v I ly of Mold 1 i only Will no mo bobby in If Ye lUie In OUR LOCAL NEWS A Donation of Ten Dollars received from Hon Sir Mulock Sec mH Wall Paper Mr Bert Green the expert decora tor has Just opened a new stock of rolls comprising choice designs for various rooms See them and compare prices before ordering else- whore Ad Boy Soiuts Til Hoy Scouts at last have 1 the Temperance Hall for their Headquarters and lads over years age wishing Join can obtain full particulars on Saturday afternoon March 1st Friday March the Scouts having a Rally Mayor Eves president will take the chair AQENTS FOR fl I I Volunteer Brigade royally by board of trade at the Mansion House Monday night F Silvester presi dent of the board acted as host Over were present and spent a bright evening in song and speech Aurora Autograph Party The Mission Circle in connection with the Methodist Church will hold In entertainment in the school- on Friday evening March commencing at oclock It is to be as an Autograph Party A elocutionist has been secured Vist the vocalists in the program which will followed by re fresh cents Everybody invite ROCHE CO OVER FAIR Church Anniversary The fortyfourth anniversary of I he Presbyterian Church will be celebrated next Sabbath Rev of Cookes Church Toronto will officiate at the morning service and Dr A of St Church in evening On Tuesday evening the annual TeaMeeting will lake place followed by a Lecture on the War by Rev Logan Geggie of Toronto Influenza has again broken out in the district east of Aurora and thirty cases were reported on- Monday So far no deaths have resulted and it is thought that owing to the good con dition of roads providing a first- rate chance for the doctors to visit scattered cases the epidemic will be kept in hand The Greenville Club will hold a Progressive Euchre at the Hall on Monday evening March 3rd Every body come BOO- FOR PATTERNS I- j i Vjtt ALU GOOD COOKS USE POWDER S 1 V Large Purchases of- All Kinds of Dry Goods Enables ua to sell Many Lines for Much Less than we buy them for tocfay Anticipate wants and get Some of the Bargains at mm tali We have All the Substitutes used Instead of Flour at a little Lower Prices than usual AND Are Oup which we are offering for about 10o Mess pep SHOES The Price of Boots Is again Upward Hound Our Large gives you Protection on Prloe for some time to come Postponement Owing to the death of a valued member the have decided to postpone their Euchre and Dance in the I Hall until Friday March Music by Mr Cards at oclock sharp Com Z Shrovo Tuesday Social The next meeting of the A P A will be the- last social event of the Association before the Lentin season begins With a thought for the weeks of quietness and a sigh for j Methodist Church Christian Church Sunday March Morning topic Serving God with Broken Things will be Communion service and Reception of members Sunday School at p for all ages Evening topics Equipped for- Ser vice Sharp Tools for the Harvest Field Everybody welcome free seats Good music PINE ORCHARD Lords Day evening services at the Church of Christ meeting bouse will be discontinued for two weeks at least on account t of the recent out break of the flu the Present Prices than they are usually sold for EVERYTHING IN UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed I past we should then doubly enjoy the games and music which form the program of Tuesday next Re freshments will be served during the evening Sec War SUmps Some of business people met Mr a representative of the Dominion Government at the King George Ho- on Monday afternoon for a con ference regarding a campaign of so that the people of North York may realize the value of War Having Stamps Mr P Pearson consented to act as representative of the Government for this Riding and Mr Harry Sen net as secretary The matter will come local izilions in Decided to Build Since opening their Garage at the North End Messrs Moss have had so much repair work to do and received the promise of so much more that have decided to enlarge premises and are now getting out plans for a twostory building with entrance from Main Street and exit on Huron Street where cars can run un der shelter for gas free air and water Also room earn under repairs Machinery and workbenches will be on the second floor Newmarket will uptodate In the auto line Presbyterian Anniversary The Presbyterian Church will cele brate their Anniversary in a fitt ing manner next Sunday March 2nd when two of the prominent ministers of th denomination will occupy the pulpit At the morning service the speaker will be the eminent Irish Divine Rev Patterson D of Cookes Church Toronto late of Belfast Ire land The evening sermon will be