lit I f A i j mm Bra V J M f n l mm i I EM of of TOo J10iBFi IS I of In end In tripped Plain of Tones and Wood A 9 A wonderful Leather Capo of ovc3 In Wool to mm 1 FAIL TO THE OUR WCrJDEnFULnAHGipOPFUR TO CO NEWMARKET k I William Curry George Brown and three friends be gan a hilarious Joy ride in a borrowed Both Curry and Brown were charged with drunk A col lision with Slallardcc- Hills butcher wagon resulted in damage Curry the chauffeur was and costs and sent to Jail days Brown was and coats The other were allowed to William added Injury to suit towards first called narnetf and then Magistrate for ten days Patrick Sullivan and Reuben fined for seven fined three men in- vile and filthy assaulted sent to Jail of Newmarket Military Hospital stole an outfit of civilian clothes apiece from Among other papers office order for made out to Dunlop They forged Mr Dunlops name and obtained trans portation to Toronto on the Metropoli tan car Monday morning but thlfi was the means of their Identification by the station agent was sent to Burwash for an Indeterminate sent ence not more than two years Sul livan an American waiting repatria tion was remanded in the of the military authorities until deported George Smith a homeless boy had stolen boots stockings and a blanket from a vehicle in Christ ian Church Shed and had Into Duncans clothing store stearins from It clothing boots and articles of apparel As his was- pitiable Magistrate Goat him to the Victoria Industrial for four years The local police deserve cre dit for bringing these offenders to Justice and it is to be hoped that we will not be troubled with for some llrno to come H Mount TUB MISSION CIRCLE Will serve cake sandwiches coffee In MIssKceka Store on Uie and evening of Dec AH Invited i 43 48 I HI CONCERT annual entertainment of the Methodist Sunday School will be held io on Tuesday evening Dee The program will consist of pictures Including drditid end Interesting travel features Mr and Mrs Woodward wire visiting friends in town for a few days llils week Mr Geo of Toronto is vlsil- friends In Town The Mission of Mrs Geo tailing Circle met at Hie on Tuesday the LEAGUE Tim League met as on evening in charge of Department Mr David Brooks presided very acceptably The topic Was read by Mr The to Wealth The was good two or throe bring present for the first time meeting is in charge of The Methodist Sunday School aro haying their annual Tree mrf Concert on Monday evening Deo A good program of reflations sing ing and dialogues by the children Till young people are giving a dialogue entitled Carol a orchestra will also render a number of pieces Keep this date open as Hut excellent Committee In charge have not spared time or energy to this Entertainment a success service In Urn Christian Church next Sunday morning at will devoted to Christmas entitled The Jim A large choir will furnish lie music for the Song Story In Evening the Christian Endea vour will bo withdrawn join with Methodist Church in Choir Sunday School Anniver sary SHARON on iMldSO- Next Miss hike VicePresident KtijX Sunday lil Choir will mis anthems hi Dec 1st the special morning ami even- I I A- I A very event took place A home of Mr and Mrs Jewell New formerly of Mount Albert on Monday Dec when only daughter Miss was uultftd In the holy bonds of riiuooy to Mr Woodward or Mount Albert boy who has resided in New for the past years The oeremony was by Rev Geo Lawrence luncheon was served iftcr which the left for t trip to Toronto Lindsay Albert and other points The presents of cut glass IfcbUfied to the high esteem in young couple are In Oh their return from their trip they will reside In Toronto A held Dec was ir of- ft bt Wonut Albert umul meeting on Friday In the Lodge room There a gud attendance including County Master Win Tall District Master and besides from Newmarket and After the general business was eter the District County lasUUed the following for the ensuing year W P fcfA Dike Plumnier J Moore Hubert Hayes ft 1st John lecturer Rolling Cow Last Thompson Last A Council Its final meeting on Monday for the year Now for the glad hands until election and from present Indications there will be a large slate to from Of course Mr Is out of Die race having retired but no doubt another will he found to fill the Reeves Mr Brown and Ills sister have recovered from their recent Ill ness and wo are glad to see them out again Mrs passed away last Mon day the residence of one of her daughterslb St She had paCrcr5ne four score number of years and was a woman highly respected Robert Terry Is confined to his room although resting easy Jack Tate Jr underwent an opera- Ron at the General Hospital Toronto last week and is alright again and around Before another Issue of the Era for wilt have passed now Hie cruel war has ended