Newmarket Era, 18 Apr 1919, page 3

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I OUR LOCAL NEWS Lislo- Irving She is a bonder good as any day tfe sure see No Hie Town Hall on May 2nd Com Mr John has bought house on Main St next to Hooks Bakery The express business is all tied up with a strike- mov ing all the week A new tenant moved Royal Hotel on Wednesday Public Library Librarian having been ap pointed Delegate lo the Annual Library Association meeting to be held a the Library St Toronto the Library will he closed Easter Monday and Tuesday Readers- having hooks out overtime are requested to return them the Library Artistic Beauty And lasting satisfaction is ob tained in using Lowe Bros High Standard Paints All shades at Hardware BUTTERU3K Home Soldiers Seventeen men have returned from overseas during the Lenten have postpone their reception to a time more he- jollification and are wel coming all officially on Tuesday Apr Of course it is necessary to ask that there be a attendance of member he speaks for itself As usual there will be a presentation to each soldier an interesting program addresses by prominent members and refreshments Pauls School Room pm Sec Mission Band A very successful entertain ment was carried out last Friday evening in the School Room of the Presbyterian Church by he child ren and workers of the Mission Band- The program included three practical demonstrations of missionary work in foreign land- the different characters being represented in native costumes Instrumental were provided to fi in the time while preparations werebelng made Everybody wis delighted wHh the program Proceeds cut below Toronto Prices High Class Goods ROCHE CO OVER YOUNG8 FAIR We Have Too Many Perfection Oil Heaters and will dor at a Big Reduction chance to save a couple of dollars at tons Hardware Church The following is the program of Easter Music prepared by the Choir for Easter Sunday April Morning Service Organ Prelude Spring Song Hoilins Invocation Psalm Responsive Scripture Lesson Prayer Anthem Awake Up My Glory J Maker Offertory Canone Guilmont Sol Miss Hall Hymn Did Christ Rise from Hi- IKi and Amen Final- Service Postponed Sale The auction sale of farm stock implements etc on Lot Con King the properly of Owens advertised for sale on Tuesdays- April has been indefinitely Lodges will hold their annual PastMasters and PastMistress night next Wed nesday Apr Special speakers will deliver addresses Music and refreshments follow The Choir of the Christian Church has been fortunate in se curing the Ward Co to give a highclass Concert in the church on Saturday evening May 3rd Watch for particulars Com Improvements Business was suspended at Thompsons Machine Shop for about three weeks while a new foundation and a cement floor was being put down- A first- class job has been avid the shop is now in running order again Wednesday HalfHoliday Ail the storekeepers in Town have signed an agreement to close their places of business on Wednesday afternoon from the 1st of May to the 1st of October This is a month longer than last year but It is in keeping with the spirit of the times for shorter hours of labor I Prelude f Allegretto Died In Saskatchewan The sad news has been receiv ed that Mr dm in Sask April It was the intention of bringing the remains here for interment but owing to the illness of his she was not able undertake the journey consequently the funeral took place at and in all probability remains will bib brought hen later Deceased was a brotherinlaw of Mr Willis of this town and wa- known here He was ffagerl in farming and doing well The family removed joUie Weal a years ago- Nearly Through Two gentleman with a fine Packard cur came to grief in a mudhole on St last Thursday In reply to a ques tion as to Where they were go ing one of party said right through but the appearance of Lou Rose and his faithful horses prevented the motor from turning up at Hong Kong China v Mi riirii- iwiiions dicfioii and Amen hiding Vol imiary in Flat Death of Mr Boyd Much regret is expressed aClh death of Mr which occurred at his residence here las Monday morning after a illness of two weeks Deceased was a business man of in he prime of and was a son of Mr- Hold a former Councillor in the ship of For several he took charge of I In delivery of coal oil and gas- to Mown Mendelssohn it Miss Lottie Cooper of Toron to spent the weekend at her fathers Mr and Mrs John Coop er Mr Maurice Watson of to spent Sunday with Dr and Mrs welcomed home two more of her boys this week Thos Metcalfe and James Simmons Miss Ransom and Miss J liarij spent Friday in the Queen City Dr spent Monday in Toronto Mr and Mrs and spent the weekend in Toronto Miss and Mr John wont to Toronto Sunday Miss Wellar spent Friday in Toronto Pie Bert Bole spent a few days lash week in Toronto Mr Skinner spent Friday in Aurora and Newmarket Mrs Fred returned home front Toronto Friday Miss Alma spent