Newmarket Era, 31 Dec 1915, page 5

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A J lister Notary Public Ac St Newmarket on good Farm security I Entertainment- The Christmas enlerlaiiimenl and at T SMITH Ion Friday evening Dec 31st at 715 auctioneer Newmarket j pm Good programme Everybody Phone Assembly I The members of Thora Wilkinson DENTIST Lodge Newmarket have issued ih- s Grocery vUation3 an ncld Newmarket in the on Friday b Terry and Real Estate Agent ESS Buy or Sell See Or H Clark Mice almost Opposite the King George Hotel ST NEWMARKET Dr J Graduate in Medicine of To- University also evening January pianist Cards and dancing Monument Last week Mr John Moss of town erected a nice granite tablet in the cemetery at Richmond Hill in the family plot of the date Frances Wiley It is a very neat piece of workmanship No Ktng City j Watson VicPreM Brooks King SecyM Farmer City V Hall King City- Committee A Campbell A Mc- McMurchey Marshall Elliott No J Spaulding Aurora W R Clark tolling vision- No Rose NORTH YORK WAR AUXILIARY County Officers the Royal of Surgeons of England Former Eye and Will Probated Joel Clinton VanAlleri of New market is the sole beneficiary of an estate of left by his wife El len Harrison VanAllen who died on July last The estate comprises 150 household goods parcel of land on Peel Street Penctang lot in New market and lot in Medicine Hat Main and Timo- 78 con of Prayer Acting Premier Hon Geo Fos ter has announced that next Sun day the first of the New Year has been set aside as a day of gen eral prayer and intercession on account of the war This will be followed by the Week of Prayer requested by the Evangelical Pres Aubrey Davis Newmarket VicePresidents J A M Arm strong J M Walton Aurora Hon Mackenzie King Ottawa T Herbert Lennox Aurora Secretary Keith Newmarket R Bell Aurora Together with the Executive Com mittee consisting of the President Secretary and Treasurer of each Township Town and Village Auxr an the President of all Polling Subdivision branches Municipal Officers Township President Virginia Donald Ego Virginia TreasW Evans Virginia No Pres Win Jr Sutton PresrCieo VicetTes A AIyeneGormley Smith John i Herbert Smith Walter Monkman- Leslie Forester Robt Ball Cherry J A Fred March Foster No Pres Rev Honey Lemonville VicePresG Baker Lemonville J McKueh Baker Baker Baker Hastings McKuen E Clark Leathers A Shaver E Logan Keltleby ViccPrcs Archibald Keltleby W Fox Keltleby Greer Walton Wesley Wells Earnest Hutching RW Ford T Adjoining Park Avenue New Post Office No Pres John Cleaver Baker Bloomington Barnes Bloomington TreasWm Storey Bloomington Committee B Ward Gilbert R H Harris No Bogarttown W Richardson Vandorf Aurora Wm Crawford Aurora Treas Geo Pelch Aurora Committee T J Bales Hart- man Dyke E Penrose Fred Wesley W Williams Wm McDon ald Ed- Willis No Pine Orchard No 5 PresAIex Murchey Strange VicePresTMerl Strange Herbert Ross Strange TreasrJ M OBrien Laskay M- Albert Marshall J Ross Norman Mc- Wm Hoover No Pres VicePres Dr Kay Coffey Committee Robt Cook Wesley Dove Cornelius Thos Elli son Cooper John Lyman Har vey Clark Wm Burling Rev M Scott No 7 Price A I VicePresWillard Arnold Virginia WATCHMAKER AND of Ontario It will be Wm J Kay Virginia Newmarket duly observed in the Methodist Church in this Town Bert Green PAINTER ANDPAPER HANGER 2nd house from Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Niagara and Tecumseh Street A f NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia GraphophoneB and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service FIRE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR know your wants P MORTON Lome Ave Box 373 Newmarket Lecture A public lecture will be given in the Town Hall Newmarket on Wed nesday Jan 5 by Rev Henry A Fish of Owen Sound The sub ject of the lecture will be The Pub lic School Language and Mixed Marriage Question J D MoKay Esq will occupy the chair Ad mission free Lecture Id com mence at oclock pm All are cordially invited As Mr Fish is a noted lecturer and handles his subject in a practical manner there is no doubt but what this lecture will be worth attending Evans Virginia Committee Wm J Nolan Donald McDonald F Wm Ego Thos Lyons Newmarket No 3 VicePrep Wm Newmarket No 3 VicePrcs J McTargarl John Wilkins Pringle Committee Bert Snider John Dean Thos Chapman Wm Shear- down M Threadgold Mr A bumper of pleasures and is reap ed by the farmer who owns a Ford He has