S twe En i w si 1 at 1 ill I If SO iff Kg Says Life a very miserable those with Soar Stomach This letter from Captain Sinn one of the best known skippers on the Great tells bow to get quick relief from Stomach Trouble BoRWKUrj May A man has a poor chance of ring and enjoying life when he cannot eat That was what was wrong with me I of appetite and indigestion was brought on by Constipation I hare fcxd with these diseases for years I lost a great deal of flesh Ad suffered constantly For the last couple of years I and bare been so pleased with results that hare recommended them on many occasions to friends and acquaintances I am sore that hare helped greatly By following the diet rules and taking directions any person with Dyspepsia will get sold by all dealers at 50c a box for or trial or Bent postpaid on receipt of price ay Limited Ottawa The meet at live Home of Wnirie day March Papers will be given the pwmbers of the Aid are preparing to present a the near future AURORA A Mrs received i letter from her youngest son who is living California who attended the opening of the Worlds Exposition lie said that Canadas exhibits were the best that was there and ho was proud of Canada when bo heard the people on all sides it STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron St An old stand Apply to MISS TO RENT House and Lot Huron St Apply to Eves Storehouse Huron SI Brick House on Prospect Ave- All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket in every way roomg besides and wash room New fur nace Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain s easy terms Apply at this office si Jijsnitt isaii i uosVM again calling the men to work- The factory has teen closed for a couple of months but opened on Wed nesday much to the satisfaction of the employees as well as the general public The first common school in the county of Simeon was started in in the Scotch settlement in the township of West V On Thursday of last week Mr James harpe the popular and well- known hotelkeeper of Holland Land ing passed away aged years De ceased before removing to Holland anding about three years ago con ducted a hotel at Sutton for many He is survived by his widow and grownup family Deceased was a resident of Newmarket at one time funeral took place on Saturday interment being in Ceme tery OAK FUDGES Is very scriousl- HOUSE TO RENT On Street two miles north of Newmarket Good or chard hard and soft water two acres of land close to good stable Possession 1st of April J PROCTOR 3w5 Newmarket WE HAVE FOR r A property situated on Art A largosiied dwelling conveniences all In first shape Quarter of an acre of with apple and small fruit stable asd cement ben This we consider the best town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser to P Morton box 373 I w Given Away Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay Farm lias all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern House also Hip Roof Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and we will satisfy you as to the amount away We must wind up this Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for ton years with a small deposit down You must act quick in his matter or miss this chance mile East of Pleasant on the Centre Tommy Glover Farm of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Ave Building Co- Newmarket is day roar and hop awword A friend New all of The tLe poo UrId f la paper la a wefihtof Edition it in lis Pan from Mr A ill pleased to see Mr Fred out again Another of boys has gone to train for service against the Germans Mr Mr Stephen Williams of Altar spent part of last week among friends here also Mr McMillan of Weston The farm of acres at Junction has chink ed hands Mr Durham becomes the owner There is to be a circulating library connection with our new school It will be open one evening each week when books may be exchanged- The young in the Church holding a social evening on March 7th I he musical part of the service in the Methodist Church last Sunday was in charge of the mens choir Our citizens and Board of T are tendering a banquet to Mr John on Friday March 12th at the Mansion House Mr and family purpose leaving town shortly Mr Todd who has carried on a large manufacturing iCisiness here in buggies cutters wagons and sleighs for over vears has re tired The death of Miss Maud af ter few days illness from diph theria came as a great shock to her many friends in the neighborhood ooo is very prevahntf cases are reported Marlon was the guest of Miss Ethel Underbill Aurora last week The rink was well patronized on Saturday evening after an interval of no skating- Mr los moved tli week onto the Til ton farm near which he recently Mr Mitchell and grandson of King City were guests of the formers daughter Mrs Jos Kitchen this week Mrs A Weaver and children spent weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs at Pine Orchard A couple of detectives Hew into town the other day and it Is reports captured a sample of liquor and evidence sufficient to convict The sale of household effects and property of the late Mrs Withers on Saturday went oil well The property was purchased by Ky The special meetings which were held alternately in the churches here last week have well attend ed and it is decided to continue them Stevenson an old and high ly esteemed resident at passed away Sunday night after five days Illness of pneumonia Deceased who Was torn in the township