Newmarket Era , August 28, 1914, page 2

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Office almost King Hotel George Hotel S NEWMARKET CARD OF CARD Mr aires to thank the kind and friends those whoso kindness helped at his lifes death and funeral A roughcast and lot on Timothy fit Newmarket owned ft at once for particulars of to f r I On Prospect Ave Lights and a large lot Apply to DOYLE Town or J Ave Toronto FARM FOR SALE Quarter Lot 5th Con of King HO acres or less land clear of stumps and stones good buildings house nearly now good barn with un derground s tables one acre of orchard Just in bearing hard and soft water never failing close to school within a of tin village of Apply lo Joseph Baker owner on ad joining lot or J M Walton Au rora Touching tho queBtipnfof milk supply the monthly at the of the of Conservation of Canada baa to Bay the duly of the Municipality to see you got pure clean and fresh milk It ia your duty to see that it keeps pure arid fresh Dont Lily in ill unless you It la clean Milk not kept on Ice Is not safe to use The foregoing menta are accurate alderVttie latter alone consumer of milk in Can ada may accept it as fact during hot summer months very little of the milk sold in this country Is safe lo use because there is no attention given to the refrigeration of milk the lime it leaves dairy farm until it reaches the cord storage plant of vendors Souring occurs In car on tho way to the This means cost to tho consumer who while ho may not appreciate it is in every case charged with all losses occurred in handling Tho Commission recommend Munici palities to establish a Milk NOTICE In the matter of the Guardian ship of Harry Nelson Pearson Stephens infant son- of Oscar Stephens late of the town of Newmarket in the County of York Carpenter deceased Take notice that after twenty days from the date of this notice Mordecai Starr of the of Whitchurch Yeoman and Waller Stephens of Town of New market will apply to the Surrogate Court of the Coun ty of York asking lo bo appoint ed Guardians of estate and person of the abovenamed Harry Nelson Pearson Stephens infant son of Oscar L Stephens late of Newmarket Carpenter deceased and all persons are hereby given public notice of such application Dated Aug WiddiHeld for Applicants Newmarket within its boundaries equipped with all apparatus necessary for refrigeration lucrizalion bottling and storiliz- of containers of all kind also for modification of milk for infants Purchase of milk only to be made from those dairies ap proved by municipal authorities By adopting these recommenda tions the respective municipal ities would got rid of much in sanitary conditions First lost and ail the time is the chief feature of the courses of instruction in the The Hamilton Herald signifi cantly remarks Four million boxes of cheese is Quobcos gift lo the soldiers of the allies It will go nicely with British Colum bias gift of apples Quito true especially if thereto is added Canadas breadstuff donation and Charles Toron to Yes our graduates succeed They have that habit Write for our Catalogue Among the supplies which the Red Cross will require says the Telegram will be pairs of sheets pillows shirts blankets cheesecloth hand kerchiefs socks and knitted caps Branches of the Hod Cross will be formed in rural districts and smaller towns to help in the work Speaking of the wrolds wheat crop for the London Grain Trade publishers an estimate which shows that the total Europ ean- yield will be 430000000 bushels below that of The same authority goes on to say that outside of Europe the total crop is given as bush els greater than last year but the United States alone is credited with an increase of bushels Tho total Canadian crop is given al bushels as against last year SALE OF FARM IN The undersigned has been in structed to offer for sale by Pub lic Auction on the Market Square Newmarket on Saturday the day of September at o clock forenoon the following farm land namely acres more oi Lois and 3 owned by the late Isaac deceased For particulars and conditions Sale apply lo near the premises or to W Wiildiileld Barrister Newmarket Solicitor for Executors J Headman Auct Newmarket The London Daily Mail very truthfully remarks that the Ger man Emperor has made this war He has made it in a manner that will forever disgrace him It is the old fight between liberty and despotism that we have to wage loday and it can only end in one way- by the downfall of des potism Were Germany lo con quer the sun would have gone out of the sky and Europe would have reverted to the rule of forceThat will not