Pi CSS pa HE DIE 3 Sffil Arti v- GH I Life Around the Hub r ft It Hi II J MR ROBERT Little Bras Or terrible sufferer from and ConiHfttion for years after eating bin constat headaches and did not Bleep at night I lost so weight fcT from pounds to 146 that I became alarmed and doctors who no good Finally a friend tad mo to try Fruitactives there was improvement i12 lip at Ion corrected and sAra I wis free of pain headaches A01 miserable feeling that Dyspepsia I continued this splendid fruit medicine and I am well strong and ROBERT box for trial size At or seat postpaid on raaefot of price by Ottawa NEW BRICK HOUSES For sale Cheap on easy terms A E BROOKS Milliard Ave Newmarket The soclaLsrid dance at the Hall last Friday night under the auspices of the Noble Ion Institute was a great success Dancing was kept up i ill considerably after midnight The proceeds will be spent decorat ing for the return of the hoys from overseas An Old Folks Concert will be given by the Methodist Choir Friday March The Cabinet of silver so kindly donated by our citizen Mr Grubin was disposed of by the sale of tickets the amount realized being The draw was made at Maple Leaf Rink on Thursday evening Feb Miss Mae being the holder of the lucky ticket number Creamery is now making 3500 pounds of butter every week The business has Increased so much that machinery of a larger capacity is being Installed Frank Davis a young man who has been ill for the last eight years died here Friday night Since he took ill his father and mother have died and one brother has been killed in action In his brother Floyd enlisted and early In was reported missing and later reported killed His father John Davis died early in 1918 and six months later his mother died A second brother Ross who enlisted in returned from overseas only on Wednesday evening He is survived by his brother and his sister Flossie who nursed him her father and her mother Quit Laxatives Purges Try ToBlgM TomorrowFeel Right i ft It Is a mistake to con tin via lly Inxative pills colomel oil purges end cathartics and force bowel action It weakens the bowels and liver and con- dosing necessary- Why dont you begin right today to overcome your constipation and get your system in such shape that dally purging will be unnecessary can do so if you get a box of Natures Remedy NR Tablet and take one each night for a week or so do more than merely cause pleasant easy ac tion This medicine upon the digestive as well as promotes good digestion causes the body to get the nourishment from all the food you eat gives a good hearty appetite strengthens the liver overcomes biliousness regulates kidney and bowel action and gives the whole body a thorough cleaning This accomplished you will not have to take medicine every day An occasional tablet will keep your body In condi tion and you can always feel your best Natures Remedy Tablets and prove this It Is the best bowel medicine that you can use and costs only 25c per box containing enough to last days Natures Rem Tablets is sold guaranteed and recommended by your J- Patterson Newmarket tt a ALCOHOL HAS A SPECIFIC AFFINITY FOR THE HIGHEST BRAINCENTRES that Some J f i FOR I Lot Concession York Co acres cleared balance bush long side by main gravel road fair build ings three miles from Sutton vil lage If not sold by April 1st will rent An My to Donald Cameron St Hamilton if tin i ssn i I J FOR OR TO REFJT The Marble Shop at the corner f Main and Queen Newmarket This is one of the most desirable business or resi dential properties in the Town For particulars apply to wIDDIFIELD Solr for Est FOR SALE Adjoining the of New market acre 100 acres cul tivated land balance pasture arm bush wellwatered drained arid fenced Good soil splendid stable well built solid brick house furnace fireplaces good floors acres seeded acres fall Crop done Will be sub divided Apply AltMSTAONO p HOUSES FOR SALE Frame House Sid- fit peel Ave s arid ill Stable and All in pood Male of fine iiiii and terms Frame House of Ave and arid hen nery Frame House Hide SI 7 No Sir lol and Brick House on Park All UB FOR dwelling stuck general mer chandise In tillage of Investigate This is a money maker For particulars and prices apply to It Newmarket Phone Box FOR SALE mm ZEPHYR Mrs Oliver of Maple spent Sun day with her brother Mr Picker ing Mr Ivan Law who was transferred to the branch of the Sterling Bank at spent Sunday under the parental roof A number of our hockey enthusiasts journeyed to to witness the match between Ml Albert and teams After spending an enjoy able evening they started for home but after an hours journey they found Zephyr After getting their bearings themselves in Manilla instead of it was not long before they reached their destination It is well for them that this Is a prohibition Province or Dame Humour would have some won derful stories to tell Driver Ben Kester arrived home Thursday night of last week Friday evening about young people met at the home of Mr II to give Ben a royal welcome and to show their high appreciation of his noble service to his country The guests were treated to an oyster supper at which the guests of honor were Driver Kester and Corporal Meyers Upon the conclusion of this Mr adting as toast master Quite an en joyable time was spent Mr It many friends