Newmarket Era, 28 May 1915, page 1

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I j four I t V IOPH DO NOT FORGET Wo the Equipment A Knowledge To Fit the Proper Glasses Graduate Optician Phone The Leading Paper as well as Oldest and Best copies each weok Circulation during par annum if paid advance to Slates No paper out ef North York unless paid in advance OUR Watch Repairing Has Satisfied Hundreds TRY All Work TC Watchmaker ft Graduate I I G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON I NEWMARKET ONT MAY I No Copies 3 cents each i And Learn Canadian Something rand About Wall Board Made in White Burnt Leather or Grained Effect ADVANTAGES OVER PLASTER CHEAPER than efficiently applied lath and plaster CLEANER No dirt and mess as with falling plaster which yearly injures many people REQUIRES NO SKILLED LABOR TO APPLY LETTER Correspondence for Prisoners of War in Germany following das been Issued by the Post Office Department at Ot tawa J Letters letters should left exclusion of German publications postcards and postal parcels Nelson who for sonic years addressed Rank initials name Any man who in a multitude of ways is handy with tools can apply Wall Board It is a recroatioa APPLIED IN ANY SEASON Expert labor for is difficult to obtain in small owns and still more so in the country These worries and ob stacles Wall Board overcomes It can be applied in or the deptii of Winter without skilled labor ADVANTAGES OVER LUMBER fl CHEAPER in fust cost and in tin for applying Absolutely no waste Wall Board is supplied In sheets 32 inches and in length feet or feet MORE ARTISTIC Endless decorative effects may be had With he use of Wall Hoard and moulding A 1inch half round fur panelling or a wide and deep batten to produce appear ance of heavy beam panelling COLORS With the use of a flat oil finish in any conceivable tint is to bo had Call for Color Card For Further Particulars a Information Call at Customs officers at all of entry in Canada have been notified to exercise greater vigilance toward the Mr has been of the partment of the Robert Simpson Co was presented with a purse of gold last week on his severance with the Company to return to the Old Coun try On Thursday of last week the death of Hey Hugh Canning of Our Lady of Roman Catholic Church Street took place aged about 50 years He suc cumbed to a complication ot diseases which had been undermining his health for months now bomb gun in this City was tested at garrison commons last week It threw bombs weighing 3 pounds feet A favorable report has been sent in to Ottawa In the window of the V Regiment or other unit 3 British of Canadian French Belgian or Russian prisoner of war Place of internment Germany- Place of interment should be stated always if possible and parcels cannot be accepted unless place of interment is stated All addresses must be in ink Communications should be limit ed to private and family- news and to necessary business communications arid not be sent too frequent ly No references to the Naval Mili tary or Political situation or to na val or military movements and or ganizations are allowed Letters or SOME BOOKS FREE The Dominion Parks Branch has re cently Issued three publications which noteworthy on account ot the at tractive form In which they ate print ed and the interesting matters they contain They are Classified to Fish and Their Habit Rocky Appeal of the Canadian Red Cross The record of the ds the Sailors and Soldiers ot the Empire during resent war has aroused in us all a Just pride and admiration their courage and endurance sor row at their bufferings and hardships Mountains Pork The NaHmu and also heartfelt sympathy or Caves and Glaciers the Roc- I lends and relations of those who and Lake Salmon trout were on view to pedestrians They were caught near a short distance THE PAINT STORE PHONE 28 NEWMARKET corner of King and street postcards containing such references On Friday last several band son e w delivered Friends of prisoners of war arc advised to send postcards to letters as postcards are less from Victoria Point likely to be delayed If letters are According to a report of cash con- they should not exceed in received by the Treasurer length two sides a sheet of note of the National Canadian Patriotic should contain nothing but of note paper On no ae- paper and Fund up to March last York sheet tv and Toronto had paid The total cash received up to that date the Treasurer amounted Mr T has ben appointed manager of th West Toronto count should the writing be crossed Letters cannot for the present be accepted for registration Postage need not be laid either on letters or parcels addressed to Union Stock Yards at prisoners of war Drovers speak well of No letters should be enclosed- in The Fish Guide is written for the sportsman and naturalist rather than the scientist It is a compilation of firsthand information for anglers by one who has fished in all the princi pal waters of the Park It takes up each locality describes the best means of reaching it the different varieties of fish which can bo secur ed and the best bail to use The game fish of the Rockies include live species of trout one of which trie Lake Minnowanka trout has been known to run as high as lbs The Grayling the Holly and Cut Throat trout found in many ot the lakes and streams of the Park and a fish hatchery has recently been established at tor the purpose of restocking those whicji have be come depleted The second pamphlet gives an in teresting account of the formation character a discovery of the famous Caves near Glacier These interesting natural curiosities are supposed to be about years old and consist of a series of under ground chambers some of term fifty feet