of Vaughan years ago came in his to Peeujnseth with his parents Me was engaged In farming up till three years when he retired from the farm and went to to reside wife he Is surviv ed four daughters Mrs Wmp Mrs Mrs Port William Mrs Calhoun He is also by two sisters and one lit Mrs Cowan Mount Mrs Mullen Beaton Mr Stevenson Tottenham The funeral took place on Wednesday from his late home to the Methodist where an impres sive was held Rev after which the cortege pro- deeded to the cemetery At Kails the license ool rooms heretofore- raised to London March A despatch to Telegraph sterdom says Telfs Hew Vino Restore Strength and Vitality to the Weak Ones Her Charge Hill Hawthorne have been at work among the sick and poor for nearly eighteen and whenever I used Vino for run down week or emaciated patients they been visibly benefited by it patient a young woman was so weak and ill could creep to my door for aid and was leaning on a friends arm supplied VInol to her liberally and in a month when she returned to thank me I hardly recognised her Sho was strong her color and her cheeks rounded out These words are uttered from my heart In order that more people may know about as there is nothing makes me happier in world than to relieve the sick Mother O S D Hawthorne Such disinterested and reliable testi mony should convince everyone of the merits of our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic to build up health and strength for all weakened and nervous conditions whether caused from over work wo or chronic coughs and colds If Vino falls benefit we reborn your money J Druggist School Reports Report for Jan Class Marks possible Lewis Owens West 1 III Maris Walter Terry Erven May Buckle Leslie Mac- Main Jr III possible David Owens Beatrice Lewis Florence Cam ell Lizzie Newton Lunnev 1441 Myrtle Clifford West Marks possible Owens Pottage Emily Hashes Laura Cos- ford Lewis Nellie Ruckle Aubrey Willie Marks possible 17P0- Vera Alice Doane Leigh Hart- man Florence Mary West lif9 Harry Newton enrolled Average attend for Ian Feb Teacher 5crrtc of Sundays Pun gent Sayings A pup barks more than an old dog Some people pray file a jackrabbit eating Your religion is in your will not in you handkerchief Home is the place we love test and griiml le the most Whisley is all in its its is in hell The devil often grinds the axe with hews A revival gives the church little digitalis Ins ad of an opiate A keener and od mother dont at the same rope You cant manhood with a tare line the bleeps Morality isnt the light It is only the polish on the Dont try to cover up the of life but get fixed up When you quit lite the devil I will quit preaching that way Yank some of thR groans out of lour prayers and in some shouts w your a hundred ricilarswrV in Canada the year 1914 Wilful- waste and Even the Brewers Journal says that as drink luxury sod an it should be curtailed at resent time That estimate of one hundred docs not take Into the of 11 or the that s out of chemicals list think If that ad been spent for food tet- houses and better- furniture what it would have leen to What a multitude of men employment making these Thus it injures robs ol and al most every one is more of less affect- by It not only wastes money that would keep all kinds of business but t makes largo number so poor that cannot Pa their proper share of taxes and so the burden falls smaller number and the burden of taxation is increased every Again causes crime and poverty and insanity and we how know that it is the very greatest dis ease by dulling the defensive powers of the system Think of the great number of people injured in jails penitentiaries asylums poor uses etc that have to be clothed and fed and cared for our of the taxes No wonder Gladstone said give me a sober people and Twill have no difficulty in raising the revenue And Hon Geo Roster that if the liquor trnfTe were stopped we soon would not ourselves we would be so any one things that doing I with the liquor traffic Would taxes or do harm in ny way what- let him ask himself whv the in districts where local is enforced ore so well pleased with it Will some on tell us the legis lature busies itself with minor things and does not to lift this burden off the people o Opinions Men I do not believe that alcohol in form ever has done or ever will do anybody any good Lord He res ford Our men enjoyed splendid health the Soudan Egyptian Camfagn 18S11S2 and this Is due to the fact that from the time they entered until they left were not supplied with spirits Field Lord The campaign in was Mb water and nothing added to it oer the rearguard en the the finish of the campaign no other part the world have seen a force of men so fit and so well as that force which was employed on the Nile Sir Francis Greofel soldiers will do as much and more work than drinker Field Marshall Lord Roberts Yet some will read the of would the farmers of to do their srifero In preventlnK b Great Britain from suffering want or privation Minister of Agriculture the people In the past Great Britain has imported immense quantities of these staple foods from KUBsia France Belgium Germany and AustriaHungary as shown by the following Import Years Wheat bush Oats Barley Corn Peas Potatoes Onions i lbs Butter and Cheese lbs The- a bore mentioned sources of supply staple foods In main cut off as a result of the war Great Britain is looking to Canada to supply a largo share of the shortage Every Individual