m-l- Eft 1 M rlJ SOW m I v ST I 5 J i t ikKtSKfe A MOUNT ALBERT RED CROSS The Womens Institute and working with hem recently shipped goods lo the amount of lo the Red Cross Fund They Included pillow cases day surgical sheets socks etc There is still some yarn on hand for any who wish to knit PERSONAL- A E Miller of was in town this week calling on old friends Mr Geo bate moved to the house on the hill owned by Mr John Walton Mr and Mrs J Rowland left on Monday to attend the wed ding of her nephew at Harrisburg Ohio too METHODIST CHURCH The following was mailed late for last issue Rev gave a very in teresting address in the church on Sunday evening to a large con gregation on the good work be ing done by the Womens Foreign Missionary Society It being annual public meeting Miss roy of Markliam favored us with four beautiful solos two at Din morning service and two at this evening which were highly ap preciated by all present The recent warm bringing out the wild weather flowers is in now BALDWIN BREEZES was with genuine sorrow I heard of he death of my young friend Mrs- Ross Sharon As the daughter of my most intimate friend and school mate the- late David took a deep interest in her wel fare I reckon grew up to be a woman of more than ordinary excellence Last Friday Mrs was taken seriously and Dr Noble was summoned in haste He treated her for acute- indigestion until Sunday when real nature of the Ill ness showed itself gall stones She was removed to the Emer gency Hospital on Monday where she will undergo treatment at once As she is one of my most steadfast friends most sinceio hope for her speedy her normal health The automobiles are out nu merically strong slipping around like scared rabbits That means Watch out Uncle Owl or tho ketch you Master Alan Gum Swamp is the latest to acquire an auto and its a real beauty Alan is a model young man and his father knows how lo show his appre ciation of it Im promised a spin in it bye and bye is a resident ftt was for many years for Cane Sons Deceased was a noble typo of Irish Cana dian manhood brother Tomlinsons mill is rushing off the lumber like One two three the bumblebee the rooster crows and away she goes Mr Ben last week disposed of five One beeves for much beyond enough to make the safe door sag on its hinges He banked it If you wish lo see something extra call and see Coomers beeves News is amazingly abundant Polly do shut up you talk too much BELHAVEN on Tuesday and at- tended the Local Institute at Mrs Elder I of Newmarket Tuesday afternoon preach in Hall His younger He I here at p j oC Albert Is vi si tr ill also preach her brother Fletcher p BALDWIN log We miss at the store A fine Endeavor service last Monday night Miss Higginson gave a good paper on Sabbath Ob- N There was a large gathering ladies at the homo of Mrs Wright Queen St on Thursday will be grieved to hear scrvauce that Mrs Charles la very Quite a bunch of boys sick Mrs is now in Toronto Hospital We hope for speedy re covery Mr and Mrs George spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs to have very tine place it he and Mrs A with his work It has been pro- visited Mr and Mrs Fred Thompson last week Mrs Thompson is getting over her sickness very nicely Miss Cora Is having a lively time with the mumps Mr Ivan is about again after the mumps Mr has the mumps Hurry up and Come out again Owens and are going from here to the Boys Work Con ference Music les sons must be very engrossing Mr- Will is certainly- cooing nouneed by many as an ideal place Mrs spent two days this week in the City We are pleased to see the smiles ol Alice Mclnnis in town again Mrs Dan ot Newmarket spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs Isaac a it p A Central Manecr QUEENSVILLE Mr Bruce went tuning succeed- A in catching suckers Well done boys Allen a new We shall see some spring Mr auto now Mr Wardell has his new auto shape now the woods The grass is quite green on the road sides Some would like to know the name of the young man who can not get a certain girl to dine with him in the evening if lie gives his right name Miss Leek is putting a cement foundation under her store build ing and making other improve ments Mr Caleb Hike has new- house in process of building Mr H is Mrs Tomlinson ana meeting the Mis Ed Glover have on several J there was a readme on our of lalc vted our local to assist Aoiltinga jresident I he Owl was appointed judge of the refreshments No I M and Mrs Donald Cameron Vachell are ff next mouth a long visit in Their young folks Mrs an Mi are there We wish them Flanagan Miss and Mrs a happy lime Little Gladys Mumps of a very severe type very sweetly Will there be Stars Every day or