fc ffl VogotebSs Compound Re stored Her Health The announcement Is made by the City press that Mr Deputy of Mines who has been Acting Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests during the absence ot the late Aubrey Whit Musk ok a will continue to act till other arrange ments are made During the past week A I aw British Secretary or the tin ii announced an official SB PI to old had w square I spoke German colonial possessions to three doctor have been occupied fay the about it and they did Rallies during the war Germany is not help her any to realize what she instead of by the pie Vegetable Com- conflict J I SEW TO frS IV al to i V if s li M art pound bad been of great benefit to me so I decided to have her it a trial She has taken fivo bottles of the Vege table Compound ac cording to directions on the bottle and she is cured of this trouble She was all run down when she started taking the Compound and her periods did not come right She was poorly weak that I often had to help her dress herself but now Is regular and Is growing strong and healthy Mrs Martin Iowa Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Pink- hams Vegetable Compound accom plished are constantly being received proving the reliability of this grand old remedy If you are ill do not drag along and continue to suffer day in and day out but at once take Vege table Compound a womans remedy for Womans ills If yon want special advice write to a Medicine Co Linn Mass Tour letter will opened read and answered by a Woman and held In strict confidence by tiiciuc of experienced men like Sir Wilfrid Fielding lh p Graham and others on the The Department at Ottawa side of the House The Free press has given out word that the total then goes on to say In the population Canada at the teg place these experienced men ate not nine of the including permitted access to information Dominion at to proper judgment on front The growth pressing problems which have to be so be at approximately an aver- the two i ace of about per they did suggestions lie a fciu- sin the last census wa t in the second place taken in 1911 is officially long as the lines continue l A London cable July It gives the following statement Britains war cast A war costing Most is have had troubles all out lives each day has brought all the evil that we shed to endure But if wo were asked to recount the sorrows oar lives how many we How many that are six months oW we think worthy t be remembered or mention ed Todays troubles larce but week hence they forgotten and buried out of sight you would keep a book and every day put down the things that worry you and see what becomes oi them it would be a benefit to you You allow a thing to annoy you just as you allow a settle on you and plague yetui and you lose your temper or rather get it for hep men are surcharged with temper they are to have lost it and you justify your self by being thrown off your balance by causes which you do not trace out But if you could see what it was that threw you your balance before breakfast and put it down in a little book and follow it put and ceit what becomes it you would see what a fool you w in the matter The art of forgetting is a blessed art but the art of overlooking is And if we should Electrical W I G be accused of partisanship for selfish The establishment of a quite as important Canadian coalition Government would time to write down the origin- enable the menders of the Cabinet to progress and outcome of a few our devote their undivided attention to j troubles it would make us so Made in Canada Operated type horse power fully MW SixWade especially designed for this cleaner DUST BUG Wade of heavy drilling treated NOZZLE Ten inches long with slotted tip WEIGHT Wine pounds HEIGHT Seven Inches MR THOMAS A EDISON Electric appliances make household drudgery a of the past and that as soon as woman pleases FIVE YEARS PR ACTIO A EX PER I EN Sole Agent for a thousand million a year is bound to be of comparatively short dura- practical business instead of the fuss we oer them lion exclaimed Chancellor tical politics they Would that we should be glad to drop sue in the House of Commons this to wrestle rob ems If the War were to last statecraft rather than thirtysix months it would be im possible rationally to estimate its cost party rivalry At public gathering at a Friday evening Sir Wilfrid A London cable states that liner Hon Mr Col Cur- and gentle and of good re- was destroyed a tie and things and bury them at once in eternal Life is too short to be worn out in hatreds and Let us banish all of them and think on whatsoever things arc pure mm mm j I fevswai SaSft rtJ Wi In roar readier Si I Ln rr tool atioo the lag m word- A What of self with faUttat sliisM boo is CO The simple gift that lends the touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERES A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN ZURBR1QQ Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photoa at night by aid of Elctrlo Light Studio open Saturday evenings and any other evening by ap pointment Door West of the New Post Office Roller Flour MILL St than delivered of more than 1000 lives by two tor- dresses Sir Wilfrid al fired by a German submarine serrations respecting Kitcheners ap- warning and not any ex- peal for more men was as plosion of ammunition in her cargo The privilege is yours Lord has found the German young men the privilege of risking your Admiralty guilty of deliberately that your country may live a stroying the Lusitanla He sums up I that freedom may not disappear from his judgment as follows The whoi the earth it is not to the women blame for the tests sole- that would appeal to the those who plotted and pitted the crime Pioneer remarks that On tarios new Board of License Com missioners are setting themselves a big task So far as possible they in tend not only to carry out the pro visions of the