lit A Has given for over Years J i copies week during TEST YOUR EYES Carefully and Properly Watchmafeer and Graduate i Proprietor I JACKSON i it J Stog copies corn rt A ramaeu as to another Mysteries of the Sea Where Big Game is Found from tribes as I Ml A British cotirt has Lion Leopard and of climate from as from the game decided thai it 1 can of the Plentiful in far greater the ordinary A cry of was raited Hour tragic puzzle of the athome has the slightest Hotel lost week it big steamer which left The big game is just now conception of false alarm so far as fifo months ago to cross thinking preparing his and is estimated that an individual lUro was trouble all tic and seen again general for she season on wpcndlture of something like tame A guest lal entered the the pilot was going ashore East African Central Af- required for an expenditure in and late at night side carried with him a founts The recent from- AiriL or tho most basin tap open full letter asked him to Somaliland has therefore had localities in which to hunt vas rushing from one storey post lo his in England This a special interest for it seems to he consequence of the number of port and quests were scared at ominous a question of the moment as to how Howers with which a AGO noise next April all- cuttle yloodiiorvj knows if wo shall sec If gland far that country hitherto one most attractive hunting re- in v In the Toronto markets that are But why did not nobody will to the sportsmen who seeks not dohorncrt will be docked per evor know big ill be open to travel in head The notice is sent but I The most curious of all sea stories the coming months drovers cattle dealers to the in one of tlie most amazing several reasons i lift J J that of the ship maliland the name in its and applican vltbat special Wlis Vl rears aeo from Boston in obliged to encumber Himself A lire broke out fotcl on Sunday af ternoon last and did considerable damage The Fire Brigade did excel- lent service Tho loss was covered by Insurance White Picnic was great success last Saturday 1 Pearson occupied the chair hthe speaking Ahout dozen OUT AT 1 Screen The balance of our Hammocks and Windows Croquet Sets Lacrosse and Lawn Mowers Hose Oil Stoves a ft Doors NEWMARKET Hints WARNINGS Reminders on is city is to the largest club grounds in America Speaking to a reporter the other day Hon said the new bilingual regulations is to every child an education I Toronto Society is arranging- for an Exhibition to be held from the to the ol November in the Horticultural Build ing the Exhibition Grounds Acconiing to of fashion no doubt fur will be more gener ally than ever evening gowns as well as street dresses being profusely trim- with it All kinds fur will be and tho higher grades are so expensive as to he pro hibitive the cheaper grades will be very popular even with the best dress- years ago from Boston tn the reference to coniintd area and Berlin lea in afternoon ship bund sea was sail a living to One of the guests describes the par ty as follows Todays innovation was an unqualified success We fiftyfive miles crossing lotfcdam and Berlin Tea was iho advance of exploration and sailed down den as calm a a rofllpond andiVast tracts remain in- their tot hut there was not most virgin state with game of en hoard She was rious sorts present In profusion be perfectly water tight and spice danger too is always of the rifle and the great- k apparatus or e- facilities for transit have quiring fire is on the SaChswi to increase the I because of danger from a gas explo sion so our tea milk water and Burning Subject Wo want your Coal Orders bother for Ton Lots or Lots of Tons or than Ton Lots All receive prompt attention A carload New Brunswick just arrived Shin- EVE Order by Phone or Carters Ben or Boyd Manning Church Assets Deposits man earning a salary should open a Savings Account as the best of methods for saving small sums and of developing the habit of systematic thrift Bank of To ronto receives Deposits of SI 00 and upwards Interest is added to Balances halfyearly on the Dally Balance Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH PO Manager Men on Salary End Lumber Yard r Salmon trout fresh from the Geor gian Bay in ice is now on sale here in the fish market at per ll Five years ago people thought per a high price Miss Kate of Oat met with a serious accident On College street She was struck by an automobile received a com pound fracture of leg also dis located finger While playing on the street last week Marjoric Douglas avenue was knocked down by an ex press wagon and seriously injured No blame is attached to the driver Dr I Sheridan Methodist Med ical Missionary who has been on for the year