will regret to learn thai his recovery is very slow He has been confined to his bid for over six weeks from pleur isy followed by inflammation of I he velDK of the legs Dr Cody accompanied by Dr Scott of Toronto was at I he home of Mr John last week with he performing an operation on Mr but he specialist ad vised thai be postponed and thai Mrs lrpihar should undergo a course in Toronto to which place sin- tin- fore of this week Journal WOMEN AND THE S It is possible for the women of Can ada to play a very Important part In to be made the success thai should the War Savings and Thrift Stamps campaign They must do so if it is be Supreme in the home mothers can do more than all others to train the children of Canada in habits of thrift The Canadian Women rendered in valuable services during the war The country can never realize how much they did In every department of war work Red Cross Patriotic Fund and In a score of other activities they laboured long and unselfishly They gave a background to the counDrs war effort hat not only admirable but most effective J It be observed that this work was done through organisations The of individual efforts was always appreciated but it was also realized that working In groups the women could do infinitely more than when working Individually Close association imparted steadfastness and continuity of policy and brought a multitude of new ideas to the work in hand The war work in general is now pretty much over but that of War Savings in Canada has only really be gun Canadians should do all they can to promote the movement in their homes and also through the formation of War Savings What community effort did in Bed Cross and other war work it can do to further the War Savings movement WARNING FOR UNION GOVERNMENT IN WORDS OF BRITISH PREMIER Aurora Winston Churchill pictures puropn as a ship slowly sinking under Die breakers of Bolshevism and dis order Lloyd CcorgC warns that is in danger of altered atoms President Wilson predicts worldwide anarchy Hie blackest kind unless the League of goes through once These are Hie flies to the Sir Thomas says k first thing alcohol does in ninetynine cases out of a hundred Is to afreet the men tal working of the brain of the man who imbibes Alcohol IS the anarchist among drugs It strikes at the seal of self- government the power- to inhibit Moderate drinking weakens self re- slnunt arid excites the lower Impulses and desires while Immoderate drink ing frees a mans passions from con trol and explains his violence and lust Every movement of every part of the body is directed by a brain centre Its nerve cells The brain centres which control our organs of movement and our desires are as follows viz heartcentres lungcen tres locomotioncentres knowledge- centres and inhibitorycentres whloh restrain and control This is the actual order of celldevelopment centres of inhibition being formed latest in life Brain and body are much like a telegraphic system The brain is sues the orders to the body The wires are the nervefibres run from the brain to every part of the body carrying messages to the bodily organs The brain directs the body obeys Hence the supreme impor tance of a healthy brain to character intellect and physical wellbeing Alcohol is a brain poison and when a man takes a glass of alcoholic liquor the alcohol reaches the brain through blood vessels widening the bore the smallest of these so that more blood is let into the tissues of the body causing the flushed face that so soon follows the taking of a glass of whiskey The next effect is on the brain cells Certain sub stances have affinity for the different tissues and organs of the brain The braincells have this affinity in a special way for alcohol Its effect on them is Intense and directly on coming In contact with them it first irritates or excites and then paralyzes them In the case of heavy drinkers alcohol attacks all the brain centres In turn speaking broadly in he in- verslp order of their development we have the explanation of the characterdestroying crimeproducing influence of strong drink With the first glasses reserve is lost Speech lis free from restraint but not from imprudence and the actions show that desire and passion arc breaking loose Alcohol begins by paralysing the braincentres of Inhibition Continuing to drink speech and ac tion show him to be out of touch with fact He counts his friends enemies and wants to fight Ills words are slurred His hand Is un steady Alcohol is paralysing the brain centres of knowledge Further doses paralyze the brain centres of Locomotion The mus cles get no orders from the brain and therefore ho staggers reels and falls in acute and frequent Intoxication Hit final tragedy may he reached and brain centres of the lungs and heart attacked and death follows The steady extruding assault on of Ihe brain explains why Strong drink undermines character Intellect ami physical health adding enormously to ie store of tinman misery j MrtEtta Buffered from troubles which caused piercing pains like a knife through my back and side I finally lost ail my so I had to go to bed- The advised an operation but I would not to it I thought of what I had read about Vegetable Compound and tried it The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me All women