Newmarket Era, 2 May 1919, page 4

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TOD WO TOOK New She Strong and Hearty Pa- ran down nervous could not catenae I felt like crying all the time I different remedies benefit The doctor itwii wonder I aliTe and when Vlnol given me I began to improve I taken eight bottle and am cot and perfectly healthy in and have gamed in weight I can not praise Vmol nought Mrs Sarah A Jones Nevada St Philadelphia Pa We guarantee Vinol to make over worked weak women strong or re turn your money Formula on every bottle This your protection J Patterson Druggist at the Best Druggists in all Ontario towns Newmarket Garage Comments of Exchanges THE GENESIS Expert Motor Cap Repairs All Makes also Stationary and Marine Engines Reasonable Charges Excellent Service BATTERIES CHARGED AND STORED Corner Main and Huron Moss Phone 3ro5G 1 WELDING Almost all broken parts of Ma be satisfactorily re paired at reasonable prices by this Process Try it ROGERS Newmarket Phone Residence 9irl2 East of Bank of Toronto at Fred Blacksmith Shop Wool Wanted Poultry Wanted Also all kinds of Good prices paid Phone Newmarket at or address p cKootii Main St South Newmarket GET THE BEST I IT PAYS I ii and Charles Toronto Is noted throughout Canada for Business Education Great demand for our graduates Open all year Enter row Write for Cat alogue J ELLIOTT Records ya 8olect your school on the basis of actual work done today Wrlto Shaws School Toronto for up in dale record of graduates positions filled It will In terest you H Shaw Presi dent One on Toronto Ottawa Citizen Latest from Toronto on the jail escape asserts posi tively thai the police had succeeded in locating the cell from which the prisoner made his getaway Good lax Reformer Now that the war is over and ocean transportation is again available many of the for eigners who made a competency here as a result of abnormally high wages and opportunities for war profiteering during the war period are turning their eyes toward their native lands and a considerable exodus may be expected In fact it has already be gun It is our opinion a lax should be placed on the money these people have made in Canada in conjunction with other countries spending her men and money to make it safe to live here leaving us with a great war debt still be paid The Price of Butter Bracebridge Gazelle Read this simple news Hem and then see what license we have to throw rocks at bridge young man who brakes on the Kalserism is a Brace- Grand Trunk In he was and placed in class In March his work took him 10 and since that time been on that run When he moved to he to notify the military aulhorities that he had changed his address His class were never called He was never in hid ing Friday morning while he was asleep in a Union Gov ernment military police entered his room and arrested him- He was to and fined A Poor Plan Acton Free Press Is it not a fact that the farmers as a rule are antag onistic to the tradesmen of the towns and villages of their locality In speaking on this topic last week Stewart exReeve of Ashfield a prom inent member of the P said to the editor of the Ripley Express that he is opposed to the movement of farmers in some districts to buy all their goods from the big centres Me says the farmers need the local just as much as the local merchants need the farmers patron age- If business places in all towns are wiped out the value of farm properly will not increase He thinks the farmer and the business man should work together Busy Year for Prospectors Canada Mining Journal Judging by the large number of mining on which work must be performed this season a busy time Is ahead of the prospectors and mining men of the nortli county during the coming spring and summer A number of new districts have been extensively staked during the past two years the- scarf ly of men to perform assessment during the war many claimowners have received extens ions of lime on the performance their legal duties with the results thai in a great many cases more than the current years work will require to be done It is conservatively esti mate that two and three thousand claims are being held the district upon which il will be nec essary lo perform the required assess ment work liiis summer or forfeiture to the Crown will follow The Price of Butter Kingston Whig The of but ter seventy cents a pound is a scan dal It is simply the latest word in piling on all the trade will bear We have been told within a day two by officials who presumed to know that Hie price is but Ihe le gitimate outcome of the law of supply and demand In this case however a new reading of lie law must be supplied to render the statement truthful It is this demand Is price which Ihe cold storage think ft can get and consequently asks and the supply Is what it al lows out of storage The prices of all perishable foodstuffs have been find are being boosted by same means Competition used be considered the soul of trade It is now proved a finality that com bination IS the real soul And Ibis is being pushed so far by those who have usurped power to do so ha lb- average man rinds it about all he j ran do keep body and soul gel her More Wasteful Printing St Mm Standard The has received from the Printing Bureau at Ottawa three copies of a most elaborate booklet From the Ottawa Citizen The statement of the Toronto Times that Alexander Hamilton was the father of protection in America is curiously at variance with the facts as they are record ed historically The genesis of protection America is very in teresting policy was adopted by United States for the same reason that it- has since been adopted by Canada and Germany The reason is not economic but political