Newmarket Era, 2 May 1919, page 2

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x stop Your neighbors Curlaln Stretchers and Buy a Pair for yourself We can show you 3 different styles at Come in and look them over SKINNER 1 J hf I a Mi m r seas fife mm Mrs Byron G Brown wishes to express her sincere thanks to neighbors and many friend were so Mud during the illness and death of her husband and to those who flowers AND WOMEN WANTED PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT is offered by I The WW CANE CO Limited Call at office The public will be pleased to learn that the postage on letters for Canada and the United Stales not weighing oyer one ounce is to be reduced to the prewar rale When picked up of 2c on and after the 1st of July next thus Dominion Day will be a memorable event of the Wat Tax is not placed or something else wall where dining tables for 350 have been provided These are free as well as Natural Gas Hot Plate An idea of the popularity of the resort may be gained when it is known that persons visited it on of July When others do so much surely Newmarket can do something to beautify the place and provide water and amuse ments FOR House and Lot on Street Newmarket A Frame House and Frame stable and good sized Lot situat ed on west of Second Street Newmarket nearly opposite the High School owned by Mrs Glover This is a wellsituated property and must now be sold For particulars apply to Mrs Glover Holland Landing or to her solicitor Swf Newmarket RETURNED SOLDIERS Ocean aviators have been wail ing for two weeks for favorable weather to hop off the coast of Newfoundland and have not got away yet The venture it at tended with great risk and yet provision is being made to make tic as safe as possible It mark Ihe Opening or another progressive period in Ihe worlds history which will have a farreaching effect on the com merce of the world In the Ontario House which closed its session last week the Opposition played a very effective pari so much so that the Gov ernment saw fit to adopt another of the planks in its policy namely to provide for a Minister of Labor who would have power look into the labor unrest which exists at the present time and deal exclusively with the labor problems The previous planks were Workmens Compensation the Enfranchisement of Women Temperance Legislation and the higher taxation of nickel com panies Learn tailoring obtain Steady employment will pay yon per week While teaching you Gutting Pressing Operating Tailoring On Mens fine Clothing Apply at once K Co- York Street Toronto EXECUTORS TO CREDITOR8 All persona who have claims against the Estate Thomas Smith of the Township of fa the County of York Yeoman deceased who died at East on day of are hereby notified to file heir claims properly proven undersigned Solicitor for of last Will Hie said deceased on before the day of May us hereafter the Executor will proceed distribute assets amongst those parlies entitled thereto having regard only to then filed Dated at this day fit April A a for Newmarket Ford Truck in First Class con dition Tires almost new thor oughly overhauled newly painted springs Genuine Leather Upholstering doors and Coyer over Olivers Heat Price Minns Hardware Newmarket EARLY CABBAGE PLANTS Prepaid shipped successfully everywhere Ask for Vegetable Plant Price Mat Agents wanted- Farms An illustrated article in the Motor Boat Magazine for April shows what can be done in the way of Public Enter prize when people have a mind to In heart of the State of Ohio is the 3rd largest Artificial Lake in the United Slates This lake is 10 miles long and averages mile wide It covers 5000 acres Along 32 miles of shore line there have been built cottages and many hotels In the con struction of the lake an earth dam was thrown up a distance of miles A very pretty park has been made protected by concrete Certain Canadian Railway circles according to statements issued in the press are taking glory to themselves on the hand- line of over troops and civilians from Halifax harbor be tween the of March and the of April The soldiers do not regard it as anything extra ordinary being held up from 3 to hours in after docking before moving out on the cars The trouble is there is too much red tape and not enough business ef ficiency Instead of holding the men up lo make out their railway tickets this should all be done before arrival of the boat handed to the Captain of Cash Company on arrival and distri buted on the cars after hey pull out In this way a troop train Would be loaded in or 30 minutes There is no excuse for IIicr long jf properly managed was seriously injured Friday when the of the elevator which he was operating snapped while car was fifth floor of Christie Brown Companys building he was unconscious He was rushed to the General Hospital where lie was found to have sustained fractured skull and a compound fracture of the leg Henry Strath a leading hanker of the city and well known all over Canada in financial circles died on Saturday after being suddenly stricken in his bed He was in Ills year While working on a piledriver at the foot of Avenue Herbert Frederick