delivered by the Rev A of Church Toronto Special music by the Choir We hope have large congrega tions to hear distinguished di vines and all will be made welcome who loin with us on our Anniversary Services Com Sunday March 2nd a Fellowship meeting in the School Room a Recognizing that God has something for me to do and I want to do it where will I find it p m Sunday School and Bible Class p m Little Things What is the smallest thing in the world Is it of any importance Lawrence Pastor Epworth League The lecture and views of England Prance by Rev Lawrence or Monday evening under auspices the League was a great success schoolroom was well filled and although he views were not as clear as be desired they conveyed a good Idea of beauty spots in Eng land and the devastation Era lire when the points of in- were well explained It was an evening of and profit and vole of thanks was richly deserved Previous Io Ihe lecture an instrumental Mrs Mason a t selection by a Male all of which were received with about for purposes to- Monday is in r Christ Ian Endeavour Mr- I Evans will give a Would Hi new members who have not reieivid heir be Monday evening ValihRsrnsey At exaidlyhigh noon on Wednes day Feb I riff I y 1 3 a very quiet but felly wedding look place at the Manse Perth Ave Toronto when Dorothy Walsh only daughter of Mr and Mrs J Walsh of Ave was united in holy bonds of matrimony lo Mr Vin cent Ramsey of John St relumed from overseas ser vice will Ceremony was performed by Dunn pastor of Ave Church of which the is member- The bride looked charming dressed In a gown of white silk trimmed with crepe t Chen and wore a tulle veil trimmed Willi orange blossoms Mrs Nettie Walker friend of bride acted as bridesmaid and wore while silk Irlm- vhile the Rev M A pastor College hi Presbyterian ably a ivied Immediately after the ceremony a held at the brides home Where the wedding march WAS played by Mis Velma The brides received with her After the reception It- party adjourned to the room and heartily partook of the Wedding dinner Toasts vere given Key Pearson The bride wore the Broom gin a gold brooch set with and garnets The grooms J bj ih a gold set with oearlH and to the Afflong- received China Tea Set from mother Mrs Margaret I and from the i and father vas a painted picture of the bride showers- of rice the happy couple teft for their home As they vill be at to IM- mother was formerly wi daughter of y W Archibald Campbell formerly Killed In Elevator Accident On Wednesday of last week Pie George formerly of Newmar ket was killed in an elevator accident at the Eaton store Toronto He had just wheeled off the freight elevator which released from the weight suddenly started up In catch ft he was caught between the elevator and wall and crushed to death Private George Henry street Toronto went overseas with a brother and uncle in April with the Rati and returned last March He had been gassed several times at the and at While convalescing in Moore Barracks Hospital at Shorn- romance had entered in the form of Miss Rose of wcll London A Pie John is still overseas and Is hi Brussels present The late George was employed at the T Eaton Store To onto and was years or ago He was of English birth hill had Jived fi years In Canada When a reporter interviewed Ids mother she said Thank Cod I was never he mother of a slacker The tears up in the womans eyes as she I old of how good a son hed been and how he was have lie en married soon an English girl Only last week he had a letter from her sayfng she was hooking her passage Weve cabled her not to hut if she does Ill be as good to tier as I know how It is had enough for us but we were planning to lose him while she was planning for Hie future War doesnt seem lo leave much for mothers but broken hearts George contributed greatly towards bur support but Ills pension stops now and we must get on some how said Mrs Military funeral on Saturday after noon was largely attended Inter- at Mount Pleasant Cemetery A Methodist Missionary Passes Away Rev Geo M Meacham died in To ronto on Thursday last week in his year Deceased was born near Belleville and was a son of the late j Meacham postmaster of Belleville He was educated at Up per Canada College and Victoria Uni versity receiving his IL A in I860- M A in and in 1S83 He was ordained in and filled some important pastorates Previous to going to Japan as a Mis sionary in 1870 he was pastor of the Church in Newmarket interment took place at Belleville on Saturday The Penny Bank The report of the Penny Banks of the Dominion for the of No vember and December reached us last We with pleas ure that the boys and girls of New market arc doing pretty well with their