I y THREE I OUR LOCAL NEWS Exams There are candidates writ- inc for entrance at Newmarket ih School this week Mr Kidd is presiding The papers Wednesday were considered very fair L weeds and Gut down It the good old suinmerume Fifteen year Victory Bonds are now selling at a season Ticket for the Chautauqua and save ex penses elsewhere Spend your holiday at home Change of Location Owing he dampness of the ground at Park the Chautauqua will be held on the Alex Public School Grounds on Prospect Ave with the con- sen of Hie Trustees This is a better location free from the the trains and quite Enough for all purposes noi Farmers Club A meeting of Farmers inter ested in Stock Shipping will- be Wesley Hall Saturday at and ore requested to send ulative farmers as it is ised to discuss plans for Stock Shipping a There will from be speakers from the Installing Electric Power The work of repairs is con- at Canes Factory but it slow on account of lack of material and help Repairs for the boiler have Jo come from Scotland and will not likely be here for some weeks In the meantime a p electric motor is being installed besides several smaller motors so that work in some of the Departments can be resumed probably next week In all too h p is asked for from the Town Inquest Further Adjourned The adjourned Inquest on the explosion at Canes Factory was opened at the Fire Hall last Fri day night by Coroner Wesley He explained to the jury that Mr Everest engineer was stilt confined his bed consequently was unable to give evidence Also boiler plate was sent to experts in the United States for examination and their report had not yet been received Conse quently the inquest was further adjourned for two weeks t V a mm Billie BASEftfcL FOR ALL I Vl Burke Style ress Rajah Si Gingham and In sizes 34 to to These dresses are favorites in house beach street or sport wear Come and see them Any of the above Style of the BHIie Burke Dresses with our SPECIAL LADIES PANAMA HAT will be Just the thing for the The town and Davis Leather teams Jinked horns oh from the vay the bunch bases and runs in the first two innings you would imagine that the company was short of hides and the town team looked like a likely bunch furnish the material It looked all over but the- shouting and the crepe but the town teams bides are cross grained and after the second inning with the back with a that- served no tice that they werent going to ipse them without a struggle entered the pitchers box with be score to against him enough to discourage- any pitcher but you cant kill the and when the smoke of the next four innings died down the Town had coralled nine runs to the Tannerys four showing that the town team under favorable circumstances more than hold their own with any of em and thats no opium dream either as future events will show The final score to 9 was too great a handicap for the town team to overcome went down to defeat with their flag flying and fighting the last A good trimming dont hurt any team once in a while Did you ever get stung with a bee Well you know the effect It stirs you into action and you make fasterprogress Well the town team naive been slung out of their apathy from now on they will progress in They have adopted the pass worn again and say that from Iheyll be travelling HOUSE BAKIMQ POWDJ FURNISHINGS I a targe Stock of AND OILCLOTH CONQOLEUtM RUQ8 CARPET SQUARES AND JAPANESE SQUARES CURTAIN DRAPERIES WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES BUNGALOW NETS MADRA8 Many of these Lines Bought at old prices at less than they can be bought wholesale ART ART DENIM8 CRETONNES Trvrt i at Jacksons Point on Wednesday July ROCHE CO SELLING MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS Up Stair Prices Stairs over Youngs now on Fair THE OLD HOME SINGERS Afternoon Program In a sketch written around a choice collection of old familiar songs which are interwoven with a few numbers from opera and light opera and presented in costumes of the middle of the Nine teenth Century The sketch deals with the story of a young com poser of high ideals but low in pocketbook who in order lo a living is forced to cater to the popular taste for comic opera- and ragtime Soprano ETHEL WRIGHT Contralto THOMAS FUSON Director Tenor CLIFF CLINK Baritone Evening Concert Come With The Bride from The Bohemian Girl My Folk Lemon To entourage the decoration of homes on Wednesday July for the Official Welcome to the York County soldiers at Aurora A Co has offered 3 of lbs of Granulated Sugar and the Aurora Flour Mills a bag of The Town will he in holiday dress for this great historic event Warden and Mayor Eves of New market and Mr Frank Allen of Aurora will award the prizes Mayor of a family clock value to the direction family that can prove the largest enlistment of sons and daughters in overseas service will bewail award Pre sentation will be made from the grandstand immediately- the formal welcome An outstanding feature of the Official Welcome to be given I he heroes of York County on July is that there will be no gale or entry changes or fee to the games and the soldiers will be fed free No soliciting for any causes will be permitted so that the day be absolutely free to all young and old rich and poor so fast that il will take an aero plane to catch them and it will have to be a better machine even than Turk Doyle has got in the Specialty In do it so the public can be assured