Newmarket Era, 4 Jul 1919, page 5

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Dr H DENTIST Main and Bolsford Sis Newmarket fc Dr S J- Boyd Medicine of Toronto NEWS also Licentiate of the Royal Physicians and member or College of Surgeons of finical assistant Eye Hospital and Wi Ear Nose and Throat land ills York United North York wiU hold a convention at nirkelW to select candidates- for election to both Federal and Provincial Houses Such London England Tested Glasses Hour S MATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Post Office Adjoining BERT GREEN AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house Queen St Newmarket CHOICE STOCK OF WAL phone on hand P Box Teacher of Singing Studio Toronto Conservatory of Music on Wednesdays CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO P GOWAN District Representative for Co of York Hank of Toronto Build in- St opposite Market Phone 308 A Curiosity One of the Rhode Island Reds belonging to the If lock- of Mrs Lloyd Newmarket performed a stunt the other day which forms a record being an egg measuring and weighing ounces Bring along your big eggs and compare hem Methodist Church Sunday July a Sundav School a m Public Worship in eelmga and After suffering pain feel ing ner vous weak and drag ged down by weak- of my sex my eyes black circles and pale cheeks I was restored to health by the Favorite Prescription of Dr i Pierce So write many women Changed too in looks for after tak ing Dr Pierces Favorite POTATO ROT I Spraying With Bordeaux EHective by Henelf Her Sin- Should Con- Others Machinery iv Just Be Kept Well Oiled If It the Question From Angle Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto Sermon by Rev Thomas p The Congregation will the skin becomes clear the Worship with the Presbyterian I eyes brighter the cheeks plump Congregation in the Prcsbvlcrian i Church Druggists sell it in or liquid Its a womans best tonic made from wild roots Burled a Gravel pit On Tuesday of last week while teamster was filling his waggon the tarn I commenced to have at the pit the earth beat flashes and spells and became cidentaIy caved in and he was nervous and rundown These conditions Christopher For four yean I suffered from irregularities weakness nervousness and was in a ran down condition Two of our best doctors failed to do mo any good I heard so much about what E vegetable Com pound had done for others I tried it and was cured I am no longer ner vous am regular and in excellent health I believe the Compound will cure any female trouble Mrs ALICE Christopher TIL Nervousness is often a symptom of weakness or some functional derange ment which may be overcome by this toes ATE Blight and Rot of Pot- can be prevented by spraying with Bordeaux mix- ture Commence spraying when the plants are from five to eight Inches high and keep the fol iage covered Bordeaux through out the season Take special care to see that the spraying Is very thor- j oughly done if the weather is at alt I damp about the of July as often begins about this time Add a poison when necessary for po tato beetles arsenate of lead paste j 3H lbs to each gals of the li quid spray or Paris green lbs to gals or a mixture of 2 lbs arsen- ate of lead paste and lb of Pari green to gals From three to seven applications should be made depending upon the season out the Strawberriei raspberries blackberries with all their flavor perfectly preserved in wholesome Sugar Buy your preserving in the original packages J ri J E AGENT A Jra herb remedy the weather the larger the do not put off spraying because nearly buried He was extricat ed as quickly as possible when it was found his nose was broken numerous bruises He was brought to Town where REAL ESTATE Farm and Town Property lid and or and other Securities Bought Fold Farm Fire Insurance a Specialty at new office in the I HAMILTON Newmarket Out injuries to very left me after I commenced with the Favorite Prescription I took bottles of it and truly believe jtbat I owe my good health of today to the medicine I took and the care at that trying time Mas were promptly Bay streets lin A Newmarket of Piano Voice and Vio- in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia and Records Compl Stock Prompt A CO Barrister Solicitor Etc AND TORONTO Military Funeral The late David Smith was puttied last Friday afternoon with Military Honors The funeral service was conducted at the family residence Vincent Street North end of the Town by Rev- Capt Over re turned soldiers nearly all in uni- form marched in procession ac companied by the Boy Scouts in uniform Interment at Newmar ket Cemetery is POLITICAL WOMAN TRICKSTER ALREADY ABROAD IN CANADA announces opening of a Law office in the Of Toronto Building he will