Newmarket Era, 28 Feb 1919, page 7

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mm MARKET FRIDAY 8 H CHINA HALL JOUR LOCAL NEWS i SPECIAL Wo I are Reducing our Stock In All l DINNER SETS Finest Quality Porcelain at would be Good Value at CHINA DINNER 8ET8 Pieces CHINA TEA Pieces No Quality at Reduced Prices TEA POTS The Largest and Best Assort- j of Very Nice Styles from 25c to CI root Red Cross Society The ladies are still sewing every Tuesday afternoon Good attendance last Tuesday afternoon The President Mrs J Robert son attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Red Cross in Toronto yesterday Report expected next Tuesday The last two shipments comprised 3 doz Socfcs HeadBandages Childrens Garments Total value Sunday is Missionary bay in life Sunday School The Missionary Program is to be given by Mrs John Brimsons class of and something extra may be expected Let the parents turn out and swell the attendance next Sunday Departmental The Time Tables are Issued for the Exams of High School pupils for The Lower Middle and Upper School Exams all commence on the 30th of June The first closes on the of July and the others on the of July i Importer of Staple and Fancy China South FLOUR that the war is over and substitute is done away with the constant only because luilily is in every bat Belter the let us send you a bag of CREAM OF THE WEST BREAD FLOUR OYSTER SHELL AND GRIT Scratch Feed for J Licence No Prompt Delivery Phone House Phone 265 TERMS ONLY Christian Endeavour Program for March Our Relation to God Obeying John Consecration Meeting Maud Evans and Lost by Looking Prov Temperance Meeting Mr Nixon and Verne Envy and Coveteousness Luke 132i Menar and Flossie 25 The Art of Building Character I Cor 3 Annie and Edith McDonald Case Dismissed An action was brought against the Corporation of Newmarket by Mr T J Woodcock in connection with the sale of lots in Cannaught Gardens for taxes He was the highest bidder on lots but they were not knocked down to him because the Clerk was instructed not to sell them unless they reached a reserved bid Mr Wood cock claimed that under the law the Corporation was obliged to sell them to the highest The case came before the High Court of Justice in To ronto on Wednesday and was dismiss ed each side to pay their own costs Accident Miss Noel Vale daughter of Mr Geo Vale was returning home from the residence of Mr Geo on Sat urday evening and accidentally stepped into a hole which resulted in dislo cating her kneecap causing much pain and will probably lay her up for two or three weeks t Another Banquet v The Executive Of the Board of Trade have arranged for another Ban quet at the King George Hotel on Fri day evening the The officers for will be elected and topics of interest to the Town dis cussed It is hoped that all who have an interest in boosting the Town will make arrangements to be present Vlt Home The Choir of the Methodist Church accompanied by Rev and Mrs Law rence took a trip out to the Industrial Home on Wednesday evening in Mr John Murphys limousine and very greatly delighted the inmates with an elegant Concert Lawrence pre sided and his Introductory speeches added life to the program There are now inmates Mr and Mrs have another mouth lo put in yet J- S 8 Mission Band On Friday last a Mission Band was organized in the Methodist The following officers were elected Mrs Hooker Mrs N Emily Meek VicePres Helen Cor Sec Emily Haines Florence Rogers Jean Hunter Pianist Margaret Patterson Helen Richardson and Edna Murphy Sub Palm Branch Grace Mrs Kemp District Organizer will address the Band on Thurs day Feb at pm Brleflets It was nearly down to zero again yesterday morning Last Monday a little girl daughter of Mr Bridges on Timothy street west fell and hurl her arm badly The Dr was called and an examination showed that the arm was not broken as at first supposed Report says part of the are on the acean and expect to arrive at Hali fax on Sunday or Monday Little Miss Nora McKewon fell while skating on the pond about ten days ago and broke her left arm near the shoulder She is getting around again with her arm in a sling interior of the old Watson stand is being altered by carpenters to suit the new tenant Mr A AND IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK ORANQE8 AND CANDY Pattersons Nut Bars Be Fresh Peanut Crisps 30c MILK TICKETS FOR LUNCHES HOT AND OYSTER Cream and Soft as usual R St near Hie Market Farmers Club Interest In the evening meetings of the Farmers Club Is increasing The moving pictures given by the Depart ment of Agriculture last Friday even ing were both instructive and enter taining Everyone appreciated the musical part of the program and hope in the near future to again he favored with selections by Miss Cook and the Hunker Hill Quartette The readings added much to the evenings enjoy ment especially the one giving the Irish lads first encounter with an owl The next meeting will be held on Saturday March at p The meeting will be addressed by a repre sentative of the United Farmers Co operative Co on the subject Co- Operative Live Stock Marketing All farmers are Invited to attend this meeting and lake part In the discus sion Sunday School Convention The annual Sunday School Con vention of the Aurora and Newmarket Association will be held in Aurora Presbyterian Church on Tuesday of next