Newmarket Era, 25 Jul 1919, page 8

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sam eh J t Ml i i i V a LIFETIME OF j i 11 v I W 1 i I j S Mi a J Tow 111 a I if IT it Prewnted Fiuitatlves Wonderful Fruit Medicine I St Hou In my opinion no other medicine good as Fruitatives for Indigestion and Constipation For years I suffered with these dreaded diseases trying all kinds of treatments until I was told I was Incurable One day a friend told me to try To my surprise I found this medicine gave immediate relief and in a short time I was all right again a box 6 for trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa HOUSES FOR SALE Ave All eon- Brick House Park BUSINESS FOR SALE Store dwelling stock mer chandise in village of Belhaven Investigate- Is a money- HOUSE FOR SALE In the Town of Bradford room Block House Basement piped for furnace Cistern Stable Land on Main St of above Around the Good Well acres town A Snap for a quick buyer For particulars anil prices apply to ft int Box FARMS FOR SALE Acres on 3rd con under cultivation balance pasture Good Barn Cement filables shed Flowing well Cement House of rooms Close to school Church etc Acres Township East clear balance bush Run ning water Barn Silo Litter Carrier Frame lionise close Acres Township North All tillable Large Barn- First Class Stables underneath- Silo Litter Carrier Hay Fork Plenty water First Class Brick House Lo cated mile from Raven shoe miles shipping points miles from Metropolitan Railway hi mile from School and Church Newmarket Out Phone Box 301 Before deciding on your Hang ings it would pay you to make a visit to Bert Greens Show Rooms There are some good Snaps of Room Lots Ceiling walls and Border for You can get paper from me if you wish to bang it yourself BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger Blocks Wert of Niagara St Ave Newmarket SHAWS Summer School Toronto appeal to Ambitious who do not to loe two op three months Urns You may enter any day and continue to Graduation In to a good position Book let Write W Shaw Pre sident Fall Term opens 2nd and Charles 8ts Toronto records for placing Graduates promptly In positions have never been In Canada Our Thorough Tralng Is Well Known Writ today for large catalogue J ELLIOTT When you feel that stomach liver or blood Is out of order renew health by taking ft Mrs fell on street a few days injuring- her arm The oiling of the streets by the County has stopped the dust from fly ing- On Monday last Major found a man guilty of using profane obscene language a public street It cost the of fender and present that the next offence would incur a penalty of of months in jail A very creditable show of flowers fruit and vegetables held in the town halt by members of the local horticultural society proved thd chief attraction of Peace Day LAKE WILCOX Thursday evening July was made very pleasant for the Cadets of the York Rangers A delightful evening was spent under the patronage of Mrs Arthur and Mrs A suitable program was provided Mr thanked Mr Gor don of Oak Ridges for his hospitality to the boys Mr Fred Watson violinist Mr David Cap- lain pianist Mr Clarence on Oriental Trombone Mr at the trap groatly to the musical side of the evening and made the dancing a rare BELLE 9 While bathing off the wharf hereon Sunday afternoon a young man named Pratt from Churchill was seen to throw up his hands and sink Harry plunged in and dragged him safety after he had gone down for the third time The boys have a stand about feet high to dive from and is no doubt one result of llieir foolhardy tricks On Wednesday afternoon St Pauls Sunday School from Bee- ion held a picnic at Belle A number of conveyed the picnickecs A pleasant and en joyable time is reported Schomberg What promises to be a good afternoons sport and enjoyment for many will be the Harvesters Picnic be given i the Fair Grounds on Satur day July Some of the local track horses are it seems to afford quite a lively race while Hie rival learns from and Bond Head in tend playing an exhibition game of A lugrofwar and King Ladies and Chil drens and other amuse will make the program For all games and events generous prizes are offerer Supper will in the hall KINO CUT A very wedding took ace at the home of Mr and Mrs Offefl Heath street when Maud daughter of Mrs if p was united in marriage o son RADIO PLANT Japan i to have the station in world to a report in the Japan it nomas Jenkins elder of Mr and Mrs J Jenkins of King Out Robert ffry- rtoii officiating The house was beautifully decorated with palms and ferns and masses of daisies delphinium oses and Mr Henderson Played the wedding march The bride wore an exquisite gown of shell pink crepe draped with lace The long tulle veil fell in cape effect a fiieit of orange blossoms hold ing it in soft folds about the bead Her bouquet was of Ophelia roses and white sweet