Newmarket Era, 4 Jul 1919, page 8

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i v i iJ IT 18 J J a if THREE YEARS fa it Tk nui JACKSONS POINT A Junior Faniers held their annual at Jacksons Point June About 500 members were present anil although the pleasure blithe day was considerably marred by heavy the young farmers of York County managed to have a j very enjoyable time The Junior Farmers Clubs are made up of I expupils of winter classes and Clean to handle Sold by all Drug- hey form an organization of rowing the county Steckiey District was master of cere monies on Jack sons was reached by tors and special Metropolitan car MR ALEXANDER Ont For over three years I was confined to bed that I treatment from a number of doctors and tried nearly everything I saw advertised to cure without receiving any benefit Finally I decided to try Uvea Before I had used half a box I noticed an improvement the pain not so severe and the swelling to go down taking this fruit me- improving all the lime now I can walk about two and do light chorea aliout the place ALEXANDER a box for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid on of price by limited Ottawa About old young gathered at the home of Mr Jarvis to extend a to his nephew pie K recently returned from overseas where he has been for J Groat Britain reported G The Boards of of John Halifax Toronto an New York authorities from over world that the drinking of parents causes mental and physoa defects in children This means an immense loss the country I Sullivan 111 over four ani onehalf years Mr was chairman of evening A program consisting of music was given interspersed by speeches after Which a bountiful lunch was served followed by Ice cream and cake The young people enjoyed themselves at games etc We glad to welcome our boys to our fair land more Mr Carl Stouffer of Newmarket cently returned from front vis ited at Mr Jess Cooks Sunday Our school attended the picnic at Mussel nfao lake on Saturday On Tuesday evenlng sixty neighbors gathered at the home of Mr ant Mrs who have moved from Of 1915 an- investigation- of the of drinking mothers showed that per cent died under years of age white of the children of sober mothers died fial estabish Hoards of to prevent disease wo compel vaccination to prevert smallpox we milk inspectors l secure establish wc pure to treat Should we allow exist which dots a existence has been ir6 a coterie of great companies with interwoven interests which have preyed upon the people Of Canada with all the cold calcula tion of boa constrictor that its folds- about the help- less antelope The people were warned of the influences that stood behind the present administration at -Ql- tiiwa The- case of Sir Joseph one of our most sancti monious public benefactors ac cording to his chief apologist Hon was almost in itself sufficienllpthwarl the effort to form the last govern ment Bui whatever the offenuc of Sir Joseph Flavele in baking according to Mr OConnor per profits he is now washed almost if not quite as white as the snow he about on Sun day by the statement made be fore the cost of living committee indicating profits all the way from per in which Premier Borden shared up to per cent for textile mono polists the past government had much to answer fur and did not choose to dis placed and because the profi teers were with the Unionist movement crowd that is shown to have been like one family of wartime profiteers went back to Canada as a result the Unionist movement a 8heetlnQ Roofing Etc WANTS Park Ave All FOR SALE Brick House on BUSINESS FOR SALE Store dwelling stock general mer- fftiandis in village of Investigate This is a money linker HOUSE FOR SALE In the Town it Bradford v rooms Block House Good piped for furnace Well Cistern Stable Henery acres Land on Main St of above A for a quick buyer and prices apply to SWITZER Phone Box FOR Acres on 3rd con aires under cultivation balance pasture Good Cement hnplement shed Flowing well Cement House of rooms Close to school Church 140 Township East clear balance bush Run ning water Good Barn Silo Litter Carrier Frame close to too Acres Township North All llllable Barn First Class Stables underoealh Litter Carrier Hay Fork Plenty water First Brick House Lo cated miles from miles to shipping points 3 miles from Metropolitan Railway A mile from and Church It Newmarket Box the place recently vacated by Mrs Brutes Mr Leach who is a returned whs recently married Hie gathering was arranged as a recep tion to them A good program was pro vided consisting of readings musical duettea and solos songs and speeches appropriate to the occasion An ad dress was read and a beautiful water set was presented In Mr and Mrs Leach who were very much surprised Mr Leach made a very suitable reply At the conclusion of he program an appetizing lunch