high and more than hundred have been wounded or given their lives for our security and free dom We all feel that they have nobly played heir part and fully Reserve our unstinted gratitude and praise We who have stayed at homo taken no place in the battle lire have also a part to play and a duty to perform which may be set forth in a Tew words First of all to hon our the dead then to succour sick and the wounded and lastly to care lor those who are by reason of wounds or disease rendered incapable of earning their daily bread Nor is this all for those who dent on them in times of peace the mother the widowed wife and the orphaned children can Justly claim their share our gratitude and Help and not in vain Much has already outh End Lumber Yard WHY WOT USE THE BEST garni 9725 Per Ton for Hut and Egg Sires 625 Per Ton for Coal Cut Hardwood Pop Cord fop One Weok P W PEARSON Order from Cartel Bishop John Murphy Office Phone him At the request the military au thorities the district has been made dry by the Ontario Hoard of License Com mission for five months Five hotels and one shop hate been closed by this action Taylor living in St suicide one day last week feel long hallowed out erosion and partly by alien and opening into each other at lifer ent levels The walls of the raves ale cohered with strange any account be sent So far as is formation and they reverberate kaown there is no restriction on to the roar of underground torrents The different chambers have go- parcels and newspapers must not On contents of tobacco may he sent and will be admitted duty free but food stuffs of a perishable char acter should not sent Parcels should not exceed lbs in weight can be made by money order to prisoners of war because he was out of work as to how to proceed can The spraying demonstration givenbe obtained from Postmasters of Ac- last on the farm of Joseph counting Post The Kilgour near Islington attracted of coin either in letters or par- a number of interested farmers is expressly prohibited Postal Sir J of Newmarket J notes and Bank notes should not be sent It must be understood that no guarantee of the delivery of either en manes suggestive of their charac ter The Pit The Marble Way The White Grotto The Bridal Chamber etc- and when they with electricity and proper guards and handrails been plac ed tho stairs and platforms they should be among the most interesting sights in the for tourists Glaciers the and is by Dr A P Professor of Geology in the Uni versity of Toronto and bears on the cover an attractive reproduction in color of a sketch Mt Ball been done in these directions by tho people Of Canada through the Pat riotic League and the Fled Cross So ciety and cannot fear that the springs of generosity will dry up be fore we hare fulfilled our duty The recent list of casualties more especially of the Canadian Expedi tionary Force clearly Id die a to to those who the hinds and supplies of tie fled Cross Society that the available resources at pre sent in hand will Speedily disappear and can only maintained In the future steady flow both of mon ey and supplies To secure the supply of funds much needed there steins to only one way namely that every one should be called upon to practice some selfdenial and set a monthly contribution of money or material as may be required Where branches of the Cross are established such contributions should be forwarded by the of such Branches at least monthly to the Headquarters the Society at King Street Bast Toronto and In YEARS AGO From Bra June IS6S Married At St Pauls Church by Rev Ramsay M A on 30th Mr Alexander SouUr merchant Newmarket to Miss Louisa and of A Gamble Street The Council of the United Counties of York and Peel Is summoned to meet on the of next month Messrs Pcckham placed HO in the editors hands to be distributed among the different Fire Companies as a donation to wards their funds A grand celebration on the anniver sary of Canadas National holiday announced to take place on the 1st Con oft About schools have been invited to join in this The Newmarket Steam Mill sold to Mr Lukes on Wednesday last for At the last meeting of Newmarket Council L and were appointed pot ndkeepcra for this municipality Fire partially destroyed freight house Northern Hallway at Newmarket yesterday Several peo ple about Town had goods destroyed I If mm 25 YEARS AGO From Era May I8i parcels or letters can be and the picturesque peaks near the Divide that the Post Office accepts no re- Coleman is a scientist with the INCORPORATED Capital end Reserved Funds When You Travel Take money you In form of Bank of Toronto Travellers Cheques or letters of Credit absolutely safe and and are a protection against loss theft fire or other misadventure Their cost Is Inconsiderable Obtainable from any Branch of the Bank of Toronto- Representative of trie Depart ment of Agriculture explained the various kinds of pests which early infests the orchards of York Coun ty and the methods usually successful me accepts no re- Ioleman is a scientist wild the in combatting them In any Case consider- imagination o a poet he has of Manitoba able delay may take place and failure written the story of the formation was in the city last week I to receive an acknowledgement should and work of the Canadian glaciers Mrs Cope Winnipeg was not necessarily be taken as an with all his well known literary arrested last week when she got oil lion that letters and parcels sent charm The pamphlet prove a train from the West was have not been delivered not only a great help to the student So far as is known prisoners of 0 glacial phenomena who visits the charged with vagrancy and re- war in Germany are allowed to write parks but it should inspire- many for