Newmarket Era , November 17, 1916, page 1

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X- JUST IN to Watsons i v The Loading op well Oldest No paper sent out York paid in L JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON I Toronto liefer RANGES AND A Electric and Coal Oil Heaters Tools a J Roofing Pipes- and Fittings Paints Varnishes and Stains Automobile Accessories J PAINT J STORE Phone NEWMARKET I ltd Ion of SIR VINCENT J If Ilea a A C I icti Ei A j i Profit Total AtceUApL 390421701 SAVINGS received from up on which allowed MONTREAL tfNHL G Ross Manager Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD LUMBER ATJ1ALy PRICE Lots To Clear Out OF Odd 2INCH 12 HEMLOCK and To PLANKS Inches per 1000 Wide ft W PEARSON Order From Office Phono l0 Air John Murphy INCORPORATED 1856 Paidup Capital Fund Q43di38s Convenience of Savings Account liiy to nude at iitorc1 tddod to Money la Jijis la Safe no likely to You way be In the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A M Manager I OF AM KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES POSTS- ETC ALSO- SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM hitIda Is and Will shrink It is Up A returned the of Harry oh of to McDrfon at St An escort was formed by of Homo Congratulation extended last week to Little of a farmer able to follow llio fl8th birth day Wilder found not guilty of perjury by week was allott ed in February 1013 Wilder bad thai be bad mark to the of a mortgage Atra denied aligning tbo mortgage but it shown bat she could not road and put mark to several docu ments Or Su perintendent of tbe announced bis of mind in favor of conscription and Sir Sam stated at a odisl mass meeting that another men be got by- tbe spring even by conscription if ne cessary Men are li able to riorve under conscription The Military Institute opposes taking married men won the of the College debates bold at University week The Canadian Red Exec utive announced last week that ebain prayer letter circu lated last week was not authoriz ed by the Hod Cross Mayor expressed tbo opinion the otbr day that was too much red tape at the City Hall when certain accounts lllid been refused to be passed by the city Auditor Judge Winchester found Doug las Mncklenf guilty of criminal regligence when be drove bis mo tor oar into Hold Hardings wa gon King St on Oct and fined him A couple of days Week tin- Lake Shore was flooded hear the Radial car to depth of about nine inches Pumping operations in connec tion with harbor Improvements caused the trouble Tbe authorities are gelling af ter the men who violate Tem perance Act Last week deal was unearthed in thePolice Court which cost the operator and costs for selling in a sort of back handed way a bottle of whiskey Another step towards Church Union is being taken Church authorities recomniiid Dial in lo calities where two weak church es are located hat the weaker give in to the stronger and unite together The boys and girls of the Jesse Ketch have sent a pair of socks to every one of the pupils of school who are now with the colors Brown wascommilled for trial this week on a charge of con verting shares of a bank to bis own purpose Conservatives Ward who have left the old- organization have formed an independent par ly Property Commissioner says coal is scarce hut there is no justification for the price dealers are demanding According to a statement issued on Friday last the military pitals are caring for dis abled Canadian soldiers Mayor Church has decided to call a public meeting to be held in Hall on Tuesday Novem ber to discuss The high cost of living The Trades and Labor Council have asked that Hie meeting bo called The war is making innovations along lines Viol thought of pre viously A big campaign is now being organized I turn the waste of Toronto households into gold lo aid Hod Cross Fund Hags rubbers papers clothing furni ture metal every thing is acceptable Canvassers will be sent around monthly gather up he savings At the animal meeting of the Single Tax Association last week it was learned thai although had been expended on work in Ontario and Raster Canada the receipts wore ahead of last year A Toronto girl has received a cheque for for the first to send the name replace that of Merlin is now semiofficlaHy staged that Toronto may have a trolley freight service on its streets in spile of the fact that officials are opposed to scheme A hitch has occurred in the ne gotiations between Hie Canadian Niagara power Company and the Ontario Commis sion over the lost block of- power to be supplied by the Niagara Co The sion has awarded a contract to the Canadian Bridge Co for tons of steel