farmer has a duty to perform t For and to Canadian Department of Agriculture Ottawa Canada Millions of bushels rather million of acres should be Canadas aim That there is abundant reason to expect larger from the same area J conclusively shown when we compare the average production of the present time with the possible reduction Note the following table which the average in and possible production per acre i Average Possible Fall Wheat Wheat 1484 Barley Oats Grain 70 Corn Ensilage a Tons Peas Beans Potatoes Turnips 11940 43181 200 37 By possible is meant the actual results whkh have been obtained by our Experimental and by many fanners These possibles have been obtained under intensive culti vation methods and conditions not altogether possible on the average farm yet they suggest the great possibilities of in creased production By greater care in the selection of seed more thorough cultivation fer tilization better drainage tie average could be raised by at least onethird That in itself would add at least to the annual income of Canada from the farm It would be a great service to the Empire end this is the year in which to Co it 1 Increase Your Live Stock Can da asset The one outstanding feature of the worlds farming is that there will soon be a great shortage of meat Save your breeding stock Plan your live stock Europe and United States as well as Canada pay hlber prices for beef mutton and bacon in the S3Crfice that live stock he only for prosperous agriculture You are fornimg not I If thce great believe it men and say dont says sue them for wont wallow a tluiL take the more they the more pious the world their douh A prudent man hue and to kill it Some fellows look like 1 they arc Ian was a fool In tho garden of and he has taken a new degrees since Put the kicking straps on an old Whim feed the angel and starve the dei lb How Can You Keep a piece of sandpaper handy to sink where the dishes are washed It will prove invaluable When a stubborn spot upon burned kettle refuses to move through thofld of a dishcloth use piece of sand par Its a splendid aid in cleaning a gas stove Fold piece over knife and you can remove or dried that sticks to the corn ers Fruit can tops have annoying habit sticking Fold the strip of around the car top find it a twist It will loosen Im mediately A BACKACHE with burning highly colored urineare sure signs of Weak or Kidneys Gin Pills cure all Kiduey and Bladder Troubles a box for at all dealer How the Apples Were Sold- The Washington declares that half the members ot the Re presentatives busied themselves dur ing a leisure hour over the following problem given them by of New Jersey A man who had three sons called them together and told them that he to make disposition of his property Mo said that he Imd one hundred and fifty apples which he would give to his son fifty to his second sun and eightyfive to his eldest son- Now he I want you to go sell those at the same price and yet each of you bring me the same amount of and the eldest must fix the price When the congressmen heard this problckn they laughed as if they were imposed upon It cannot bo done Is It a sell but the sell of the apples replied Mr With this assurance the began to fforc For a quarter of figured and then tfiey gave it up ail the children say Well Mr the boys went out on the street and the youngest son met a who asked him what he would sell apples for You must go my olilest bro ther said the toy and the man did an he was tuld- I will sell you my for one ant a dozen said the So bo Hold eightyfour of apples for seven cents and had one apple left while the youngest boy sold of his apples tor one cent and Had three It was easy to comply with their fathers requirement The eld est son a price of three cents a piece for each of the apples left over He remaining one for cents and ten cents the second hoy sold- four dozen of bis apples for four centa tin re maining two at three cents and has also ten cents while the youngest rut her Ills three for nine cents which added tb the one he already had ten cents So the three boys complied with their lathers conditions and carried home the same amount of iiuini all WHAT THE OLD MAN The doctor is a good fellow His living depends on our getting sick yet he cheerfully tells us how to est well We call him up at 330 a- m tell him the baby has the colic and if he dosent do a for our place we hold it against him all our lives- After he worked with the child the rest of the night and a part of thu day and has gone home and pursued the even tenor of his way for a couple of months and then he haptens to mention to us that owe him a couple or three dollars we get up in the air and ask him how in the dickens he ex- Us to pay him before fail In fall some fall we swap him a runty calf or make him take It out in trade He spends his whole life trying to find out what is the Matter with us and we know more in- a minute than he does in a thousand years and we tell him so at least we tell the neighbors so If patient gets well we attribute it to vig orous constitution if he fails to re cover we put a dent in the doctors reputation All of which the doctor seems to Consider only a part his business and serenely gees about try ing to keep us out of the church yard himself out of the poor- house March Mrs a widow fell down her cellar steps today and broke her neck She was dead when up Flour is a pound in Austria and many poor people are without food Purebred