peas and she wore the grooms iift a platinum lavalHere with a diamond and black onyx pen dant Miss Gertrude as bridesmaid wore a gown of pale pink georgette crepe will hat match She carried pink roses Mr James McQueen was best man During the signing of the register Mrs Know ton sang Beloved it Morn After ceremony a buff el lun cheon was The bride and bridegroom left latter honeymoon at the Highland Inn Algonquin Park Ho- bride travelling in a suit navy blue IrlcOtihe and picture bit of navy taffeta and leghorn After their return Mr and Mrs Jenkins will reside In Toronto StouffviHe Mr ton of were here for J Huntley able to be around be built in prefecture Isgaln a severe attack of the vdll yen despatch vill be at Survey work has been started by engineers of department The direct between the new office and San Franc In Co I 600 miles While between the of fice and Honolulu miles vl will not he opened t4r two years The new office will communicate di rect With firm Without relay In Burn If InfUxnerf or Murine of ten- Safe for Infant or Adult At Vrlte for Free Clean to handle Sold by all Drug- gists Grocers and General Stores Agiocourl Ml lbert and StouffviHe In the morning ML Albert won easily from se cond game was won from The play Ml Albert and was a close contest and won by At an early stage It look ed like a victory for ML Albert but superior work in the field again won the day Tor Markham It was during game that the rain which had threatened all day began to fall and scattered many of but a good sized crowd of enthusiasts re mained to the finish StouffviHe L team won from a picked up team but not until they had been pulled six feet over the line The next big event will be the Civic Holiday celebration at Lake Mussel- man Monday Aug Tribune Hi mm r LABOR AND LIQUOR 1 MAKE IT MY BUSINESS REMEMBER TO A young man now a member of a large hardware firm attracted atten tion when he was an employee draw ing a small salary by his remarkable memory and again as he an- a customer lo wail on he called him by name- The- clerks who had been much longer in the busi ness were acquainted with only a few of Iheir customers while this young seemed to know everyone And it was not because he had made llieir position for he had lived in a country town all his life until he went to work and began as a total stranger in the city One of his superiors having noticed that he called by name a man who had come into the store to make a pur chase found his aroused He himself could not remember ever having seen man before How did you come to know that customer John he asked Why he bought some nails from me one evening about six weeks ago as near as I can remember How did you know his name Well we got into a little talk and he told me his name I always like know names of my customers said Johnny Youve seen a good many si range faces in six weeks the employer re marked I should thing youd gel confused How do you remember them What Is the secret I dont know that theres any rel about it said the boy showing signs of confusion as he discovered that several of his fellow clerks were paying Interested attention to the versdllon l think that customers rather like it when you call them by name so I make it my business to remember I make it my business to remem ber What volumes are expressed In that simple speech I How simple It makes difference between youth who gets ahead and the one who fails The boy who blunders who forgets an Important commission entrusted Id him Is Inclined to be indignant when he is Beverly censured He Is sorry of course extremely sorry but how Is lie blame for forgetting he wants to know Anybody ought realize that he did not do it on purpose And he the boy who stays on year after year at the same salary watching wistfully the associates that pass him and wondering why some have all luck I make ft my business Jo remem ber In that simple sentence is com pressed the secret of TO MARRIED An old Scottish gentleman who was a great enthusiast on the golf links and a young man who was equally enthusiastic about the game had just spent the en tire day in the field and had had some remarkably close and games As they left for home the old man remarked while his rugged face lighted up wilh a pleasant smile Hoy but its been a gran day I has assented young- man Think ye could again on morrow laddie Well answered the young reflectively 1 was to be married but I can put ft off Magazine LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Few developments are more significant than the changed attitude of organized labor to Two years ago the Trades and councils of Canadian cities were strongly arrayed in opposition to the various prohibitory laws and not the least reason for this was the distrust awakened by the faot that prohibit ion was advocated by large employ ers for what workmen supposed to be class purposes The