statute men It is to you young men who must remember that none but the brave deserve the fair The annual report of the ment of Labor at Ottawa dealing with wholesale prices in the Domin ion for last year furnishes some in- visiting statistics occasioned by the every county town in the Province exigencies of the war Commenting during the ensuing year but make a visit of personal inspection to every hotel naking application for a license for the license year starting in Licenseholders for have been notified to make ap plication by the of this month for license commencing May Provincial Secretary Hanna an nounced last week that all criminal insane patients in different institu tions in Ontario Will be transferred to the Prison Farm during this week He further stated that provision had been made to care the insane criminals incarcerated at Kingston Penitentiary the Dominion Government having agreed to advance money to cover the maintenance of these inmates in the Provincial in stitution This action on the part of the Government of centralizing a ol the insane criminals of the Pro vince at one place will meet with general approval of the people On tario- Manufacturer the famous PA8TRY FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA brands make th moat delicious Pastry Bread and Bras your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brawn Bread and HEAL for Porridge From the amount Wheat P Proprietor It Id stated in Conservative poli tical circles that the Ontario Govern ment is on the hunt for scire new scheme of taxation to help depleted treasury As sort of preliminary movement along that line Hon any Provincial and Hon Howard son Minister of hands Forests and Mines and Mr K White as legal counsel will attend the National Association meeting to he held in Francisco next month In con nection with the scheme of increased revenue it is suggested that the racetracks be compelled to share their profits White Premier Borden and Hon- Sam Hughes are away in the Old Country the evidence before the inquiry conducted by Sir Charles Davidson as Government commission er touching purchases from Militia Department is far from being in the public interest Here is an illustration Questioned conte-n- the purchase ot bicycles Major Thomas said the lowest price- tie Government had secured bicycles tor was Could the Government have bought cheaper at wholesale asked Mr Thompson They could buy the Cleveland for wholesale they wanted the witness replied In fact the Government had a for one purchased at that on the general trend of prices for the year the report says there were in creases of per cent in grains and fodders per cent in animals and meats per cent in woollens per cent in hides and per cent in drugs and chemicals There were decreases of 33 per in furs and per cent in cottons Sugar rose the lowest level on record to the highest since The Hamilton Spectator rises to One important result ol that odorous Manitoba political scandal should bo the lopping Horn before the names num ber- of those implicated Comment ing on the Spectators observation the Mercury remarks Good Is there more disgusting thing than to see men who have been termed Honorable and Sir by their country or king waded up to their in the swamp of political cor ruption and degeneracy It also sug gests that it might be a good thing to ease ofl on the distribution of such meaningless titles i The announcement Is made that Hamilton corporation will discharge all the unmarried laborers and em ploy only married men Single men can go to the front Their country needs them Mr Walter ol the 2nd con King sold a a few months ago which won a big race at Hamil ton in lune A percentage to went to the breeder The per centage amounted to He bought the darn some time ago and she proved to be in foal No the question arises Who is entitled the the original or owner This is like the old problem Which is the mother to the chicken The hen that laid the egg or the hen that hatched it port j A Confused Bridegroom who is to say the least a little was on his way to his own wedding when some thing impeded the progress of carriage which stood at a standstill so long that Hobson put his head out of the window and said to the driver Hurry up or the whole thing will be over before we get there REMEMBERED HIS MANNERS Even the brightest boy in the class can be scared into stupiditv by the wrong kind of teacher Answers re lates what one such replied to his examiner You toy over in the comer- cried the man behind the desk Answer this continue- the ex aminer Do we eat the flesh of the whale sir faltered the scholar And what pursued the exam iner do we do with- the bones sir responded the boy we on the our plates and Wind Bring Out Ugly How to Remove Easily Heres a chance Miss Freckle- face to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles while if does give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling Simply get an ounce of olhine double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles ami get a beautiful com plexion Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case He sure to ask the druggist for the double strength as this is the prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles Furnace Work St Jeromes Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties J Miller proprietor the Record has handed over the paper to bis mechanical dent and sailed for Scotland the colors In saying farewell to bis readers Mr says in part I am very sorry that- 1 am unable to continue as editor and publisher of the Record but these are times when the unmarried men with good blood in their veins should be helping to light the battles the Empire in I therefore place my coun trys call above everything else and will lay down the Pen to buckle on the sword Comment on these ring ing words is perhaps unnecessary jsays the Grand Valley Star Rut there are many