J TV- 1 a 81 eft it ifsS 5d Votes to V ml So Weak Could Not Do Her Work In Way ft terribly and and got weak that I my work Whan I my I to tit down and sweep tbsfloorlwooJdgct Weak that I would bar to get a drink minutes and I did my dosing I have to lie down I so that ray folks thought I was going Into consumption One day I fond a piece of blowing around yard and I picked it up and read it Mid Saved from the Grave and told what E Vegeta ble has done for women I It to my husband and he said It So I did and after J had taken two bottles I felt better aod I said to my husband I dont any more and be said Yon bad better take It a little longer anyway I took it for three months and got weS and strong Mrs Bask St Adrian Mich Well Enough to la these worda hidden the tragedy assay a woman housekeeper or saraer who rapports herself and Is often to support a family on meagre wages Whether in bouse office fac tory shop store or kitchen woman remember that there Is one tried end true remedy for the ills to which all wecBen are prone and that is Vegotable Compound It that vigor which makes work easy The Co Lynn Mass i W JONES Box 6C2 Queen St East PRACTICAL PAINTER FirstClass of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all thi Latest A Styles WALL PAPER And Hung on the Most Rea sonable Terms If you Want the very BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better R Jones My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds Signs Palate Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction is Guaranteed 111 f V ft v M Hake Money this Winter By taking on hands and ship ping timber by rail to us WI WANT HARD MAPLE PINE BA88W00D WHITE BIRCH LOOS AND BOLTS Delivery as soon as you like Write us how much and of kind of timber you will hae and we will mail you prices HE WM CANE 8ON8 CO Ltd J Canada Mr J C Elliott member of aill Provincial of Ontario to the Municipal to Womtii bo baa two to amend of the Municipal Act by out clause a of fiMrTacction thereof and by adding the follow ing any real property is owned or occupied by a married woman both the married woman and her husband shalVbe entitled to vote thereon- if the propertVj is assessed for a sum sufffcient if equally divided be- to give a qualifica tion to each but whore the prc is assessed for a insuf ficient to give a qualification to each only the- wife shall bo en titled to vote thereon Section enacts that subsection 37 of the Assessment Act be amended strUdng out the word husband in the eighth line thereof and substitut ing the word wife Municipal are looking forward with interest to learn the views of the Legislature oh the ucstion In volved by Mr proposed enactment When to be BO and and they need ft help time to get Ibrongh with the days work Their backs can the heavy the steady strain of lusty Had wh fci my that I work St Rap n- my I tj for for I ttm a Mod fociJ pa all the we lmot root I I Aiy I s at Gin are Made In Canada a box for stall dealer Sold In trader the name of Pills Trial treatment free if yon write National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto ONTARIO FINANCES According to the public accounts as presented to the House by the Hen- Provincial- Treasurer is a nominal deficit of but the deficit is obscured by Depart ment To the amount should be added paid out of the Federal subsidy for the N O Railway Taking out of the sum advanced to the HydroElectric Power Commission of and advanced to the AN- O Railway together with the difference between the cash on hand on Nov Nov 1914namely total expenditure amounts to and the total receipts apart from the including about incidental receipts on capital account are approximately In the following extract the Globe tells us where the money went to The expenditure by the different- departments amounted to for public buildings etc a statutory expenditure of 2- 23370280 was while on capital account which includes advances to the Northern Ontario Railway payments out of the Northern Ontario Devel opment Fund new Government House prisons retirement of treasury bills and advances of 108755670 to the HydroElectric Power Commission the amount ad vanced was The grand total for one year is 75842 Patriotism and Production teQfefns a a Ifro3rotiffiGsfi5tf3l5scty By JOHN i The wisest can Team something by reading and in the and Re ports prepared and written bv experts and men of practical science farmers will find hints suggestions in formation of the greatest possible value at this season and such as will advantage both their land and them selves for all time They will also aid them in that duty to the which is such passing end instant im portance that to shirk itis tobe criminal Copies of the publications of the Department can be bad upon addressing Publications Branch De partment of Agriculture 1 Ottawa No postage is required on OQO I RAILWAY ltl A ft i K it i Double Track a Way I x SB K3 all the TorontoChicagrj TorontoMontreal Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of