it on a DEPT Field and Garden Seeds in Package or Bulk MANGELS SUGAR SUGAll TURNIPS CARROTS FIELD AND GARDEN CLOVER TIMOTHY LUCERNE SOWING RAPE TANKS AC In fart we carry an uptodate took of all seeds tell at reasonable for QUALITY Always a Bargain in onr Window A SMITH DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA China Hall Grocery I YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE FOLLOWING SPE CIALTIES PICKLES Sweet Mixed in Bulk In bottles we have Mixed and bottle ChowChow and bottle Pickled Walnuts 30c bottle Pan deletes bottle Pan Yon Sauce 20c bottle Ceylon Relish bottle Toraatoe Catsup and JAMS Imported Raspberry per jar Imported Strawberry Jar Imported Spring Lemon Butter Imported Spring Butter Imported Spring Pineapple Butter Also a Full Assortment of Table Jellies in Quart and Pint Sizes WLB0SW0RTH The Leading Reliable Grocer Prompt Delivery Phono CORNER OF aid Timothy Streets Brief lets arc on the market Mr Smith the agottt In Newmarket or the Auto advertise elsewhere in todays attend church parade at Bradford next Sun- day QlbncrCtark The following is clipped ft par Mr being former resident of East At Methodist Wed nesday forenoon Juno Air of Winnipeg to Miss Laura Clark l Mr It as soil of groom was and Miss Clara if was bridesmaid Is a son of Mr S living is At young of sterling worth and exemplary its After leaving the High School at Cavalier ho attended a Col lide in Winnipeg Owing to abil ity ami steady habits he was ree- by this school to posi tion in the City Survey ami ment at Winnipeg He has remained in this office over since Miss Clark is a daughter Mrs Ann Clark living miles north of Cavalier is young lady eUeemil by her many friends and possessing a special fond ness for her home The happy young couple will make their home in Win nipeg to which place they im mediately after the wedding where Mr has purchased a bunga low just Completed in a de sirable residence section city The best wishes of their many friends go with them to their new home Decoration A l a meeting Kir on Wednesday when the Di rectors the Co of various Town Societies decided to hold Decoration On July and will meet wi the at and proceed In procession to Wh Cemetery headed by Hand All are participate in the- decoration Buy a Century Suit And oo well dressed for For sale only Christian Endeavor The Chris- held a good meeting on Tuesday evening lhe topic was ably Brief lets Dr Wesley and now auto Work Mr on avenue tgofca place Tho grading boon around the Christian Church and looks well Talent Sale Tfw talent of Ladies Aid the Church will held in the the Friday hily tea also Ice cream served Includ ing salads pressed meats for sale- Prospects Good Tlro Is prospect that Will Mr Ms So subkH being Reading Is n a of Us Tuesday will be last reg ular meeting September Iho society deeming it advisable hold any meetings during summer months Rev flail has kind ly consented to take the topic and all invited The Is now in a flourishing condition A Tenuis Court has on the on olid Were Very fine luscious and sweet the Variety No won- berries are in great de mand i A j The boys and of the are at the Primary Church lawn Is hoped that gchoof grounds alternoon none will sever connection during the June no later than a oclock two months to the picnic In Mr Lewis woods West of Newmarket AH the Where you get Vajurs yon found It Most men know Its here and get a benefit by coming We want to to save- cash anil on the Our plan 1b simple t I Picnic The the Christian Church will hold a picnic on Dominion Monday July 1st- at Lake Anybody that take in this enjoyable out ing will be cordially welcomed A good time is anticipated all the members are particularly asked to are urged to come ihrisUan Society The Parents invited reserve the date come along Police Court Oil Wednesday Tom before the Colonel Mi Public School Board The Hoard met on of last week chair nod Messrs I Manning and possible all are incited to go on oclock car but borne whenever couvvnient and spend a splendid at this little There is plenty good boating bathing etc and a good time is as- sured for all Busses will meet cars drive was iip on- a charge family He j was let on suspended sentence he to kit his wife draw his for the next six months A man on the Indian List was sum moned to appear before Police last night for those wishing to have a drive but the lake however for those IL to foot it it will to take a short stroll Dr Scott The tender of Mr Mcintosh for new school building was confirmed also the Jfls Smart Co of for heating at Dr Scott Mr and Mr were appointed to the pastoral scenery An extremely pretty but quiet wed- ding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Thompson Salisbury avenue Toronto on June at view the propertyholders adjoining their second grounds re purchase of more became the bride i w Mr son ot he resignation of Miss taW Speirs the late J was accpted with regret and tttV Mr Murray skine Presbyterian Church per fornix the ceremony Promptly at the hour appointed the bride entered the drawingroom which was decorated with palms and carnations and bridal roses to the strains of Mendelssohns the Chairman was instructed to pre pare a testimonial The Treasurer was instructed to open a separate account in tbe Rank for Building Fund and pay on the the Architect- Mr Marshall was as caretaker of Prospect School I at a salary of per amum to commence 1st of The Inspector Report which was satisfactory Following bills were passed Greenhouses Gorham St Roses Carnations Sweet Peas Our Flowers are always fresh grow them Funeral Designs of every de scription mado on shortest no tice Our Bridal Bouquets the very best action Guar anteed Out of town orders Thousands of aud Cauliflower Plants for sale Phone S and