was indies after which a time was spent served by pleasant social TECHNICAL ODDS AND ENDS of the live trees in Ihe his toric Garden of olives near Jerusa lem are to he more than years old Th bride must- not speak during Hie first day of her married life She may however give free rfln to her tongue the next morning More than a eggs have been found in alligator They are eaten in West Indian Islands and re semble the eggs of the barnyard hen except that they are larger Among the diseases of which have actually been found on flies re cholera tuberculosis bubonic plague and typhoid fever together with pu forming cocci Tin- species of seaweed known as sea bamboo which grows in great abund ance along the shores of South Africa is a promising source of potash and Mr Britten urges that a careful survey be made to determine its distribution The maximum speed acquired by a person swimming comfortably Is Inches a second while an eight oared boat I- propelled through the water it i rate of nearly feet a seeondi Moss plays an important part In some places of retaining the moisture In the ground and In other places In preventing sudden floods LETTER FROM ALBERTA Before deciding on your Hang ings would pay you to make a visit to Bert Greens Show Rooms There are borne good Knaps of Room Lots Ceiling Side- walls and Border for You get paper from me if you wish to hang it yourself BERT Painter and Paper Hanger Blocks West of Niagara St Ave Newmarket Calgary June 24th To the Editor of The Era Hear Sir As an old York boy I write you In connection with the Lead ership of the Liberal Party of Canada At a larger attended meeting of bus- new men others held city few lays ago this matter was fully discussed and the unan- COnclusIon reached thai the man most eminently fitted and equip ped for this very Important post was P Pardee is a man of splendid more harm that a com bined our quarantined our ports against cholera yellow fiVer smallpox bulletins are to teach the farmer about the care of his crops and fruits and to acquaint him the grades of apples pota toes wheat etc much at- had been given to teach ing the people the poisonous na ture of alcohol we no need prohibition laws How many young men- would drink liquors if they really knew the facts of the ease or voung girls would think of mar rying a man who uses in toxicating liquors A rocent writer says truly If a good breed of stock means monev in the pocket of the farm er why shouid not govern ment find as imnorlant to raise up a virile race of men women who would add our countrys wealth nation now realizes hat is most imporlnnt fqettr favorite drink In Bulgaria is but- and one person in every housand lives over a hundred of while a few live one hundred and years Toiled Slates comes next with to every Spain one in every one in every one in every ml one in every It is not a mere accident the nation which drinks the east alcohol anil whose favorite the great est number of centenarians the that drinks limes lis much has the smallest number is not a mere coincidence Hint in both Canada and tje Slates the of crime and insanity is o closely to amount of alcoholic liquor- con sumed Finally how is hat tuxes are so much creator in towns than in dry times j Press that regards the present revelations with more or less WE ENAMELS and paint applied with a truth It keep Woodwork and floora bright and in sanitary condition It a though it were an actual part of the wood On floors and stairs it is the one bmsh that will wear on the job not off It gives an excellent gloss surface and unlimited service in hard wearing Lightens Housework A splendid range of shades for furniture woodwork and floors in any room in the home are shown on our complete color card which we will send you free on request Send in stamps for a sanpla el SUt color HARDWARE and ELECTRICITY Ooposlto Post Phon 3 J very Mr a man Is honest and has a capacity for public service unsurpassed In this country He Is a man of strong moral conviction so essential to any man who would lead his fellow men His long close and affectionate relations wilh Wilfred gave him the op portunity to observe the ways and means of successful and effective lead ership He is a true Liberal a demo crat a lover of the people always found On the side of moo people His father the late Hon Pardee- was one of the bralnCRl and most astute country has produced and hfs son every evidence that he Is built on like Mr Pardee has hail a low and brilliant Parliament vlll we feel an- do honour and to Country and to Parly May we look he to give lead in this matter hope mo for we believe Mr Pardee to be worthy of hearty and cordial support is doomed and the advent of the to power only a mailer of a fctiort Id us be up arid doing With best for continued We of tin lint and Charles Toronto It noted throughout Canada