savings having an average de posit for each pupil of cents while the average for the Dominion was only Willie such places as Brampton Cornwall Montreal Paris Renfrew and a few other places ex ceeded Newmarket yet our children kept pace with Toronto and exceeded Ottawa Barrio and many other larger places The deposits in Newmarket during the month of November reached but In December they fell to which brought down the average the two months Our kids will he some on finance when they grow up Special The union prayer services which have been conducted by the pastors of Methodist Presbyterian Christian ami Friends Churches during the past I wo years have been constantly grow ing In interest and attendance and for the past three or four weeks place where the meeting has been held has been filled with people The pastors have conferred together and have de cided that the time Is opportune for holding two or three weeks of special evangelistic services The date set for these union meetings Is ttie of roll and the four congregations have been requested not to make any dates to interfere with the attendance at these services No outside help Is to be solicited the meetings lo be con ducted by IhC local pastors with the help of Ihe people The Lenten Season Is always observed by the Church of England and Roman Catho lic friends and Is hoped that a spiritual baptism may be experienced by the Town together with numerous convert Ions Union prayer service last night in Ihe Ghureh Many people have learned to consider and a as an Ideal When they buy they want that We dont blame them be cause we have Ideals too and Ideal They and the Elgin Watch and the Hamilton Watoh and one or others These we have learned to depend upon these we buy and sell In greater quantities And be fore you make a Watoh pur- would like to talk to you about Move ments May Atkinson Co Marriage LonwI P Tlokot Industrial 8choot Board A meeting of the Advisory Board of the Industrial Night School was held last Friday evening PresentrMr T Watson chairman M J Wedlock and Messrs Cane 1 F Harvey Fred Doyle and the secretary also Mr A Cornell principal of the School The report of the Principal was presented Showing that very work was being done but the attendance In two of the classes WOJj very limited On motion the Principal was In structed lo write Inspector Merchant explaining conditions of attendance and the advisability of continuing these classes after the close of the present mouth If the Principal finds by correspon dence with the Inspector the small attendance in the classes of and Mechanical Draw ing will prevent the payment of the Government grant to teachers salaries these classes are to he discontinued after March 1st The account of the Type writer Co for rental of machines was ordered to be paid also the rent The twentyeighth annual con vention of the Township of King Sabbath School Association will be held in Melhodist Churchy on Wednesday March A good program has been ar ranged Mr and Mrs Hunter of To ronto spent Sunday with the toi lers parents Mr and Mrs Walton Mrs Miss A Seymour Mr and Mr spent Sunday and Monday at Mr and Mrs J Courtney and family of spent Sun day at Mr J 2 1 Holland Landing Mr Thompson was in To ronto for the weekend Messrs John and Ross Ste venson spent Sunday their home burc Mr Harry Bell was home for the weekend Quite a number of people from here attended the Dance at Mr John Salters on Tuesday evening Mrs Store and Miss Cox of were Mrs ton a few days last week Wedding bells were ringing on Wednesday- The stork passed through here a week ago and left a charming baby girl at the home of Mr and Mrs Bell Jr Ladies Aid next Tuesday at the Methodist Church lied Cross Aid was well attend ed last week Mr Frank Stephenson had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse on Wednesday Rev Scott of Aurora will oc cupy the Methodist pulpit next Sunday evening Mrs Hells Class- will have charge of monthly missionary program at Ihe Melhodist next Sunday morning Parents and friends cordially invited A Morris and wife were guests of Mr and Mrs Gibson a few days this week The winter- is dying Its song is wellnigh sung Hut though we journey with years Our hearts will keep US young When the spring winds shall blow And sun with sun rejoice Well listen Ihe bluebirds And the zephyr of thy voice The weather being so warm has revived the flu We hear of sev eral new cases There was quite a dispute the horse races last Saturday as what horse- won i What is the matter with these days lie looks so pleas ant Mr Hayes is hack again in our burg Old Dame Rumor says listen listen for tire wedding bells will soon he ringing We hear that young man from Keswick