Poor Kidney Action Brings Fatal Results I Comments of exchanges 1 J fc r It is well for everyone to that kidneys fail to remove the from the blood these poisons accumulate and ret up the infections that cause disease axe the indications which give Warning of this approaching Here are a few of the That pain in the back Swol len joints ankles painful urination or brick dust deposits At the first Attack of any of these trouble tarn to the old tried and tested kidney remedy Pills Take them as directed And too will ward off chronic Do not misunderstand the name Pills Hon they came to be called Pills is this Gin has long been considered a remarkable curative agent for or bladder trouble This virtue comes from one ingredient alone in Gin and from the alcohol That is why the beneficial ingredients in gin can he taken in pill form without alcohol tfcat is what you get when yon use Gin Pills When you decide to try Gin Pills yon Are protected Buy a box from any dealer for cents If you do not get genuine relief after taking them all J on have to do is ask for your money and it will be returned- This is certainly a generous offer but we make it feeling that once you Clave tried Gin Pills and know the beneficial results they bring you will continue to use and recommend them A free sample will be sent if yon address your request to the National Chemical Co of Canada Lim ited Toronto IK A MsdelnOanada Doss St Marys Journal sentence of one month In jail fine and costs land on Reeve Weber of will- be a salutory lesson to that dis loyal obnoxious brood of Germans who showed their hands in our north ern counties throughout the war and of which this Canadian mer chant was but a type FIERY SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT Union Government Characterised f WORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS A Latest in Monuments and Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Call and See us before Buying Elsewhere ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Cut to Order MEMORIAL TABLETS FOR Kept In Stock JOHN MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone 25r5 Box Make no Mistake in Place Huron Near Depot and Charles Toronto Has superior courses equip ment and teachers It makes good claim promise graduate of the last three years has promptly secured em ployment Open all year NOW Is a splendid time to enter Cat alogue free WJ ELLIOTT Principal The Modern Dance Bulletin On the dance jet joy he has no place with the ministers of On a recent Sunday four of preached on amusements The modern dance or as one put it a pub lic hugging social set to music was denounced as being and harmful while baseball and hookey with monetary gain as the Object were also strongly condemned On the other hand all the speakers pronounc ed in favor of clean amateur sport which developed the mind and body Civil Service Commission Criticized Pembroke Standard The Civil Ser vice Act should he amended examina tions so conducted that there could be no ground for charges of unfairness or in obtaining positions By all means the government can not af ford to pass up the indictment made by Mr and it is not sufficient for Mr Koran to slate that the charges against him are based on antagonism to him because he Is a Roman Catho lic He should therefore if a Is blameless all the more strongly court a full investigation There is one thing certain and thai is that the civil service commission is not the cure all for patronage abuses that a good many supposed it would he Tea at S3 Per Bottle Parry Sound Star A bunch of travellers were standing around Sco tia Junction wailing for connections when a rural youth who had been sizing them up picked a likely one winked mysteriously and tapping his hip pocket whispered Want lo buy some tea He did and a consulta tion behind the station resulted in I he Disgusting and Repulsive Ottawa March A star in the J Now you know Mr Speaker that there is only one example in the his- tory of of such behavior You have to go away back to the time of Charles I when the Earl of Staf ford was beheaded by virtue of a law of retroactive effect as regards crimi nal offences This Government has gone back three hundred years for its precedent But there are Liberals In that Government who have declared that we cannot put them out of party It is not very hard put out of the Liberal party men who have acted as these people have acted for the last year and a half Fought For Rights I submit to the Liberals on the other side of the House that legislation by orderlncounollfreedom taken from the press and the bench sup- political firmament appeared last night Luclen Cannon of Dorchester B delivered the most striking and power ful oration of the session and in some- ways the most Striking speech heard for years Earlier in the day Dr Michael Clark of Red Deer had taken the House or at least the Government majority by storm but when Mr Can non had finished his speech on the ad dress a good House and crowded gal- had heard an effort which made the member from Red Deer appear in significant Cannon stirred Parlia ment to its depths sent the Liberal party Into ecstasies of delight made the spectators wonder why so little had been- heard of him before and pro phesied as to his future As he dilated upon the principle of liberty he was applauded by Hon TV A Crerar of labor these are not Lib- Sir