one week Mrs Cor is letters or postcards from time to Canadians with a desire to see the her husband time but they may not always have wonderful mountain scenery of their facilities for doing so and the tact country for themselves to put The Altar At the Melhodist Par- Newmarket by Rev I Hill on the Inst Mr Frederick Had diet on to Miss both of West The Tomb At Michigan oa the Inst Thomas Hendry form erly of Newmarket A public meeting was held in tk Hall last Monday evening to the question of better street light ing Mayor Jackson in the chair and Mr T J Robertson secretary motion was carried for eleeVrlo lighting A Teachers Convention was held Newmarket on Friday and Saturday last Thost v in attendance pronounce the absence such branches they successful may be sent d wring In mind Public School Inspector that no contribution is too small wl presided be gratefully received and recorded Any other method than the above stage team causes a loss of power to do good office The and this has been clearly established by past experience Surely no one j who realizes his debt to the men who North of Queen Street are defending his liberty and has heart and a conscience will fail 117 Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A- M LISTER Manager o SEED All the leading varieties from SI 50 per bushel up also Mangel and Turnip Are you satisfied with your Then Leave Us Your Order SATISFACTION QUARAMTEED Leave Your Order With Us Now for the Best Coal in the Market Every Ton Screened Special Train Leaves Toronto PM Tuesday Commencing June and to till ones lungs with mountain air a scramble up to snow- fields tx see how the glacial machin ery works I The pamphlets may up- n 1st to H EVES Order by Phono or Carters Hen Manning Nelson Miller Boyd or Walter Newton For the accommodation of Home- seekers and general tourist traffic to Western Canada through train carry ing Tourist Sleepers and Colonist Cars will coma 1st leave Toronto PM each Tues day until notice tunning through to Winnipeg Attention is directed to the re markably low round Trip Fares in with ions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway Tickets are sale each Tuesday until October the 26th inclusive and ore good to return within two months from date sale Apply to any C P Agent lor full particulars or write M Q Murphy District Passenrar Agent Toronto Branch Ottawa without charge PATRIOTIC FUND the ECU RED AT WE AT Lumber Posts Shingles Sash Doors Latest Designs in Veneered Doors Stair Material and Trim in Oak Ash Cypress Georgia etc goods properly kiln dried Street HE mm Ceiling Pino Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Verandah Columns etc NO BETTER LUMBER EVER GREW THAN THAT WE HAVE IN FOR YOU DRY AND 80UND AND NEATLY DRE88ED The Kind Thats RATED THE VERY U I en to the Womens Court where she was manded alleged to have deserted and child in Winnipeg aged was that no communication is received as Dr Coleman says warm tally assaulted 0 Wednesday night from them need not give rise to strong clothes and hobnailed shoes last week and robbed of He does let not know his assailants and hence no arrests been made Hotelkeepers are coming to grief Eleven more were refused license re cently three in three in Hamilton and five in West and East Sandwich In each case they have been given three months in which to get out of business In the very near future Toronto may have a bus service on many of its principal streets Alderman and private citizens are talking of form ing company with about busses in commission capable of carrying from 25 to 35 passengers j Sir Wilfrid haulers address last Friday afternoon at the Womens Lib eral Club was inspiring and On Friday last while makiig a motor run to J and of the T Motor Ma chine Gun Battery were lujured The armored car while crossing a culvert on the road near Cakville and turned over failling several feet Two dwelling houses were damaged by fire on Friday one to extent of and the other by child ren attempting to light a gas stove Thirtyseven graduates of the Law School of whom were ladies were sworn in as barristers and- So licitors at Hall last Friday before Chief Justice M Meredith William took Jill from who was rooming in the same house with away He was over Falls by Detective Armstrong and last week In the Police Court he was sentenced to days hard labor Horseracing will be from National Exhibition altogether this Mr Clarke Locke of The World has been appointed Secretary Ontario has been political reporter at the Par liament lluildiiigs for several years and is former President of the To ronto Press Club A factory for the manufacture of lying machines Is to be located in this City Trials at Long Branch re- fen tit of one of the latest types of biplanes a machine capable of a speed miles an hour was test ed with satisfaction The tests Were made In the presence of two agents of the British Government The flights were made on the rifle range The Street Railway is now laying tracks on avenue I The Liberal banquet to Sir Wilfrid Laurfet last Friday night a a in ran away from the rig snapped ofi a tie post front the Office and crash- approaching waggon OF THOUSANDS KILLED DAILY May An ciul statement referring to Hie lighting in was issued here ami roads as follows In the lighting of the three weeks since beginning my mi sabs on May May it May 12 and May during which the lighting lent some its intensity averaged a day In the clays they were much hea ler especially during the period between May id and May When l amounted to several tons of License Mr Locke o e-f- According to a recent report of Canadian Patriotic Fund giving various amounts subscribed under the of York County we find the following The Toronto and York