Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1915, page 2

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at i- w NEWMARKET FRIDAY a mm s pi I if ill a J a m Jli rt v fc DRESSMAKING Latest Stylos Neat Prompt Reasonable Prices MRS LEMON Church St Newmarket- HOUSE TO RENT Brick house opposite Pickering Col lege good garden trees and stables AH in condition Apply to Mrs St LOST Word conies from Ottawa of reorganization of the Militia Departs A Toronto evening paper of Conservative leanings reports Some difficulty may be encountered in deciding where the axe may fall it will is the general feeling in Ottawa A small gold Brooch Sunday April cither oil Church Timothy streets Lome or Park avenues Kinder kindly leave at Mr Jacob Doyles Hols- ford St FOR SALE Fire Roomed House and Stable about an acre of Land one mile south ol Newmarket Will be sold at a bargain Apply to HUGHES Street Toronto wit WANTED Will the two gentlemen who were in Mr Office on March and heard a lady versiug with Mr WiddiAcld about a deed of correction please leave heir names and addresses at the Kra Office and oblige Tbo Ontario Legislature after ses sion extending about seven weeks remarkable more for oratory than anything else came to a close last Friday formal proroga tion however did not takeplace till yesterday afternoon It is stated that the Railways will not plaea war stamp on their tick ets but the price of the ticket will be increased to cover the war tax and railway auditors will turn the war money over to the Dominion treasury A meeting recently held in Montreal between representatives of the Gov- the Railways made the final arrangem It is announced that the salary f Mr J chairman of the T it Commission has been increased from to This will enable the said chairman to in crease his own bank account and aso supplement the funds of the party for political purposes Yes the in ventive genius of the present day partisans finds many ways of meeting the exigencies of the political situa tion FOR SALE The house and premises owned by the late Michael Cain deceased on Franklin Street This pro perly must he sold For particu lars apply to SoPor for Administrators New market Onl DAVIS Newmarket Ontario Oxygen Welders of all kinds of Metals Cogs in gear wheels Also dealers in all kinds of Threshing Outfits Sawmills Out- ting Boxes Saws Celts Boxes Shafting and Pulleys FOR8ALE Acre valuable farm ing land containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some timber and sonic pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write Armstrong Newmarket MALE HELP WANTED Men wanted in all parts of this and adjoining counties to show samples and distribute circulars for Canadas Largest Grocery Mail Order House posi tion will pay weekly sample case free The CoOperaliye Union Windsor Ontario Temperance people will be glad to know that hereafter chartered Clubs will not be able to defy Municipal reg ulations the legislation intro duced in the dying hours of the ses sion last week by Hon J control over poolroom clubs and every club that has a pool or billiard table on the prem ises except in the case of dubs li censed under the Liquor License Act is handed over to Municipal Councils Now will they be good Funny how it works but the Gov ernment generally finds a way out oi trouble Hon Mr McGarrys cor poration Tax Bill is a reminder to corporations generally that taxes must be paid Our readers will re member that Life Assurance Coin- panics refused to pay taxes based on gross revenues and appealed to the courts The Government then chang ed the basis of the tax by legislation but keeping it right up to the former level with a provision that acts as a penalty for ncglcvting or refusing to pay TOWN OF NEWMARKET Debentures for Sale According to a table of statis tics in a late issue of the Pioneer the prohibition cause has made really wonderful strides during the past ten years fn On had municipalities Of these were wet and dry majority for wet In 1915 the municipalities had in creased to 817 but the wet and dry figures have greatly chang The Province has 305 wet and 512 dry majority for the dry Provincial prohibition is not far away a street if the Tenders will be received up to and including April 1915 for Light Debentures for 20 yrs payable in twenty equal annual instalments principle and inter est bearing interest at per cent P J ANDERSON EXECUTOR8 NOTICE TO CRED ITORS Public Notice is hereby given according to the Statutes provid ed In that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of John late of the Town of Newmarket who died on or about the day of January are requested to file the same properly proven with the undersigned Solicitor for the ex ecutors of the last will of the said deceased on or before the 1st day of May as immediately thereafter the said executors wilt proceed to distribute the assets amongst those parlies entitled having regard only to those claims then filed