was given away by her uncle Mr J 1 and wore charm ing gown of white duchess satin veiled in lace the grooms gift to the bride was a sun- J new carried a Mail Empire ad shower whit roses and lilies of Clark voile and was by her Following Teachers were sister Miss Violet Thompson dress ed in pink over pinto Mr Cornell Principal SHOO silk Mr Watson was test fc Miss Miss Miss Miss Truman Miss Hardy Miss McKay Miss Morton The Secretory was instructed to adertise for another at f is hereby given that Min nie Edna of the City of To ronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario will apply to the Parliament Canada at next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband Pony of the said city of To ronto on ground of cruelty adultery Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario this day of MINNIE BONA by Richardson Continental Life Bay street Toronto Solicitors for applicant r MONTREAL THE STANDARD the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada It Is national In all Its aim uses most expensive procuring the photographs from nil oyer tho world Us carefully selected and Us- policy Is thoroughly to Independent subscription to Standard per year to any address In Canada or Great Britain JfA TRY IT FOR 1912 SteckleYMarsh Mr J Instructor in the of Agriculture one happiest of men Wed when he took unto him self a bride in the person Mies Eva of youngest of the late Promptly at a30 the of Lohengrins Wedding March played by Mrs- Perce Marsh sisterinlaw of the bride the bride escorted by her brother Mr Fred Marsh and Miss Nellie as maid entered the beautifully decorated parlor where she greeted her fiance waiting who was assisted by Mr Webster of St Marys About sixty guests assembled to witness the cer emony Rev Clements At close to the strains of Mendels sohns Wedding March the bridal couple retired for registering during which Miss of Toronto a solo Thou There I will Alter the many good wishes and bad been the entire proceeded to the lawn where tables were splendidly laid out with best and daimi- and all partook of the pood things provide Mr Mrs left by ev ening train for where they will commence a tour of the Great Lakes and will spend three or four weeks in Western Cities On their return- they will reside Newmar ket For tho ceremony bride was beautifully In white Mar quisette over cream silk and wore a pretty veil decorated with blossoms and carried a sheaf of roses Her travelling suit was of shot silk long light cloak and handsome hat Milan straw Miss Marsh was a very popular young lade holding responsible positions in Choir and Church and had a host of close friends as Indicated by the many gifts among which were six worthy Among the guests wereMr and Mrs Perce Marsh otNcwark J Mr and Mrs Keanedy Toronto Miss Toronto Mr and Mrs Richmond Hill Mr and MrsAV Toronto cllffe Toronto Mr and Mrs David Toronto Mr Nash to Mr and Mrs Geo New market Miss Miss Kennedy man A reception followed the alter which happy couple 550jlelt for a short honeymoon The travelled in a suit of cream black at with willow plumes 500 Upon their return Mr and Mrs Speirs will reside at Balmy Beach for the summer The grooms gift to the bridesmaid was pearl ring a sot of gold cuff Tho groom received a beautiful sil ver tea service from the Office Staff of tho National Assurance Co of which he has been secretory for the past three years The bride is a of Mr Jesse Thompson- formerly of Newmarket to civic subscription re ing Pickering College please final instalment of their sub scription to the local treasurer at Bank of Montreal College lias certainly deliver the goods Do your part cheer fully by discharging your obligation while the Yearly Meeting is in ses sion Holland Landing Council Special meeting Juno 1912 Present Messrs Lane Step henson and Wright Mr Lane in the chalrr Communication from Mr P J Lynch asking what provision would be made for land owners on oast side of St if crossing south St Is closed following bills were ordered to be paid A Foster gravel Foster drawing gravel LOO Geo Foster drawing gravel LOO Geo drawing gravel Foster road work Stephenson rep sidewalks J Dal ton rep tide walks rep sidewalk boater for repairing Tho bill of Wright repairing bridges and culverts was laid over until next meeting of council Council adjourned until next re gular meeting July pm I THERHATS Will tit you with a hat thai will as welt as feeling coin- The Fashionable Summer fleadwear shown here to wauls to lie in tyl to be Sensibly comfortable HATS oh dd I t Will color and their shape They are good enough to stand cleaning which insure them credit to you all through the season James Go The Mens- Wear Men Main St West Newmarket 460 to the best man Our Western Letter FOR SALE BY TENDER NEWMARKET Real Estate is Booming A Great Town Plot Proposition 8Uridard j w welcome Mr Solicitor for ot J day luly the Publishers Millard Est o acres of land part of lot No Con Whitchurch adjoining Western Limits ol Newmarket owned fry John Millard estate and lying right at the head of Park which produced will run direct through the centre thereof This Is a great opportunity lor any energetic man to open up block of lots for sale Tenders will be received for purchase of said 10 acres up to the of July tenders to be addressed to the undersigned The highest or anv tender not no ceesAtOy accepted The purchaser will pay down p cent of his tenBer on acceptance thereof and will pay balance with out intercut over and the ex isting mortgage Jn 10 days thereal- For particulars and conditions of sale apply o Solicitor for Exori ot Winnipeg June next convention of rear estate men of the American continent wili be held in Winnipeg men of this city are over- the victory of the strong delegation which