who have female trouble of Had should try Vegetable Compound- How Mrs Boyd Avoided an Operation Canton Ohio I suffered from a female trouble which caused me muob suffering and two doctors decided that I would hare to go through an operation before I could get well J My mother who had been helped by Pint hams Vegetable Compound advised me to try it be fore submitting to an operation It relieved me from my troubles so I can do my house work without difficulty I advise any woman whole afflicted with female troubles to give Vege table Compound a trial and it will do as much for them Mrs Maris Boyd St Canton Ohio Woman fc fo9 W hi 1 Submitting An CO MOTHER trod I of statu lllTII fcOiKdy 1 1 ill I liursday flight whorl Irclnr on was by Win head gard ener on Sir Ill was illustrated by I slides and was well On Mr 1 II of woi from 1 1 in I his son Ill had died of usual I on A days Mr had word staling thai son was in flu enlfslecl and went with the Kara hilt later transferred Mi MM r Township ha la nee hush ning water Good Silo Miter Carrier House close to school Township County Acres In cultlva- Good ham with cement slttb- Driving and hennery House school and church mall About from The above IB gOOd clay loam and vlll be at snap to wind up an 100 Acre Township All tillable Large Stables underneath silo Utter Carrier Plenty Class Brick House Lo cated relies from rniteft to points it miles from Metropolitan Hallway mile from School and Church Township of North ijwiiiimhury All tillable acres Kali Wheat acres New Seeding House Cement Stabling for Frame House Plenty water First Class Boll adjoining was offered Si and would not sell win give special terms Is quick buyer A snap Township ah under cultivation- OooufBarn stone Good House Well Fall Wheat Church and School mile miles to shipping point An Weal For particular and prices apply to Out and had seen some with that rs llnltalfoij severe fighting ill a yiilr Mr and Mrs Brown had a son re turn from oversees suffering from shell shock and Who died In Toronto The sympathy of I hi- frortH out In Mi and Mrs Brown and family in their Manner The citizens of Aurora turned out a man Friday night welcome a group of local soldier who returned from overseas recently Mayor J presided the reception which held In Mechanics Hall The Metropolitan Hallway station had a brilliant electrical display of colored in the form of large and Canadian and a Maple Leaf The street and every private residence were also decorated Each man presented with an illuminated address expressing civic appreciation Of their ftp end Id services while on active ser vice Miss and Miss Towns representing he Girls Cross made the presentation and Fred responded for the soldiers In Ids short speech he paid tribute lo Work done for Ihe men by women at borne ihe following la a si of the vet erans Cadet it A Wythe It Patrick Fred Neil Hail Ciiffiths Could and Mut ter Corp Brown LanceCorp McChr Slipper and Sapper Hobday il minds in hourly and In with As usual tin- gets to the heart of mall or when he points our thai Justice ami fair play lo all alike is the only way in which on lie saved Above nil things a spirit of prevail if wn are to ruin mailers What may he Ihe evolved from file eimferiine if he nations bark f it are themselves given over to class sirif was dlreully to lb of lie United Kingdom over here his words apply with eiial There la a flaming warning in the pre- rulers words for arrogant selfish eomhlnatipn Nothing will so surely the red in his country a lloil of this Ignoring of the rights of the masses as shown in the sensation al exposure by Sir Sam Where he Justice and fair play in such an administration London PEACE ON EARTH Oer earth guns are silent Men no longer maim and slay Peace has wrapt her mantle Mound the armies lay Hal He din ami Buret of flame Shouting Mother is a little girl who my path before me Just a bigger wiser little girl who ran ahead Bigger wiser stronger girl who always watches oer me One who knows the pitfalls in the rugged road I tread Mother is a playmate who will al ways treat me kindly will yield me what true happiness dei j She will never let my feet stray into brambles blindly just a bigger little girl who understands Mother is an older little playmate wholl befriend me Yesteryear travelled in the thats mine today Never need fear a foe from which she might defend me Faithful little pal who ran ahead and learned the way I IN FRANCE know God walks in France to day And lingers the side Of each and every quiet grave Of those who nobly died Beloved France yes loved of For all the griefs youve borne For those who lie beneath lie sod For those left so forlorn Each cross Him lias grown so deal He knows by name lie knows that each Hie sod Died lo save- us from shame The Man Sorrows know- grief Kaoh mother has boar And so He lingers by each And breathes for her a prayer Just to see If the Price will sell these Cars to you in the winter when you cannot use them They have been overhauled and In First Clasa con- with flood Tires or will make you Good Trucks and the balance are pleasure cars The Prices will be Satisfactory to you IS AN EXPERIMENT OF WHICH YOU WILL GET THE ADVANTAGE THI8 To Hit find of I an if coin ha I thrust of wild passion nil Cosily presents Wise Men fiulilill by the bill