Wise 30 years of age a returned soldier was crushed to death when someone un known started the machinery Three revolutionists two Germans and a Russian picked up quietly by the police on March last arc to be deported to Germany and Russia res pectively There will be no trial Under the terms of the new act they will Just be placed on board ship and kept under guard until are set down in there own country and his wife were surprised at there roominghouse Among their effects were thee brand new Colt automatics one small German weapon and a plent iful supply of cartridges So quickly however did police burst in them that there was no attempt to use them In addition a quantity of Bolshevik literature including the Communist platform one of the art icles of which is the overthrow of con stituted government in Canada were found Vera the young woman who Is in jail here awaiting trial on the- charge of having aided and abetted the escape from the jail of Frank condemned murderer in an interview stated that though she had had no part In Houghs jailbreakng she had received a note from him informing her in advance of the time he would get away She met him at midnight a short distance from he jail and he clasped her in his arms and was with her for about ten minutes Miss asserted that she had not heard from since and that she did not know where he was Premier promised deputat ion from the Ontario Adversary Com mittee on war memorials lo assist In the effort to erect memorials in and community halls through out the Province Judgment for damage against the Parisian Laundry Co as salon for injuries sustained by plain tiffs daughter Edith when she was bitten on the shoulder by one of the horses was given yester day by judge in favor of John of Toronto spent last week with Miss Cane of Lot St got back from overseas on Thurs day evening of last week for per word or each if not paid when ordered extra will bo charged for booking of Team Harness for sale Used months John Kershaw North End Mr and Mrs S 1 Newmarket yesterday to open their boarding- house at Point and Mrs Jackson and- daughter Toronto spcnl the weekend at Miss Gliilcolt of Toronto Is arranging for annual enter tainment of her Class here on May Mrs Rev Lawrence and daughter spent the her home in welcome home one of the family from overseas TwoBurrow In good con dition For quick sate apply lo fair arh Baldwin NG I dress UP I STANDING HONOR8 There may be more than just cause for pride ih the soul of the small boy at the close of his first day at school How did you get on with spelling Bobs mother asked him You look so pleased Im sure you did well I couldnt spell much of anything admitted Bob And couldnt remember the well nor the The mothers face wore a look Rev Hall is attending the A at Ohio Mrs Hall accompanied him as fur of disappointment but Bob had as Buffalo where she is visiting wilh old friends Miss Taylor who has been attending Ihe Elliott Business College Toronto not only passed her but also won the Underwood Certificate- We wish to correct a per sonal in last weeks Era It was Miss Brown of Aurora only sister of the laic Byron Brown wbo was here during his illness and not Mrs Wilson of Aurora with whom she resides There quit a family gathering at the home of Air Albert Stork last Sunday The following were present from To ronto for the weekend Mr and Mrs and two daughters Mr and Mrs Lome Cole and son Mr and Mrs Hoy Stork and daughter and Mr Earl Stork a nephew Lieutenant T Wesley ana wife got home from overseas at one oclock Sunday morning They were met by bis brother Dr Wesley and conveyed by aulo to I his fathers residence Lieut Wesley and wife have been in the C A work in France for nearly three years and are cordi ally welcomed home On Monday evening between reserved the choice morsel which was sure to rise a scnsfcblo par ent lo the heights of appreciative joy no mailer mother he said bestowing a hug up on her the boys all like me and Ive got the biggest feet in the class STAINED GLASS It is lo the Chinese that we owe the making of stained glass It is claimed that the first glass- staining was done by the Celes tials about the year but other authorities have itthat the process Was not discovered until after the beginning of our therefore ought to have kept it muz zled while on the streets After sitting Ihrce weeks to her evi dence Sir William Meredith who was appointed commissioner to investigate the charges made against John A chief license inspector by H Hartley K In the legislat ure completely exonerated Mr from the charge that he had shared in the profits of private dctect- Rev Ben was found guilty of publishing literature banned by the censor and was fined or four months in Jail Three thousand men engaged In the metal trades in Toronto celebrated a May Day by a strike for higher wages and shorter hours The employers have refused to grant the demands made by the men FORTUNATE MUMPS THE STORY OF HULDA Two years ago a farmer of County Minn owned a twelveyearold ordinary cow whom he called and II Ida had given pounds of butter fat ill a year But farmer waked up fed his cows better took better care of them and responded