be If needs and if un happily Die forces now mustering should prove inadequate the r less parts of Con East a hn I autocracy which has brought such inAnite anguish upon Let us lift up our hearts OTrlMilKia Canada At Ptidgebiirg for purpose attending National Exhibition company be accompanied their band and will camp on the Ex hibition Already entries mad for the at the Na tional Exhibition although entries At not clow till September Sir Fredrick Benson who has open ed a local in Toronto for the purchase of or home lor re mounts must of standard lb present European War was made the more or Icaa comment In moot of the Toronto plta last Sabbath i Highlanders experienced great i disappointment On Saturday orders tame countermanding their procedure to Valcortler A quantity of blood taken from the and to his ti months old child la Hospital to save its life was a succtoBful on Saturday last child has shown improvements since then out wen dying from Internal About attended tho open air patriotic services given Sun day evening on the grounds at Monicas Anglican The Boy and the Lads Brigade attended Toronto experienced a sweltering heat of degrees last Sunday id degrees hotter than at bummer on Lake Thomas Allen of Parliament St was found lying on a downtown st on Saturday morning from an epileptic fit American residents Toronto de cided that their aid to British would take form of assis tance lo soldiers Arthur and James and formers wife are wanted by the Toronto authorities on a charge of holding up a real estate man at the point of a revolver Voting on the enabling bylawn in connection with the proposed Toronto and NorthEastern HydroElectric System will not take place October instead being hold on September but education al meetings Will be held In the inter val A couple of diving horses continue as the big free feature at Point on the Island This horse act remains the premier seniational animal exhibition now be fore the public The proposed war tax on cigars and tobacco Is making felt Havana cigars within the past few days have advanced from 2 for to cents each retail and cigarettes from to When John was up before Magistrate last week on a charge of drunkenness he waa cent to the Ontario Jail Farm for two years had been up so often it was thought desirable to give him a long term The regiments entrained at the Freight Sheds on tjie Inst included some men comprising the GovernorGenerals Bodyguard 36th Regiment York Rangers 300 Army Ser vice Corps Horse Signal Corps 32 Guides Toronto shirt factories are now manufacturing thirty thousand grey flannel shirts for the contingent This week they are being turned out at the rate of a thousand daily Local Option would probably have saved the life of Harry Wallace who fell from a moving street car and fractured his skull one day last wcekt Having got on the car he attempted to move along the footboard and lost his balance Roy Petri aged years was drowned on Friday I last while in bathing at the front of Woodbine Ave with a number of companions He was seized with cramps and sank to the bottom Although brought to the surface in a few minutes life was Europe extinct Not more alms but more thinking as to means preventlne unemployment is the crying present need declares the Bureau of Muni cipal Research Sir Frederick Benson of the iMlsa Joy Grosser was In town Mr Mont has the Mackinaw trip iMr Angus Williams of OIUU was in town last Dr arid Mrs Wilkinson away ontheir vacation iMc Alfred Hare has accept ed a position in Miss Is visiting at JaokaonB Point Miss Lindsay is visiting Mrs Manning Miss Montgomery was vis iting her cousin Mrs this week i iv J wcpi day lo look around to find Throughout that havo not cold would or that have cold to email Onsuch worth while now and In faclilohi to a low flnuro that novor fall and Mrs Bennett re turned homo from the West last Friday MIbp Kiln of villo is friends in Misa Myrtle Lloyd visit ing liar friend Miss Esther Stark on Sunday Helen Carter of Toron to was visiting Miss Leila Man ning over Sunday it Mr and Mrs Garfield Rogers returned on Friday from a trip through the West Misses Ethel and Viola Vern on of were visiting En town this week Miss Florence Marks of To ronto was visiting with Miss Edith over Sunday Mr Clare Lundy of Toronto was friends and relatives in town over Sunday Miss flrown of To ronto is visiting her friend Miss this week Mif6 Atkinson was vis- Mrs Art Aurora for a few days this week Mr and Mrs Ed have been spending ten days in Tottenham and Miss S Wright of Orchard Beach spent two days this week with her nephew Mr J Wright Mrs Angus Kerr