broken down barrier of distance for himself and his family Now- after harvest arent you go ing to buy that Ford The Ford Runabout is the the Sedan the Town oar All prices are fv Ford Ontario AH cars completely equip ped including electric headlights Oars on at CALL AND 8EE K ROBERTSON Richard Donald Ego No Johnston Dr Pefferlaw ecy Comer Treas J Moore Committee Geo Corner Ed Cor ner R Hart David Johnston Geo Black Joe Ed Murphy James James Evans King T J Shearer Geo Burgess No 3 Mai Duncan M F Starr Swain Wright Brandon Jno Mean Presbyterian Church 5 On Sunday last special Xmas Music was given by the Choir At the morning service Maunders Anthem Christians Awake Sa lute the Happy Morn was very well sung Miss Williamson and Mr Kyaer sang the solos with ex cellent taste The solo Naza reth by Dr Lewis was also well rendered In the evening the Mo King all Glorious by was good Mr Alec Eves and Dr Lewis sang solos in this with much feeling The rest of the musical service was also appreciated closing with an unaccompanied Vesper Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private if desired NEWMARKET trill lite iUI DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes Kept in Block and Made to Order GEO Method let At the Sunday morning service Messrs Davidson and Nor man Williams sang solos in the anthems and in the evening the Christmas Cantata was very well rendered the solos and duet by Miss and Mr Barker duet by Mrs and Mr N Williams and also quartette by- Miss Barker Mrs Messrs Davidson and Williams being especially good The Choruses by the whole Choir were beautiful At the Sunday School in the af ternoon Mr of King ston gave a splendid address on Sacrifice and Service which was very much appreciated Implements BINDER TWINE 8TOVES AND On Mar ket Square a w iheelection of officers last Monday night resulted as follows M K Morrison For Hall Over A inn M Hughes Fin A Jackson Guides Bros Rose and J Nixon Guides Sisters Misses and Weir Inside Watch W I Sister Mrs J Nixon Watch J Buck Representative Morrison Alternate Bro ack- fon No J Stevenson Udora VicePres Pefferlaw Jno Taylor Pefferlaw Tresa Peers Committee Graham Wm Taylor J 0 Shier Allan J V Park No Vachel Baldwin Wilmot Riddel Peffer Jno Oldham Baldwin Committee 1st Jno Geo Station 2nd Geo Crittenden Wm Aird Baldwin 3rd Jas Davcy Alex Crawford Baldwin Wm Taylor Samuel North Gwllllmbury Township Chas Willoughby Keswick Fred L VanNorman Keswick J Davidson North No Keswlsk President Tillett Roachs PL VicePres Jesse Keswick Secretary A Morton Keswick Treas Frank Keswick Committee Bruce McMillan Wm Mahoney Ernest Morton Peter McClellan Frank Mor ton Wm Warriner W Arthur Karnes Win Wm F L VanNorman Thomas Glover Alf Mann Keswick Boyd Roachs Point North No Wm King Keswick VicePres A Davidson Kes wick Carl Morton Perry Morton Committee Mahoney John Anderson Keswick Willough James- Rose No VIvlan Hardy Vivian VicePres Geo McCormack Vivian J W Ingham Vivian Treas Thos Moorehead Mt Albert Committee Thos Simpson Win Plummer Fred Sloth Township of Kino Pres W J Wells King City T Watson Keltleby Treas J L Jenkins King City Subdivision No Pres Wm Wells King City King City Geo McDonald King City Treas Harvey Wells King City Committee Wm Hulme Case Victor Bond A Clark Albert Wells Wm Ferguson No 2 Davis Corners Presi Geo Case Aurora VicePres Hiram Davis King City No CAST Ih For Infants and Children In Fey Signature of COAL FOR test Anthracite Coal at prices Orders filled at all lours Telephone No 3 doors South of Osbornes Butcher Shop Main North FRANK GLASS Millard Avo The beet that can in our agent In your BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY Nurserymen Limited Browns Nurseries Wellarid Co Out 7 Mrs Ellerby Deceased The death took place In Bradford on Friday last of Mrs Thos after an illness of a months duration from a general of the system Deceased was in her year was born at Holland Landing her maiden name beingMary She was a resident of Bradford for upwards of twentyfive years Be sides the bereaved husband two daughters and four sobs survive her namely Mrs Beverly of Bradford Miss Addle at home Thomas of Vancouver David John and Lester of Toronto One son Willie aged five predeceased her about years ago funeral left the family residence here at oclock on Monday morn No Gum Swamp Walter Sutton VicePros James Hamilton Sutton O J Silver Sutton Committee Donald Davidson A Stephens Sutton 7th Jas Stiles James Sutton