tagers are here cleaning up their lawns Peter Morrisons hoiise has made decided improvement in the south the village Quite a scare was on Mon day at noon when Mr A Mc kenzie noticed blaze coming from the root of Mr stor boys playing with sky rockets but by the heroic- efforts of tlic nearby neighbors it was ex- Use The Mail For Banking You need not make special trip to town to ciah a cheu make a deposit or draw some money Use the You find our system of Bankloj By Mall a convenient way of transacting all yourbanklnj business Deports maybe and cash withdrawn by mall without delay or trouble Call or write the Manager for fuH loformatlan la regard to Banking By Mall MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager A BCD III I- the cot- with just hole in the roof and Mr and family of Toronto have Mrs Odlmg read an article Giving the past two weekends like a Little The The tfm Thomson at worship India hear here over Sunday tlien condition and the child at ice is not been here and Mr ere elsi The worship under Christian appears to be pretty well the bay we water is very low yet I are our and as very the order of the young men are All If Two a new members in my crown it were added and they mumps are trails- 1 meeting was brought to a close The by kissing dont you meeting will hold at the home our young ladies ace ditto Mrs combed The Spring Mr Ml Hi gen Toronto the new proprietor house is of the Wilson boarding- Toronto about 5 ft- square It seems a mir- as the whole corner would have been cleared again with the strong wind that was blowing at the time Mr L shipped two car loads cattle to the ranch on Tues day Silvester who has been spending holidays with her Aunt Mrs has returned to her studies at College Jn a maid has and Mer- by building premises cement walk Seeding is pretty general in this vicinity the for Hie most part being in good condi tion The roads are once more in good condition for wheeling and there seems to he more than usual in our neighborhood Our mail service is the best possible under Hie circumstances but is not very satisfactory The morning papers reach us between and noon if the train is on time Mr Public School Inspector visited our public school on Thursday last and gave a very favorable report A small hoy set lire to dry grass near Cooks resi dence and almost caused a gen eral conflagration DONT EAT Bad Bread and grow cranky Purity or Five Hoses Flour Grain taken In exchange Bran Shorts Chop and Grain for sale at ALLEN THBAKElVS Mt Albert SEED OATS A quantity of Seed Oats for Sale early and late variety T- moderate Terms Apply to Toole Bros Ml gj WIRE FENCING exceedingly nice little darling has them I- has them Shes a sweet little lassie most wondrous fair Shes not very tall so she stands on a chair And many a time I have kissed her there You may have been watching but its little care I am getting a carload of the best fencing wire and am selling it at wholesale price for the Standard Tube and Wire Co Woodstock Any style you waul Order quick I also waul a fv colls and work horses gasoline engines or farm impie- Write or phone Ml Albert Ivan has got Ihein too How did you get them lad Listen listen those wedding bells Youd better get the cage before you catch the bird my son the bird might fly away Ive heard of many such a shine in my day Often whMt poverty comes in at the door love flies out of Ihe window Thats what Solomon has to say about it Us lo be a hobby amongst to have yards raked yes and swept too wood piled as neatly as possible Carl Ketch Donald ltiddcl Mord Chapman Tidy Tommy J Iriuglcs Johnstons A Cryderman and Ernie are worthy of special mention Carl Ketch stands over and above all I imagine he must pile by square and compass Some look as if theyd been in a scrimmage with a cy clone Or Charles Noble brought his lady down to see La Belle Bald win last week Dr Charlie made selection woman for the sit Roseate with health lots of good address and mantling presence dust the wo man I should say gifted with Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Church Mount Pleasant on May the 2nd Services at a and p The Revi L A Toronto will preach at services On May 3rd will he a supper and a splendid program given drills and an Cantata re- and solos Watch lor bills giving particulars On account of Anniversary l vices at Mount Pleasant there will be no service in the here this week He has very interesting leased the to Mr Morris of Newmarket for a term of years and is making preparations to build a cottage for him sell at the roar of the lawn Another is lem added Ha tin store across the road The wiring is den for electric light in and also the Wilson boardinghouse visited his in Mr