repre sented Winnipeg and the West at the Ky last week If S Grig president of the Manufaciurinfc Co or Minneapolis completed arrangements for the erection of a factory In Winnipeg tor the manufacture agricultural im plements and agricultural specialties which will the first of kind in the prairie provinces The buildings equipment will cost approximate- The work is- in the hands of contractors and Is to be ready for occupation by Sept The party of Minneapolis business men who are travelling- through Man itoba and northern Minnesota on an annual excursion arrived In Winni peg last week and were accorded a reception in the Industrial Building From there they were tak en for a trip around the city in au tomobiles Arrangements are now complete for the reception ot the party of British manufacturers awl capitalists who ar rive in Winnipeg this week Twentyfive members of the Chica go Association of pro minent business men the western metropolis will arrive in Winnipeg from the south on July this city being the first stopping place on an Itinerary that includes Re- Saskatoon Edmonton lakeiLouise Medicine Hat and Moose Jaw Their visit to Winnipeg will be coincident with the opening of the On Tuesday July the Duke of and Princess Patricia are expected arrive on the and proceed to the City Hall where His Royal Highness will give an ad dress At pm on July the duke will attend a luncheon t beheld at the exhibition folowed by the of ficial of the fair at On Tuesday July the opening of the Edward hospital and laying of the corner stone the King- George hospital will take On July the St Johns Ambdlance Bri gades will be inspected by the duke- On the same at 330 pm the Boy Scouts review will take place at the exhibition On Satur day duly the Country Will be On Sunday day July the Country Club will of the district will bo reviewed and parade- to church On July the corner stone of the Selkirk monument will be la and at I pm luncheon will be held on the exhibition grounds On July at pm His Royal Highness will attend the Town Planning Con gress in the Industrial Bureau and at pm will be present at Canadian club luncheon On July the Childrens hospital will be officially opened at am at p a luncheon to farmers will be given on the exhibition at the Agricultural College will lie visited BRADFORD marsh land Owners of town and vicinity are very much annoyed over the condition the marsh this year water lying on it to a depth a foot places and making it so that it is impossible for them hay It is by some them that the Narrows have been dammed up raising the water on the lake and river j ill WORKING MEN Worry no more about the cost of high living in this town I will give you two good meals for a Cent No fad simply Good Clean Wheat Our Goal is Arriving ft Farm for Sale One and twentytwo acres East Half Lot 20 in the 3rd Con East mile east of known as farm Apply to Fred on farm or Jno Newmarket for terms of sale H Lackawanna as good as the best ORDER EARLY PROMPT DELIVERY- FULL LINE OF FLOUR AND FEED I J Aleo Cement Tile and Milton Pressed GEORGE FORESTER SUCCESSOR TO V CO NEWMARKET Phone What Life Means to Me Life to me is ever beautiful Life is a thousand times worth while That is what means to me A place where a Father above deals dif ferently with His different children but with all in love a place where true joys do not hang on material and where all the the fact that God our Father is on the throne lines every cloud with gold It means a chance for every one to be helping lame dogs over stiles a chance be cheering and helping to bear the burdens of there a field for translation of unfailing faith in the love of Sod above into deeds that shall please Ids children below and therefore please Rim also filling this poor life with satisfaction other wise unattainable Beyond all this life to me is a sohoolin we may be taught how best to employ and develop our special talents for service In order to achieve re sults rather than accept any or all the isms of my teaohers I prefer to So to Jesus Christ and learn- of Him He seems to me to teach first last and always that it is bet ter not to exist at all than not to v And so I propose a vote of thanks- for the lecture to which we have so ably listened An able listener is not to be however Inclination or Principle A man should be slow to make promises or to enter into agreements but having made the one or entered into the other he should fulfil them to letter no matter at what cost to himself In business in social intercourse in religion in all our dealings with our fellowmen in our positions as masters or servants teachers or pu pils sellers or purchasers there are to be found two paths the confused and tortuous one of personal inclina tion and the clear and straight one of impersonal principle He who abandons the former and takes the latter will be rid of all fear or con cern as to the his actions and standing upon the rock 0 right i will be invincible th the I of truth James Allen Yesterday is lost to you and to morrow you never see To day only is your fortunate posses- i Sc tit i 1 love and this I most firmly believe of its toil happiness and sorrov its defeats and victories for i you ore wearing the days of your future whether you spend them here The mind hath a thousand ages And the heart but Yet the light of a whole life dies ahead When love is done therefore to i Wilfrid i the present Keep an eye for the best in men and about The Christian World tells a nervous man whose duty it was to a vote of thanks after a ture He floundered along through heart of a loving Saviour i various complenientorj sentences Courtesy always more and finally flickered out thus it 4Vs X A a tf sgvseesrSifi ftJTTCJ s mm Sb5S Sdw S9SK SjM IV- mm TORONTO Rl v ST5 i 3 rfSc-