Geo Munroe Richard Smallwood Sutton East Township Ml Albert W Davidson ML Albert A R McKenzle East No J Proctor VicePres Dawson A Cody Committee If Belfry Lane Wm Watson Frank Kelly Wm Eves Graham Weddell Wm Tate Ross Evans No Sharon President ffi If Haines VicePresident Abb Wilson J W Treas Merton Shaw Committee John Tate W Gross Roy Murrcll Weddell Frank Ramsay East No Rev W Atkinson VicePres Floyd Cunningham Frank Milne TrcasW Huntley J Committee Mllno Raines Joseph Pegg Fleming Young J Flanagan East No John Hopkins VicePres Frank McFarlane Maries Marvin Archie Goodwin EdWalts NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE o Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Mar bles Latest Designs in Monu ments and Headstones All kinds of Cemetery work promptly at tended to Call and see before buying elsewhere- All kinds of Building Cut to Order JOHN MOSS Box Works Cor Millard A Woo Newmarket No Lloydtown PresT Rev Mr Colebough VicePres Lloyd Lloydtown Wm Bond Lloydtown Committee Ed Merchant Wm Hanlon Bert Davis Thos Clark Jos Herb Rutherford No Pres H Robinson Newmarket Wm Rogers Newmarket Calvin Doane Newmarket Treas J W Brodie Newmarket Committee Fred Webster Roy Chas Wm A Tate Thomas No Pres Miohael Kehoe VicePres Thos Dawson Hammer- town F Committee Fuller Wm Jackson J J Coulter Sutton West A Pugsley VicePres A Crozicr Dr A Greenwood Committee Alex Burrows Rev Matthews I K Green wood Dr Noble Rev Mr Madden Rev Mr Hamilton James Treloar Peter Grant Norman y Miller Stouffville Stouffville Fred Sylvester TrcasrA CommitteesMr Mutch Saunders Dr Fred But ton Village of Holland Landing Pres Goodwin Holland Thompson Hol land Landing Arthur Oligh Land ing Fred Holland Landing Committee Fred Kitchen Stanley Sheppard West Lane Town of Aurora W J Baldwin Aurora VicePres Dr W J Stevenson Aurora C A Petch Aurora Treas W J Knowles Aurora Committee A Murray Web ster T H M Dr Chas Lundy J Proctor G Alexander A OF MONT ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS V Sir Hi C A Eh I a Ami CpiUl up Rett Undivided Savings Department Deposits of upward received rates Savings Department account given special C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch A BARGAIN Town of Newmarket Newmarket W Newmar ket Newmarket Treas J Committee T C Watson Dr Clark Dillane Win Burrows Knowles Manning Fred Doyle MM i Olio of those pencil Illinois Vacuum Carpet Sweepers Good as now Cost Will sell for No further use having In stalled an electric sweeper Ap ply Office GREAT OfJKHITUNITY Having installed an electric plant I hove no further use for a small dynamo haying a capaci ty of from to lights to run from a steam plant Can be seen In operation at any lime Cost will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket for Newmarket services being WELDING held In the Roman Catholic Church kat No ML Albert fchet there and interment In the Roman Johnson 7 wrhetry To Mr VlcePresJ Moore a for and our sympathy is AVIB Witness Shields ratfrHanknfT6roTiVo v T JfewmarVet send the Era friends Graham Tiniidale inter Session January 3rd In all Shaws ohooTs Toronto Our explains our In Equip ment nut and Rosulto You are Invited to writs for I If In the kind of work BAD SHOOTING Dec Christmas Day a serious shooting accident oc curred at Wilsons store the concession of Scott township four miles from As a result of the accident Private Brocket 0 the Ontario Battalion In a condition Nelson Miller thlrtcenyearold boy was a shotgun when by some means it scarfing a quantity of bird shot into Brockets thigh Dr of who ordered the soldiers re moval to the Toronto General pita It not expected that Brock et wilt recover his Injuries less than six months He an Eng lishman by birth and for the last year had been employed mi a farm hand at Victoria Corners- rAree4a pronto j Paris Deo p m received regarding the between Yores and indicates that the Germans sustained a toss of men without fcalninj any Hag suddenness this Ullage lost one of the most oltueno While attendtng Hit Anglican Church yes terday Hugh McCultum tell to the floor in a faint ind expired Wiprtly alter arms of Dr who was called WE OUR fiflANV AND MERRY CHRISTMAS and Prosperous New Year Our desire Is to please our Customers Our 8took of Is ready as the Seasons como MERCHANT TAILOR Phono 160 transcontinental 1 NEW SHORT ROUTE to CANADA CCovlRyTNCrtyHCTkRySjfrti TORONTOWINNIPEG I

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