Under the articles eration of the new govern ment of the American colonies was declared to merely firm league of friendship At the end of seven years the French minister was able to re port that there is now in Ameri ca no general government neither congress nor president nor head of any one administrative depart ment This slate of affairs continued for five years longer A convention was summoned for May at Philadelphia under the presidency of Wash ington The convention had scarcely opened before dissension THE EASY WAY There is an instinct in most of us which urges us to choose the easy way- Often lolling the truth means difficUllyHinpleas ant- explanations possibly cen sure all of which could bo avoid ed by a little equivocation Half of the untruths are told not be cause- the speakers prefer false hood hut they are look ing for the easy way anrj findit through the gateway of prevari cation Those who are seeking the easy I way cannot afford principles The easy way means agreeing with everybody floating with the current A life regulated by principle has little to do with compromise Principle neces sitates antagonism sometimes resistance always One whose life is controlled the word ought must be prepared for conflict There is no question but that it is easier to slip and slide along through life agreeing compromising yielding Prin ciples are not for those who are seeking the easy way But the easy way of living does not bring the results we desire One who never puts his muscles to hard use becomes a weakling my emitted contains general survey ailas repatriation plans rontons more than one War til a general if wfife of book hundred Before deciding on your Hang ings it Would pay you lo make a visit to Bert Greens Show Rooms There are some good Snaps Lois 10x12 Ceiling Hide- walls and for You can get paper from if you wish to hang yourself BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger Blocks Wesl of Niagara St Ave Is expensively printed and Is a most comprehensive presentation of- nil multitudinous committees and Organizations drawing pay under the excuse of soldiers re-establish- Not the least Important out lay in thin ease Is the cost of printing this publication In which are Inserted twentynine highly com plicated fullpage zinc etchings which in themselves cost a good many hun dreds of dollars and Which nobody will ever look at excepting for purpose of criticizing the policy which resulted in publication The Commit tec of Investigation appointed some lime look into affairs at ihe Printing Bureau reported on wasteful extravagant methods hi vogue there That Coin ml t tee evidently should extend its ac tivities to various departments Government where it will find very large amounts wasted every year in the publication of unnecessary and uninteresting mailer alleged lo con- lain news value or to be of labor In volved In preparation of Government publications a prac tical printer Willi ordinary ability giv en some sort Of authority In the Gov ernment Printing Bureau to cheek ex travagances In the methods employ ed there and wasteful expenditure In volved In complying with the re quests various Government de partments would save the country hundreds of thousands of dollars PIAM FOR THE LIFE who favored small state method Tho larger staters had proposed two houses en tirely on population The small er state following the lead I Patterson of New Jersey con tended for a single chamber elect ed by equal slate vote The division of opinion was so pro nounced lna in July the small stales were agitating for with drawal from Ihe conference The deadlock lasted until Connec ticut suggested compromise two houses one representing the state in proportion to population the other giving an equal vote each state This compromise was accepted Connecticut alone of all the state had a definite constitution at this time- It dated from the year when it was establish ed by the Fundamental Laws The constitution was drawn up by Thomas Hooker who claimed that he drew his plan of govern ment from the first chapter of Deuteronomy John Cotton however alleged the same auth ority for the model of Moses His Judicials which he had made for Massachusetts A less eso teric exegesis must refer Ihe Con necticut constitution to the prac tice of Britain inasmuch as it provided for two houses differ ently constituted This then is the genesis of the American con stitution The convention adjourned in September rafter having adopted a constitution but it yet required the ratification of the several slates and it could not pass inlo effect unless at least nine out of the thirteen states so agree It was nearly a year before the con stitution became a fact when the nine signatories were obtained Nevertheless the contest between the Federalists and the anti- Federalists the friends and op ponents of the constitution con tinued By small majorities Now York and Virginia ratified hut North Carolina and Rhode Island still remained obdurate Then the pressure was applied The duties imposed on imports from foreign countries were expressly directed to apply imports from those slates Carolina brought terms in short order hill Rhode Island still remained defiant A bill was then Intro duced directing president to suspend commercial relations With lie tittle state Rhode Island Mien surrendered Pro- loci ion was born in America In he preamble of first tariff it is affirmed f hat its object wan tin protection of do mestic manufacture This was mere The various states would never ratified Voluntarily and secession which actually did occur in was always a possibility which every statesman Kept in mind To hold tales together Alexan der Hamilton whom the Times wrongly credits with Institu