Manns houses Lewis on Tuesday Mr John Smith has returned from whir he has at tending the Agricultural College Mr is under the care Mr and Mrs held a reception on evening for their son and ride Mr J 1 Randall of Mount Mrs J Man without Clothes would be and a Man with IllFitting Clothes no matter how Good the Is apt to be taken for a Guy This Is to say the least not pleasant to the Wearer supply Clothes that fit from upwards Tailored to Your Individual Measure Give us a Call I GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON The funeral the late Mrs was hed in the Methodist Church last Friday afternoon end Church on the first Sabbath in j HOLLAND LANDING Miss Nellie Chapman of Toronto spent few days this with Mrs Chapman Rev J Collan of Toronto intends moving into the residence of Mrs the 1st of May next The Misses McDonald of the Scotch Settlement spent Tuesday last with Miss i C Lane spent Thursday last the city The Metropolitan 1 Co lure are Mrs George Pearson and III tie making repairs to the station at daughter visited her aunt Mrs Win Crossing should put up in Aurora tor the a notice against defacing the pro perty will it whittled away in a few years Mr Toronto is very largely attended Rev McNeil building an immense new house at former pastor of deceased assisted ly Island Grove The verandah is Scott preached an excellent- jwidc and ft lone mon Manv beautiful lowers covered Mr Smith of Newmarket the casket has leased the Morton store for the meeting was called recently in coming season Being a very capable the interests of athletic sports for business man he will no doubt give general satisfaction to his customers Peter Addison is the first Mr Greenwood and Miss Greenwood spent the weekend in To ronto Ma Maurice of Tor on a spent a lew days last week in town demonstrat ing the Maxwell car Miss of New York and Mr Alcock of Newmarket visited Mr Mrs Sfri alley here last Wednesday Mr and Mrs and Mr Kemp and daughter over litre from Mr and Mrs a Kcsts at their home at Jacksons Point Monday night Mr and Mrs Geo Glover had their little daughter down to the hospital for an operation this week April Norman Council years old the son of a farmer residing near Green bush was accidentally drowned in- Mud Creek by falling from a boat in which he was fishing in permanent summer resident to locate on the Beach The many friends of Mr Arthur will regret to learn that he is in very poor health this Spring The I 0 P completed ar rangements for their visit from next Members are requested to he oh hand not later than p in Over committee chosen to seventyfive guests are expected from Toronto besides visiters from Sur rounding Lodges Goodwin who has been con- At the close of the morning service fined to bis house we are pleased to FIRSTCLASS FLOUR young Our order well as our neighbor says buy firstclass Plour You get it at Albert Mills Grinding IGc per bushel Wheat taken in exchange Manitoba Hour Manitoba and Pantry Hour always on hand Chopping every day Axes cut ting box knives and skates ground Mount Albert ARE YOU GETTING IN If not you should order a sui ting my heavy laying While breeding for eggs Is my hobby I never neglect color to bring up the daughters properly roads are now in applepie You are iio doubt Ill say you should be familiar with the Story of challenge to the Israelites and of Davids and the incidents arising therefrom Our A be a reader of Vanguard iv fore he aspires be van not of a battle but Hi has a famous young driver of great promise as a speeder Donald also has a critter with some go in it Waller is also after their and desires lo go the mile in less than no time Now theyll met I guess A great cloud of dust was raised When the cloud lifted there was A away off yon rods in the lead Donald him full tear Hut a stern chase is long chase too long for re cital here None of thorn so far have gone to the fore to be able to count that row of big buttons the past weeks say is out again Abraham farm is half in East and half Hol land Landing Thereby hangs a tale for the Landing local option bylaw was passed by such a narrow margin that the antlfl hope to a to quash it if they can prove that Abraham Osier and his son George have no right to vote in Holland ordained Landing A has been made and is found that tht ilividine Hue be tween the two miinicipalitifs pase between house and his barn the house in Bast Miss Minnie Hell Toronto spent Sunday with her parents Mr Sydney Goodwin who has been ill for the past two weeks is improv ing in health Sir Cecil Perry of Toronto is spell ing the weekend at home Mr Robert is the weekend at home Miss Nellie Chapman of friends here Miss Chapman returned bono after spending her