working out of prohibition however has had unexpected results Union meetings are better attended and there Is less to leave early before the bars should close And certainly new conditions un der prohibition have made far more sustained and study oflhe I problems of industry It is surprising therefore that prohibition has been accompanied by an emphatic reassertion of the as pirations of labor for belter condit ions and more effective organization in support of those aspirations This explains why leading authorities in the shipbuilding industry appeared before the L S Senate Committee in opposition to prohibition on the ground that increased industrial unrest fol lowed the doing away of the liquor trade On the other hand men like Pro fessor LeaeoCk have awakened deep resentment by pleas that the ordinary worker is far more happy sitting Willi his mug of beer than attending to the duties of his union And writers in labor papers have protested against the efforts of men conspicuous in fin ancial circles restore open sale rff liquor 11 Is therefore not surprising that one labor council after another has placed Itself on record as favoring prohibition while there are still se veral who have not thus fully chang ed their mind and others who would favor the provision for beer there Is no doubt about a widespread and definite change from hostility sup port of drastic measures for re- the sale of liquor Great have been put forth to secure from various unloas and Labor CoifacIIjB expressions of op position to total prohibition but he efforts lb maintain the old lineup have been quite disappolnling If prohibition brings as lis first re sult a more thoughtful and discip lined and also a more ambitious spirit in organized labor every true citizen will rejoice ERNEST AN REVELATION I Doesnt hurt Lift any corn or callus off with fingers left the Mr that Is prevalent J and son on Monday for a trip I rough and to the Pacific count Horn On July to and Mr J a Mother and child doing nicely Mr Prober of North who renewing old acquaintances in County after an absence of twenty yeTM the guest of Mr and Mr Sob last weak Over Orangemen represent ing thirteen lodges walked on Sat urday glorious twelfth The for th best decorated place of but nets went to Mr Shaw and for the best decorated residence to Mr J Thompson The Contest proved a great attract ion tome good exhlblUon of the Eye Book MfCMayCMyU3a by teams from suffer A Uny bottle of costs but a few cents at any ldnig store Apply a few drops on the corns calluses and hard on bet- tori of feet lift off When Pre zone removes corns from the toes or calluses from he of feel Ihe skin beneath Is left pink and healthy arid never sore or Irritated I S To that people those who have been thinking Canadians were a pretty sober it must have been a great surprise to find we have been making thousands of alcohol friends that is men who have become the slaves of drink to such an extent that they can not overcome the habit Morphine and alcohol are both habit forming drugs and those who make a specialty of treating such cases tell me that It Is easier lo make a permanent cure of a morphine fiend than of an alcohol fiend It is a sad sight to see a long line of these men wailing their turn the liquor dispensary They are the finish ed product of the liquor traffic We have been so taken up with the poverty and crime caused by the traffic that we did not realize that it was producing alcohol fiends by thousands till prohibition came into force and revealed the fact When these men began taking an occasional glass they did not suspect and would not believe that in time would become Its slaves Now they are great sufferers when cannot get some form of alcohol The police records show that they will do any thing pay anything and some of them commit any crime lo get It In many of the cases the brain is permanently injured and there Is llltle hope of cure With other a few weeks of prohibition will set them on their feet again When they get so bad that have to he sent to an asylum some of them get well and begin life anew while others never come out It would not be so bad If evil en ded with the drinker but It follows the offspring lo the third and fourth generation until many of them die and others become a on the com munity Where the man or woman of sound mind who wants Ihis state of affairs to continue I PROHIBITION IN We comment here on prohibition as we have done at other under the head of The Religious World be cause the fight for prohibition has been so distinctly a fight of religious forces against the liquor traffic up unlit the opening of the war As a war measure prohibiten has been- greatly advanced and long strides taken toward world wide prohibition war dealt the Germans and Ihe liquor traffic such blows us neither ever experienced be fore For more than a year nil of Can ada