and further lake notice thai the said executors will not be responsible for the said asseL or any part thereof thereafter Dated April 1915 Newmarket Out SO FOR Most all nearly all laying Ducks Apply to Mrs Watson POULTRY FOR PrizeWinning Strain Singh Comb Rhode Island Reds Thirty Pullets at 100 each Two mated breeding pens con sisting of- Six Female and Mais at 1000 Per for 15 for for hatching from chow pen at for AUBREY DAVIS Millard Ave Newmarket Ont WANTED enter trig or millwright work by f opposite York Radial Station Another Boy Heard From Pie Kelly writing France under of Ma- says Friends Just a few lines to let you know that the splendid health I enjoyed during our camp life on Salisbury Plains slays with now that we are in active serviov At present there is not much fighting in our district I sup pose we are waiting for the ground to dry out a little We have three days in trenches and then throe in town and it is about as safe one place as another on account of German shells The other day a poor woman had her head blown right off by an explod ing shell She was silting nurs ing a child on her knee when the shell struck her killing her in stantly but the child was not hurt at all We were right across the street at the time The boys felt so sorry for the poor kiddies now left both fatherless and motherless that they took up a collection and raised 1500 The boys at Ihc think the war will not last much longer and surely hope not Had a letter from some of my Newmarket friends today You cannot guess how we appreciate how we appreciate letters from letters from homo We get our mail regularly loo Give my regards to all Ihe boys and friends Yours BLAMES ITALY FOR GERMAN DOWNFALL NEW TO RENT End Apply at Hamilton Bros Store cor Main and flutes month Paris April 7 What the Kaiser thinks about Italy is the following statement he recently mads to attached to the Austrian suite if we are crushed we shall never ttre of tllln our children la Austria as well as in Germany that our downfall was due to Hal It it takes us ten or even twenty years we will wis back whatever we Rive Italy now and also seize Venice as This disclosure was made to a newspaper man by an Austrian At a meeting of representatives of Torontos Oddfellows Lodges on Saturday itwas decided that the collection of the annual church Pa rade on May bo given to the Red Cross Society Hon Dr schooMealhers pension scheme is not very favorably received in this City During March children Were bur ied at the citys expense their par ents being too poor to pay for the funeral while three adults were also buried by the city Easter millinery this year has novel features along military The torpedo hat are fash ionable in Paris The closing exercises of the Pres byterian and Missionary and Deacon ess Training Home were held Thurs day evening in the Street Church Rev L con ducting the designation services for the four candidates An Italian was smothered to death and three others partially buried on Tuesday last when a sewer caved in on avenue Damages by fire to the extent of occurred on Tuesday at the residence of Mr on Road An electric iron left with the current cm overnight was the cause of the fire The tag attached to a blouse Irv ing out of a womens muff led to her arrest as a shoplitter at Corp Thomas of the in a letter to his mother Mrs Milne Brunswick Ave tells how a comrades life Was saved the presence Of a Bible in his pocket A bullet struck the Bible which was in the pocket over the mans heart and then glanced oft en tering his arm just below the shoulder A Toronto citizen sued the Street Railway for the loss of a dog that was run over and killed by car The Judge decided that dog did not know enough to keep out of the way of a moving car its owner should kept it at home and missed the case The Overseas Club has already se cured of the- amount necessary to purchase an to be pre sented to the British Government The Ontario Government on behalf of this Province is sending several hundred boxes of Northern Spy apples to the Canadian contingent at the base hospitals in Kissing goes by favors is sometimes witnessed in legal circles as well as in other quarters Jaseph formerly a clerk in the firm of Black Lash and pleaded before Magistrate to day to a- charge stealing about J from the firm in small amounts and fees A ember of the law firm put in a pica for Ellis and the court let hi off with days In jail The effect of closing liquor bars on Good Friday was marked in this City as compared with the open bar in 1911 Last Friday only three ar rests were made for drunkenness while with the open bar one year ago no less than arrests were made Two women were arrested on on a charge of shoplifting Sometime last Mr 1 in a public address offered to supply pints of miln for the school children of the city from the farm Arrangements are now beiag completed to give effect to the offer An action has been entered at Os good Hall to set aside