Winter Toura to California FLORIDA SUNNY 80UTH Fast Tralns Choice of Low Fares now In effect For full particulars consult Ticket Agents or write HORNING Bat Pass Toromtc J- Depot Agt Phono 10 J Phone fe- mm Patriotism without production is an empty sound If ever there was a time when by your deeds you are re quired to be known it is now Now when the Empire is at war now when many of the regular channels supply closed now when men in millions have summoned from the paths of industry to the inferno of destruction now when Britain is lighting for Belgiums right to live now when the worlds liberties are a a stake now when Germany seeks to prostrate Britain even as she has prostrated Belgium now when j many threatens the forty million peo ple of England Scotland Ireland and Wales with starvation now when the enemy is bombarding peaceful towns and villages slaughtering in nocent and harmless women and children now when fertile fields and fruitful gardens of other lands are ly ing in waste and swollen with death now is the tlm when Canada is call ed upon to put forth her mightiest to help stem the tide of de struction to aid the Empire and to profit herself In entering upon the campaign lh which it is now engaged the Depart ment of Agriculture of the Dominion has entered- upon task that should be untold good It is not that our farmers needed altogether to be prompted to benefit themselves but that perhaps some of them do not en tirely recognize the seriousness of tho present and more than critical conditions ol the future If the war wore to end tomorrow there would still be need for every effort in productiveness for many years elapse before the devastation that has been caused can be remedied or repair ed Unhappily the probabilities are that the giant conflict will continue for many months yet In which case the mind of man cannot fathom or foreseq the damage that will Have been done to every form of industry To agriculture In particular by the waste of life by the wrecking of pro perty and by the spreading of desola tion is in repairing damage others cause that the farmers are called upon to aid It is their mother country that crfes to them The Agriculture Department is not alone cocfetenoea at many points In country but It Is engag ed as will be seen by the announce ment elsewhere In distribution large quantities of literature telling how the farmer can best serve the in terests the empire display Ws grateful of patriotism and profit to himself In brief and ex plicit language that all who run may read and pointed out the needs of the situation and how those needs can be met Above all tho Is given to avoid waste Every can be utilized Nothing be as valueless During the of the bud get the other day Mr Bowman show ed up thei of Hon Mr Mcv Garrys contention that the deficit in Provincial funds was owing to the war According to the public ao- the income of the past year was 800000 greater than estimated therefore to claim that the deficit had been caused the war was not in accordance with facts When the good Templars of Iceland began thbrr work in the tight for the abolition oi the manufacture and sale of intoxicants and tobacco was commenced with a determination to succeed Since then the dry senti ment has so increased that in the Icelandic Parliament passed a under which the Importation of liquor was ordered to cease in and the sale of intoxicants ordered to cease on January 1st Ice land is now a dry country French War or a Preilv on writing man it Oft It read It and compared description with tbs Moo hair right The German When rats war broke in sod light oat Arthur a ertsnsT k hi that too passport reads f f A m in world full of the vigor of WeH and not averse saw fl fat are a German spy He took the steam- poshed back chair aid for London that sailed and das atredat the man arrived at that city Germs spy I dear fellow Crosslns channel with a con- 1Ji American Cant read of British troops he landed at during that period when the passport has been stolen The forces were hammering Germans took It from an American forts of and the French and to deceive me British forces were gathering to resist received a warning the Invasion Into France He applied for permission to to German who lived In the British was re- land who speaks English like a native fused on the ground that no newspaper looks like en armed correspondents would be to accompany the army At the French he received the re sponse to bis application having crossed the Atlan tic ocean and British channel to report the big fight determined to fol low hi the allies resr bang sbont their flanks anything except get In their way and report what ho could gather- He found himself at when the allied armies bad begun their retreat but before tbey bad reached that city Ho also found the i Safety a detective force used to bant down and eradicate spies one la banting for particular thing Identity of which fa doubtful bo very shrug of bis shoulders