be in Newmarket Mr tli Dank St lhat a follows Every Tuesday to p Every Saturday- a to 12 noon f- It expected arrangements will he made whereby a representat ive the firm will be in the office Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE NEXT TO SMITHS GROCERY PHOTOS THAT Qet Them at Zurbrigg The In Your Town Studio Door he Hew Office Chautauqua Next Week Newmarkets second Chautau qua will be held in the big tent at Park Water street every next weeek commencing Wednesday The afternoon pro gram will commence at 3 oclock and the evening at The Lectures Singers and Musicians will make the program highly enjoyable and the Junior Chautauqua will be a feature of the last day when the children of Newmarket will take part Farm Produce Very small market last Satur day Not much change in prices which will he by the follow ing quotations Eggs per doz Butter Dressed Chicken S per lb Potatoes per bag Live Chickens per lb Old Hens per lb Young Live Ducks per lb Old Live Ducks per lb Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair Live Young Hides par lb Calf Skins per lb SOSO Sheepskins Lambskins Si Tallow Drowning at Wilcox Lake MY Lax ton who owns the Ocean Hole Sunnyside has Jlso beautiful summer house at Lake Wilcox his family is spending the hot months On Monday evening about five his daughter who is seven years old went down the water in company with heir whose name is Billy Ranks After Billy had emptied water the for the little flrli he wont into lie lake for a swim and when she had tird Haying she rftarled for home- but on looking back she could not see Billy When she reached home she told her mother thai Hilly was drowned but her mother did not pay any to her as she could not realize here was any possibility truth in the girls statement ill about seven oclock In the evening The body was recovered next morning in about four feet of wafer by Male of Toronto Hilly was a Scotchman unmarried- h years old and had been a faithful servant to the family for quite a number of years Vegetable Compound thousands of women have found by experience If exist write E Medicine Co Lynn Mass for in regard to your ailment The result of long experience at your aervlce Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable goods coupled with the De Laval record of service and durability has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community I mm The womans for June con tains an editorial on The Restriction of Franchise which while stating some undeniable truths still leaves general phrase of the question un- touched Both citizenship and the franchise are rights but they are rights which have a price and again Citizenship in any real sense is not an endowment of God but an achievement by man or woman and carries with It responsi bilities In exact ratio to the privileges it confers says the writer and pro ceeds to Inform us that the Govern ment before passing a new federal franchise bill is very seriously con sidering the creation of a literary test for all voters throughout Canada Moral or Literary Teat Nobody doubts the wisdom of some sort of provision for the education and of the foreigner before giving him the franchise but if there Is to be a test of some sort created for all voters of Canada should there not be some sort of moral as well as literary fitness required from those who exercise the privilege of citizen ship Some people are very much afraid Of the alien womens vote and Influ ence Personally after a good deal of experience of the industry thrift and common sense of the average for eign woman I am much more inclin ed to fear the vole and influence of a certain class of Canadian women band ed together in organizations which to he easily manipulated for political purpose by the powers stand for class domination at the ex pense of the people at Home If we are to fear Bolshevism from the foreign voter we have double reason for fear from tills element among our native Canadian voters male and female We seem remember a rlain cresting document sent from coast to coast signed with the names of certain prominent women and in tended to fall into the hands only of the prominent and influential and elect women of various communities And the Government under the influence and though representations of these produced that truly thing the wartime election act by widen thousands of loyal and intelligent Canadian women were disfranchised white hundreds of the Illiterate and morally unfit were rushed to the polls to represent sex Also whole communities of for eignborn though naturalized Can adians wen dented the franchise while other sections equally foreign In their make up but more amendable to manipulation though no more fitted to meet a literary test were welcomed as electors