your correspondent hopes everyone may fully enjoy the day and their sorrows softened for many will that day see a vacant chair at the dinner below zero on Wednesday which means Old Boreas has his paw on us once more At the meeting Monday ho definitely approved scheme put forward A Co to reclaim acres of the Holland Marsh will start as soon as possible thousand dollars will bo ex pend 1 on Ore first acres ami he cost spread over years will he SI per acre- If the whole of Hie aores of waste land around the Holland River will be drained On Sunday next a special Christ mas Service will be held In ville Presbyterian Church conducted the minister Rev W A Westcolt The subject will bo Life Eternal Special music by the choir both morn- Invited The morning service will begin at Instead of 11 as here tofore- This plan Is to continue throughout the winter The Christ mas Tree which Is being looked for ward to with much excitement by the youngsters old and gray is to be held in the Sunday School Hall on evening of Deo An excellent program of dialogues readings drills and songs Is in course of preparation Mrand Tor the A couple of weeks ago a congrega tional fioolal was held In the Hull Quite a number were present and a most enjoyable evening was spent In playing game and listening lo selections and speeches It was unanimously decided thai others should follow to break the quiet monotony of the long winter evenings Because of the fact that Mr Samuel Miller a highly esteemed elder Superintendent of the Sunday School ami teacher of the married Peoples is to leave with his family for Gait early January it has been decided to have the next Social on the evening of Dec 30lh that all members and adherents of the Pres byterian Church might have an op portunity of saying farewell Tho Session has decided not to write per sonal Invitations for this or succeed ing socials Dont forget the darkey show at the Tree Presbyterian Church next Monday night Tills band is one of the special attractions of the season BALDWIN Dr Cody ROACHS POINT Shiesdiy evening Dec the School will give a ihe of a cantata supplemented by i and dialogues A will be provided a visit W Nicholas antlcipaled Southdown Rams Lambs Shearling Twoyearold and aged Dure bred White Bloom Sweet Clover HILL A SONS I 1 Next Sunday the service in lire Christian Church at 3 oclock will be in the form Christmas Inn The music for the Song Story will he fur nished by the choir from he wick Christian Church On Tuesday next the Sunday School Entertainment will he held A programme will ho furnish ed All welcome Jolly cold raspy weather is in our midst Our merchant Mr Roy is doing a bouncing trade in poul try these days supplying custom- era in the city for Mr It cori- Baldwin unloaded a new cementmixer off the hero on Tuesday Mr Lee Jones had a very sick horse this week Mr J King look charge of the Free Methodist service last Sun day at Rapids Some of folks around this vicinity are hanking largely on Christmas whats the attraction on the on Sundays Mr Crittenden moved to Toronto week His motive is to iili h a new trade close wishing you a Joyful packed the auditorium and ves tibule wan intensely interested from beginning to end The or der was all that Mould bo desired Our young men and women of Sunday School cer tainly lo he congratulated on tho talent I hoy displayed It shows what can do try Dliey wcro natural in clear in enunciation and in acted their Much credit should he given to Miss noma who willingly gave her time to train the young people Also we are grateful to as sistance they rendered In ad dition to the play Miss Lulu Toole gave an and Mr Hewlett Tendered a couple of solos The chair was taken by the Pastor Rev Roy Gray The receipts amounted to Good for Hartman The Sunday School Conven tions last week in and Mount Albert were well at tended and very helpful Rev A General Superinten dent of the Religious Education Council of Ontario was present at both conventions and his mes sages were instructive and In spiring The ThankOffering Services in Methodist Church are postponed till Dec After noon and Evening BUTTON The North Division of York- Sunday School Convention was held in Egypt acting as Chairman Before closing medals arid sorolls were presented to those who have returned since tire Ural banquet of a similar nature was given last April In Hall Fol lowing is the toast list 1 The King The Empire proposed by Norman responded by Rev Moxon and 3 The Army and Navy proposed by Rev responded lo by Rev Arnott and Dr Noble Our Guests proposed by Tremayne responded to by Dr Greenwood LaVery and Lieut Anderson The Ladles proposed by Sandy Latimer responded by Maurice Tre mayne Frank Burrows and Torn La- very The Girls Patriotic League look charge of affairs and were assisted by a few members of