Newmarket Era, 18 Apr 1919, page 1

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vV o HP S Zi i- Spite f g use sea 3 r iC fw fee rf i Let ill show rtw WATSONS j Jewelry Store t i The Leading County Paper as well as theii No Paper sent out of North York unless i EYE BIGHT Haveyoyrieximlntd TiCWattoii i s w G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor rVS- I I 5fi J D Its Fun to Refinish Your Home When You Use the Right Varnish is not l f l3 fl DO you know that a good floor varnish necessarily a good furniture varnish That one of the things We have learned in our long experience in selling varnishes Our knowledge is at your disposal so be sure to tell US what you are going to refinfsh and we you the right varnish at the right price BINNS HARDWARE The Place to Buy Good Paints and Varnishes PHONE NEWMARKET a MM it4 m Ml The Week in the IHWHmF NEWMARKET BOY IN SIBERIA Leller ESTAVtISBED YEARS Sales Notes Collected save them- delay and Farmers vill selves much possible loss by making Sales Notes payable at The Ban of Montreal and leaving such notes in our care for Collection from Ernest a former pupil of Newmarket High Scfmpl Ma chine Gun will he Canadian Expeditionary -forces- in Siberia Machine Section Forces in Siberia March 3rd Dear It Is now since we landed In Siberia aiij during that time little but clear skies bracing days and clear nights Tbo worst feature of the cold here i the accompanying winds- are of a bitter nature do not prevail many dags There is scarcely any snow oj ground and latter is dry and frozen hard making exeellenl lowing for possibility of damp feet an important item in the life of a is a now The name means Rule the East and I it was named There no city in he perfectly fitted resist an ban ibis The Russians have taken full- advantage of all thai nature has their disposal As told you before Viadivnstoek is Situ ated on the southern extremity beautiful creseentshaped harbor of the Golden Horn j Following the shores of the- harbor past city and around a few promontories for a lance of perhaps eight or nine miles yon come to the other extremity of the harbor which is surrounded flv lulls on every hand The hills on outer side extend only tot perhaps one and a half miles Then a island of considerable Size called Hussion Island Be yond Ibis is trie broad sheet of water stretches opposite end the harbor making a wide mouth about six miles or more This northern portion of the harbor is tail ed Ray of which yiiu under the name of Bay As I have before mentioned country is very When first saw Russian soil could only sin- mighty hills The majority of of are on the side of a great of land to me rear Here and them country here are prominent heights I whirl overlook distances of valleys bills and Nature lias certainly fitted the country ye for purposes Of forti fications and the Russians have akin full advantage this prob ably after Hi- war With Japan decided to make So ii- allowed to taken camera outside city and Ihr observed by the Rus sians in keeping the and its enemies wust not that the Russian work on the huge fortifications wo here today have examined personally I wo forts and are all rough he the city in aiv fled lie- we were idea All Is perfectly have up the sides of hills tail grasses grow all over and all you can See is barren and apparently deserted Now all along the banks in this neighborhood there are places equipped for guns- would never Imagine that there were guns behind those banks but jn two places near hero there are cement emplacements each place there are six modem howitzers The guns are oiled and well kepi- be mounted to fire out the direction I think they are eight inch guns You can gain sonic idea of how this place fortified The cost must have been stupendous The tragedy of it all is the thing was not quite completed when the f evolution Special to efforts are madelcrcon- the business of the session b Easter and contrary to practice the House sat on Friday hlght to conclude Parlia ment a Liberal farmer- from Prince Edward lojwlileh he demand- that nonpartisan Commission cludirig representatives of agriculture aut labor should be appointed by the Government to inquire into thecon- linuous in popula tion of the province Mr wassupported motion by other of lie Lib eral Opposition and by the two Farmers Mr Ben and Mr 1 Ontario Mr Bowmans interest wept so to second Mr afUr letting forth the position in regard Jo de population rural toucliv- A C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch came work- on of agncultural iin- hard in and up to lime of tin revolution but then work ceased workmen laid their tools down You can see them as you pass through the channel Here are some steel arctics that were to placed perhaps next dhy and there a hammer or a set of masons tools But worst of all the faps the men whom these guns wen intended are the them all and know every secret Iwas very glad to have an opporinlty of see ing these tilings although we had to carry a candle with US which -ier- going out continually Our barracks is almost opposite Russian Island on a slight elevation about three quarters of a mile from Hit water The hospital Just the rear of our barracks on another higher elevation racks is a onestorey brick building quite similar to the one We had before in structure To the motif of it is