Branch the Canadian Patriotic Fund is responsi ble for the County President William Secretary Mr P Treasurer Wood I Cad St Toronto- This Branch has secured subscrip tions payable during amounting of which IGG360 had been collected pnr to the of March This re port goes on to say that contribu tions from the Ladies Aid Methodist Church- and from the Sharon Ladies Aid have been receiv ed at Ottawa such a duty a duty in which children may share It is estimated that if each head of family throughout the Dominion contributed but five cents a month during the duration of the war suf ficient money for all purposes would be obtained and few are too poor to be unable to do so therefore to secure publicity of the needs of this deserv ing work that you are asked to pub lish this appeal in your paper Noel Marshall Chairman a Does Drink Help Business Dr Howes front door but the Tow a three weeks since Hie begin i him and started I ihe operations of the taken at Niagara lhu their lOSSei Armstrong ini an not inmates TERRIBLE Ottawa May Official ad- vices received the Militia to Hie effect that tho Germans at lost 12000 killed and J000U for the four days of tile light ing grand success- The big barn raising on tbe farm of Reed at Victoria Square northern portion of town ship was attended by nearly last Friday including scores Resumption Canadian Great Lakes Service Passenger the Lakes Canadian Pacific route will be resumed com menting Saturday May I he service this season will be maintain ed by the Steamers sailing Tuesdays Manitoba Wed nesdays Alberta Thursdays and on Saturdays from Port McNicoll at P The Mani toba sailing Wednesdays will always call at Owen iniling dat at PM Special train will leave Station Toronto at 5 PM arriving Port LOO PM Daily except Friday For reservation or informa tion regarding this service consult any Canadian Pacific Agent or write Murphy District Agent Toronto j To the Editor If any of your readers Ihink that drink helps business let him listen to the words of Glenn of Carolina in a speech delipered at in He said Three months ago I in the capital Kansas talking to Governor I said Clover- nor you are reported as saying that in Kansas there are fiftyseven coun ties out of one hundred and live with not an inmate in the twentyfour counties with not idiot twentyone counties with a convict thirtysix with in reformatory with not a single persons in the jails ninetysix counties with not an in ebriate sixteen counties with not an insane person not a boy or girl in the reformatory not an idiot In the country Yes said I said it and 1 say Some thing more We have the lowest tax es of any State in the Union Our people are better fed and tetter cloth ed than ever before They have more money the bents there is less crime than In any state In the Un ion except Carolina and attri bute seventyfive per cent of our peace and prosperity In Kansas the driving out of this from our midst and to prohibition laws The facts stated above credible when our own country that many say dont believe it but is not the slightest doubt of the Gov ernors statements Kansas only in the only country In the world of debt Arnott a were Stopped on reaching Line at the Eagle Hotel The of fifay was duly last Saturday A party held a picnic in Williams Grove Crowds went by rail to Toronto and local points A Provincial is on top- The addresses to the Electors of North York appear in todays paper from J Davis Liberal nominee and Mr C Robinson of Aurora the Conservative candidate Mr and Mrs Fred wero visiting at Niagara Falls over Sunday Mrs of is visit- with her mother at Cedars Mrs Playter is spending a lew with her daughter Mrs Lewis Lukes Toronto Mrs Spragge and son ol Cobourg are visiting with her mother Dudley The death of George ville is announced o THREE to monster our enforcing seem so in- compared with 1 A CAST For Infanta and In Us For Over 3p Years Always be ana the of Is the probably the that is out young careen- from Toronto was fata ig a scaffold Alexander Joyce a ter by a fall from aThe body of lames Walker one the oldest inhabitants of was found In a pond last week Mr Walker was ytcrs old and it thought that he had a and fell in spell OB Who wouldnt fall short it meewrr tti Golden s vs BW -i- fc ill S v m 1 f H mm iv gw ss l a avi a Here is the store ot the splendidness of work that has a thrill in it Lot me tell you said Miss Frances once In the Young Crusader about three splendid- boys I know once on a time Their father died and their mother was left to bring them up to earn the mon ey with which to do it So the boys set to help her taking a boarders doing the work herself practicing strict economy this bless ed woman kept out of deot and each ot her sons a thorough education Hut it they hadnt worked like beavers to help her It have been done The oldest boy on ly fourteen treated his mother a though she were the girl he loved best Ho took the heavy jobs of housework oft hands put on hi big apron and went to work with a will washed the clothes pounded potatoes ground the waited on the table did everything and thing that he could coax her to let him do and the two younger one followed his example right along Those boys never wasted their mothers money on tobacco beer or cards They kept at work and found any amount of pleasure It They were happy jolly boys too full of fun and not only them but respected them All the girls in the town praised them and I dont know any better fortune for a boy than to be praised by good girls nor anything that boys like better They alt married and true men and ono of these boys Is pre sident of a college and is In demand for every good word and work HI mm vmmsm te I

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