with the Americans passport Is with in onr lines for Information We have received orders to look out for him and If we take blm to shoot At once paled He was aware that the keen scent of spy hunters was leading the detectives to make short work of suspicious persons and supposed be was taken oat to be shot But monsieur was In Lille a few days ago where made ac quaintance of those connected safety Tbey will vouch for me Ah but they are not here with a LANCASHIRE attention steep t oiling once a year Cost less than flaWoIiao He For SHAFT REVOLVES IN A small for the household will run Sowing Maohine Machine scour knives run a Machine run a Churn ate Installation a Specialty TOA8TER8 NIONS HEATBRS FIXTURES All guaranteed pass Rules and Regulations of HYDRO ELECTRIC OF ONTARIO Motor STOVES Market Building ALFRED Eleotrloal Contractor apt to find It With a lot of hunt- era In field a set up to keep the crows away from the corn Is not safe was walking in Lille one day when a flle of French soldiers And I must suffer aa a because those who are able to Identify me are not here la one of the hardships of war We tske no risks Besides those men In Lille may bave been deceived under the command of a lieutenant In yon came down tbe street stopping per Wben did capture tin sons and The American passport you referred to did not dream of danger and when they reached him and officer de manded to know who be was where be bad come from and where be was going told him he was a newspa per correspondent looking for news The officer not being satisfied with this Informed that he must tske to of General safety was conducted to a build- Yesterday I met the General safety last week At this moment r man hie Into room and looked as a bound would look at a bare In which he was about to set bis teeth The two Frenchmen talked together In a low voice thought It better not to seem troubled In a room of which an officer sit- about the matter and taking up one The returns ol convictions for drunkenness during the past year In the whole- Province ol Ontario ac cording to the annual report of the administration the Liquor License Act shows an increase in the total number convictions last year as compared with 1913 The total tor was In the previous year the total was But tor heavy increase in the returns from the Sudbury district there would have been almost an even number ol con victions in the past two years Sir Wilfrid in a forceful and timely address on the exigencies of the times made the following ob servation Germany has yet to learn that there is a greater force than Its force that the basis of freedom is more durable than the basis of blood and soil I So from every part of the Empire Unite have been coming and crowding for a share in sacrifice and service which each la privileged to render This spectacle is the hope and joy of thoso who in a ays tern of government under which men live aye and die for King and Empire a system laid down by the joint action of King and people Change in Train Service- Canadian Pacific Railway Ef foot Wo Monday Mar 1st 1916 Effective Monday March 1st Trains and on Subdivision will run mixed rains instead of straight passenger daily except Sunday on followiiigschcdule No will fcave Cataract Jet am Erin Orion 1130 Spier 1205 pm Fergus arriving pm No wilUeavo 315 i Fergus Spier Bel- wood Orion burg Erin arriving Cataract Jet pm Effective same date trains No and now running between London and Windsor daily Sunday will be discontinued beyond Chatham- Further particulars from Can adian Agents or writo M Murphy- District Passe Ag Toronto A sure way to find out whether you Can afford to ting behind a desk regarded him om inously The Frenchman began ask ing In French and Eg understood most of an swering without hesitation bnt when bis questioner branched into German tbe American showed plainly tbat he did not understand It did not at once occur to that tbe man suspected of being a German spy and was trying to catch him Presently ton bethought himself of bis passport and produced it This established fact be was an Amerlcao and he was thereafter treated with con sideration spent some time In Lille without being permitted to go near the armies One daybe was walking along a residence street when be beard a feminine voice In French Monsieur have any news of tbe armies Will they come this way We are all packed ready to move Turning he saw a pretty girl leaning out of a window He studied French language at school and picked up a Frenchman on the way across Atlantic with whom bo bad talked Incessantly In order to gather enough French to him to get on In France Bo be replied as best he could that ho was profoundly Ignorant what was going on at the front he was trying to get there but thus far bad been unsuccessful Noticing that his French was not of the beat the girl blm If he were not English No he was American The English were very popular since they bad to assist French but that Americans were the beat