JT 5i5j as University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of the Royal College of Eng land former clinical assistant in Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Tested Telephone iiO Hours evening of next week of Hall Drug Sinn on Monday I WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adj Post Office BERT GREEN PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Queen St CHOICE STOCK OF WALL on hand Phono P Box MAIMOR1E Teacher of Singing Studio Toronto Conservator of Music on Wednesdays Look Promising in this district of which there is a bigger acreage than in any year since is in splendid condition while last sowhigs of clover and have wintered exceptionally well CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO Church jpood congregations last Sun day and impressive services Special faster sermons and music next Sunday In the ev- a series of lantern slides will illustrate the life of Christ from The Cradle to the Cross P OILMAN District Representative for Do of York Arrived on Saturday car of building stone Mr Moss was unloaded on Monday and he is now in a position hi Oil all orders for window sills pier caps any other trimmings People are advised to place their orders at once as is scarce to get the stone cut After cokes Sdnbhin AmBTuroNDEKCT Jot Am a coves Hemto Weakness comes In the spring when youre ail girls ages of if and Apparently the to comply with the re quest of Hartley and place the draff hill before the it may not be adopted session bill by- the- ministerVdivides adolcs- cents- into two classes Those tween the ages of Hand who will be required- loconlinue part- time education for hours each and those between the ages L m H Office Farm Produce It is of tlie surprises of post war timers that the price of but- Rank Toronto tor and eggs continue to rise at nig St opposite Market Phone REAL ESTATE Price hard barn a hog to clay hard 1x45 and Town Listed fur and for Rent And Other Securities Bought and Sold J- a creases lime when the production was a fine mar ket last Saturday spite of the had roads and butler sold freely from to a lb while eggs commanded and 1 a dozens- prices unheard or before at- this time of year barks which has stood fifty years as the best tonic you will find strength regained No need to tell you its Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery put lip in tablet or liquid form and sold by druggist in the land Alter a hard winter shut up indoors your blood needs a temperance tonic a tissue- builder arid bloodmaker such as this Medical Doctor Golden Medical od reroedki my family- Hid very ted of a a Golden 1 1 t me In a tune it to all my unQj Uo to my I lut rammer that we not live We rare him lha Discovery and he la and healthy any child could be I am a believer In Doctor and pot A 23 The phraseology of the bill is such and between the ages of fourteen and eighteen will notbe able to secure employ ment unless they areable to school dismission or employment permits is sued by the school attendance of ficeran under an act now going through the House the Childrens Division Miss Toronto 3l6jIuternati6nal Week Plans Mrs- Songs The Opportunity ofiha Teacher Mrs Si Eaton of Toronto GetTogether Eibibit Miss Cleland and Miss Laino 530 Suppei Hour Address Sory Secrets By Mrs Eaton for each 8eB8lon THE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU The course wtiidhs not good enough to get the graduate position is good for nothing- One of the most searching enquiries that should be made with Frm Fire Insurance a Specialty of Call our new office In the To- HAMILTON Newmarket A 8TOUFFER Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Agent for Columbia Records Complete Prompt Furnace Work Hospital for Consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge in reeefved in by the Field Secretary of he Sanitarium a t Davis Leather Co Office Specialty Co Canes A Son Co Oliver bike P Pearson Rev John Davidson Wilkinson Miss May Taylor Mrs I Kidd Miss Mis Haines A Cornell Jos Lyons Robertson a 200 200 200 Plumbing Eavetroughing Our Specialties See the Bathroom lh Shop- The J Harvey vc Miss A Borers Miss Klrkwfco Miss Biiswell Miss Morton Mfss J Miss Stark C II Clark J McKay J Brought on LETTERS OK APPRECIATION Toronto March Secretary Field Comforts Society Dear Madam Will thank your members for the one dozen caps and seven spin dles of yarn which have been safely received and will go forth imme diately where the need is so great Willi and good wishes for your work rcinain Yours truly Mrs Koughnel President in Ontario y Halifax March Dear Madam Kindly accept our hearty thanks for the- very nice donation of Sail ors Comforts safely received a few days from your society Jvvery- this line sent distribution is indeed most wel come for far the demand for everyone of litem is the many requests for- supplies of all 11 kinds and from the worls of from the re cipients themselves one would know how much the sailor lads en joyed what was being done for Iheiri in this way Yours viry truly P Strong Hon per However there are a number of exceptions provided for in These provide that illness physical condition will betaken as excuse and in the case of aboy or girl under sixteen the act will not if lie or passed the matriculation of a or has com pleted a course of examination equivalent to hoy or girl over is free if up to that age he or she has had fulltime education or has passed matriculation The act also places