a stone building of onestorey wiiere we keep our guns and have our meal must- tell yon of two other buildings which are very loved by us One is the path house which is about a mile from us It- is a not far from the water of the Here when wo first ar rived we enjoyed a rather rude bath which we should have bad a month previous however the engineers have fixed up bath now and we enjoy bath day In fact it is a big vent at the camp Some of the hoys are detailed turn the big wheel in outride to keep I lit supply of water in boilers In case you go down at any lime you must turn the wheel five minuter I on ilJ majority guarded lull sides of if rases as we vi the IS one Which Hie A lias fixed up not far from was originally an old Uns eal re Imperial Iroops i 1 SOUTH END LUMBER YARD SOLE AGENT FOR SCRAN TON COAL THE BEST MINED IN AMERICA Why not Buy the Best for your Next Winters Supply ll region with ORDERS NOW TAKEN W PEARSON Carters Cor and Giles John Murphy BANK Assets Reserve 584000000 banking Service Farmers Business given careful attention Sale discounted Loans made to parties convenience is afforded to Savings Depositors or large sums may he epos ted and interest paid on I Branch A M LISTER Manager OF CANADA CAPITA PAID FUND SUCCESS Ever NEWMARKET BRANCH 1 hnnorlnnt iw miles torn our original i- height whirl nil in this anil I revolver to the we th-i- along Iho rough hiking possihlu by paths hi higher up rowla rah all nroiinu from instance you can see road roiMl slrMitrhig up the of the What great labor idukI haw upon thorough They many poor heart As we long one of the rosflK we noted an shack j-Mi- which we took to he apowyr house We Koine hi the building a large number 0 two we saw a large opening leading sornewherts We III our procefldco into the great lunnel the tunnel for a long furrifOg to our right ami travelling up a rather Bleep Incline All was of fine work Ttie floor of square blocks and along were Kiv to allow water to run down Over floor to a lieighl of eight feet a rue lyre eoiifltftuUng sblea ami celling Along centre of the groove for elect wires When fncllne there are rails along finally we to lilii ami Oil going we found we were farlljer up the hill We however were S rither unfriendly old Woman was carrying a earn She Io- us very rapidly in an tongue All one say was I do J know you are frig hill I guss it In W up a rather sharp In- liorlly to I wo of stair- of which lad Then was an exit near jf Blahs ami on going out we found wc were aim 1st to the lop of the bill saw near gnu many rCcgHCS for Am munition which are equipped Willi large iron doors The fortress VjSfled was even more elaborately There were countless numbers of were large and some only small At every turn there Were gun for protection In Interior the eelling was made of curving steel arches it was just wonderful to the passage ways and storebouses There were heating pipes engine bedrooms antiall necessary equipment At one there were five huge em placement placed at different angles If there were large guriB mounted here- the whole harbor could be swept with fire In this subterranean world the even built a little church It was decorated with evergreens There were pictures of saints on walls pulpit and of the Greek Catholic Now from outside you Th V here Id were In of II was in Interior when the took if now it i hi splendid shape The seats are elevated platform is filled with lights and large on which moving pictures shown about 1 week They have a small which IB run by a engine in awhile we have a or We certainly realise how hilly is it to our fa- ligues Tlu water at lop of the bill ami the coal at tin- foot and be tween Irecoated pails of water down llie bill ami oal up here Is utile Io cbooKe after one has been It for an hour or two huge stoves beat barracks present a very dfsennr- to Ho ones carrying A mere stove here would be large ami imposing furnace back home am enclosing another piece of llusslan money It is a ten stamp What do yon Ibis all for now I hope well I am in fine shape Well you ore now all lovingly yours Ernest OOP cannot be cured With cannot reach Catarrh Is a fluenced by and in order an Internal APPLICATIONS as they the of the disease local disease greatly conditions to cure It you must remedy Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and thru blood on the mucous surfaces of system- Halls Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physi cians In this country for years It is composed of some of host tonics known combined with some of the best blood purifiers The perfect combination of the Ingredients In Halls Catarrh Cure Is what duces such wonderful results hi catarrhal condi tions Send for testimonials free P J A CO Props Toledo All Druggists Halls Parol ly Pills for Constipation WHAT A DIFFERENCE A CENTURY MAKES I One bund red years made some difference to the York Co men These men of the York whose forefathers fought at Heights made In the fighting dur ing the retreat of the Hrltisb army ast March The York Hangers In helped to heat back the Americans Queens tan Heights In the retreat along the Aline the three fought for days when they were relieved and Americans came up to take their place and for a time were lighting side try side with thorn It was a strange coincidence slated one of 1 27th wo wel comed these- Americans in