left his return for China last week Struck by living pieces of an which had the tUory Of the Dodge pulley works sustained last week which proved fatal Last week closed with cases of typhoid fever in the three Hospitals of the City and it was staled that fifty per of the cases from summer resorts Re sorts should be inspected During last week a large shipment of potatoes arrived here from New Brunswick and were disposed by street pedlars The tubers were sold for a bushel It was afterwards found that they were affected with dry rot Directors of the National Live Stock Horticultural and Dairy Ex hibition claim to have the largest winter show ever held in Canada The exhibition takes place Nov J7 to Ninety days in jail was the sen tence imposed lames Harris last week in the Sessions by Judge Mor gan for stealing some wire and pipe from the World Publishing Co The Ontario Safety League is the in numbers of those who follow this fas cinating form of sport but concur the they have conspired to hasten the time when it will scarcely pos sible to find any big game left to with ample stores The log showed that she had met excellent weather all tho way across In tho cabin a halffinished meal was 1 on the tabic with the chairs slightly pushed The captain hid evidently knocked the topola boiled egg when ho suddenly- left room forever A nightgown for little girl was on sewing machine and the sleeve hunt It is indeed conimon know- half sewn The crews quarters show- ledge among tho initiate Inat lie no sign of struggle either only sport is now more difficult and of a departure so swift that every- costly than ever it ha been Vast body had left ship in the are still to bo found of which stood up in sportsmen as vet barely The problem has been the talk the fringe 1 deep sea sailors ever since What The more adventurous and the more Bible situation or incident could have wealthy will of course seek the those on board the Marie Co- motor haunts remoter that is in leave her so suddenly And the sense 0 greater inaccessibility how did they fcatfi ai all The cap- and thus it is that and I tains watch was still ticking just British East Africa have long been above his bunk that the regarded as the most desirable it was must have happen- jeetives for big game expeditions fri ed Just beore the ship was found ted out in this country Here more Piracy cannot the explanation than elsewhere the king beasts Is for the ships money box was found to be found in his wildest state be untouched as well as the several varieties some of I able cargo jewelry and loose cash ij inclined to be veif were lying There abound elephants are scarce but no starvation cannot have are rhinoceri leopards beep mysterious infectious hyenas and other small varieties of ease for the chest had been carbivora all affording excellitftt I hardly tone ted at all Besides the sport with fully as much of the keen any mysterious infectious meat of danger the appearances mast have been can desire j has been described a he idea that some member place of sand and scrub and stones on the October Married at Aurora by ReV Sav age on the insV Mr Rogers of Newmarket to Miss Amelia Martineau of he Northern Railway gave a cheap excursion over their line this week The train consisted of about a ft en cars YEARS AGO I From Era Kyle Sept toast had taken up already The only detail missing was the cigarettes which we not permitted to light Everybody espe cially the ladies were charmed with tho thrilling novelty of tea Mr spinning through ethereal heights at to Miss of 1 iff and J p SURdgy at Mr- Caldwell was The AltarOn the Rev Hill at the residence of Mr tirooiue Newmarket Mr Albert Hendry of Woodstock to Miss of this towq Baldwin the i mi by thirty miles an ill A French Ay j Flew Upside Down Mr IS over Sunday Frank Paris Airman f Smith of who three weeks ago performed J astonishing feat of flying down went further at this as and wife of Lis- visitinr Owen SAii with morning by looping the loop that towel is cle completing a perfect upright were visiting over Sunday with to a Every Thing in Lumber and Shingles PW PEARSON Close Harry Gee AK AT scrub crew developed homicidal mania and it is j fact a vast plateau with in hurled the others overboard and then average elevation of feet also out of the portion comprised within the Brit- question for tlierc were no signs of protectorate being almost anywhere The ship tou in comparison with the ex- was us tight as barrel whih found tensive plains of the interior The and with not a rope out of place greater part of the country is first it- was rumored that cither with tall coarse grasses or blood had been found on the ships iore commonly wjth thick ihorn side ami