and niece of Port Arthur are visiting relatives in Newmarket and Aurora this week Mr A Smith of Toronto formerly of this town was vis iting Mr Freeman Lloyd over Sunday Mrs Sloan left on Wed nesday morning for her home in Whitby after spending a week with friends in town Mr and Mrs Brown spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jas OBrien Beverly St To ronto also with relatives Miss Laurel McCarty enter tained one evening last week in honor of her guests Miss Terry and Miss of Ml Albert Mrs B W Hunter was in this week attending the funeral of her aunt Mrs Maesh who met her death by drowning at Saturday last to And way to a tho only day for which special valuco vertlcod and values have renowned among women appreciate real In morchandlco of roll- quality with you ncod at youll cavo enough to buy youve A Dig Assortment of Prlnto fteinghamoj that cold at Saturday 80 Yd EACH Largo Cod hemmed ready for use Bo EACH UHOnELLAO Umbrellas Gloria topo Each EACH LACE A largo of worth up to each now off almost Hotel i- lendanci Sunday ready fe Ladles all worth up to Saturday OKFORD8 PAIR Boston Pavorlto EGG Widths all worth up to O0 Saturday COLLARS EACH Boys all colors akea Gaturday 10c each EACH Blue Ghlrts all sizes each SUMMER UNDERWEAR Mens Underwear short and long suit HARVE8T PR Mens Red Harvest Boots all sizes YD Turkish Towelling 12ac yd Saturday Yd J A general increase in the price of luxuries and an Increase in the price of staples in which sugar is used is predicted for Toronto by the City press as the result pf arrived In rwrifci the tariff changes made look after the of TO Electric Wiremen All new work must be left for also any extensions made to old instalation New wire must bo used Meter to be made on lower floors of buildings in an accessible place Any fur ther particulars may be obtained from Engineer Power House who must be notified when work ready for inspection P J ANDERSON 26 Town Clerk AGENTS WANTED For Private Christmas Cards La dies or Gents Sample Hook Free profits Darlington England last week by the Federal ment in accordance the changes proposed the Minis ter of Finance Canadianmade jams and preserves will not he Increased very materially al though sugar has advanced men in the liquor trade are not slow in expressing indignation at increase in the duly being made retroactive to August Die Star says Some of the goods taken out since that date were in the hands of the distillers some with the wholesalers the retailers and some had reached the consumers by this time they said and question of who pay this duly unset- Lied and Fur niture- Mrs Lloyd OXYGEN WELDING PLANT Wo are prepared to weld east iron brass iron steel or any kind of metal Also bearings filled that they can be turned down put ting fa wheels spokes or of nearly any kind AH re pairs promptly attended to Give Ms a Call DAVIS Newmarket Generil BadenPowell issued a to British Hoy Scouts tbo British Empire The blockade the German Pacific was begun by tho 1lie of Saturday rofer- to the effort lo raise a half- million patriotic fund for the aid of families of volunteers makes the following observations Determination of purpose ex it it perl organization three days per sistent effort and above all an unprecedented liberality on the pari of the of the county these only will bring about the result desired by the Toronto and York Pair J oiler Fund Association workers head ed Sir Win have so far done all in their power to make the raising of expected halfmillion a certainly detail of organization has been completed volunteers have pledged themselves lo work to the limit They deter mined thai no wolf shall enter tbo door of the home of volun teer while he is doing his share in upholding the honor the Dominion in Europe mounts and supplies in Canada and the transportation to Europe Sir Frederick is acting for the British authorities and was Bent to Canada soon after war was declared Any man who docs not like to forego his day on once a fortnight lias the privilege of resigning said the Chief of Police on Fridav last after lie had announced that the men would until further noticebe allowed a off once a fortnight instead of a day off once a week The famous Spearmint Chewing Gum is to manufactured by the Co in Toronto A large factory is to be erected on Carlaw Avenue Contracts have been let The pulpit of Trinity Methodist was occupied last Sabbath by a distinguished old country divine and historian the Rev George Hist of Bristol Of course he drew large congregations The Central Committee of the Can adian Womens Hospital Ship state that all money collected