those hot days and during the fighting other about war- of whan fought against them migration and inducements- to Ontario lie emphasized the need fori market roads rather than trunk highways advocated a rural banking system ami he extension- of Hydro He also palled Hie attention Govern ment the unwarranted spread be tween the prices received by the and the cost to consumer The Government amended the resoln- and forced through their own amendment Liquor The confirmed the which had been current in the corridors during the previous in reference to details of the proposed liquor referendum The actual which will appear upon ballot parser are fis follows Are you in favor of the repeal of the Tempi Act you in favor of the sale of IJgbl beer con taining hid more al cohol weight Ih rough and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to per mit such sale you in favor of the sale of light her con taining not nibre than al- weight measure In standaril ho lds in loenl that by majority vole favor such salt and amendments to the Ontario Temper ance such sale Are yon in favor of sale of spiri tuous and malt liquors through Gov ernment agencies and amendments to tin- Ontario Temperance Act to per mit sale A deal of controversy is tak ing place over the form of these questions as oilier people who are not proliiblllonlsls because anyone has all four in negative whereas is difficult to bow is o work jui in Ihe Other rases Pur instance one question raised lluil if a ma jority is in favor of Hie repeal of the Ontario Temperance how could overmen carry out the- wishes of any subsequent majorities oil oilier questions by amendment life hilar Temperance is out Wpuld no I exist if it were repoaled under Hie first tloii Educational Matters A fealure of tin was given members of Legislature mi the occasion of Ihe first real address or ihe Hon Dr Cody as Minister of The Minister in a very full address splen didly rendered made survey of Ibe whole educational sVleni of prov ince Two of his most measures were provide for in rural dislriels and to Hie method of cnforcInK school atlendfine Pome of matters deafi with ihe Minister were bin to provide libraries hi rural and to teachers in Ibe of llbwrles of teachers in connection Willi technical and Industrial education will in future he divided two sections under separate superintendents tiro miliar will be combined with so as make mere to Tbe Minister dors not propose to do away with but Intimated that the set mlgtit be considerably Special secondary agricultural commercial and leehuical seheOls to be provided flsalslance will he given to enable rural school hoards to increase the salaries Of Die teacher Mr Tims Marshall Liberal member for Lincoln congratulated Ibe Minister upon his able speech hut pointed out thai all Ibe various matters to by him had been urged upon the Government time by the Liberal Opposition lie assured Minister Opposition operale in carry ing on 1 these proposals mem ber from Lincoln thought curri culum present lime was over loaded He so examina tions In opinion Isolated facts were of no Use III he III should lead their pupils and nol drive I hem lie thought Minister would have been well advised to have appointed committee of prls to go over whole system of In province Another length debate look place during week upon a motion Intro- ibieed LL T It Atkinson Lib eral member for Norfolk relating fair wages nod fair prices for products of the farm encouraging men to return to land pensions for widows with dependent children and generally speaking that the mmit take an advanced stand upon all social questions After Al lan Labor member from I Hamilton had given the the viewpoint of Labor Mr Hook of Toronto moved a ridiculously long amendment praising the acts of the Government and Thost another Government supporter of added further words Of commendation The amendment was substituted for the motion GLOVER The above photo recog nized by many friends in Newmarket ami throughout North York and It is with very great regret that we record the death of friendly and promising young man who is the former employee of of fice to give his life for the cause of freedom and justice An Official wire received from fit- announced his death on the 2Jlb of March and lias been followed by the following particulars He was taken in Franco a few- days after he had received word to prepare for home mere he was sent to Hospital in London fering Willi jaundice followed by an to which he succumbed Deceased was born and brought up on ihe homestead farm near Haven- shoe where his brother Russell now resides After working at tin- print ing business for a term he attended the School of Practical Science at Halifax years ago lie went Vancouver and years Inter look Ills Diploma from Canadian Society of Givjl Engineers was exceed ingly clever his chosen calling and at the lime of bis enlistment lie was Engineer for the Municipality of Lang- from which lie got leave of absence to go overseas He leaves to mourn their less a wife and three small children in Vancouver- is well as two and four brothers in the township of North Gwiltimbury The sad news of his death was a great shock rein liven who were making for bis leane- Many relatives and friends in this express much iit From Era Apr 18691 A Bible Class has been formed with Rev class