young men still in this country who could go yet ap pear to be lacking In the good red blood occasionally one who even refuses to assist the fam ilies of those who do Ottawa Free Press comes out emphatically In favor of a coalition Government tor Canada during the present war situation The asked Why should Canada at a the of state needsthe the Era to Wanda guidance be without the Commercial Department School Department Excellent Collea Department with latent Equipments largest Gymnasium In Canada Running Track Swimming Pool Auditorium Board Cotalortablt Sleeping Rooms Data Moderate REV A rWdent Aug 28 Sept 13 Canadian National TORONTO 150000 ifflgLff 180000 ll PATRIOTIC YEAR Mod Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air MAMMQTH Military Display or we the Bathroom at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS w MADE IN CANADA aim Groovy Farm under Cultivation Millions In Livestock Government Exhibits COLLARS WILLIAMS ROME CO THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET Art Famous Band it Cat and Dog Show WAR TROPHIES Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures One Thousand One New See Sailing Weeks leave Port McNeil raondaya Tuesdays Wednesday Thursdaya and Port at CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS CENTURY MOTORS MOTORS Market Building ALFRED RSTARR Electrical rsdaya and ill SAULT An and FORT WILLIAM Steamer Maniloha from Wednesdays Sound STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Toronto daily making direct connfictii I wild Port sailing days n COAST AT LOW FARES INCLUDIftQ CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS from Canadian Pa Ticket Agents or write a Murphy District Agent Cor King ami ATKINSON Agent Newm Children FOR FLETCHERS A OR a ON- WEDNESDAY December 1st 1915 VALU What seemed to us to be a question Is now a success It pays to be liberal with our trade- Since wo first announced that wo would give away this beautiful ENNIS PARLOR PIANO to one of our customers on Dec 1st our business has shown a big increase Of course the unusual values wo are offering have helped to make this increase and we will con tinue along these lines We are daily receiving NEW and ATTRACTIVE offerings from the FASHION CENTRES and you will find our stock complete Be sure to ask for your Piano Votes with every purchase Watch for hand bills for special sales Men- VVVTf CULTIVATION OP FLAX It is only a question of intelligent cooperation between- he govern ment the farmers and pro ducers to secure a sufficient quanti ty of the the raw material of the linen trade in order to make the building up of a large in the This keeneyed judge human with accuracy They will ture put his linger on the weak spot not in one man alone but in many Thousands youths just be ginning are preparing tor future fail ure by forming the habit ol emphas izing difficulties Business is always bad The other is invariably and prosperous industry in to undersell Somebody else has Dominion of Canada It is simply a question of he production Ihe J J material and the Investment of leilows tor capital to the minutes you do not to be REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS same into fibres yarns and linens Thus spoke Mr Campbell President of the Canadian Flax Mills Limited at a conference of growers dealers mid millown ers recently held London Out Mr Campbell enlarged upon the irhnortatlco of the industry des cribed the cultivation of from Us sowing to maturity and detailed the process of its manufacture into fibre for commercial purposes An important point that lie alluded to was thai the climate and soil of Ontario are particularly adapted to growing A report of tho pro ceedings at the is em bodied in an pamphlet that can bo had free by addressing Publications Depart ment of Agriculture Ottawa and that in addition contains a com plete account of a visit to the Do- l monstratlon Plant of the lelte netting System at France given in an address by Mr Albert Secretary of French Flax Spinners Association Mr goes minutely into par ticulars of the system detailing tho machinery required the cost invol ved and all the operations neces sary until the manufacture pro duct is ready to bo placed upon market Mr James Crawford the translator in a foot nolo at tho end remarks It must bo borne in mind that high price of per ton for flax represents first- class straw saved in good condition but same badly saved might not fetch per ton Land is dearer and taxes higher in Franco than in Canada and all these are elements in cost On tho other hand laborvis cheaper There is but one deduction to bo drawn from the pamnhlet and that is increased production of in Canada would provo remunera tive It might bo added that the prospects are greatly improved by the existing situation in Europe Northern Franco and Belgium hav ing been the almost mon opolistic centres of growth and manufacture Your Difficulties would like to help loe I could The speaker ran his lingers through his hair his strong kind face trembled I like fellow and I want to see him succeed but hesitate to recommend him The trouble with Joe Is that business is never good in the years that I have known him I have him admit profit in order to predict their the ranks of the who are always outof a job always appealing to lucntial friends assistance al ways wondering why the other fellow has all the luck Form the habit ol ignoring difficult when you can and il that is im possible minimizing ihem A is the young man who is inclined to be lieve business good and his own pros pects rosy who gets ahead No more H order lot EXTRA GHANULATED fruit you preserving Tell too that you want it in the Packages originated for Sugar 2 or lb SealeS Cartons or 10 20 or lb Cloth Bags Then you will bo sure to get Canadaa favorite sugar for three generations the sugar to whose preserving purity you con aeieiy trust good fruit lE5 TORONTO