week afternoon and evening Rev Secretary of the Pro vincial Association will be pre sent consequently all workers can be assured that their attendance will be worth while There will be a competition between all the schools as to which will have the largest number of delegates at the evening session The delegates from each school will sit together and each school is expected to have a Banner Let Newmarket show the people of Aurora that S work here is not ne glected and Illustrated THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE MONTREAL TORONTO T I R GAG I T Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping ears on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains Pull information from any Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning District Agent Toronto Phone Phone If Agent Skating Carnival The Carnival last Friday evening under the auspices of the High School pupils at Newmarket Skating Rink was a great success About people were present of whom some were in costume The Aurora Hand was present and the lively music wan much enjoyed hough Mi was a little soft for the skippers on steel Oil the whole the costumes were very good and the judges Mr W Kidd Miss and Miss awarded the prizes as follows Dressed Lady Miss Cain- Queen Ihsl Dressed Gentleman George Indian Infantry Man Patriotic Lady Miss A Thomas and Her Allies Patriotic Gentleman- Chester Wood Uncle Sam Comlikdgar Second lies Comic Will Clown J Jest Couple Miss K and 1 Tint pupils will clear about whleh will probably be in sports as soon as the seOjfOfJ Opens Presbyterian Supper Lecture In connection wllh the Services commemorating the Anniversary of the opening of St Andrews Church a supper will be held in the basement next Monday evening March 3rd Tables will be ready at to which all our citizens and friends arc In vited Come early so that all may be served in time to assemble in the Auditorium to enjoy the instructive lecture to be given by the A Logan the popular minister of Presbyterian Church To ronto subject Four Months with the British Army in France is an eloquent speaker needing little introduction to the people of Newmarket He has recently re lumed from overseas an1 will give us first hand personal experiences This will he the only time the lecture has been given outside the City and It will be adequately illustrated by a number of excellent views so that the audi ence may he enabled to both sec and hear actual conditions as they existed at the front while was with the troops The choir under the direction of Mr Walter Stephens will render choice selections of music One ticket admits to both Supper and Lecture Dont miss this event the double treat of the season and you will he the better qualified to under stand and discuss The Great World War See elsewhere in this issue I ten I Best 8HOP Newmarket largo and small food Portable and Traction En gines Clover MillH Cutting- Wood Call and Bee before you buy Proprietor Shop East of Hank Toronto a man seldom as aid an lie a woman young la Send Era to Absent Friends Another Victim of the Flu On Friday the final call came to Miss Laura Vernon who confined to her bed since Christmas with the flu followed by other complications Deceased the daughter of the lale Vernon was the great comfort of her mother ever his death years ago on the old home stead Town Line of Whitchurch although for over 0 years she lias been ftn Invalid and almost a constant sufferer For the past years they have resided In Newmarket and her cheerfulness in spite of physical dis ability made her a favorite among her friends The funeral took place on Monday afternoon conducted by rector of St Paulas Church assisted by Despard iron to cousin of deceased The pall- bearers were Messrs Victor Arthur Karl and Frank Vernon of Whitchurch Jack and Harrison Vernon of Toronto Interment at Newmarket Cemetery Others who attended the funeral from a distance were the following Mrs Major Henderson Rev and Mrs Jan Harrison Vernon and Mr and Mrs John Harri son Vernon All of Toronto Mrs Stewart of the Messrs Vande- Richmond Hill Office Specialty Convention at Toronto The Branch Manager and Repre sentatives of the Office Specialty Mfg Company Limited manufacturers of filing devices and office systems with home offices and factories here met in convention this week at the Toronto Branch Of the Company located at Wellington Street West where head quarters was maintained during the progress of the convention lasting from Feb to March 1st The Company has just completed a favorable business year and reports from the Managers of Its Dominion- wide organization Indicated that with former restrictions removed the crucial point in readjustment being successfully passed and business run ning on a notably even keel for appear very encouraging The officers of the company look to the future With optimism and see great possibilities of national development Industrial expansion and general pros perity for Canada On Friday the 28th the members attending the Convention Journey to the Factory here by private car from Toronto where they will be enter tained by the Home Office Staff A luncheon and will he served the King Hotel at which the Directors Of the Office Specialty Co Ltd are to be present Besides the Directors convening ranch Mana gers the following are also Invited Messrs F Smith Smith J