for this fund will ho given for the alleviation of the sick and wounded during this war either for a hospital ship or for a naval or military hospital di rected by the British Admiralty As the result of the thunderstorm Miss Esther Stark enter tained a few friends on Tuesday evening prior to leaving on Mon day to attend Normal School in Mr J Johnson of Hunts- viile an old pioneer of this Coun ty called the office last week Mr Johnson and wife celebrated their Wedding al their sons home in Toronto recently Francis Pastor of South Eight Street Friends Church Richmond former ly of Newmarket has with Mrs arrived in Newmarket They arc the guests of John and Mrs Lewis and expect lo stay in Canada three weeks Mr and Mrs Win Hell of Ft William were visiting her sister Mrs J Collins of Park Ave for a few days also other friends in town They will spend a short lime willi relatives in this part of the Province before returning to their home in the Gateway of Hie West A letter received this- week than one half The countries now directly in volved in the war hold these areas and populations British Empire miles people Russian Empire miles people Franco and her colonies A sri miles German Empire miles people Belgium and the Congo Free sq miles people AustriaHungary miles people 23661 miles people tO l Markham villagers tax is mills on the If you want something hot to drink try some of our celebrated StouffviUes tax rate this year mills The tax rate for Pickering town ship for this year has been struck at township rate mills on tho and county rate 3 mills Pickering police village rate is mills and mills p would like something Cool try some of our THE LEADING Undertaking House can buy your Furniture For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attendod to at John 17 ltd Lime IMI Sliced to suit you from Mr Jackson editor of the Era dated at Alta states that he and Mrs Jackson be in Calgary on the with his sister Mrs John A Hell After a short trip to Rocky Mountains and a brief vis it his cousin Mr Herbert Wright hen homeward is the in- lent Fruits every day PHONE T between and o clock Friday last the bank barn buildings on the farm of Mr Carson Smith at were destrojed lightning the barn which was In flames in a few minutes and the seasons crop was burnt The stock however was saved and nearly all the implements Rev John McNeil occupied the pul pit of Cooks Church morning and evening last Sabbath after an ab sence of seven weeks He preached for two Sundays recently Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church New York to immense HALF WORLD IN WAR ZONE Miles London Aug More than half of he world and its people are involved in the great war now spreading over all Europe Roughly there are about 000000 square miles of worlds land area The powers now at war and their colonies oc cupy approximately miles a trifle more than half the total seas of world are controlled by the pow ers in about the same proportion as the laud The worlds total population in waK estimator at people The warring powers and their colonies cotiafn people The Cradle WILLIS In Whitchurch on Aug to Mr and Mrs Willis a daughter GOLTMAN In Toronto on Tues Aug Geo CoU- Funeral to Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Thurs day Aug will Town on Aug Francis infant son of aged days ALLAN In Town on Aug Thos Henry infant son of Allan aged days In Aug 20 Rev Reuben in his year Interred in Newmarket leryon Aug PURITY AMD QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes I MAIN STREET UiHHy BBBBHD NEWMARKET ONI- Agent Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates iG TELEGRAPH OFFICE Main St North Newmarket All Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention Sir A to Britain horses is almoin i window I Just a tile special do you crop convince paper Dropped ilrGi Street white at Mr Coll Mrs If I Hows Mrs Era T Tlie R of the home of is Armila day the i at pm quested a fleers annual v Home Union were i There wn seiviis The tie- charge of in music ii in the Auxiliary The To land week Si iiTo gave day slant wrong wi which wo wit As purchaser will again able durir Christian The meeting days on 1st at dicalcs a cially tin prep convenor The topic will he in ell Dales on by a a try to ho else Cor come Change of Patrons lowing dm taking en accept as Toronto Toron and to points Sutton I Sutton Cars ronlo at will not be SUN Toronto at ate to Nov diate point Sutton ins Sutton cancelled at not bo SPECIAL Special I for Sutton will be leaving at and oiled MONDAY a after Win ARCHIVES OF

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