the marriage of George A El Well to his first cousin Miss of Plains Road Toronto It is said the groom was scarcely years of age while the bride was The couple were married last but the parents of the bride were not aware of it until November Is more distress among the poor of the City than many citizens are aware During March 1018 ap plications were made at the City He- Be Office for help At In the southern part of York County a market gardener commenced plowing on Tuesday The land was in excellent condition for spring work Akira councillor of the department of agriculture and com merce of the Imperial government of Japan is visiting Toronto to study trade conditions in an effort to pro mote better business be tween Japanese and Canadian houses Sir George Foster on Tuesday evening last at Convocation Hall delivered an address on Women as Empire Builders Major General Steele commander of the second contingent left for Ot tawa last Tuesday evening A man was arrested for trespassing on the railway tracks last Saturday He had to In Jail till Tuesday as no Police Court was held on Monday Hod Tape Sparks an anvil set gas aflame at the Consumers Gas Company premises and two men badly burned about the head and arms last Wednesday Mrs Elizabeth Street passed away at the age of was the only child of late Joseph Secor who fought at the side of General Brock in the battle o Heights Mr and Mrs Allan Howard spentEaster the city Mr and Mrs Guy Smith spent Easier in Mr Jack of Toronto was here on Easier Sun day Godwin of tho Bank of Toronto has been transferred to Miss Lulu is home from New Lowell for tbo Easter vacation Mi8s Lydia Crawford of Bra ford spent Easter with her sister Mrs Dr Hull Miss Aleln is spend ing Easter holidays with friends in Miss Smith of Southampton spent Good Friday with Mrs J Miss Dorcas has left for Toronto to train in the Gen eral Hospital Miss Nash Toronto was Ihe guest of Mrs P Pearson On Master Sunday Miss Bray of spent holidays with her sister J Dr Clark and Mr A took a motor trip to Lake on Good Friday Miss Hilda Taylor of Toron to is spending holidays with her aunt Mrs John Bolton Ave i Mrs Harvey and children of were home for Easter holidays Mr Harvey was also here for a few Mr Jackson of brotherinlaw of Hill is attending the Optical Glass in Newmarket this week Mr Wilson the genial proprietor of at Or chard Beach has purchased the Summer Hotel ill Mr Mrs Lawrence of Toronto spent Easier Sunday the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Geo A Thompson Miss Clarice of Ot tawa accompanied by Miss Glad ys Jones was home for Easier holidays also Mr Carl Of London The Mission Circle- of the Methodist Church was invited If Mr Edgar Willis of was visiting his parents on Good Robert J of writes En closed please And renewal for the Era for another year an always welcome visitor bringing news from homo and unlive land I that though twothirds of my life has boon spent hero yet thero is a lender spot in my heart for of my ohildhOod and its I am very much interest ed in With kindly remem brances to old friends H We Have Just Received 8ome t THE LEADING House can your For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night attended to at John H Millard Phones I -AT- 150 Imperial Gallon f i IN- i J J IN AND 16o JARS Pnrsonago by Hew The Cradle Gaston In Newmarket on April yrd to Mr and Mrs J Gaston a Lepard On St near New market 1st to Mr and Mrs Stewart i son At Sharon to Mr and a son April Mrs Boss House Cleaning Tims in flu And You Need a Broom We Have Thorn From 25o each to PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO PHONE 35 McCaffrey In town on Apr to Mr and Mrs John daughter In Newmarket on March to Mr and Mrs Waller Perrin a son Johnston At Ottawa April 2nd to Mr and Mrs John ston nee Jennie Smith of Au rora a son officer who heard the Kaisers vow Price and 17 per rooms at per Juneau Alaska April A bill submitting the question territorial prohibition to the the gen eral election November pass ed the lower the Alaska Legislature yesterday by a vote of to It now goes to Should prohibition bo adopted It would be come effective January I 1318 the the bill The United States has asked from Germany lor deatructlon of schooarr William vvrt The Senate Hotel at Lambton owned by John Fleming was totally destroyed by a fire which broke out Wednesday forenoon lasted for some hours The local tire depart ment despatched two waggons from West Toronto halls but the time they arrived the fire was beyond con trol The hotel licensed and en fifteen room The damage will ainount to about horse was lost in the fire which the stables at the rear of hotel tea at the Methodist on Tuesday afternoon and Mrs Addison Mrs of Toronto spent holidays with her sister Mrs Oliver Miss also spent the weekend with her cousin Miss Oliver Mr Manning entertain ed his Glass of hoys a few nights ago at his home on Main St North when the hoys organ ized a ball team for