from now on they can witness some real contests The experimental stage has been passed and they should turn out in larger numbers encourage the boys who are en deavoring to again place New market in lie list of towns in the Next game Friday night Town vs Specialty of Clubs to Date Won if I SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK J I I My Heart is Singing Masonic Last Friday evening Choppin Installed the Of ficers elect for the ensuing year in Tuscan Lodge No A F A M as follows I Concert Etude in A Major San ESTHER I I J Chap Secretary Treasurer Master The Tempest is Raging Old Hymn Now The Day is Over Old Hymn QUARTETTE Unaccompanied W W Bro J B Wiison Pritchsrd W PJ Anderson Bro J W Bro J Hill it W McQuade Gordon Burnet Bro 1 Patterson 1 Bro W W Osborne Of W Atkinson Duncan General Purpose Com Bros Anderson Atkinson and J West York Rural On Monday in St Pauls School Room the Rectors and from the various Parishes met to arrange the ma chinery for setting in motion of Forward Movement Bradford Sutton Aurora Wood- bridge Richmond Hill and Newmarket were well esc ted The Rural Dean Rev McGonfgle presided and Rev Dr HI a grave who In a forcible address out lined the object of the methods proposed The Rural Deanery Committee appointed consists of Messrs Dr Clark Arthur Newmarket Au rora Wilson Bradford of thanks and dainty concluded the Orange Church fiasl Sunday evening the fit Caledonia No I Maple Leaf No a also flefteral visit- members from Aurora the Method Is I in a body Hie annual sermdn was by a W Brother A The wo- delivered an able address and Association M 7th Chap jart T Aml the Lord iald Jlo Alteon by he three hundred hat lappwl will save you discourse very highly appreciated by the members also anthem by the Choir wo A Dream of Paradise was very rendered by Mrs Reynolds A neatly printed program Order of Service and word ft of the Hymns was very Convenient enabling all fully participate In- and thoroughly en- Joy Service The wish to thank the trusted for use of Church and the Choir and Soloist for their valued FERN SHERMAN ETHEL WRIGHT in a costumed recital of original In- Songs collected and arranged by a Love Song b Her Blanket By The Waters of Mi nne tonka VerJi THOMAS Office Specialty Davis Leather Co 1 Military Hospital o Town 0 Draw The town team has completed its organization wifh the follow- in officers Hon Pros Cane Hon Hunter President J Doyle Henderson Manager O Qninn Field Parkins Mascot Scatty DR WRITES ELDER Aria from Praise Ye Trio From Attila Verdi MISS BOURK MR FUSON MR Camp Meelin Songs from The American Negroes a Hear Bells All Over Gods Heaven Arks QUARTETTE Unaccompanied i Soldiers of The Cross it Dont miss hearing these artists Wednesday July They are simply grand Piano Examinations Change of Time The following pupils of The new time table is in effect J were success- in the The train going at the Piano Examinations of south leaves Newmarket at a Toronto University held last a in pm Going week i on Elementary Piano- Miss Kathleen Kelly honor Miss Jean honors Miss Leila Junior Piano- Miss Ruth White Miss Thelrna Winn north leaves Newmarket at a p Too Much Booze On Wednesday Constable Dun can arrested Thomas Woodstock at the corner of Eagle and Streets being drunk He Some limes a man fool of took him to Toronto where- Police his wife lets him Magistrate assessed and coat or two months in jail Security was given for the fine because have his own way Many people have learned to consider such and a Watch as an Ideal Timepiece When they buy they want that particular Watch We dont blame them be cause wo have Watch Ideals too and Ideal Watches They arc Waltham Watches and the Elgin Watch and the Hamilton Watoh and one or two others These wo have learned to depend upon those wo buy and coll In greater quantities And be fore you make a Watoh pur chase wo would like to talk to you about these Move ments May we Atkinson Co P It Agent Junior Chautauqua There is a great time In store for the boys and girls for the next Ion days A free meeting for all the Juniors of Newmarket will bo held the Tent on the Alex Muir School Grounds at oclock on Tuesday afternoon when White the Supt will explain all about the Circus and Miss Galley the Junior will form the classes and give further in structions regarding what may be expected on the closing afler- noon whan the Juniors will The Junior merit was a very pleasing feature at last Chautauqua and this one vill be far more so In all pro bability Parents should see that all the children attend the meet ing next Tuesday and ff possible attend with Saskatoon Bask June have been general in the Saskatoon district during the past weeks The ground Is now practically saturated In nearly all parts The moisture will prove of reat benefit to the crops The following letter has been hand ed to us by Elder Pro3ser asking for a place for it in our columns Fleming June IHO My Dear Just a word to again assure you of my appreciation of your life long work and of your firm belief in the gospel in perilous limes When I was pastor of Newmarket under big debt to pay it off many of friends afterwards said me If I ever get under another to let them know and they would remember my work there in paying off their deb toy helping me In the next pinch Now glad day has come I am trying to help carry the Pa church through the darkest hour of her hi lory is a city of about four thousand Baptist