for towers the line Tins exceeds i i Told a Newmarket Who was an v Mr Morlliner who was hid Hie front line from our view Manager of the Newmarket were a plume Office prior to enlisting lot so far as physique was us the following interesting cornedbut a more dejected His wife and three child ren reside in Newmarket We were promised his photo by Mrs Morlimore forlhisTssuo but by soma mistake the took it to tbo other Office in Town France Oct Dear Air Editor Its a long time since I took up my pencil to write to you but we have been through so much lately that a short account of doings will perhaps not come amiss Of course you have no doubt beard the main parts of our story from far abler pons than mine so I will try and cover the parts they missed been out hero now nearly fourteen months first twelve of which we spent in desolated carrying on a more or less dreary round of trench warfare during which time we fought two or three live ly actions notably St and Hodge which were notable for the mud and slush and general had weather conditions under which they were fought How ever they were ft mere to what was to About the middle of August was passed around that we were ordered to the This of course caused a ripple of excitement and I think llm change was generally welcomed There was polishing of arms and equipment and in a very short lime we were on our way We steered a very round about course and weo overjoy ed to catch a glimpse of the sea in tor wanderings After many a weary march we Anally arrived at the So una exactly a year from the we Aral landed in France We passed right IdcrneaUi the fatuous leaning statue at Albert of Hie Virgin Mary holding the child out at arms length It looked very human ami very liable lo fall oil us hut I understand thai it has been secured against falling It is a very- massive looking affair Disabled Canadian Soldiers Doing to Ability- set of men I never saw They listlessly banded the boys any souvenirs they happened to have but showed unmistakable pleas ure at the suggestion that they were off to Blighty and scorned anxious to get away from war which was now over for them All day long prisoners and wounded flowed back in a stream and I saw terrible cases which made one feci very sad that such things had to be and 1 thought of millions of men who have come out to this thing not because tlley wanted to but because there was a wrong to right and who are now undergo ing IhisfcarfuJ suffering with a stoicism that did not seem hu man Certainly the British Em pire will not fall so long as she has such men to stand by her By noon Hie first objective hav ing been reached and more or less organized the situation was such that a further advance was decided upon In the meantime we bad been busy extending our telephone lines to meet the new conditions and along about clock I saw a splendid sight Six- waves of infantry spread out in either direction as far as the eye could see were advancing to the attack They swept forward on Ihe disorganized as if oh parade anil before nightfall was safely In our bands Thus ended one of most glorious days in Canadas history Sad to say many a mother will mourn her son as a result of this splendid days work and lo my sympathy goes out with full understanding I trust they will take comfort from the fact hat their boys died doing tbeir duly as nobly as it was ever done in the history of the world We subsequently did further lighting of a more or less import ant nature and finally retired lo a less active part of the front Trusting this letter will And Newmarket- as prosperous as ever I would judge about feet high To resume we went into action almost immediately and after about a week of careful prepara tion the dawn of the famous 15th of September found us standing expectantly at our posts wailing for we knew what On Ibe way up we bad noticed terrible effects of the previous lighting and the ruins of towns which you would never know bad been towns unless you were told rows of vicious looking guns great and small we knew that Ibis terrible struggle was about resumed We had also heard many a tall yarn of lerriblo tanks which were used for Ihe lime that morning They bad passed up to the front line during the night when could get a good look at them so we were still in the dark as to whatthey really were How ever we saw them later In the day after they had rendered a very good account of themselves The attack was timed for and my watch must have been fast for I was wailing a full live min utes wondering why it did not start There bad consid erable shelling during the past few days he German artillery being active und three of us had Hie unpleasant