upon ur ban centres of population or over providing such courses for parttime education Smaller centres may provide them However even if the actl passed this session and is not expected it will- come law until the jfqvernor issues a proclamation Service Devotional Offering Reports 830 Modern Methods in Work- Mrs P Fletcher Conference led by Mrs J J Address I Miss j THE LEADING TINSMITH OSBORNE SONS TO j y Imnlnp W A a L Sam Id a I r 200 200 I0OI 1 00 100 I Of LOO LOO LOO LOO 1 00 LOO J- MM 00 fed PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS I Get Them at The Photographer In Your Town Studio Door of the Post Office Banquet- Tin- Invitation nro fin- man loKew- who bus stas If- missed at Hie citizens April in the Town Hall This i- 1 list so far as we an person of any otheis kindly hand into the office Spring Work Just now people are thinking about what they will plant the Doming few weeks If you are living within n reasonable din lance of Knd of New market and would like to make the best returns for a small amount of Space you cannot do better Mian grow cucumbers Mr Win Burns has been appointed focal for the Win Da vies Co and be ran give you some figures that will surprise you mako some enquiry from him before you lay out your garden If will be your advantage See ad THE NOT ESCAPE J i CANADAS PART IN THE WAR Ottawa April the House of Commons today Sir Thomas to provide for vvjar bill was submitted for payments up to March The act ing premier staled hat the total expenditure with the war up to the- end of last February was and the up to the end of last March was lis going on fairly well said Minister of Since November we have actually rounded up 167000 including some troops in With the opening of navigation the will be up to a overseas With ordinary good actual fact- The Shaw Schools maintain an ErngloymentBareaU of their own is one of the advantages that our students derive association with a largo insUiu lion The services of are for the students of our nine Toronto sohools- month by month we are publishing in printed form the results of the work of this Bureau You may And the record of students placed the home address the address of the ftrm employing The student and the time taken to complete the course in each case- Wo publish these records in pamphlet form apart from the catalogue for this reason The catalogue 1 printed only once in two years Naturally any records placed in it begin to grow old as soon as the is in presenting all these records in suoh shape that they are always down to date In the course of the years that we have been established in Toronto we huilt up a connection with business men that simply makes it impossible that oncofour graduates should be without a position This service is the disposal of no how long they may have been away the tfJ m Head Of floe Garrard TORONTO v P Principal W H President r f aris April every soldier should be back id I SITTING Phone W Andrews Win Allan J V Krnefll liaison Mont Archie Emerson James rooks QREENHOU8E8 The Leading Varieties of A TOMATO CELERY CABBAQE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM Nov Ready In Quantity Ho Order less than Delivered I Black Hell J Samuel I PHONE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Is hereby that Arthur Everest of -Vlltlf- of In lie of Almoin Inllic of Ontario will to in Parliament of at Hie hlnijov Mill of from AIM now at Tovil of in Hi luntyof York in ground of Adultery Dated at Toronto by his oHcWr LayBoh Aldahle Street Toronto rry Chapman win John Win Clark J Davis Aubrey Kills Day A Joseph worth lames Alex Samuel A forth A Hoy Wesley Herman roves Harold Leslie Aifii llardin Harden foseph IfobTt Harry lluilii John Mill Hill li mi John Kirby Herman Kaiser Harry Lee 1 It Harry Robert Thomas Win Moore 1 Morrill a feOonlgIe Harold McCaffrey Morrison Morton Miller Fred Mcintosh Alex MoCoidhk Harvry A li It Frank Penrose Fred Brleflot8 If you have business the to to rlont forget that they will be cloned nexy Monday Soldiers banquet next Wednes day evening Military funeral from Hos pital to Cemetery last Saturday morning thickens arc still running at large and annoying the neighbors who have garden Good Friday Raster Monday is a bunk holi day The Kra to the people of Newmarkotwhat lhe menu Ib a dinner what the catalogue is to a large library Without ft the best things the trade produces for would be known to it self alone Proctor Proctor Howard W J iiCblnnon J Henry Sanson Alfred smith Frank Smith Date AIX Stick wood Alherl Vale Vah Vat- Wellington Wat Hon Oscar WHIiamm A WfuliworHi William Alex i is lo be placed on trial an international high tri bunal specially luted for the purpose This action was decided upon recently by the Council of Four of the Peace Con ference consisting of the Presi dent of the and the United Slates and tire Prime Ministers of France The decision was mourt and all four signed the document he former Kaiser and directing that he he brought to trial The changes on which the ex- Kaiser will be tried are- violation of international morality and sanctity of treaties- For these the exKaiser is regarded by the Council of Four as personally responsible These char fees arc more than legal o WOMANS BODY FORMED TRANSMISSION Port Robinson April 1 1 When dredge broke a wire of Hydro Electric Power Sys tem the wire fell across the fence on Matthews pro perty and afire Mrs Matthews threw a pailful of water at a burning post the current shot along Hie