on the captains cutlass hush or among which rise Newmarket the air With the same I AH was manner as showed In former WWWened from illness achlevornents the airman climbed in- tow week to his monoplane and rose quickly to Joseph spent over Sun- a height of feet and pin his headlong dive rather his last Tuesday night fringing fall toward the arth He fell thus baskets of peaches with him act then before Alter five months of feirned the machine on its back and ess Caused by cutting his knee with a Mr Hunter mason instead righting himself commenced work last week rectly from this position he allowed Win an old the impetus of descent of I feet market boy- struck town from the l to carry wards the an inverted him on and up again to- Pctrolia Oil regions and tilL the airship was in having enjoyable time with old went until for one moment the mono- But why anyone who used a cutlass should hang it up again neatly on its nail was not explained And scien tific evidence proved the stains to bo only rust Another strange ease was that of the a steamer which was mourned as missing for months She end her crew of with passen gers had vanished Memorial servic es were held for A year later halt of them turned up They were found on desert island in be chums- isolated trees The conditions of lion shooting Africa vary with the locality Thus oh plains of lions may be stalked on foot ridden down on horseback or the dense bush where usual proced ure afterwards is to sit up at nigbt over a bait kill inside a of thorn bushes As aiming in these circumstances is a matter of diffi culty a flashlight js sometimes used by the uptodate hunter When position On and up t r Augustus Rogers and wife front near have been visit- uncle Mr Seneca and wedding trip Provincial Exhibition at To- i passenger traffic assumed Before this Pigoud twice rented an south rtH W has now fulfillei whole program He has in the air which he y largest for a long while Newmarket Fair is booked and of October plane was upright and standing on its tail foe momentum of trc machine took him on in safety other friends on their The loop has been looped with- At the cut the help of the engine for a climb ronto but by sheer force of alone such I tit set out to do At this morn ing an upside down flight was also made by an airman named loup a biplanes one ol I Riots in Ireland WHAT IS WORTH ALL IS WORTHY We Sell at Right Prices LATH POSTS SHINGLES SASH Designs in Veneered Doors Material and Trim in Oak Adi Cypress pine Goods properly Kiln Dried Wainscoting Hoidwood Flooring Maple Oak etc veil Columns IT WORKS TO BETTER ADVANTAGK REQUIRING LESS TIME AND LABOR THUS THE IN COST IS SO SLIGHT THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO FIGURE Youll Find Twill Pay to Use tho Best Learn at Home I teach you Typewriting In your home for ceats a day and will supply a new Typewriter free Position vrben ytftioulata to 19A bad lire t totally destroyed the International elevator with bufiheia Of grain and private by OK Wilson ribS tempt to title under which t lie new safety first movement will be in this city Charles Clark the coal driver Straits of Magellan where they bad taking shelter In detached patches of rested last week for stealing a coat cast up with nothing but few scrub the quarry may bv a when coal was sent to n and forks anl some parasols pack of dogs or as a last jail for nine months This will be a parasols curious as it may the bush may be set on fire the warning to and parcel stem came in very handy he iron- sportsman having previously porters for some time to work as sewing himself down wind Daniel was instantly killed on clothes When emboldened by hunger violence was threatened every Saturday evening when he was struck J when old salts talk of generally at night this re- hour a procession of- about by a westbound College car at the case they shake fearlessly attack human be- formed at dusk outside of Liberty corner of St heads gravely over the name as they One rarely tears such an Hall the headquarters of the A Macedonian laborer- almost do over fact that people on incident as that narrated recently by p Workers tnion and started to instant death at new the Marie Celeste numbered A Lady Bruce who accompanied her parade through streets Such Bros building at Queen and Port- is regarded as husband Surgeon General Sir David parades have been an almost dailv land streets when a rope which was using to pull to top of the snapped in and one of the beams fell on his every has had a career of re- passing unarmed from one station to police head and broke his neck disasters ending in shipwreck another when they met a face Two hundred Constables escorted Rev Dr Shore who recifnej Another