got lost down the third last Sunday Thecaretakers of Jersey school had their salary raised live dollars during the year We hear the fisher men are hav ing good luck these days What has happened to Dr Sale Register Monday March 3 Mr Thomas Morris will have a saleof stock Implements etc on Lot in the Con of East miles east Seven months credit or off Sale at one oclock Kavanagh Auct Tuesday March Mr Martin James will have a general farm sale including household fur niture on Lot Con 3 East Gwillimbury one mile south of Sharon Credit till 1st of Oct or 5 Sale at ono o clock Wednesday 5 Mr Case Centre Road halfmile south of Mount Albert will have an extensive sale of horses cattle pigs grain im plements at one oclock credit J Kestcr Tuesday March 11th Messrs and Cuthhcrtson will have an extensive sale of stock im plements etc on Lot Con North Gwillimbury about miles from Sutton No re serve mos credit Sale at one oclock Kavanagh Auct Wednesday Mar Mrs A Rose will have a sale of Farm Stock and Implements etc on rear of in 3rd Con of Bast Stop Met ropolitan Right mos credit or five pen cent per an num off for- cash Rale at one oclock Tuesday March 25 Mr will have a sale of farm slock implements etc on Lot Con near Sutton Eight credit Sale at one oclock If Auct Friday March Mr Ca tania will have a sale 10 head of extra good Milkers on Lot 2nd Con of King mile south of Bradford Road These cows were formerly used 1 NEWMARKET Oc FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE 1 Piece Only Black Messallne Silk 36 In wide Reg yd On Sale for yd Heavy Cord Velvet Rose Brown Grey Black Green Navy Taupe for yd Heavy Cord Velvets for Coats Reg yd Lisle Hose Mercury Brand All Shades Brown Pearl Grey Taupe Putty Navy Berry Reg Sale Price 7Bo pr SEE OUR STOCK OF NEW PRINT8 AND iaj I Tfi New Voilesi Muslins Organdies Foulards Poplins and Dimities it in the milk business credit or at one II Auct off for cash Sam Thursday March 20 Mr Walter Mitigate Lot Con I will have a Credit Sale of Slock Implements Etc mos credit will given or BLUE AND BLACK WORSTED 1 i SUITINGS UNEQUALLED IN ANY OTHER PLACE IN NORTH YORK FOR QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND PRICE AT- C F WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main NEWMARKET A GALL SOLICITED I off for Sale I Smith at- one Ottawa Feb Continuation of saving in Cnnada will depend on the stand by the United Slates Congress If Congress to repeal its daylight measure it is here that merely con fusion would be created by Canadian forward for an hour Summer months GENUINE NOW IN FULL BLAST We have not seen him for a long time Miss Pearl Draper visited her cousin Mrs If of Sharon spent a very pleasant evening at the Methodist Supper Moinhiy last of a machine from Mr fire In Quebec City on Monday Supplies of raw sugar In Canada have Increased materially In the last few Weeks arid rcflnern are now the position that they have fair sup plies San Salvador Feb The muni cipal palace war reduced to ruins and several other buildings were destroyed In a fierce fire which swept over two blocks of the city last night Im portant documents in the archives of palace were burned New York Feb Acting on in formation that two Spanish Anarch ists hod agreed to kill the President and would arrive in nils city today on the way from Philadelphia to Boston Secret Service operatives raided two resorts of Spanish radicals and arrested fourteen men Quebec 4 The Paper Company of New York has decided upon tie erection of a huge plant Three Rivera Quebec Six million dollars It Is said will be spent on this paper plant that will he in very of the wood and pulp In dustry of the valley of the St Maur ice for years noted for its ex tensive log- driving operations Mori than t000 workers will be employed there and the entire plant will cover nil area of acres Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid Toronto week Choice Export Steers and Choice Steers and Heifers Medium Steers and Medium Common Butcher pawn Choice Milkers Choice Springers Choice Medium Choice Veal Calves Medium Calves Common calves Spring Choice Sheep off cars MENS LADIES AND CHILDRENS Being Cleared Out Regardless of Cost Come and Examine our Goods before you Purchase ALL GOODS MUST BE SOLDI IBB IF 725 1750 Three Doors South of King Hotel NEWMARKET a Newmarket Markets Butter lb Iicgs do New Oats Toronto Markets HURON NEW MARKET i do Mutter lb Turkey lb Chickens lb Fall Wheat hush Wheal bush Barley Oats bush Mixed Hay ton Timothy Hay ton 55 55 55 208 83 4800 ORDERS FOR COAL FOR THE EN8UING YEAR BE RECEIVED BEGINNING 1ST MARCH AND WE GUARANTEE TO FILL ALL ORDERS l Ml Prices Right OLIVER TERMS Give Us a Call DIKE Phono fa mm