as a thir teenyearold by increasing her yield of butler fat to pounds Then Hie farmer became interest ed and milked the cow three limes a day fourteen-year- old an ordinary grade cow FOR SALE the 710 pounds of buffer year read and and we arc wondering fat in wondered still We wondered how many Hyde It was alleged that the defend- ants knew the horse to he vicious and young ladies met at the residence of Mrs J Wilson to present a Shower to Miss Thompson who left the following day for Wash- ago She is to be married some- lime this month A very soci able evening was spent Wc are pleased to know she will return to for her future home Speaking of Dr J Wether- alls new book for the use of Schools The Great War in Verse and Prow the Toronto Mail and Empire says A great service has been performed in the selection and arrangement and in making accessible the utterances of genius during he cataclysm of the great war Mr Wefherell is a- boy of whom we have every reason to he proud Corp on ac tive service in Siberia send a photo of Vladivostok and says At present we arc stationed about to miles from Vladivostok a pan oramic view of which is shown hero There ftP0 from every nation represented by the various flags surrounding he picture There are always war ships in the harbor ready for emergency There local lurbairuns almost every week hut few troops arc engaged The very inclement weather last Friday prevented many ladies from attending the reception held at the residence of Mrs J field Her Jaw Mrs- W Widdificld and her daughter Mrs of North Toronto received with her in the drawingroom Mrs presided in the TcaItoomnnd Airs W Pearson poured tea Miss nieo Cane Misses and Kathleen assisted I lie house was prettily decorated with spring flowers era At any rate- it seems to be agreed that the art was original with the Chinese Tlie Egyptians made sham jewels of glass many centuries before Christ In Some of the ancient tombs scarabs of glass have been found in imitation rubies emeralds sapphires and of other precious stones and the glass beads found in various purls of the Old World were quite possibly distributed by traders to confiding barbarians as jewels of great price Very little is found in ancient records as to the use of glass in windows The climate of Greece and Egypt and the manner of life in those countries gave little occasion for it But at Pompeii and there have been found fairsized slabs of window glass not of very per fect manufacture and probablyat no time translucent Hock and Guild trains per setting Also cows are really of poor- cockerel for sale Calvin owners I And wandering from by the Davis Newmarket 9 ows we began to wonder how FOR SALE seated Buggy also Set or Apply COOK Joseph St Newmarket HOW LOOKED There are those who wear the mantle of prosperity with grace and ease after a life of priva tion and hard work and there are others lo whose shoulders it Is not quickly adjusted A Western man who bad been unsuccessful one venture af ter another at made money in a mine and shortly after his wife and daughter were seen rid ing in a carriage be hind a coachman A person past whom the pair were the look of painful self Consciousness that overspread the feature of flic miners wife as eat boll Up right looking straight before her Nov ma In clear tones from the daughter whose keen too strong to be concealed now ma cant you look not look as If the water was over many ordinary men and women who are of Utile or no count have In them possibilities of Service which could only be do- scribed as phenomenal We pride ourselves sometimes upon our knowledge of men and we heard intelligent men boast that they could up a man at first interview and we have known size him up all wrong And we are led question today if any man is able do Ibis The human machine is a complex one and Is capable of doing most astonish ing and apparently most contra dictory things- and he must be vastly wiser lhan most men are who can fell at a glance what are the possibilities Of any man At any rale it is certain thai the or dinary man doev not dream of the possibilities which are bound up even in his own children If he did he would give them a better chance April The Police Magistrate of Mr Charles passed away at the hos pital Friday In had held the position since 1014 satisfaction the community He wan horn In Prince ami came to about years ago In the business which lie conducted successfully till when he sold out Ills wife died about months ago are n the study of genealogy but courtships count for nothing In a recently discovered bundles of old famfly however the quaint lovestory of tlie original emigrant ancestor was found duly recorded along with his birth marriage and death He was a lover surely in one respect he fell In with his while she was afflicted with the mumps lb Win the youngest of three sons The family was gentle hut impover ished his father on his death bed could give him no oilier patri mony a single fine diamond ring and the advice to sell it the set out for tin colonics A week later lie look the stage coach for London Ills purse was lean and bis attire modest except that with natural vanity of