If ail I Im Ihe lowly rnnngr Fur the Kins theyd soiitflll afar wisdom Illiirred by dreams Than the wisdom tit the shepherds Who heard the Peace he shepherds ft And on e good will men Shall we our hearts of halieil That Ini sound as I ben War gallant heroes Men who died hat we have her Mors WIiii will live fur liberty ess war- Your Digest Many ailments arc caused by stomach weakness Faulty digestion leads to biliousness sick headache dizziness sallow skin and eruptions Maintain a healthy condition of the stomach and you will get rid of the chief cause of your sufferings Do not neglect the laws of health Keep stomach and bowels in order by timely use of One persons were killed or wound- in the fighting In Berlin last I nit SfU of iU Who will live and work and Struggle Who will bailie foi the Who will fight ill kinds of evil And the Keep eer In Men of men of vision Men with and Men in be of service When that service Is their part Tor tin wars of peace are ceaseless And their silent battles fought In hearts and of mankind Winre our evil hopes are wrought Shall we show that wo arc worthy Soldiers In the ranks of Peace our battles to the finish Till WO earn the right to cease Christmas Greetings from the no tary of Toronto to Citizens of Toronto OF THE WAR Womens work in war has luughl the strength of united ef fort and the worth of communi ty service the beauty duly of labor for the public weal yiio valuable lessons In food conser vation In the avoidance of waste in gen oral economy ought to bear fruit In a less prodigal use of material money and time business lessons of women are if used in if you are a plant be the sensitive if you are a man be love Victor If you are a stone ho a new values of activity before them in prosontj And so walks through France know to mortal eye And lingers in finds Acre Wllili sons ami heroes Ii o ALCOHOL A POISON of as In Ihe lure alcohol j a perfectly clear i It a Pol HOI Many have rat ed thai alcohol In poisonous living I Issues and A of the will of in closed glass lubes was made Kacb tube lin ed exact I same amount of garden mould water and air and exposed lo ihe same conditions of llghl mid heal hut variously moistened tubes were used In the mould was moistened with pure water only The mould In other four was moistened Willi a mix- lure of alcohol and water the propor tion varying from one part in parts of water lo one part of alcohol In parts of water The result was and illuminating the smallest amount of alcohol rolnrdccl the growth of the cress As the proportion of alcohol Increased the growth of the cress decreased un til In the lube where strongest solution of alcohol was used the were either actually kilted or their very feeble The effect of alcohol oh the growth of plants such as balsams geraniums petunias nettles larches beg onias and potatoes has been tested and also effect on animals worms perch and other fish sparrows and mammals Working principally with a ten per cent solution of alcohol is found thai alcohol acts as a definite poison upon all forms of cell life Hint plants be come shrivelled pale that animals become Intoxicated and thai those live in water soon die In a two per Cent solution of alcohol die within a Music day Perch In- a four per cent sulu- of soon become all to the bottom and die though If placed In pure spring water before he final stage they may revive in the course of few hours As with vegetables and the lower animals so with man the cells of which our bodies are built suffer in same way when alcohol New Models Now on Show I ROBERTSON DEALER NEWMARKET moderate dose alcohol In ken hi any form of alcoholic drink has a tendency quietly hut surely It lie body lib Chappie of Liverpool says There are line- In fluences that weaken our defensive forces heredity adversity and alcohol lhese three bill the of alcohol ran withstand storms or rigour but mil a long Hilar Pros of down right indifference Music Lovers Amazed by Edisons Daring Test All told music lovers in Canada and the United States on more than different occasions have gone to one of their local theatres filled with curiosity regarding a novel which they had been invited In each case they have come away amaz ed at the almost unbe lievable demonstration which had taken place before their very eyes and ears the most daring test of a phono graph or talking machine ever made They saw a noted Edi son artist stand beside ED Phonograph with a Soul a Into system A dully They heard the instrument sing in the artists voice in other words rttreate her voice the begin ling note lor note with the instrument Musically trained ear strove in vain to distinguish the faintest hade of difference between the actual voice and the Then suddenly and with out warning artist ceased singing leaving the instrument to continue the air alone Only by watching the artists lips did the know that she had ceased singing and that they heard the alone This the famous Edison Tone Test Only Edison makes this test Only can make this test because only the New Edison actually retrtato the human voice and the music of humanplayed instruments with every tone quality every shade of expression Ordinary phonographs and talking machines merely firtttrttte an at ntw At- at our Make the- tint suit etrtvtnietet J J Y Newmarket Ont I 1 l I A