Bull Calf Price Dennis New market PRAYER asked for Dread Sod gave a stone instead while I pillowed there aching head The angels made a ladder of my dreams Which upward to celestial mountains led And when I woke before morning beam Around my resting place the manna lay And praising God I went upon mv way was fed Those farmers Who are they can to break down their home ard the value their land destroying the nearby town are lively one to realize that they have killed the goose that aid the eggs Or asked for strength forwith the noontide heal fainted while the reapers singing sweet I Went forward with rich sheaves I could worth while bear Then came the Master with His bloodstained feel And lifted me with sympathetic care Then on His arm I leaned till all was done Ami I stood with the rest at set of sun My task complete asked for light around nip closed the night Nor guiding star met my bewildered For clouds gathered in a tempest near Yet in the lightnings blazing reaving flight way before me straight and clear What though his leading pillar was fire And not the sunbeam of my hearts desire My path was bright God answers prayer Sometimes when hearts arc weak He gives the very gifts believers seek But often faith must deeper rest And trust Gods silence when Ho does not speak For He whose name is Love will send the best men and finding ourselves at last with scarcely one act of real lovingMuiuiness we dare lay at Gods feet When a mans is good and all speak well of him it is very easy to think that his scriptural con- Idition is satisfactory God Who looks at the heart may see their conceit selfishness the dove of worldly praise and admiration but nothing precious in His sight Why dont you give away a million said one man to another Why thats the difficulty was the answer It isnt easy to give away million insuch manner as to win lasting reputation and make But God is true His promises arc sure- To those who seek GLORIFY YOUR FATHER SCO Lot your light so shine they way q your good work and glorify your Father which is in Matt V How familiar those words are and how lit tle thoy regarded The first part is easy Wo are all willing to let our points be make our defects Why that men may glorify God or thai they may respect and admire us Tho test of every act fstlio motive behind it Our Lord has warned us that righteousness done before be I seen or them will have no value in the eyes of I Him who is the only righteous Judge A may be with good works long prayers gifts to the poor untiring service yet it may be swayed and inspired almost entirely by solMove or the of the world Fho ruling passion will grow stronger and each year so if wo value the unity of this earthly life must be very with ourselves vei-y- frank in our ah to Gods searching questions can I iffordto cover Up our motives are ishumed to confess thcui Win them wolL weady- or to hem they may the whole Ay of bo solfdeceivcd up a growing pile of apparently beau- good things which win tor us Stars may burn out nor mountains walls ll reward we wero seeking jure a selfish one Instead of feeling pleased with ourselves for the nobility of our own ac tion we should go down on our knees and forgiveness for the selfishness of our ambition Instead of lamenting the narrowness of opportunity and thinking discontentedly of the splendid things we should like to do if only we had a chance let us- remember that everyone has the same chance to live splendidly Two men may he equally heroic in reality but may astonish the world and himself by some deedo f daring which came in his way while tho other may fancy that his years of quietly doing his duty are very commonplace God does not think them commonplace if they arc inspired by unselfish His glory can shine through such transparent lives give light to all around One sad result of a habit of looking out con stantly for the approval of men is that tjic in spiration usually tails one when a chance to do a splendid deed arrives When the great ain of life is to be admired seflove is really the ruling rjassion and selfishness will make us shrink when danger tests us The real charac ter wiirepme to the lop and wis shall stan self-revealed- is to cultivate the habit of love which not her own if wo want have it ready a sudden emergency Wo hover know it may and only knows how we- will act when the micrgency arrives v t i That little conversation never took place of course People dont confess such motives even to themselves but they may be there all the same slowly poisoning the spring of life Some philanthropists and busy churchworkers may in Hods sight be stamped with the hate ful name of Hypocrite While there is time let us look to ourselves and see whether we are not more willing to do good works which other people will probably know about and admire than those which one God is likely to hear about Perhaps our motives are mixed There may be some real love for our fellows ami some desire to glorify God mixed with a wish to gratify selflove Perhaps we have been very active in helping Someone and that other person has made us feel vexed by show ing little or no appreciation of our efforts We did work for thanks but it is irritating to have no notice our kindness It deems to be wasted If it was prompted by love to God or man it could not have been wasted for God accepted the gift and man helped by the service Hut the fact that wo were hurt in our feelings by the ingratitude r I iVJ ARCHIVES OF ONTARl