College and University is there Hundreds and hundreds of young men ami women from all denominations and une from no denomination come there every year We have- a fine church building out of debt which could not be reproduced for less than forty or fifty thousand hut church Is weak and has had some losses by way of and removals I was there recently and rallied them call a preacher and sub scribed one hundred dollars myself to tile support of the church But I hey will need more help to carry them through They will several tons of coal as well as other things I wish good friends of Newmarket would individually send me a cheque of one dollar or more made out in favor of Geo Blood treasurer of the Pa Christian Church I wish in some way that this peal could be brought before the Christian Endeavor of Newmarket We were greatly grieved to hear of the disaster at factory We extend our all the ones and weep with Un church over the death of our young brother Booth I favorably remem ber him He was one of the first who came my help in paying off the debt on the Newmarket parson age Only our Father knows why such things happen May God bless you daily as you journey toward the fool of the hill me as your friend and brother Rev Lee Kirkland There was a good attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday last The pastor Rev Payne occupied the pulpit and preached a very profitable Rev Payne is going to be with us another year and we hope and pray that Gods richest blessing may rest upon both pas tor and people Quite a number from here at tended the Union at Lake Musselman on Saturday last and report having a good time MissOorothy Darby of Win nipeg visited her aunt Mrs Geo McKuen for a few days The Methodist League arid Sun day School intend holding their annual picnic Particulars later Miss Mamie White and Miss of West Toronto who were holidaying at Lake man accompanied by a gentleman friend spent Friday evening at the home of Mr George Glad to hear Mrs Russell is convalescing after her recent illness Misses Gertrude Edith and Isabel Honey also and George Honey of St Catharines were guests at Mr George Cooks on Sunday last English Gaberdine 36 in wide In Rose Pink and Suitable for Tub Suits Smocks and Fancy Skirts On sale this week for yd Ladies Fine Lisle Mercerized Hose Black White and Tan Our price Special for weekend pair Ladies Summer Vests Sleeve and Sleeveless fine Quality Reg Sale Price Heavy Crash Towelling Weekend Price yd if rag- I AT m A Baltimore July i The big navy dirigible C8 command ed by Lieut J Learned with a crow of six men and two pas sengers bound from Cape J to Washington exploded with a terrific force just after landing in Camp near this city at today to ad just rubber trouble ex plosion shook cantonment and the eastern section of the city like an earthquake shock The great balloon instantly became a mass of flames Seventyfive per sons mostly women children were burned or otherwise injured Sale Register TuAiday July Mr J Huron Street Newmarket will have a sate of Household Furniture etc as the family arc leaving for the Old Country Terms cash Sale at p sharp P Smith -ouo- I Pi Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto this week Choice Export Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Steers and Medium and V Medium Butcher Common Butcher Cows Choice Milkers Choice Medium Blockers Choice Vcnl Calves Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Yearling PLAIN SUITINGS I In Pine will bo Popular aeon SEE THEM AT I J S 1 ft I WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Wain mm SPECIALS IN FOOTWEAR Sheep Off j TH08E RURAL PROFITEER8 Any mia relate that Nfrs Newly- wed went to grocery store to do her morning marketing And she was determined that the grocer not lake advantage her youth and In experience- These egg am dreadfully ff criticized know he But thats the kind farmer me They arc Just fresh from Ihe thla morning Yea said the bride and thats the trouble with those farmers They are bo anxious to get their eggs sold that they lake them off the too soon I Cleveland- PlaJn Dealer Newmarket Markets CLEARING SALE OF A FEW White Pumps Reg for Low Shoos 3 straps Kid or Patent Leather Reg for Womens House Dresses Reg for Ladles White Lisle 8tooklngs Reg 76o for Childrens Dresses Reg for BIG REDUCTION IN MISSES AND LOW 8HOE8 8PEOIAL IN RUNNING pa f Doors of King George Butler lb do Oats bush 52 Toronto Markets Eggs 05 Butter li Turkeys lb 55 Chickens lb Fall Wheat bush Goose Wheat bush 30 Oats bush Mixed Hay ton Timothy Hay ton 80 In Owen Sound milk has been reduced to a quart Dunkirk July En gineer Clifford of Now York Centrals Westerner express desperately tried according lo his dying statement to avort rearend collision with Train No here early today which The Canadian Government is sum to double cost of tho original Welland Canal in reconstructing watorway The old canal had locks each two hun dred and seventy feet long the new will have seven looks each eight hundred feot in length Each will have- a- Iff of fortysix 1 i caused the death of twelve per- and onehalf foot making a total sons the serious injury of nine- teen others and slight cuts and bruises to as many more airbrake failed to work en gineer declared lift of throe hundred and flve and feet In the length of tho canal These are said to be the largest and heaviest canal gates In the world V v- ARCHIVES OF ONTARI 1 TORONTO 4