tion of protection according to his own showing appealed to the self interest of the individuals composing them by the assump tion of he stale debts the esta blishment Of a national bank and a system of protection by which a class of manufacturers would he created dependent for pros perity on the federal government The system is still In operation and yet remains as chief bond which holds together at least one Of the great political parties In the republic In Germany the- principle of protection was adopted for a precisely similar reason to secure the interest of a certain class Hamilton appealed to the manufacturers lo the feudal and agricultural class junkers Canada protec tion was instituted as an offset to sentiment for annexation Which pervaded this country after abrogation of reciprocity treaty with the United States in arose between those who favored the large state plan and One who shrinks from hard think ing and hard mental work is little better than a fool To choose the easy way morally means a contemptible character Life is hard Activity of any sort is hard and in that hardness there is health and It is death and decay that are easy oc- HE GOT A RAISE Whenever the penurious manager of the large stdfe want ed to sharpen his perfci he would enter the shipping depart ment and borrow a knife from one of the boys Sometimes the boys did not have their knives with them but there was one lad Tommy who alway could be depended upon How is it Tommy asked the manager one day as he whittled his pencil that you always have I your knife with you and the other boys havent Tommy hesitated for a moment then gathering courage said The wages I get arent enough for me lo afford more than one pants w Consisting of Generator Starting Motor and Storage Battery An electric system made for Ford cars by the Ford Motof Company of Canada in their own factory built into the Ford motor which has been redesigned for the purpose Controlled from a complete instru ment board on the cowl Standard j quipm on Sedans and Coupes closed models now have electric starting and lighting system as Standard Equipment Ford Sedan 1175 Ford Coupe Including Ford Starter arid Lighting System Prices are fob Ford and are subject to War Tax Ford Closed Models will for a time take the entire production of Starting and Lighting Systems By June 1st however Ford Touring Cars and Roadsters will be supplied with Starting and Lighting as Optional Equipment at an extra charge Samples of the Ford Starting and Lighting System are now on exhibit at ail Ford Branches In the near also expect to be able to show a complete sample outfit iou are invited to call and inspect it 1 I N ROBERTSON DEALER Newmarket ITT SONS CO Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable Goods coupled with the De Laval record of service durability has made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in this community T TSERS of Dc Laval Cream Separators have carried away every first prize awarded at conventions of the National Buttermakers Association since their first meeting in 1892 The record is unbroken The reason is that De Laval bowl design together with low speed enables the delivery of butterfat globules unbroken in their natural condi- thus insuring more and better butter The De Laval is the blue- ribbon separator You can buy a New De Laval from on liberal terms Come in examine the machine and it oveV- MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Doors and Window Frames Door In Pino Fir Ash or Oak at price that will Interest you Kindly give us a trial San NEW MARKET Limited A WINNING SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A Mr Burns a well known of has been applontcd agent for TO Limited TO MAKE T7TTrgl DECIDE WELL 1 Threshing OulOU largo and Good Portable and Traction En- Clover Mills Cutting Wood Raw Call and Bee before you buy K Proprietor Shop East of Bank of Toronto farmer of at Kingston from having ribs Wo must live a at a time hut we ought to live those minutes with reference to great supreme purpoBc that all do into a beautiful harmony We make a mistake If our piano do not reach farther than the close of our days work Have a plan for your life a plan big enough to be an Inspiration and use II that comes to advance it Oeo Lucas died General Hospital practically all his by a heavy roller when his cam ran away TOUGrLT and COUGHERJT A Postal Card will bring you Correct Informa tion rogardlng The Mutual Life of Canada You should see It along side of any other deciding- Send age and particulars to FRED ANTLER District Agent Newmarket Ont Representing York and Simeon Counties CONTRACTS WITH FARMERS for growing of Cucumbors Ho anyono who can grow Cucumbors to communicato with him either personally or by Ho has contracts ready for signing It may not bo generally known but Is A GOOD DEAL OF MONEY In growing of scientifically takor up and It will pay and others to look into this matter APPLY TO POST OFFICE BOX NEWMARKET Furnished Free of Charge I AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE DEPOT Expert Storage Battery Repairs WOT TOR PLAIN SUITINGS I In Fine will be Popular this Season SEE THEM At A CALL 8QLIOITED I C WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main NEWMARKET Thoro Is now no need to Bond your Battery to Toronto to be Repaired If you have trouble with your Battery I can fix It While It la bolng repaired I can loan you a Battery to keep you going until RopaJra are Complete IGNITION BATTERIES CHARGED UPTODATE EQUIPMENT AND RESIDENCE LIGHTING POWER INSTALLATION EVERY INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR A PERI 3D ALFRED R STARR Market Building NEWMARKET

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