Sam Hughes and a number of prominent members on the Government side Dealt With Principles He dealt for the most part with prin ciples rather than individuals Indeed When the labor people of this country are told by the minister of public works that they cannot claim their Just rights but must choose between jail and the military uniform where w we living Is it Canada I dressed man medium broad Black or Tan with medium Trade Mark and of fr a lipped off four others and other flea I Thai pared make pulled in No swig a fare of lie he roared were put through FARMERS ATTENTION sound The cork was I And at the first of dismay came to he Grat it is tea And it was The Newspaper Man Central Canadian Carlton A preacher at dose of one of his Sermons said Let all in the church who an paying debts stand up Presently every man woman and child with one exception rose their preacher seated them and man not paying his up The exception a hungrylooking individual clothed in his last summers suit slow ly assumed a perpendicular position How is if my friend asked Hie you are the only man not able to meet Ids obligations I run a newspaper ho answered and the brethren here who stood up are my subscribers and Let pray exclaimed minister If this question was asked in your what would yon do stand Look at your label The said Now stand careworn up or still now Tho Fourth Mackenzie In Prospect Bulletin the thud of dan is now In lead Of Canada Judge I I Hie Liberalism in Mel Ii it ill I Make money in your spare time dur ing the Pall and months Hardy Canadian Nursery Stock British and Kuropean markets will be for Canadian Fruit and now lime in order for spring planting LurgCbt of Fruit rim menial Slock Seed Potatoes file grown in Write for Particulars Stone Wellington For the Old Reliable NUR3ERIE8 TORONTO la king dare in House MILL WORK Cut Parties Lumber can have the ftarne done at YARD NEWMARKET Dont wait till lite Is all gone Time is Short W Prop THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE MONTREAL I if N T O T A O D Unexcelled Dining Car cars Oil night Trains and Parlor on principal Day Trains Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning Dl strip Paseengei Agent Toronto the I Hie of Commons made vomui through ilea Hi of Sir Wilfrid The of the Lyon was on rM ago hut hi no of parly li as was known in before war Tin was Hon who was Premier from to ludo- Who is now at the helm Is sixty years of apt having porn Lake in llii of law and served as North Sydney ami of Schools for fur years in he wah tin- Nova ami o llj of in in which lias excepp when In Judge of Hie County No of Nova his nam would he a white very aggressive Mr has ill the out of lie in ill- Parliamentary debates in he of Hie the was attacked on several look a pail and his and tfOII- to hose debates brought and redirection In of war efforts Not- After the election we would not if to Hon Mackenzie phone J Phone Agent I It i it Oernuny will be to pay to Tot he Incurred by the marine during the of MI8TAKEN PRIDE Phil May the and tlls of a funny experience he had on return from tour for the Graphic When J came back to London I to the office and imagine my graiifnatiofi when I haw everywhere banner hearing the In large Welcome to May This is Indeed fame thought and I got to the Graphic Office there watt another with and ail the rest of it Wel come to and The worried mi- a bit but Hienome of the man who went out with commenced with I told the editor of my gratification Why Idiot he re marked to do with I rfe marriage of Prince George and lrincehu May Era to Absent Friends of a gTeat party a supporter of a Gov ernment that has taken away the free dom of the press Dri Clark Hon Mr and other former Liberals now sitting on the other side Of the House have told us they are still Liberals and we can not put them out of the Mr Cannon I would say to our friends opposite that I have not the authority or any Intention of doing any such thing Two years ago a great issue arose in this country Many Liberals in all honesty left their old leader Sir Wilfrid Laurier and sup ported present Government Some of hem now silling in the House often said last year We cannot vote against this Government We have support it because we want win tinwar Thai object has now been attained and any Liberal on the other side of the House who wishes i re main a Liberal must now show that he is honestly supporting a Liberal policy and believes the policies he is supporting to be so Asks Pointed Question I now conic to the question Is the present Government a Liberal Government I answer without any hesitation whatsoever that not only it not a Liberal Government jt is not even a Tory Government it is worse than thai it is a mixture of both without being anything of el I her The ministers rail themselves mem bers of a Coalition Government Coalition can only be had by compromise And What is com promise Compromise Is loo often but the sickly offspring of principles That Is the kind of Gov ernment we have today and say lo our Liberal friends on tin other side you may honestly and sincerely have supported that Goveniiuenl in order hi win the war today If you are Liberals ymi cannot support It any longer Horn of Three Elements This Government by its formation showed that it is a Tory and Tory of the worst kind was of union of elements materialism in its lowest- form Sir Joseph lie bacon