POlltlcal Woman Trlcketer Women are In polities- in no doubt of that- and there to stay We had hoped thai the standards would be higher national Ideas purer for their advent but if the political woman trickster and intriguer is already abroad in land we must beware for It Is not likely that hi astuteness or in determination to secure her ends she will be far behind the male of the species If the women of Canada take the they ought to take and If citizen- Is not and endowment but an achievement if our rights have to be nought with a price fitness for such citizenship what about wartime profiteer Profiteers vs Illiterates If we disfranchise our man or wo man who though industrious and fly and lawabiding is perhaps acting m education and stumbles a in ffK we to all the rights of citizenship to the profiteer who has fattened on the po- of the poor and waxed drunken W of Canadas i Canadian women who 5 and w citizenship as an endowment as well not and struggle of power says Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Township Council met at Vandorf Hall Friday June with all the members ores- Chair sir Keith Commissioner aod Mr James Engineer York County Highways Commission into- view the Council re the widening of Eagle St Presented a com plaint re blocking of water on his Con andI1 Crossing Lots r a claim Killed by dogs Resolutions were passed in- Ihe Treasurer to pay sheep claim presented I ho it looks like rain If the spray is on the plants half an hour before the rain comes it will be dry and suffi cient of it will stick to prevent in- feet ion which takes place during or soon after rain Such spraying should prevent not only Late Blight and Rot but also Early Blight and potato beetles Thorough spraying only is effective If thorough spraying is to be done sufficient Bordeaux mixture must used Prom to 150 gals per acre should be applied at each spraying and when the plants are large Dot less than gallons per acre should be used Thorough spraying means the covering of every portion of the potato plant with Bordeaux mixture In the form of a fine mist This can only be done when the solution is applied with good pressure so as to Insure covering every portion of the plant The best results from spray ing are obtained when potato spray ers are used which are fitted with attachment so as to Insure covering both surfaces of the leaves at each spraying When the plants are large It has been found that It pays to go over each row twice at each spraying Prof J O A College COST- Thats what you put into a cream separator VALUE Thats what you take out of your cream Value in a cream separator depends upon the amount and the of service you get out of it Because it lasts fifteen to twenty years the Laval is the most economical cream separator to buy If you consider its cleaner skim ming easier running greater capacity and leas cost for the price of the cheapest machine on market exorbitant in corapamon With present high butterfat prices and the scarcity of labor this is truer than ever Well sell you a De Laval en each easy terms that it will pay for oat el its own savings We vast to see you the next lime youre in town SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A EVENING SITTING BY LIFT OFF CORNS QHEENHQU8E8 89HHARI 8T The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM ETC Nov Ready In Quantity No Order leas than phonic the Era Ads bring rtsuiu Try one HollandWalsh The Holy Church vuh lliO scene of the of Mary Walsh of Mr land Mrs lames Walsh to Mr Ber nard son of Mr Tlomas Holland The nuptial was by J by Wedlock Newmarket dur ing appropriate rendered The bride who was given away by her father wore a white I rimmed and carried Ophelia roses She was attended by Mrie Ho fan Toronto in white satin and carrying Little Alice ita nieces of Hie groom made flower girls carry ing baskets of sweet peas Mr John Walsh brother of the bride acted as man After the ceremony the bridal party motor ed to the home Of the brides parents where- a reception was held They left in the after noon for a boat trip down Lawrence travelled in a navy serge with large to match their return bey will reside in Apply few drops then lift sore touchy corns off with fingers 1 1 the sum of to Geo Forester for valuing sheep wiled by dogs and the following bills as presented Harry work on washout Lot Con 5 Williams work on washout Con Hurry work on Isaac filliiiK washout on hill Lot Con if washout on hill Lot Con for 1 ft In Cedar Plank Lonney filling wash opp Con for ifi7olbs Bridge Co for metal culverts ft Penrose hauling lumber etc and build ing temporary bridge on 2nd Frank for i no long Hales for timber if fl long Starr hauling lum ber etc and building bridge on Con Basil for limber for bridge on Con