liked An elderly lady to the window anx iously for news gave an invitation to come In accepted It A glass of wlno was brought out and the three sat discuss ing tbe probabilities of family hav ing to leave their home and cart their belongings across country to the coast as tbe Belgians wcro doing And so It happened that Instead of writing thunder of guns explosion of shells mi He of tbe of the wounded i apent several days dallying wlthu pret- having of the sheets before him pretended to read A third man was called into the room who having been Instructed approached the American and to him In German If you will confess your life will be spared who did not understand a word of what was said to him but recognized It was In the German language replied Nlcbtverateb This was quite enough for the Frenchman who was full proof that the sus pect was a German However after deliberation they concluded to refer the case to some one higher up so they placed under guard for the But the allies were at tbat time too busy fighting for any one In authority to pay any attention to an individual case morning no reply hav ing been received concerning the sus pected spy his captors concluded thai it was best to take no risks but sbool him though did not like to do on an uncertainty for In case he should be what ho pretended they would be to get themselves Into trouble I The roar of battle at times sounded nearer end at times more distant On ono occasion when the guns were louder captors decided to remove him to a town farther west Daring Journey they were about to cross a road running north and south and bad stopped to let a train of refugees pass among the lat ter caught a glimpse of tha pretty girl bo had met In Lille Mademoiselle bo shouted turned seeing the American who bad assisted the in hour of need clasped hands with French fervency and call ed her mother attention to blm I A halt was called and refugees and tho detective came together for a- conference mother and daugh ter were horrified when they learned that Amerlcnln was to bo spy They told the story seen In fillo about a girl at tho end of which time since Mon flnd bo did not go to tho guns the guns This Was proof tbat he came to and while they were yet not traveling on a captured peas In the distance ho helped friends for ho had shown It to an officer the to remove their of corps in their a small portion of to a cart ho secured for them and saw on their way to southward after which he began to do somo work a war correspondent keeping as near re- treating French English lines ho dared preceded their retreat toward the capital When tide turned be on the Allies left dank and one day after witnessing some very hard fighting went Into a town on the west bank of the river Olse to write op copy and send It by courier to coast to he forwarded He was sitting In room of tbe only hotel In the place a man came In and bending over him began to peruse was presence and Louise who had never seen a- passport before It from curiosity captors apologized for having Intended to shoot him as com placently as if they were doing so for unintentionally joggled him Is passing dismissed him and the last seen of him be had Joined the Le- and that the last tbat has been heard of him His reports to bis paper suddenly stopped There are those who that this ending of the story Is incorrect and tbat bo was really shot as spy But such sons do not consider that there is danger of a man being away by a pretty girl even If there era plenty of warriors handy to do the job i GRAND TRUNK TAUL run an automobile Is to get one running li economy of is a awhile you cat easily for f- yourseU Leave Toronto am pm 545 pm pm Leave NORTH ft Newmarket am pm 14 pm 056 pm SOUTH it It mm 16 am pm pm 1050 pm Arrive 613 sura- Toronto fttn im 1018 T At for the rest of January 3fi5 J Soft and 8tlff Hata in all sizes and shapes and for Shirts In all patterns at Knitted Mufflers In all col ors up to for Mens Kid lined and unllned up to for 100 300 Silk Ties and 3 for 100 Theso only a few of the Remarkable Bargains Offer ed During January Mens r I PHOTO Those old pictures of Father and are very dear to you In fact Just bear In mind that your children would cherish Just such picture of you We are also prepared to take your picture In the evening Studio open every Saturday evening or other nights by ap pointment Photographer Studio Door west of New Post tv a and and AIM ftlf bout it it iSBBBSl sM lulThr o is Business may bo quieter than two years ago yet there is no cause for depression Crops are good and already business is waking up Call your customers by long tance telephone Dispel their gloom by the hearty spoken word Keep both yourself and them posted on prices and general conditions and there will be no slowing up in your business The economy of telephone selling it a welcome aid to business just now The long distance telephone is the proven ally economical business The Bell Telephone Go CANADA I I I fcX V T