Friday evening with Miss Gladys Brown The Sunday School Anniversa ry held in the Methodist Church was a decider success The ser vices were well attended consid ering the bad state of the roads The A P Brace delivered three splendid sermons Mr Abbott of Tottenham a business trip lewtown on Tuesday Miss Lizzie Keeney of Toronto spent the weekend with her uncle Mr John Murphy Mrs Sharkey and children of Welon are visiting Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Jauies Heal estate is booming in town these days Mr Clias has sold his linsmith shop to Mr Jos Brown which he intends remodel and use for a barber shop Mr Kitchen has disposed of his blacksmith shop I lie it Mrs M lianlon lias sold her store and to Mr of Aurora who takes possession May 1st Pie Webb and lady friend I lie weekend with Mr and March lh We on this side of the earthi joined inthe jubilation for the victorious ending of the war rfiid the complete commies though the J hereof may not have been as general uor as demonstrative- as in the homeland still we had bur celebration just the same The sudden and complete collapse of Germany at the end was a great surfrise lothe few but loud Pro- Germans among the Japanese Therwerea few of the military caste and some university pro- lessors all educated in Germany who had never wearied in selfappointed task of telling of the good qualities of the Germans of trying to discredit the ac counts of the it violations of all international agreements and conventions Germany It was comical to see the attempts that some made to square their former statements with the evi dence that was produced Bui most comical was the public ut terances of one university pro fessor who had not been able- to lay anything blameworthy Germany all through he Tour years of war and had much fault to with the allies especially wilh England When Germany ALU GOOD COOKS t BAKING POWDER Fill J a p PATTERNS MI IVJl I POWDER tji v mm a DRY GOOD Our of AH Kinds of Dry wr sell- many Lines for Less than we can buy them- for- Anticipate your- get of the- Bargains the Present TALK We have All the Substitutes instead of Flour at a little than usual fc TEAS AND I fra Our- Specials which we about 10o less per they are usually sold for BOOTS SHOES the ftflain Upward Bound Our Large gives you Protection- on fo some time to come EVERYTHING IN SHOES And the Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed collapsed and asked for terms wise professor said the war had terminated favorably for the allies yet it was not because Had been victorious it was simply because Germany Had been consistent with her former desires for peace and had with drawn from positions which she held and the allies had moved up and occupied these positions The fact that such a man was allowed to publicly express himself shows something of the liberty of dis cission that is now possible in Japan But he was not allowed to retain his position in the uni versity to which he belonged He was asked to resign Though was some profierrnon serf ani sympathy yet I be lieve that the mass of the people of Japan was proally to the heart- Two years ago- while I was still in Ontario there was a of Government in Japan The Prime Minister that then succeed ed was Count and it was by many that his Gov ernment was lie most autocratic and reactionary thai had flcc in Japan for many yearn However thai government did good work in cleaning up many of the nests vice and immorality that existed in Tokyo and other targe cities However the day for an is a thing of the past so many news papers and public men in said an1 Count found his government too persistent and him to continue so before- he hid completed two years of office he hail- to resign and now in hi stead is a Prime Minister who- is called the first Commoner a governmenl in lie Mr Kara without titles or a man who began to earn his daily bread or a Hie be as a humble paper Mr by declaring that be wished it lift iiudTMfood thai he Was one of people and that to desired popular support His appoint men I us has given satisfaction the democratic Keswick The assistance the Farmers Operative Society were giving to the farmers was- outlined at a the tbiitedliflrmers at Keswick Thursday The speakers of evening- were A A Powers and spoke in glowing terms of what they expected the new paper loaccomplisli and the course it would no doubt take It A there were about a hundred peo ple in attendance mostly com posed of and wives PINE faster Service next Sunday in the Union Church here at IT a A m- Suitable music wiHbefur Sunday as usual at am Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto this week Choice Export Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher i Medium Steers and jliiuii Butcher COwes- ff80- Common A- Choice Choice Sloflkerfl Choice Stockera Medium Stockers 725 Choice Veal Calve- Medium Calves- Common Calves Spring Lambs 2000- CJioIoe Sheep Hogs off cars NEWMARKET