day plac ing culvert and filling washout on 2nd Con Geo Bowser work placing culvert and filling washout on 2nd Win JPottlt operating grader- Oliver Hike for lbs engine coal A was passed the secured by Mi- James from Messrs Blizzard and San ford for Ihe sale to the Township of land to widen roadway of Ragle SI prices respectively of Doesnt hurt a bit J Drop a mtlo on an selling corn Instantly that corn then you lift It right out Ych I A tiny bottle of costs hut a cents at any drug but sufficient to hard corn fir corn between the to the calluses without soreness or Irritation is the discovery of a Cincinnati genius it is won derful and and the of wire fences wilh gales In lieu of damages and appointing and Councillor Crawford Commissioners jo carry out of flic Resolution A grant of was made to ward gravelling sideline between Lots and ft Con and Poole appointed to expend the same The- and Councillor were appointed Com- rebuild which had away by Life and provide for payment of the same an required Council to meet Bond Lake Park on Saturday August 2nd at a Importance of Properly Oiled The importance of keeping mach inery properly oiled may be better realised when we try to compute dollars and cents the annual sacri fice In machine through friction Carelessness In lubrication may easily reduce the of a machine fully fifty- per cent At the same time the machine Itself Is wear ing out faster on account of the needless friction than owing to the real work done The microscope reveals the fact that the surface of the highly polished shaft ever made Is as rough and untrue as a rough casting to the unaided eye In prac tice It is not possible to make a metal surface that Is absolutely smooth incompressible or even a true circle hence inequalities of pressure at the bearings grinding and tearing of the metal fibres causing friction produc ing factors of Inefficiency and wear and tear Though these faults of con struction cannot be avoided we can In a great measure overcome the effect In machinery by judicious application of a lubricating agent The lubricant consists of minute balls or globules readily In sinuate themselves between the faces in mutual contact forming a cushion keeping the metals apart use is not only to reduce friction but also to carry away whatever excess of heat is generated All liquids sufficient sustaining powers be used as efficient lubricants Some cannot be retained between the metals others do not cling together persistently enough To resist tendency of metal to tear lubricating film apart these globules must have a good deal of internal strength and must stick together well They also cling well the metal or they will be squeexed out of bearing The oils and the fats are the lubricants mineral oils thin and so are lard olive and sperm oils Castor oil neatsfoot low and rape thick is better for high speed bearings and light spindles or shafts sperm oil but it la costly for heavy bear ings castor oil Is superior to this but is expensive But there relatively little pure lubricant used in machinery for It is usually more economical to cm- ploy a compound oil compounded for special uses than to ubo puro lubri cants which after all are often heav ily adulterated gum soap alumina soda and free acids have their own distinct to serve In the composition of cheap oils The chief advantage however pertain ing to uso of compound oils la that the qualities of one kind of lubricant cad be neu tralized by mixing It with a lubricant of another kind For vege table and fish oils drying oils that Is they rapidly and causo gumming or clogging of the bearings to which they applied and If allowed to drop and accumu late upon dust cotton waste and timber are liable to develop an In ternal heat that will cause spontan eous combustion Mineral oil does not oxidize neither docs animal Hut mineral oils have what is termed a low flashing point that Is they fire or ignite at a low temperature Homo at 212 degrees Fab or under Animal develop fatty acids and these and pit of tho which they aro used to lubricate Prof John Evans A College to HURON ORDERS FOR COAL FOR THE ENSUING YEAR WILL BE RECEIVED BEGINNING 1ST MARCH AND WE- lair GUARANTEE TO FILL ALL Prices Right OLIVER Give Us Dl ORDERS a Phone 000 MAKING IT EASY FOR HIMSELF four consecutive nights hotel roan had watched bin fair timid guest fill her pitcher at the water- cooler Madam he said on the fifth night If you thin would be done for you where is my boll asked ihe The boll is beside your bed re plied the proprietor That belli she exclaimed Why the boy old me was the firs alarm and was not to touch It on Licences at the Era for the sealed package but have an eye out If Dili J- S Est f fetS

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