king per verted spiritualism professionalized religion subsidized selfglorification and but believe me sir it is not the Clifford that brazen political ancestors can he retraced only the darkey recesses of when jobhiry was an find reason a career The present Lnion Gove ru men I Is the union of Imiic three and I lo any honest Lib eral in this country can yon look upon he of snoh union disgust and repulsion What kind of admlnlslrallonbaH his Government given of thf Council Mr Howell v ho formerly led the Liberal party in Ihc Province of Ontario ir Oliver and Hint of great In Ihc Province of On tario who thought in Canada the of should lie follow ed ami for on Ho- treasury administration em to In a Liberal he a Government that has taken away he freedom of the press Took Freedom of They have gone further and token away fenilom of bench if is one thing that Liberal pari always fought for It was honest justice this has tried to Justice in this country Courts have been orders Hial of Riicli find such a nature conic before them fur decision judgments ore to I given in such and a way or else the was liable file or Are we Jiving In Or In Prussia The presi dent of the privy council a former leader of the Liberal parly In Ontario has travelled hi so perhaps he will lei me know This Govern ment taken away the frredom of the press they have taken away the freedom of I tie bench but more than that they have taken Hie free dom of Parliament The war Is over now and yet while this House Is In session the Government Is tin taking advantage of the war measures act to pass orders- ju council against every principle of justice Qoos Back Years I see the honorable member for Halifax Mr listening to my He used to be a Liberal and I hope still Is one I am sure not present at the council tabic when Knit council passed with retroactive effect so that people might be punished who have already appeared before and been or acquitted Ibis on the If the Liberals on the other side only Individual to whom he paid 1 in the cabinet claim very special attention was Hon Government should be sup- ley Wf on administratimV what sarcastically hat he was the program forth of Sir Oliver leader fa great men who have been Leaders of Ihe Liberal party Blake and all the have always for provincial rights Liberalism has always respected privileges and liberties of the provinces And insisted that they should be protected Hut this Government which lias the sup port of some Liberals is taking a position the very opposite to that sup ported by Liberalism in the past is a subject that is left to he managed by he province but Government announces hills subject of technical education Liquor as Rating I am surprised see thai the ex tender of the Liberals in the Province of Ontario did not have the cabinet I am surprised that the speech from the hrone did no make him do It This is instance surely thai the destruction provincial autonomy My stand on this question is very simple say thai this question should he settled by the provinces if the Fed eral wishes pass legis- lalion let us have no hypocrisy ii In ibis country in the Province of Ontario people now are not rated cording money have hank but say of a man so many cases of Scotch in Ills I tell Mr Howell that this What is Back of It MOST Canadians will instantly recognize our trade mark as standing for certain standards of quality in shoes But what is back of it Why should it be so generally accepted as a sufficient guarantee of good value Let us see under bonds as it were to maintain the quality of his lose hia reputation And the higher his reputation becomes the heavier his responsibility grows oblige In the first place there is back of it by far the largest shoe manufacturing organization in Canada with resources far beyond those of any other and greater buying power in the material markets But that is not all- Important as those things are they are not the most important For back of the trade mark there is something else which we could not escape if we would an obligation to keep faith with the public The manufacturer of goods assumes no responsibility for them after they leave his factory The manufacturer of trade marked goods assumes an obligation which lasts clear through to the last day of their use The trade mark puts him That is what is back of the trade mark That is what we offer to Canadian wearers of shoes That is why we ask you to look for the manufac turers trade mark on the shoes you buy We have prepared a booklet entitled How to Buy Shoes May we send you a ropy with our compliments Please address our head office a Montreal AMES McCREADY LIMITED Shoemakers to the Nation it ST JOHN MONTREAL TORONTO Whan you buy Shoes look for r WIN NIP KG EDMONTON VANCOUVER this on every sole W A TRUE SETTING From Tho Renfrew Mercury in in If w us every man has nature I hat siv months of Mi- passing declare on liquors he may have in bis thai we may know lie cellar situation I my law of such a Inn of law lutnlily of house so we Clark speech an- years were this now and what s in- Condemn Franchise BUI The speech from the I irons provision may find mil for all if min ister agriculture Mr Is a Liberal or bono member for is a Liberal or Tin a franchise hill flops this by means of a franchise hill hroUKh Ihe Arc ffolrtg lo have another Will he Liberals who sit on Mini -idi- of lie House prolyl such a