for Business Education Qrni for our graduate all year Enter now WrWt for Cat alogue J ELLIOTT FALL fiffi ft QDEENS UNIVERSITY V I r ma be WEDiaNP EDUCATION APPLIED Heaver ton Bee ton Bolton Bradford i Mark ha in Newmarket Toronto WoodbrtdK Zephyr Kept Kept A Oct A Oct a Sept Hep A Oct Seal Oct Kept Sept A Oct 7 A Oct A 10 Aug G Kept A 13 Oct A Sept WHAT MONEY CANNOT BUY There is no more serious than to suppose that money can buy everything cannot purchase a good nights nor an appetite Many a is a sufferer from dyspepsia and insomnia Money cannot buy friendship nor peace mind nor a conscience The best filings in life may be poorest brought without money and without price GranalDled Eyelids Eye inflamed by expo sure Dili and quietly relieved by Eye Comfort At Your or by malt per Bottle For Deck the Eys free write bu Murine Eyo Co your and rid the of tin- sightly quicker and surer by putting your blood stomach and liver in good order than in any other way Clear complex ion brigli eyes rosy checks and red lips follow the use of Ikccham8 Pills They eliminate poisonous matter from the system purify the blood and tone the organs of digestion Use CASTOR A Vox and In Use For Over Years of a Box with more A local Conserva tive newspaper the evidence of the profits on its- inside pages It is the same newspaper that sold its editorials for SI J in the last campaign It is serving the profiteers its friends by his course and many of its readers will never know there was a high cost of living will be highly pleasing to the 300 per centers and to Sir Robert with his 50 per cent cold profits The press of Canada today demanding the resigna tion of the present Government which was aware of and permit ted and members of which shared in these tremendous benefits from the war situation No such government is fit to at lawa to represent the people while Great Britain can face the disturbance of an election on the eve of peace there is no excuse in the world that should permit the gangsters now In control to hold office one minute beyond the necessary time Every honest man in the House of Commons should bolt from the present administration if he is worthy of the name of represent ative of the people In face of evidence of such viciOJS profiteering the country should he given the chance to send councils of the men pledged to a new order From pulpit from desk should come the demand thai the country he purged of its crimson sin the sin thai is so as to snatch food from the mouths of children The profiteering chamber has been to the public The door has been broken down by he force of public opinion anil he ugliest things ever conceived been shown to the people What shall the people do Go about complacently after the re action has worn off and the usual dust Cloud brown up in the eyes of he masses or demand ha the new order must come Canada the order of revolution but the order of the Gold and the end to the era of plundering Shall he people be headed off and made believe that because so many respectable people appear do be In with the gang of grafters it cannot be as had as it scerns the people their answer Men from any party who are trustworthy and who have he courage to serve he people must go Ottawa Excess profits must be wrested away from the men who took The temple must cleared of money changes who now have protec tion from all constituted authori ties WHY PRICES ARE HIGH From the Much of present increase in prices is totally unjust fable It has been chiefly due to the greed of men who saw an oppor tunity during the worlds need In war lime to increase profits and the opportunity Tim farm el is obi to blame for prices of and farm products for he does no I price Farming Is the one business where the producer does not fix price of his farmer does not know when lie sows fields what the price will be for grain harvested Noll her does he know whether the harvest be a one or a lean one fie is altogether de pendent upon weather and mar ket conditions Not so the manufacturer or They know almost a certainty the cost of production and handling and heir pries are cost plus prof If They are men who are responsible for price inflation Look the profits made during war times At the of Living invest now on at Ottawa It was shown on Canadian Woolen Minn- Company made over cent on Its valued Another made per cent and the brazenly declared he was not running his plant for i 1 I i a- t -4- 1 r V f Put by for a sunny day j HEN the horizon brightens with an opportunity that may lead to your success and prosperity do not let it find you unready to take it on Through lack of capital many men have been forced to see their opportunities pass in many cases all that was required was a very small to invest I A Lister Manager Newmarket Branch A few dollars saved each week or month deposited to your credit