experience of being in a barrage only the evening before from which we were mighty lucky to escape for we were in the midst of a terrific bail of shells for about fifteen minutes but as I said before it was all nothing t stalled up now The whole country seemed to be smothered A few minutes later Ihe sun burst through Hie mists in gorgeous splendor a happy omen of a day that was destined to make Canadians fa mous the world over I also no- Heed he moon still high in heavens arid I thought of of old who commanded the gun and moon to stand until he had beaten his enemies After about live minutes here was an almost lull in Hie firing This meant that they were lifting heir fire and that our hoys were making their glori ous charge which proved so suc cessful firing kept on as vigorous as ever scarcely a pause for lifting every few min utes ere to In more of be bigger guns in action now and one fell a fierce exultation that at last wo were our power ful enemy about minutes the first batch of prisoners appeared over the rise in the ground which take pleasure in remaining Yours truly Mortimore SubLieut Morion former ly of Keswick writing us lo change Ibe address of his paper adds It is funny every Wednesday lluT when the Canadian mail comes in how anxiously all the Canadi ans who arcgathered about in the Gun Room are lo gel hold of a Canadian paper and to scan your Toronto Letter for some item of interest that might be there for them and how tbe Englishmen look on and even themselves like to pick up It just occurred to me the other day how widespread your news is be ing It the matter-of- fact way everybody is taking all this here in England No fear no grumbling everybody working for the one end and not thinking of Girl- conductors taxidrivers and de livery boys are getting to be the common sight now is this spirit and the placing of honor all else that will enable a nation of unknown Jack Cornwalls to fulfill Englands longcherished destiny Yours faithfully SubLieut Morton a a Of Russians Lose Nearly 4000 The Germans have scored victory in the where admits that af ter repelling seven onslaughts the Hussian troops were com pelled to fall hack lo their sec ond line locates the scene of the on the wa Creek and slates that Russians- were driven back along front of two and a half miles suffering sanguinary losses and leaving behind prisoners U officers and a suiter of Tom you proposed her suppose she paid This so sudden No she was honest and suspend- has been terrible 9 ft For In Untfor 1 r The Com mission informs us that soldiers were under its care at of this month Of these were at Sanatoria for tuberculosis and at the Convalescent Hospitals of the latter being members of the force were in asylums for the insane Of the 426 cases of it may be added almost exactly half were discovered in lirno lo prevent them from leaving Can ada for scat of war According to a statement pre pared- by the Mllitfa Department October 1016 num ber of soldiers sent back to Can ada because of medical unfitness was Of these were suffering from wounds shell- shock or the effect of gas were insane were afflicted with tuberculosis while the re mainder were suffering from other diseases and disabili ties All Canadians ought to what is being done by the Mili tary Hospitals Commission act ing on behalf of the whole body of citizens for the restoration of their wounded defenders to a po sition of- selfsupport and inde pendence Every disabled soldier is med ically examined on arriving at Quebec If he is no longer iii need of hospital treatment he is sent home free of expense and discharged wild a pension or gratuity according lo the extent of his disability If lie needs further treatment he Is taken to the hospital or sanatorium where the treatment most suitable lo his case is avail able and if possible to the in stitution nearest his home Men who cannot resume their former work on discharge from hospital are advised and enabled to take special training for new occupa tions This is provided free of cost and while the meiiariber ing trained Hie Dominion Govern ment maintains them and their families Men needing artificial limbs are taken lo Toronto where these are made and supplied without any charge Men serious nerve disorders are treated specially in the Ontario Military Hospital at Each Provincial Government has appointed a Commission help discharged men in securing and remunerative work Dominion Government and other authorities and employers systematically give preference to returned soldiers when filling va cant positions public can and should co operate heartily in this urgently necessary work by encouraging Ibe men to take fullest advan tage