EASTER NOVELTIES Rang of Niagara Gloves In shades of Black White Tan Peach Grey Navy Black and White Plain and Fancy Backs Prices ranging from lo Brand In all the New Shades Berry Tan Nigger Navy Black White Palm Beach Prices and feloso Ladles In All Shades Heavy pair Brand Underwear Combinations Chemise Drawers In Fine and i THE SALE OF ENTIRE STOCK on Did you purchase anything from the net not save f rom to per cent on every Markets 50- GO Eggs do Butter- lb Turkeys Jh Chickens lb Fall Wheat bush Goose- Barley Oats bush 75 Mixed 200j riinntli Markets SPECIAL of Girls Button Boots Sizes from- 11 to Reg for Kid Boots Reg 6 to for IN FOOTWEAR BIG Mori lb bush DEDUCTION CLOUTH Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET Ml Japan Thus I las Webb Why Take Chances f lippcry roads Von nan Chains at Minn- for pair i I lie The Methodist Church Sim Jay April m Meeting in Millie Choir hi Time 1 A- v iudyt it linc Mauri Mil- An Open Session Ml- School an Tfj be- provided junior he Worship Hie Kapler In- the World 1 he Choir will render Home Sweet Home Dudley hem Holy City Adam Solo The Resurrection Morn Anthem bin He that Simper Vailed the Cross Organ Not- Military Hubert Pastor Oeherel by May for family of iijvi wages every j nee after pm to Mi North Toronto in I own and vicinity for- I In Imperial Co and was a pop ular salesman He leaves a widow formerly Miss Flora Wil lis beside- on and daughter I by a former wife Notwithstanding the wet I there was a large attend at the funeral on which wae conducted livHiv Parry assisted by ft v Hall Many floral adorned Hie ii- mli lit one from the of eh order lie was an esteemed member lit was fined 9100 Hil ami one month in Iiavinu found guilty on iiiiivimf fiteiifll Chris When of was for On he went to Hie pay Irrtr anil for iiifjuti man same In hi Hie cash RjViV A milk is not here yet Many people learned to consider such and a Watoh as an Ideal Timepiece When they buy they want that particular Watch We dont blame them be cause ve have Watoh Ideals too and Ideal Watches They are Watches and the Elgin Watoh and the Hamilton Watoh and one or two others These we have learned to depend upon these we buy and sell In quantities And be fore you make a Watoh pur- wo would like to talk to you about these Move ments May we Atkinson Co I P it No waiting In where the natural flLVOtff pralrJ that lni liquid il1Ir every Try it At you in Mb For Modified Milk v A i A It NOTICE TO CREDITORS All who claims ftgahiBt the of John ffentlemno late of Newmarket who an llio nth day of January 1 IS and who have claims against widow Mary A late of who died OD the day March are requested to file Hie ham properly proven with the undersigned Solicitor for the Kxeoutor Wilfrid on or before the of May an thereafter the will proceed ruble the angels those entitled thereto having regard only to claims theo filed Dated Sir April WIDDIFIKLD Solicitor for Executor Onl revolution in the direc tion OmI of living and thai suddenly out country had to Hi jn liiistaning ho f I Jin Hill new bos duly imporlid il has not in price of rice from ami high nr Money is more in Hum have up an of Till nr cent but is much distress ami is that ideals anil had a hard blow till the of a trill diinoirrary is on Dial is not in easy Iublii hold lift of hi franchise favoring an ami soon- hood women A is in Dial which if win more than Ilia of and several enf part ins to favor El The word nomocracy has a common word in papnr and public discussion is that sev- oral men of rank have coma out as advocates of universal man hood suffrage Five years ago Rummer when war broke out It was openly and frequently said thai one of its In Japan would be hinder Christian work- Hut such ban not been The work on steadily increased momentum- During my 20 year and mom In Japan have received more invitations to public meetings and ex plain the teachings of in the past six months than in any former year In a town eight miles away school teachers have formed a Class and mo each them once a week Many am eagerly April is Swifts Premium Hams Bacon Backs f make the breakfast perfect by serv Inga savory dish of Swifts Premium Ham or Bacon We want everyone of our customers to know of the mild appetizing flavor of Swifts Premium and by seHIng by the are- able tooffer at the following Special Prices Swifts Premium Swifts Premium Swifts Premium Hams whole or half Bacon whole or half Boneless Back Bacon Whole or Half Continued on Page Will also for this sale the most complete cookec meal and provision display ever shownjn Newmarket Come and this dis play and you will see how easy It is to havo Something Different each meal Here are somo other specials worthy of your attention SWIFTS SHORTENING 5 and lb pails 28 lb prints Swifts Sweet Pickle Cottage Rolls Canned Peas per tin BE ON HAND EARLY AND SEE COMPLETE BRING YOUR Telephone NEWMARKET i I TORONTO

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