in a savings account at The Bank of Toronto with the interest it earns will soon accumulate to a substantial sum Have it ready when the call comes for your venture Your account it Incited Loss in wages by the The Salvation Army has re ceived from the Canadian mili tary stores tons of frozen fish for distribution among the of London England Fred Oliver employed at the plant in Brant ford was fatally injured by being struck on the head by an upon white an elevator the glory of Odd further said that there was some thing even their recreation the young wrong the man who could who play football if they Australia is estimated not make money during war time were engaged buttle or who play j minion pounds sterling Study the annual statements of of chess as If their future the milling companies the ship- depended on the outcome It ping companies the paper waste panies the and iron com- vitality to lake things so to heart panics and other companies he said in ing war time and see the immense tremendously in earn- profits that have been piled up even in the little things One during war time and then con who Is In earnest even Rider if it is strange that Ibere w meet defeat is industrial unrest in Canada W bar fa The average laborer is in a Frank Walsh going up in worse financial condition before the war In many cases the increase of wages does not equal- the increased cost of liv ing It is a good thing to ap point commissioners to invest- but the solution of the dif ficulty in another direction When wo get legislator who have courage enough and are honest enough to devise legislation to effectually prevent the water in of slock and thus limit he italiafion to the money actually paid In or the actual value of plant a will strike at a You Need ore A Laxativ To correct constipation all of digestion elimination should be Try and see bow much better you feel Today Keeps Doctor Away To and healthy your body to fit of living to preventing cor porations from hiding their ex cess profits tinder a capitalisation that Is chiefly water Follow- this should be taking by J stale in the form of an ex- I movement cess profit lax of everything be yond a very reasonable percent age of profits If all the water were out of the cor- are making of public there would be an immediate decline in he cost of As the situation now is the wealth of the world In the hands of the few Wealth fairly lined is entitled to its rewards he MI gotten gains of the war and fortunes the manipulation of corpora tion slocks should he taxed tjie hill and further of fortunes that only breed social and Industrial un rest and in the end red revolu tion he effectually prevented arid throw off the want Is left This Ifl accomplished by the processes of elimination the work of the liver and of any of the vital or- others A does not help constipation It only re litres for a few hours the con dition that brings about Now If you are- used to oil purges and the like you know well Rot to bo taking them all the time If you stick to any one laxative youve got to dose all time That con do you a lot of harm dotting yourself with enough to give Natures Rem edy INK a trial and lei ihe results show the difference Nil not mere bo we mo vara their la to correct the that constipation you faattnabntfittoiroriore your and aasbnllatlon you a appetite your vor and bowels up kidney ac- and your poison- body a out Lnot harsh it Is mild easy I no- or ever follow aw use but It Is thorcaxh k By- Us action on the it promotes which means extraction of Cull nourishment from food and thereby you new better blood- better appetite tonln not stirring your bay liver Nil sends bile Into Intestines Improving ire digestion Lastly by encouraging vigorous bowel ana kidney action drives poisonous out of and cleans up your 0 Natures and how muvh belter you feci In every way Oct a box today take one each night for a week say you never fell better in your Is guaranteed and by your HIST TREMENDOU8LY IN EARNEST rfOt ifivlhln lining Do not play without your mind to It Do no talk do your frlendH while of fine Ho not in ii- habit of your work ine- Some of you will object thai many things that not worth ferenre It make whether you win a or are you Thai makiK no all but doing while only half In earn est a deal of difference linen tie effort In any your powers Yon cannot do without gacflitclng your to do It well Some of you Inclined at the people who ho tremen dously In about I N J if It is Different Because It is IN the few years powdered separated milk has become almost a lie- in Canadian homes the dry form KLIM If easy to order from grocer and use it from clcuii tin as needed The no wuate with Kltm mains sweet and all used Saves bottle sour milk waste delayed meals waiting Try a tin from your I I i i

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