measure or will pi II The honorary minister Mr A who Ihc of a few yens Huff hill was a name- Thai Mm into I his lloiiKif The works Mr I Unit if was III ill In- Was i la ma Hon any III lustlee Is his House Domanded wi- want Lid us have Justice from hi Libera Ik if are Liberals If we arc e he a hi not Ih- slal ihe ideriinn as one even more rhuisly ay Ibis public work yiw very s Lienhy only for newly- loin is freedom ami say revolution love of in the if who wuit live We of Liberal parly on his side House and the men who- hull If III of ill II adi mi that Can- his wc had had only would have bee 111 the same ill Which II Was when he family ruled Hid died and they it fought our liberty for MEN TO RETURN MONTHLY ALL TO BE HOME BY NEXT which has taken facilitate of the Canadian hi Of liilr hi review by Hon the on I lie from the Throne in the day Laek of ocean tonnage and the hat the railways declared were unable to handle more than lOOOn men a month during Hie Winter bad so far limited the rale at which Hie dleiK were being repatriated hoped that In tho when the ports of Quebec arid Mon treal could bo utilized the rate would he Increased a month Quebec Province offers of absolutely red with no red or strings to Hie deedi any relurnei and honorably dlsrharged sol dier or sailor of any of the allies i llev Dr Taylor of rtenfrew a morals in McHiodist church Sunday evening from the life of Kir Wilfrid said thai the deceased never failed to mention no mailer in what Province he he speaking that his blood was French and his religion tinman Catholic lir Taylor might have added wilh equal that there were others forever pointing Ihe same facts and using as against him Wherever was politically profitable to belittle because of bis race and religion it was done while in Quebec same agencies were wont to decry Laurier as being half and more limn half What was at bottom of such infamy Ordinary politics No The thing was a desire maintain a proTccllve tariff in Canada and keep it as high as possible might have been by and niedttii in religion for all Ills main as- assailants launching cries against him have cared if were favorable In a tariff Sir John who for a while was Of Canada his religion from Methodist Human bill being in favor of trade harriers his religion Was all right of tariffs I regret Dial Macken zie lb new Liberal leader is reiieb and for is iiil easy lo Inflame the majority of a Scotchman descent ami a Presbyterian in religion They will now reuliv Quel intensively and whisper in oilier parts Of Hie Dominion that Mac kenzie in some respects worse than We are lo speak of Hun as if II were word In suhlerfuge and Irlgue Mini propaganda Is a crude iiii Iransjmrciii ihing as compared carried no in this country In the Interest f trade restriction and Roman ore nulled in and rare ami religious cries have endorsilton of liny loir in al lower down v ho are Sincere in fears for religion and race tariffs as dlslliigulshed from for revenue which laller the interests do want nol lasl for In litis or any other country if Hie gouerallly of the eleetorlte bill what hein ous things they are There nil Inday more Canadians than ever who See the tight on this mailer The tilled Farmers are expressing them- so that It Is nol likely in Ihe future the intertfd will he able to many of the vntors wilh religious or party cries mailers little nothing whether ihe men In authority In Legislatures call themselves Liberals or are known as Conservatives except In so far as play pari toward robbery by tariff Ottawa Sir Wilfrid Laurier being human bad his faults but of his defects his main one was that he did not antagonize trade barriers to a greater extent than he did from io in be was of Hie school in power be contented himself with a curtailment of the vicious p and Introduction fenuiee through means Joined other favoring circumstances the Dominion enjoyed- fifteen years of prosperity Tire Chief Smith of Cuelph has a successful lest of mask for the protection of from Metropolitan Life Insurance Co Outstanding Insurance larger than that of any other Company in the world The Company By Poll of the People the People For the People I issued by pays a Yearly Dividend he year making a protection and an investment The Company is big anil broad enough In insure Canadas soldiers The War extra charge by the Metropolitan Co was less than by all oilier Companies enabling who left Canada light to leave behind protection for heir wives and families Amount paid to Policyholders in I 8239114432 Increase in in 1918 for year Assets for The present Investments in Canadian Securities plus Canadian Victory exceed many millions of dollars our total premium and interest receipts in the Dominion POLICIES AND PLANS SECOND TO NONE MAURICE BOSWELL District Agent NEWMARKET I M AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE DEPOT Expert Storage Battery Repairs i There Is now no need to send your Battory to Toronto to bo Repaired If you have trouble with your I can fix It While It Is I can loan you a to keep you going until Repairs are Completo IGNITION REPAIRS BATTERIES CHARGED UPTODATE EQUIPMENT FACTORY AND RESIDENCE LIGHTING POWER INSTALLATIONS EVERY INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR Market Bulldng NEWMARKET ALFRED STARR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR I smoke fumes itneirTriiPriMriittrtiftiftsi StaHBSB