MoCaffery Doyle Wilson W of Newmarket and Messrs Frbo J R Cole and of A Mfg Co Ltd of Rochester The Managers and Repre sentatives who attended the conven tion arc Curtis Toronto Montreal W Houghton Ottawa M Halifax V L L Hamilton Geo Meyers Winnipeg Reg Edmonton J Ferguson Cal gary J MoMarlln Vancouver A Ontario Stratford and Vesto Quebec Representative Quebec Hockey On Thursday afternoon of last week the High School team went to Brad ford and played the local boys a fast and clean game It was said to be exciting but you would not think so by the score to in favor of Bradford Following were the Newmarket team Goal Galbraith defence Keith and Johnston centre West wings Hall and Morrison sub Hunter King Council Council met at Armstrongs Hotel King City on Saturday Feb Members were all present and the Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed The following bills were presented and ordered paid John Boys gravel grant Silas reps to road 450 yds gravel ft 1 Slack reps to culvert Samuel yds gravel A Carson gravel grant The following resolutions were That J A Watson be relieved from collecting Taxes for Southern to the amount of as perNsworn statement MacMurchyIsrQutcheon That the Auditors Report of the Treasurers accounts for the year ending Dec 31st be and is hereby received and adopted and that the Clerk be author ized to have the usual printed MacMurehyKaake That the Au ditors A and A Fry be each paid the sum of re services re auditing the Treasurers Books for year ending Dec 31st DolspnMpCutcheon That he refunded re dog tax said dog having been destroyed That the bill Of Jdmes Aiming for re damages to buggy re defective road on side road Lot Con be paid MacMurehyKaake That Geo he paid the sum of in full of balance of account for services as surveyor That John Hell be paid re sheep claim That If Webb be paid for Of road around gravel pit date from May 1st for one year and seal Of the Cor poration be attached hereto That the authorized to ask for Tenders for the Printing of this Municipality for Hie current year and that Clerk and Councillors ami he a committee to consider and approve of same That Reeve be authorized and Instructed to de posit the Bond of I In Treasurer will the Manager of the Bank of Montreal King for safe keeping MacMurehyKaake That this Coun cil confirm the of the Treas urer in crediting the Township with received Albert rl I linger for statute Labor commuted for Road Division No Con and that said Division he forwarded said amount on the 1919 That Dr Kay he paid for attendance on Florence Wchh and for phon ing and sundries total 51850 That the bill of Mr Harvey for board and destroy ing bedding etc re Florence for he paid KnnkcMcCufchcon That Council appoint Burns In lieu of Albert ami George Archibald In of Ambrose as road over seers MacMurehyKaake That the Reeve and Clerk he appointed to interview Hydro HI CO trie Commission in view of supplying light and power from Maple King City and from Kllenhurg to and secure informa tion In regards debentures re Union School Section King and Hast That the fol lowing gravel grants he given John Thompson on Town line Con providing Vnilghnii Township gives equal amount on corner of Con between Lois and Wilkle and Samuel Davis commissioners on Con opposite Lots to 5 John Wade commissioner to Wray and Watson commissioners Con in the old survey That John Watson receive balance of salary ho having relieved of further duties as collector for That Vera Hodge he paid the sum of for nursing Florence Webb and for drugs supplier and other expenses That the On tario Municipal Association be given a grant of oh membership fees dole- gates to be appointed later ByLav No to amend ByLaw No appointing Webb an assessor In lieu of W W Burling resigned received lis several readings and passed On motion Council adjourned to meet at Hotel on Saturday March The policy of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited to sell its cars for the with de lowest possible price quality is too well known to quire comment Therefore because present conditions there can be no change in the price of Ford Cars of RUNABOUT TOURING COUPE SEDAN 660 1075 STANDARD CHASSIS 625 ONE-TON- TRUCK CHASSIS 750 These prices are F O B Ford Ontario ALL PRICE8 SUBJECT TO WAR TAX GHARGE8 EXCEPT TRUCK AND CHA8SI8 ROBERTSON Dealer Newmarket Ont WHEN NELLIE MAKE8 FIFTEEN A WEEK In days gone by mothers plan ning for Hie future would say When Nellie is married we will do so and so Today they say When Nellie has a good position or makes a week I will do this or that The oldfashioned mother pointed with pride to the daughter happily married mis tress of her own wellmanaged home Today the power the household the daughter who earns the largest salary Many mothers frankly ad mi I that it does not pay to train laughters in housewifely habits The girl who Is lo be In business should not be troubled with do mestic mailers Instead of teaching Ihe girl how to dust mend or cook before and after school hours the mother dictates shorthand exercises Is it remarkable that the girl accepts her mothers view Sure ly this mother drudging more or less patiently at home while he daughter is preparing for bus iness must lumw whereof she speaks says her child shall never lend the narrow lift thai has hoed hers is strange thai girj sees domestic life through distorted lenses