of Ibe curative and educa tional opportunities given them and afterwards by seeing that they work Local commit tees have been formed for this purpose in many towns but much more has to be done in this way The treatment most carefully carried out in accordance with the latest discoveries and the proved results of medical experience in cludes many forms of strengthen ing exercises often requiring spe cial and costly apparatus Ibe scientific use of electricity mas sage and continuous baths for affected limbs wilh wise dieting and fresh air as a mailer of course Occupation is often necessary and beneficial as rest itself in its curative and strengthening effect oil body and mlnd Classes are therefore held at the hospitals for instruction and practice ill many arts and industries such as carpentry and woodcarving met al and leather working typewrit ing and bookkeeping mechanical drawing and elementary engin eering gardening beekeeping and These all help to increase capacity of the patients and to lessen the effect of any injury they have received by getting into practice for such in dustries as they can profitably undertake The medical and ed ucational officers try first to dis cover what each man is most like ly to succeed at and then to III him for it as thoroughly as pos sible It has been wisely decided that no man shall foreit part of pension on of his industry and enterprise in im proving his own financial posi tion Lei our reader write without hesitation to the Secretary of the Military Hospitals Ottawa or In Provincial Commission at Provincial capita asking any further mation they may desire or giving practical suggestions resulting from thought or experience From Era ij on the Mr William Cooper to Miss Mary both of Whitchurch On the by Rev John Brown at the Manse Newmar ket Mr Jos Watson of to Miss Janet Smith of Scott On the Inst at the Rail road Hotel Newmarket by Rev John Brown Mr Edward Wilson of Whitchurch to Mrs Ann die of King On the Inst by Rev Brown at the residence of Mr J Lowe the brides father Mr Jay to- Miss Isabella Lowe of Newmarket There arc unclaimed letter at the Newmarket Post Office tfd- vertised this week A Fenian prisoner named Harden was found- guilty this week at the Assizes The death sentence passed by the pre- siding Judge A A Tableau of the Holy Land la to be presented in the Mechanics Hall next Monday night The Newmarket Home Guards enjoyed an oyster supper at the Railroad Hotel on Tuesday even ing last Drill Instructor Ken nedy presided The Presbyterian Sabbath School TeaParty in the Western Section of King Tp on Hie hit was very successful A shooting match took place at on the inst be tween and and resulted as follows 1040 Altogether the company killed squirrels besides a large number of game birds A supper took place in the evening and speeches were made to is From Bra Nov Married By McDowell on the 20th Mr George Granger to Miss Laura Mount both of King By McDowell on the inst Mr Jos Almond of Aurora lo Miss Susan Robinson of King T on the Mr J of New market to Miss Moore of East Elder on the inst Mr John Smith of to Miss A Moore of East Mr and Mrs Hughes entertained a number of their friends last Friday evening Mrs of is visiting in Town with Mrs J Stewart Mr Alfred has been very poorly again but hopes of recovery are still entertained Mrs Smith of Newmarket was visiting at CoIIingwood this week Mrs Walter Pearson of Michi gan was calling on friends in town a few days ago Mr Angus Ego Clerk of Tp was visiting bis son in Newmarket this week Mr Hughes is Tax Col lector this year for Newmarket- North York Sabbath School As- annual gathering took place at Aurora on the insu and was fairly attended Roche Co and Bros make the largest advertis ing displays in the Era this Thanksgiving Day was duly ob served yesterday An unusually large congrega tion was at the Methodist Church last Sunday evening Rev conducted the service with ver great acceptance mi BE CI with LOCAL APPLICATIONS they cannot fcaoh of the a blood or and to euro t you must take Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acts directly on the blood od mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of tbe beat In this couatty tot la a regular prescription It is fcat tooictf known blood purifiers act ing on mucous prefect combination two fa what produce such results la curing Catarrh Sand for testimonials free P J CHENEY A Co Prop Toledo Sold by Take Hills for Oiilt Nov I or selling contrary to he of the Ontario Reuben soldier caretaker of Armory was yesterday denlViicod to four mouthy the county jail rf T K5fiS i- I ra Em ML 5vft WE

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