stream water and threw her against the fence and held her here Mr heard her scream and rushed to her as sistance The current passing through Mrs Matthews charged his body throwing him backwards lo the ground dragging her with him If Mrs Matthews had not been freed when she was die would no doubt have lost her life- As it was she is badly burned arms and Angers are scarred and boles are Dunned in her toes and feet where the electricity passed through her body into the ground Her condition is critical Mr Matthews escaped lightly suf fering only from shock London Out Fire dis covered at i oclock morning In the of the Heck Manufacturing Company on Albert street caused a loss estimated early in August- HURON NEWMARKET The oats A fa trior to tit a o Mil- What Might be Expeoted Three young men wore before Police Magistrate on Thursday of last week with breaking in to the stores of A and Adams and stealing there from a certain amount of goods who proved to be the ringleader and was also found guilty of being implicated in other burglaries of late was to two years diislrlnl Heboid at Mimlco fieorge at seillenceoT to days at the Jail Farm bill yielding to the pleading his father who offered go bail for his future good he was lid off on suspended sen- fence Aubrey who contended he was only a passenger ii lie tlen auto was also allowed f go on A fourth man is suspect ed bill the police have been up- able jo locate bis whereabouts Major union announced that any boy under flic age of years found a be arrenlcd and warned the poolroom that their license be revoked found He sure your sin will find yon out It Is a good lo keep Ibis sentence in remembrance t AT OUR EXPENSE TRY To nil from 1- pefl If you vn Drug Chemical Co of Limited Toronto Whenever you enso a sick headache or feel a bilious coming it off by use of la Worid PEAS AND y Oftentimes of Ihrt the for in creased amount is the fur murh uliitioh in determining a mcifiis of for the deficit s an emergency crop there is none more III a mixtur of- peas end oats In fact it Is a valued dual purpose with those who experience with it It is suitable for bay silage and classes of crp namely peas and making ftp the mixture are admirably adapted for growing together The oats support the pea vines which facilitates the harvesting and ruling of tie crop At he Central Farm and several of the branch Farms and Stations this beeii utilized extensively aw a soiling silage and hay circumstances demanded It is usually as a catch hay crop has failed or in a regular rotation of first ycaV crop sec ond year peas- and seeded down to clover and third year clover hay may hi taken In peas and as a nurse crop whlcli is ordinar ily where the crop is allow ed to ripen grain Oil the other Hand where the peas and eats are cut in the green state being removed early hi season the disadvantage as a nurse crop fur lover is practic ally eliminated In the experience of Die Farms stands of clover on areas having peas ami oats as nurse crop are practically equal to oilier stands of clover grown Willi nurse crops of wheal parley and oats Fall ploughing disced thoroughly In tie spring unlit a deep mellow ficed- is prepared proves Sown us a crop where new ceilings of grasses and clovers failra fairly salisfaetory seedlied may be prepared by shallow ploughing or hv rough dfaclng de pending on lhe and nature of the sol I Older meadows or ex hausted ran only In prepared for crop by pldtifllllng and discing in sowing the ordinary seeddrill is used The peas and oats sholild be mixed thoroughly before being placed 111 the seedbox of the drill and from time time AS sowing goes on the mixture should be with the hand Otherwise the peas will work down through the oats and be sown firs leaving the last part of the seed ing almost pure The most ahie proportions of lhe mixture are equal parts by weight sown at the rate of al least bushels per acre Culling for soiling may place before pods form en lhe pea vines and tin to head Saved AH hay culling begins as soon as pods are formed I the oat kernels are In tie milk stage of growth This Is also most suitable stage at Which to cut for silage If Urn Is not re quired for any of the foregoing pur- poses II may be allowed to ripen to he harvested for grain Doth grain and straw good feed Tin feeding value of pea and oat hay high Standing very eiosj to and equal red clover As is excel lent although it yields less ami the cos of production is greater than coni ensilage tTllC hoy who tils hat off when he enters the house Is I lie one who usually has his hair Combed and ills fan clean ami girl who says please and you Is Always prettier than lie one who forgets Ibeae little things lust look around and see if this Is not true Ottawa April Thomas Whites proposal thai special committee of the Commons be appointed lo Consider what alti tude be taken toward the conferring of titular dislfnctlons and decorations upon subjects of his Majesty ordinarily resident in Canada including those who have nor formed overseas In Canada or elsewhere naval military and ci vilian service in connection with tire war- was by majority of votes fit ORDERS FOR COAL FOR THE YEAR WILL BE RECEIVED BEGINNING 1ST MARCH ir- AND WE GUARANTEE TO FILL ALL ORDERS Prices Right Give Us a Call OX I V R DIKE TERMS 8TR10TLY Phono All of Its goodness sealed In Protected preserved The flavour lasts SURE Its In for and be to get a sealed package but look for the Greatest Name in Goody- Land TORONTO