and decides in favor of a life of in- Independence Not until Hie women of generation have married and reckoned full nVnsbro their loss will a second or perhaps third gen eration of daughters be lailglll to choose intelligently between domestic and the business life unlit thousands women have scored either failure or deadening mediocrity in wage- earning will girls he taught that Micro is drudgery in factory store or office as well as in the kitchen Until mothers loam this by actual experience daugh ters will continue to fling recklessly unadvisedly in to maelstrom of business life BONOS INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES We own and offer subject to prior sale withdrawal or advance in price Victory Bonds any denomination maturity or amount at market price Government of duo ylotd 2000 Government of Saskatchewan due yield 55000 Government of Ontario due 1925 yield Government of Alberta due 1944 yield City of Toronto due 1926 yield Greater Winnipeg District Bonds due yield Interest payable halfyearly No expense in collecting interest or prin cipal Bonds delivered to your nearest hank THESE ARE THE HIGHEST CLASS Q SECURITIES AND WILL IN VALUE Full particulars on application Let us double your income J WALTON Dealer In GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS A PLEASURE IN GIVING People who are always in a pickle soon got soured strong breath often Indicates a Weak backbone The three Carey sisters were objects of envy in ll0 school of them had somewhat large allowance of money which was intended to cover her per sonal expenses It was the first year in which the allowance had been made and at the close each Of the girls found herself with a little sum in hand Wo can do what WO please with it I exclaimed May She ran for her hat and hurrying to the candy shop laid in a supply of dainty confections with which she treated all the girls in the school lane said nothing but she spent no money in candy A day OP two later a quaint old Japan ese bronze appeared on her desk What are you going to do with your spare money she asked of Sophy the youngest of sisters Sophy grew red hut did not answer May laughed Sophy has an ambition lo do good in the world she said She intends lo spend her monoy for a instructive hooks which she is going to lend lo the poor hoys In the alley If I could make them good I it it would be better than candy or said Sophy earnest ly She bought the books gave them to the hoys and went to their houses several limos to ex plain and talk to I hem about the stories and pictures One day when the sisters were together Jane asked What became hooks Sophy Sophy shook her head The hoys tired of hem in and took no notice of them I have my bronze still said June triumphantly is a real pleasure to trie I see il Your randy lid not lust she said May significantly It made us all happy while it did last said May laUKhing Sophy sat thinking when she was left alone Her Utile effort seemed o have wasted The good hooks have made boys uO better It had been useless as water spilled Upon the ground buy candy next month her Spare money or a pretty bronze And yet She loved those bad litlle fel lows si much since she had tried to help And they ran af ter her now lo speak In her to shake hands Her color rose and the tears came into her eyes will on my own way I like it belter I ha bronzes or candy she whis pered to herself a A GOOD llcrtle Dged two years had Just re turned from Sunday School and mam ma laid down the Sunday School paper she had been reading and Who made you Dc Lord made said What did He make you for asked mamma Dortle a moment and then with love and trust shining In his face ho re plied oo wouldnt be lonesome mamma l OXYAOETYLENE WELDING Almost all broken parts of Ma- ohinory be satisfactorily re paired at reasonable prices by this Process Try it ROGERS Phone East of Bank of Toronto at Fred Shop Invest Your Savings in VICTORY BOND8 and you will have the most high ly secured investment in Canada and as a result a good income Full information on request Our connection enables us to give you prompt and courteous attention Choice Town and Farm Properties for Sale Also for sale Montreal Tramways Power Co five year secured Gold This Is a safe invest- at an exceptionally high rale of HAMILTON SON Office at Boyds Livery Newmarket NOTICE TO CREDITORS persons having claims ho Estate of Jackson late of Town of Newmarket in County of York Journalist deceased Who died at Newmarket on the day of January are hereby notified to flic their claims with undersigned Executors on or before the 1st day of March 1010 as Immediately thereafter the will proceed to dlstri- assets amongst those entitled thereto having regard only to those- claims hen filed JACKSON Newmarket J Bronte Executors Haled at Newmarket this day of Jan Solicitor for Estate I NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Albert Widdiflold late of the of in county ofYprk Bailiff deceased who at on the day of September aro no tified to file their with the S6- for K Robertson and Keith Executors of tho last will of deceased on or before the day of March as immediate ly said Executors will proceed to distribute too among those entitled Inorolo having regard only to those items then ftlod Dated 3rd February for Executors t I I 1 mm

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