except the Province of Quebec has been under prohibition and the greater part of the Province of Quebec ban been dry under local option laws Most of the prohibition laws in Canada become Inoperative on the signing of peace treaty and as might be expected hard fighting between the prohibition and liquor forces has already begun flic forces are quite confident however that will win out in the end and all Canada wilt be dry The policy to he pursued Is to secure a vote of the people on question It Is believed the granting of the vote to women has added much to strength of the prohibition force We expect to sec the Dominion Of Canada follow the example of the United St ales and become dry Nashville Ad vocate The Transformation Continue All over Ontario formerly used for the manufacture or sab of Intoxicants are being changed into for other use ful purposes Breweries and dis tilleries are being converted Into factories or storage houses- bar rooms Into drug stores or banks li quor alorea Into groceries or bakeries This Is all over the a resultant Improvement v Jx 3 Should Profit by the Experience of These Two Women Buffalo am the mother of four children and for nearly three years I Buffered a female trouble with pains ill my bwi and aide and a general weakness I had pro attendance moat of that time but did not get well a resort I decided to try Lydia Vegetable Compound which I had seen adTortiaed in the newspapers and in two weeks noticed a marked I continued ita use and am now from pin arid able to do all my work- Mrs Street Buffalo I I a Portland Ind had a displacement and Buffered bo badly from at times I could not be on my feet at all I was all run down and weak I could not do my housework was nervous and could not lie down at I cook treatments from a but they old not help me My Aunt recommended Idia Vegetable Compound tried 985 West Race Street Portland Every Sick Woman Should Try EPIHKHAM MEDICINE CO in the appearance of many streets hi towns and villages and moral betterment of the community as a whole The same thing is already in pro gress in Ihe United Slates The Nat ional Advocate reports that a brewery in Michigan has become a Church one In Aberdeen Wash has become a clam one In Spok ane is making vinegar one In Mobils is making syrup and stock feed from watermelon one in Iowa city is mak ing butter one in north Yakima is manufacturing byproducts of fruit one in Lansing Is making auto parts one in Peoria 111 is grinding corn meal one in Island is produc ing moving pictures one in Seattle Is fuming rice Into syrup one in Chi cago Is hospital and another in a soft drink factory one in Salem Is now making logan berry Juice one in Washington Pa is making paints oils arid varnishes one In Wheeling Is packing meat and several others are in the dairy business The huge brewing plant in SI according to report Is to be converted soon into a packing plant establishment one in Kansas Oily is passing into the hands of a food products concern Many of these establishments now employ more workers than when in the beer business If we add these wonderful changes fur the heller the number of man who have been withdrawn from a harmful business and engaged in useful occupations and add that the food stuffs that were turned Into poison hut now go to feed the people we still gel glimpse of some of the blessings that follow prohibit ion WISE SAYINGS BY WISE MEN The dream of the philosopher if often the creed of the minority tomorrow day following to become the of a nation This above all To nine own self be true and it shall follow I to thou not then be false Id any man Ilia the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can An only a little The real Iraeilv of life is not in being limited one talent in be failure to talent CREATIVE WEALTH Gold la of credit know And for tit ko good utfa a GOLD will par on with ul la 111 for lrrtM upon FINANCIAL CORPORATION TORONTO Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS TORONTO WINNIPEG And PpInU Leave Toronto Union Stn 915 pm Mon Wed Canadian National All the Way Tue Thuri Sat Via North Bay T O Cochrane thence SUnflara and Sleep- Mon Wed Fit to Dining Cara Sat Information from Railways Cltr ii Gallon Jemaa atrttt North Toronto OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at this Office i The policy of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited to sell its cars for the lowest possible price consistent with quality is too well known to re quire comment Therefore because of present conditions there can be no change in the price of Ford Cars RUNABOUT TOURING COUPE SEDAN STANDARD CHASSIS ONETON TRUCK CHASSIS 750 These prices are O B Ford Ontario ALL 8UBJEOT TO WAR TAX EXCEPT TRUOK AND Dealer Newmarket Ont mm ct w SB m s K5 ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO t

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