vacation In Toronto Mrs A Saint of Bradford spent Sunday with relatives In the Church bore last Sabbath an incident worthy of more than passing notice took place it be ing the ordination of Mr Charles Watson of Sharon into the honorable position as elder In the Church The the boys this summer Officers were appointed and a arrange for a benefit Concert to be held on or a tout lime the 3rd plan your outings to attend as program is expected Broken harness is unite provoking when its raining and you no umbrella isnt it Sammy Albert took coveted buggy A large Red Cross work consisting of 71 shirts ami hos pital suits together with pairs of socks Is being shipped from here prices making a total of garments and 53 pairs of socks The Womens Bible Class knitted pairs and are still knitting through the efforts of Mrs News Items Mrs P Chapelle is ha in in sale of furniture dishes etc at her store next Saturday the Sale at one oclock furnishing store has a dandy line of working shirts and overalls See his stock and compare WESTERN CANADA Every Tuesday arch to October THS RETURN LIMIT FREE HOMES along the anadlan Northern Railway For literature and apply lo Local Agent Pass Agent Toronto beautiful and impressive ceremony in getting yarn from the ROCHB8 POINT was performed by the pastor W Atkinson in the presence of a very large congregation The newly elder was heartily received by the rest of the session A most pleasing event on this occasion was the presence of Mr Watsons aged mother who although infirm and aged witnessed the ceremony Miss Mary Hunker and sister spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday at Far Kami with Mrs A In the service the Sunday morning Miss Lillian Graves is very ill with typhoid fever at Mrs Mr James Morton has secured a lot from Mr Trod and is erecting a residence on it city classes Many thanks due the Council of for the donation to the Womens Institute or purchase of the material The Womens institute ville will meet in the basement of lie Methodist Church on Wednesday after noon April at A paper will be given by Mrs Will on Preparation for Flower Culture followed by discussion Heading A special request for all to be present all other ladies are invited This is the record of pullets j As smock though IheyVo and hens Deo Jan all i of his coal ami Feb GOO and March I have 3 pens mated prices per All eggs tested for fertility Mount Albert Feather Yards Mrs Prop TO A thoroughbred White Boar bred at the A Farm Ouelpb for service Also a thorough- bredDurham Hull bred at the same Keswick Frame I7x St at present attached to Church of England Rectory fiut- Apply to K Hut- ton Mr ami cpupl of spent over Sunday at Mr ft is getting his gasoline boat The paint ed arid fixed up We were pleased to sec Mr 11 Sherman able lo be out Sunday for a short motor ride Mr Jas Morton of Quecnsvilic paid a visit to the Point on Sun day Glad to state Mrs Geo lon is butter Mr spent Sunday at his homo near Mrs Sherman and Muriel Fair pos- in Newmarket on Monday Mrs John still improv ing and was out for a drive Sun day Mrs it is visiting in Toronto for a few days Mr Mulock and child ren spent the weekend at their summer home Say next parly you at tend be sure and lake all your clothes homo Mr Is having bin lot on St ploughed Intends fencing and planting It Mrs Sherman returned from Toronto last Thursday having finished taking pasteur treat- Nomine BUD hour very many his smock hasnt a seam down the back Pie battle will be fought Mrs J J Foster had company day last week Among oth ers were her mother Mrs Jos Kay and Mr and Mrs Kay In most cases here maple sug ar making was a bad failure Donald and partner Mrs a success of it puckers up April Frogs April Wild flow ers in bloom In Grove April The on draught at Sutton all the year round Martin noted farmer life at Ills home roiilo several weeks Wm fine buildings have been made In the village but there arc others that could be made very re spectable t was out in the for about three quarters of an last Monday This will be pleasing report to all his friends Mr Frank lnk is the father of a fine baby girl- just one week old to day hear its name Is to bo Dorothy Agnes Mr and Mrs Arthur Smith of San- ford was visiting over Sunday with Mr and Mrs McCellan Miss Morton of Newmarket over Sunday with aunt Mrs J Archie Smith certainly filled Mr Coles place In shape and ho has been doing some very effective spring cleaning Mr Fred visited the city this week on a business trip Roy Fletcher was away Monday Tuesday In Hamilton A very successful Ladcs Institute meeting at Mrs Mrs Is going to be as progressive as any ot them She Is having a tennis lawn made for use of her boarders Gilt Bible