the Red Cross Suton Orchestra for ihe occasion POLICE VILLAGE OF LIT day of December MacKENZlB Reeve TAKE NOTICE the above Is a true of a ByLaw pasled by the Muni cipal Council of the Township of East on the day De cember AND FURTHER TAKE thai the hour day and place fixed fcr tak ing the votes of the electors poll will be held First Publication day of December 3wM A 4 I To KESWICK BAKERY eed Chop Flour and faiji OH Heavy iiHoui fcitid oil hand i Prices TON cftWf I Sleeping The School gave a vary successful Entertain ment in Church on day Droning Dec The Entertainment took the form of a play entitled The Village Doc tor the audience Methodist Church on Thursday Dec Inst It was a splendid conven tion from the standpoint of inspira tion and effect on those present Many think It the best convention we have had for years The attendance was not large compared with some of our conventions in larger centres but was well filled The reports showed that our division can still do its end In holding the county to Front Line standing and the schools to be in good general condition Rev L Loverlng gave a very fine address in evening on Missions in the Sun- day School Rev A Halfpenny also was at his best n his roundtable conference and addresses In The Child In the Midst he showed usthe picture of our civilization In rare clearness from the standpoint of what Influences we allow to surround our growing boys and girls The of ficers for the coming year are as fol lows Past Mr Pres Mr Crydermas Vice- Prea Mr John Moore Rev A Hamilton Elementary- Miss E Secondary Mr Winch Miss Adult Mr P Home Mrs Teacher I TrainingRev Mis sionary Mrs Marritt Temper ance Adjutant Ritchie Soldiers- Banquet A banquet was ten dered to the returned soldiers their wives and parents by the citizens of Sutton and vicinity Friday evening Dec 12th in St James Hall A very large number availed themselves Invitations and every tea was taken Places were eel for 120 A splendid supper was served and during the loast list the of our men to return from overseas was cheered on his en hance to Die Hall having reached To ronto about oclock evening and motoring up to be present with other veterans speeches wore given by the resident ministers and other prominent Reeve Pug- ley President of the War Auxiliary BYLAW Up vote of ratepayers of the Police of Mount Al bert entitled to on money bylaws on a question to bo sub mitted whether the eald rate payers favor of a of Power from Hydro Electric Power of Ontario WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of East deems it advis able to submit to the ratepayers Ihe said Police Village of Mount entitled to vole on money laws a question as to whether said ratepayers are in favor supply of Electric Power BUY AND DO J CAN MADE TOYS Your Toys Insist on Getting Brand CAST IRON STAMPED STEEL WOODEN AND MECHANICAL TOYS t GAMES AND NOVELTIES All are of the best quality and strongly Sold by till Leading STPAcVaBei of a from Hydro Cornrnliiiion of THEREFORE- Ihe Council of the Hon of the Township of East TOY COMPANY Ltd ONTARIO J A enacts as 1st That the following question he submitted to the ratepayers of the Corporation of the Police Village of Mount Albert entitled to vote on money bylaws Are you In favor of obtaining from l the Hydro Electric Power of Ontario a supply of electric power 2nd That the votes of the said ratepayers shall be taken on Ihls question at the place and Deputy returning Officer and Poll Clerk hereinafter mentioned tliat is lo say at Peggs Mount A P Deputy Returning Officer Horace Pearson Poll Clerk on the in day of January from nine oclock In the forenoon to five oclock in the afternoon true copy of ibis shall be published In the following newspapers on tire diys mentioned that Is to ray the New market Era and the Newmarket Ex pressHerald on the day December and on December and he of January On the day of December 1919 the Reeve at his office on Street Mount Albert oclock In the forenoon big signed by himself appoint two persons lo attend at the final sum ming up of the votes by of the Township and one attend the polling place on the person Answering of affirmative 2nd of day day I at In wilt- MOUNT ALBERT Ready to Receive CREAMERY J I your you butter It Cream or will pay you to a trial the Clerk person to behalf of and deslrlous of the said loeslioo In the and a like person on be half of Ihe persona re of Ihe Die ques tion In the negative respectively The I3lh day of January at 10 oclock in the forenoon We Receive Cream in Every Day Any Quantity I Call In jet your emu a of tlio Albeit HIGHEST PRICE Is hereby appointed for the summing up the Clerk of Township of the number of votes given In the the loth and In the passed enact ARCHIVES OF MOUNT ALBERT CREAM

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