the coming season Mr and Mrs Jackson and little Miss Dorothy of Toron to spent holidays at A few friends were in vited in to spend Saturday even ing with them Mrs Hamilton and Miss Jones were in the city a few days last week Miss returned 16 her office work on Tuesday last after spending three weeks at home Mrs Walter Crone of To ronto was in Town on Wednes day lb see her aunt Mrs Geo Wood who is gradually iii health She was able to walk down Town this week- Mrs L Jackson enter tained a number of young ladies on Tuesday afternoon as a Fare well for Miss Olive who to leave for on three hours notice any day now Mr anil Mrs John Proc tor Yonge Street announce the engagement of their daughter Edna Mary to Mr Lloyd A second son of- Mr and Mrs J Queensville mar riage to take place this month Mr Alex of writes Enclosed you will find one dollar for renewal for the for coming year hoping we will not miss any as wo want every one We would not know what to do without it Mrs J J Coulter of Toronto announces the engage ment of her youngest daughter Laurina Alberta to A Pearson MA pastor of Presbyterian Church St Thomas The marriage will take place quietly April in Toronto Mr J Jackson of ion Alberta and Mr Frank Wilde of Toronto are in Newmarket for a stay of Several weeks for the purpose Of taking a postgradu ate course in Optics from Mr Mayheo of Winnipeg together with Mr CWatson with our local optician Mr Watson Mr Andrew Smith of To ronto came to Town last Saturday Just to look around and gave the a friendly call Ho was foreman for the En the Courier and toft Newmarket years ago The place has changed so much that ho could hardly recognize it and ho mot very few people that be know The Altar- On March at Ave Toronto the home of the bride by J W Bell Leva Alberta Toronto to Win Herbert Smith Oak Ridges At the of parents by J on March Stella May second daughter of Mr and Mrs p W of Elgin Mills to Malcolin Ferguson of King Al i April 1st Miss Alberta Moon of Toronto to Mr Wm McKuen of 1 Mutch officiating Th Tomb Breokon In North on April be loved wife of Mr James in her year n AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes Moody On St near market on April 2nd Luke Moody in his year New- MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Freeh Chocolates Weekly G TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No Storo Phone No -TUY- At Aurora on March after a long Eliza Arnold widow of the late Robert Newbury Broad King Township near Ketlieby on March Sidney Broad son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Broad aged J years months At Pincher Creek Al berta on March M Donald MacLeod aged years son of Martin and Mnry MacLeod and grandson of the late Colonel MacLeod of Dry- noch Oak Ridges Al Musselmans Lake Tp of Whitchurch March 1915 Alfred in bis Cornell On Tuesday April 1915 William Cornell at his residence Block Con Ops township Victoria and Ont aged 73 years father of Mr A Cornell Principal of Newmarket Public Schools N E W M A R For the- Best of Quality at the Very Lowest Price 9 i SOMETHING EXTRA FOR SATURDAY I Sirloin Roasts of Young Beef Porterhouse Roasts of Beef roll ed of you wish Round Steak or Round Steak Roasts BOO tbs Beef for Pot Roasting 300 ibi- Choice Boiling Beef BOO Choice Meaty Roasting Beef Ham of Young Pork at per lb Short Out Loins of Young Pork 300 lbs Side Pork for 16o VEAL A Choice Line of Veal the Very Best Quality LOOK I Qunne Mild Cured Back Bacon in piece 21o sliced Shortening Pure Lard 15o ORDERS CALLED FOR ON OH CALL BY PHONE J- IN Strasler In loving memory of Henry who died March 1912 We cannol lell what pains he bore Wo did not see him die Wo only know he passed away And never said goodbye Dearest loved one they have laid thee In the peaceful graves embraco But the memory will bo cherished Till thy loving fae may our happy fortunes be To join thee in the realms above The glory of God to see And sing His eternal love Daughter Mrs John Spring H END A J Main St North Newmarket All Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention Is tie to Get FLOUR FOB BOTH PASTRY AND DREAD Bag Guaranteed FRESH CONSTANTLY ARRIVING OF BRAN AND SHORTS ALL HINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Ciphers Chick Food Is the Best Little Call and Leave Your Order or Phono MPT DELIVERY A HOWARD Team Work of All Hinds Promptly To WILLIES The teacher was tie a long highly embellished about Santa and Willie Jones began giggling with mirth finally got beyond his control Willie What did I whip you Tor yesterday asked the teacher severely promptly answered Willie Suspicion mid jealousy nev er did help any man in any si tun man naturally areui him friends adapted to morals It appears to be very ftoult for Italy to keep its neu trality on straight as it CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over SO Year Always bears Signature of ARCHIVES OF a J TORONTO

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