Class Christian Sunday school spent a very enjoyable evening at the home their teacher Mrs and treated to fresh maple syrup Say Wont those croquet fellers enjoy t Hills lawn some You bet I Mrs of Street end Mrs District of the Womens Institute visited at Mrs SUTTON The Journal had the fol lowing item last week The many friends of Mr and Mrs regret much that moVed town They will in Jacksons where Mr has Interests They have been long residents of town and will be emuch missed by a large circle of friends in the winter Mr Boyd sold his property to Messrs and Watson Mrs the first T Noble wilt receive for time on Tun- April A Late Farmer James Newton of who passed away on Feb by his will bequeaths 1fe interest In acres of land to his widow Elizabeth on condition that she does not remarry and maintains a daughter Jennie rest of the real estate Is given tohls three sons William John and J a lies to a daughter Carrie Gordon is given a grain elevator in together with the real estate used in connec tion with the elevator The total value ot tho estate Is COG ol which is value of farm lands in and Scott Town ships and the village pro missory notes three bank ac counts Sterling Hank furniture and farm and stock- Tho Counc 1 are the- reals raked from sidewalk to sidewalk and it certainly makes wonderful Im provement They arc getting ready for the oil Mr Mrs and Mr and Mrs ftwiter motored to Sunderland on Sunday Mr Kcnnuiy has returned to work again alter a couple of weeks vacation 1 Two Turkish torpedo de stroyers are said lo have been blown up when returning with the fleet- cruising in Black Sea to the These Russians had succeeded in man ning the entrance to the straits The destroyers while acting as scouts for the Turkish fleet ed some of the fleol from destruc tion while blown up them selves for the warning caused the remainder of the fleet to con tinue in the I Hark Sea mine sweepers were available The British admiralty that the British submarine was destroyed in the Dardanelles by British picket boats she having gone ashore rather than allow her to fall into the hands of the enemy FOR SALE Strong planting canes of per 100 Quantity of good Potatoes bag Seed Potatoes bag Good Clean At Timothy Hay AUTHOR KNIGHTS Messrs J Shaw and Pat Cadieux left for the West last week Miss Townloy Toronto was hero over the Mr J Lavcry Is here now prac tising as a Vet with his Lnvery Mr and Mrs J McUonad ar rived home last week- They expect to move to the Point soon J of England Reotory Pro perty Ont are asked for that por tion of the property mark ed on plan as Parcel and Parcel 3 Tenders may be either for or both lots Plan may lo seen o clock in tho foren at Drug Store Sutton Sealod tenders marked Rec tory will bo received by un dersigned up to and including Sat urday April The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted K Greenwood Church Warden Sutton West Ont 2wll April 1015 NOTICE OF CLOSING AND STOPPING UP STREETS IN THE TOWN PLOT OF AMSTER DAM is hereby given by the Municipal Council of the Town ship of Kin Ihat said Municipal Council proposes to pass a bylaw close and slop up the following streets and parts of streets in the Town Plot of Amsterdam in said Township that is lo say The following streets and por tions of streets shown and laid out upon the Government Town Phil of Amsterdam situate in the Township of King that is to say All of Hague Street eland Street and Utrecht Street those portions which are south of the ly boundary of Street he following streets namely J Street Keyser Street Knl- ami Street thai part of Street lying south of a line drawn from the northeast angle of Park Lot A on said lovn plot most northwesterly angle of Lot 5 on the east of Street Tin Municipal Council of Township of King proposes lo pass the said bylaw by of the fact that said streets never boon open for public use but have been used and occupied for farm purposes by the owner of the land adjacent In the streets and because it is for advantage of the residents of lb locality that they should he Pa used It is proposed by the Muni cipal Council to sell and convey the said streets and portions of streets to John Henry Adams of the City of Toronto in Coun ty of York and that the said by law should authorize lliis to be done The said bylaw will be con sidered at a meeting of the said Council to be hold on the day of April 1MB in Cards in Noble ton at If so soon thereafter as may b practicable persons win deem that they may bo prejudi cially affected by dosing of said streets hereby noti fied to bo present in person or by their solicitors or agents at said lime and and they will he heard J JENKINS Clerk King Township Ho M R and P Pin jt r