youth and consciousness of a shapely hand he wore his Jewel Instead of carrying it concealed There were other passengers in the coach and among I hem on old man and his daughter Marjory- in figure a grace ful slip of a girl but having a sadly swollen countenance swathed ihlckly in bandages That night on a lonely bit Of road coach was held up by masked men with pistols Instinctively the young man began to pull off his ring In Instant of confusion while Still plunging and men but was over It was removed and a highwayman was looking in door as he held in his palm How could he conceal It Just then Mistress Marjory his next neighbor leaned against him as if faint with fright and at the same time threw her hand abroad and touched from which she dexter ously extracted the ring She re covered herself and sat up again but lifted her hand to her swollen face an If pained her and popped tin precious object neatly Into her month She had noted II early in the day and guessed value The men were forced to descend and were searched the women were forced to band over their purses and ornaments but no one suspected Marjorys hidingplace even though she dared not open her month to lest she should swallow the ring and lose that she Would have saved and might not make amends for being poor When the coach went forward she returned but It was again return ed to her shortly after a betrothal ring which she wore until the mar riage band replaced It after a court ship of a fortnight When It was finally sold the proceeds were sufficient to take two emigrants slcad of one to the shores of New THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY MOTOR IF DE8IRED Night attended lo at residence J MILLARD and 26 The Cradle HlllhHA the Western Hospital on Sunday April to Mr anil Mrs 1 It formerly of Newmarket a daughter In Newmarket mi Sunday the Of April In Mr and Mrs son Bark or A Ii Allnrt youngest son or Win Marker In his year King on May on Barker and Interred at 1st London April 30 The standard claims that it the authority for that William will be and tried no as originator of Hie war but as one of the Instigator of crimen ah provided In the report of the commis sion on war responsibility yrSophrona of writes Wo had a very heavy frost Thursday night which bus destroyed the cherry and pouch for thoy worn out in full bloom All the trees in the lilacs flower The wild flowers about gone urn have a grand treat to- Canadian Military Band from Ottawa will be In Slate House grounds where will dine and honor with some Of their grand music which will appreciate very much All of them have been wounded nod are not do very They are hung wilh Medals for their bravery and have boon in the fighting lino for four years About two months go I received a letter from my son Cook of To ledo Ohio ifc said he had Cases of flu and lots of pneu monia it but had hud no deaths Toledo and sur rounding country they say he the Specialist for the flu Them are about I Toledo Strawberries ore on tlie market Hut a question whether buy them or Spend the money for trip Heaihorc What are you burying hi that hole asked Grey of his neighbour replanting some of my seeds thats all Seeds exclaimed angrily looks like one of my one of your hens re plied the digger The seeds are The Altar in Newmarket April 101U by at bis residence Prospect Ave Mr William A Anient Heine hoi it of Toronto The Tomb No Her hi on Tuesday April widow of James oiler hi her year tittle Al Toronto General llosplal on April formerly of Mount Albert In his SOth year Albert Cemetery on Saturday At the Western Hospital To ronto April infant daugh ter Of Mr 1 aged week interred ai Cemetery Monday April WaUon At the home of her son In i law Mr W on Sal April Mrs Mauy widow David Watson aged years Brlogs the Toronto days Clarence yrs mo and Rankin On April at 23 Ave Toronto Fanny wife of J A I I At resilience of her daughter Mrs Wiyama Ave Toronto on April 28 Margaret T- widow of Daniel llngshcadi aged years Interred at St Marys on Thursday S J Road house Main St North All Orders Careful Attention TORONTO Now Is the time to drew up The Sun makes a man feel good but how It does show up your shabby clothes It makes your old clothes look twice as old and makes you feel uncomfortable Call In and we will give you a tip on what Is the Latest in Clothes Hats Boots 8hlrts Ties arid the rest of your outfit Everything we show Is the Latest and all Brand New Stock BUSY UP Mens Outfitter Give Us a Call 1 Sundries Stationery Huylers Chocolates Cameras Photo Supplies His VICTROLAS Masters Voice Records Druggist and MAIN STREET House Phone No Chemist NEWMARKET Store Phone No pi That will you so Pleasure in the Home as The Phonograph with a Soul LET PUT ONE IN YOUR HOME ON TRIAL J R BROUGHTON Newmarket LATH SHINGLES DOORS AH Kinds of Building Material HARDWARE LIME CEMENT SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Fresh Supply of Vegetable and just arrived AND FEED Garden sale Phone Newmarket OPPOSITE POST OFFICE NEWMARKET HARDWARE I ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Us Fill Your Next Order x fiisii

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