meets day-evenings- dam was washed out by ho rain storm Sunday night The Assessor has finished his roil There ratepayers and the lofal assessed value of Hie village is Married By Rev Canon Ram- say at the residence of the brides on Apr Mr Geo Den- ham of to Miss Sarah eldest Smith Esq Newmarket From Era Apr 20 M Port Huron is hero on account pal by for bis the Western win and little on- THE LIVING CHRIST VI in their a at Hill the are pun pallor Ihr iosVs rant and imisle pours like pulsing in pi lllS feet Pulsing in passion I praises that is rienngnln look for He- signs his living in the hearts of the children of men a soft baud of pt falls soft on or a woe a peaec or a pardon springs op Wherever a lender hearts mercy rcacbes a need HprblM for wound ing Master is risen indeed Wherever the soul of a people arises in courage and might And flings off the grave bands that shrouded its hope In gloom of night Wherever In of I bids legion the armies of evil recede And I mill wins soul or a kingdom Hie Master Is risen indeed So fling mil your banners brave loit ers bring lilies altar and shrine King oui bells He is risen For you la the token and Theres a world inovlnfi sunward and god ward Ye are railed the front ye lead he grave and darkness Ibe Master Is indeed Mary Dickinson SUNDAY IN ROME Mr Mich serious illness of his brother Bolton of Toronto was hero aver Sunday on account the critical illness of his brother Mr Theodore Bolton Alderman J P is repre senting Newmarket at the finnl Convention- of he Sons of Scot land in Toronto is of the Canadian at San Fair now in progress Mr the popu lar of the firm of Suther land Bros has gone into business for himself on the corner of Main Hi and Park Ave Mr took a good of tho Novelty Works and Employees this The Firemen had last It was given by Hie Ju bilee Singers The Newmarket Fishing Club has leased Taylors Pond This week 1 Speckled Trout Fry were deposit ed therein Another pioneer of North York passed away in Hie parson of John Randall Bogarlfown in his year Mr born on and was in general affairs as wellas Township lie was he Township tot years and he Magnificent In the i J CASTOR I A si In Home an mfKhl expected Rosier Sunday celebrated Willi ela borate ceremonies The day Is ush ered In tin filing of eannon fivun the castle of SI and clock carriages wilh ladies and are beginning to pour I own I Thai inaBnifiecnt Is decorated for the occasion sre freshly and lights around I lib tomb ami figure St arc blazing after their According usage the pope offici ates this day at mass in Peters and tie does so every imposing ac cessory that be devised ball in adjoining palace of the Vatican he Is borne Into church under circumstances- of the utmost splendor Seated In his his blaze with gold fin his head ho wears the flora a tan cap representing triple crown understood signify Spiritual temporal power and union of both Beside him are borne the f label II or large fans com posed of ostrich feathers In arc set tin eyelike parts of peacocks feathers to signify the eyes vigil ance of the church Over is borne canopy richly fringed After of ficiating aLmans at high altar the pope Is with the same ceremony and to sound of music borne back the church the balcony over the central doorway There rising from of slate and environed by his principal officers lie pronounces a benediction with In dulgence and absolution This In the most Imposing of all ceremon ies nt this season tn the evening of the dome and exterior parts of St Peters art beautifully Illuminated lamps New York Herald I of the Council for is years The funeral was largely attended vehicles being nil farm service A Tennis Club known a- The has been organized wilh following officers ft Brunldn Mai Lloyd If Heap J Simpson and I K Connolly The License for North York in Vewmnrkcl on Monday They IS Cane A I Hughes and C Weld Mrs Daniel Davis of died suddenly where she had gone to visit her son Sim was a daughter of late Thos Irwin of arid a of Mr- Irwin She was in her year The On May It by s Maria all of Au rora On May Mr David Curtis Miss Minnie Marsh both of On April by J Mr To ronto to Miss Mary Brown of Aurora The Tomb At Sharon on May I Mary widow of the late John aged I VIA line of the most peculiar of con tinental celebrations of is that which for centuries has been practiced by the monks of As day breaks on morning of hind long procession of monks files through the gateway of tin- abbey each bearing on tils had an enormous and heavy cross by way of annual pen ance and imitation of vvhal they con sider have been one of severest forms of Christs suffering Through hamlets ami villages this pa thetic procession makes its way hi spile of Ho trembling km and muscles whim villagers bare and bowed head Si do homage IhQ cross That penance may lack nothing of severity these monks strike into be country choosing the steepest and roughest paths Metropolitan Magazine Is always Il or Aft feels like Tbe successful man busy whether feels like Any man ran work When In It Montreal April 0 majority of 100000 votes Hie Province Que bec lUonoiinced Itself in favor of light and beer on the itftruduin voted today At leasl fifty per cent of voids went to polls out of the registered cities country dial riots In favor of of licenses and 1 i v

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