unlucky ship was the to face The lion gazed for some demonstrators who resigned as secretary of the For- Daphne which the day was moments in surprise then turned stirring nirs played by Irish Mission Board of the Method- launched at Glasgow turned around and stalked away pipers Both banks of the were The waterworks reservoir now un der contract when completed will hold about 30000 gallons of water The Holiday in Newmarket last Monday was a lazy day the life Dublin Sept There was an- l gone to Toronto fierce riot here tonight as a result of which seven and I fair is announced lor the thirtyfive civilians are in various October and hospitals and many others were and treated and sent to their homes Mr bought nearly After a noisy exciting during I bushels of gram in one day this Hall to Bridge Street Cars Smashed Shouting cheering and singing the marchers reached Grafton Street where several tram cars were obliged smell is extraordinarily acute and it without any warning a stone crash ed through the glass window of he New Church in was tendered and drowned 121 people After The black rhinoceros is still crowded with a farewell dinner at the National more disasters she was sold in Equatorial Africa and is ire- Club Monday night Many prominent der another name Still bad luck met with an ministers and laymen were present pursued her and finally she was post- while it will charge with little or and the event was highly successful missing in eastern does so blindly and Dr Shore loft for the Pacific coast can ft is on record that several rarely turns to renew tho Attack on positively refused to go ami This may be by reason of its limit- halt because of the great throng On Sunday last the Chestnut St look or her range of vision Its sense of which had gathered Suddenly and British Methodist Church J ooo observed its anniversary is rendered- still more difficult to It was founded by colored people who CUCalyptUS Oil talk by the presence of its almost had made good their escape from slavery in Culled States Twelfth annual Exhibition of the Boys the Toron to Voting Mens Christian Broadview Branch was ope in the presence of a large S remainder of the week this week only one fated that is plying and Toronto is made David jo rested on a charge of passing worth- j less was found guilty at I i before Judge Morgan last week and sentenced to witha strong thai he be the Prison week The marriage of Mr Irwin B A of Toronto barrister to Miss Minnie of is an nounced Mr Clark Fear Albert has disposed of his to Mr Thos Mr Andrew Young North passing his son a few days ago who was cleaning a re when it went oil and shot him in the hand A sample of beans grown on the farm of Mr James Starr Pine from Liberty chard has been left at this office- Spread Of Scarlet companions rhjop Jceros birds which warn it of dan- York Sept Murphy the who cared for Elephants are becoming gradually rf in Chicago when he by tho ivory hunters shot returned yesterday on the and colored notwithst in where he attempts made to enforce Medical Con- measures a largo variety- of antelope with ra it was y The vine contains pods averag ing from four to six beans in each pod and Mr Starr says it is a fair sample of the patch A Chinese restaurant at Midland was raided last Sunday and seven- gamblers arrested car and another struck Herald says On of the car within a few Inches of Monday evening shortly alter nine drivers head A third missile struck explosion toot place in part of the car the House which shattered stones began to fly quickly It was things pretty badly Tlie stove was from the number that were pieces the ceiling and walls thrown the marchers had fillodlj and things in their with the stones 6 before wro turned upside down It is a It ioJe lor the wouldbe big game and hunter to of pursuing Ms this oil directly fever is discovered to said one else will contract t lie fever there Is- no need of going to the ex- ta or expenditure No seta out to hunt of quarantining the house separating the child suffering course feas any they started The passengers in Hie whom I were several women with babies cowered below the scots and thustficaptd eriouE many were cut flying- glass The this the tank police tried in vain to single o dry and not able to throw throwers It was soon the extra caused it to that they were dotenrined and presently they began to fc police mystery how in thc kitchen were not seriously hurt but all escaped town pressure was turned on it to A necklace which peered from tbe Palace Hotel YV With the comforts and cOTViaienoeBa3tteoEng in found Turners pulp mills a shoot in to ITjig- In a Quebec were destroy- Hah countrywide but a matter In the- i i ARCHIVES OF TORONTO J