Newmarket Era , June 7, 1912, page 7

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ye t BRA FRIDAY JUNE 7 pressed pain of cover red the safe over- of f led lor insmio very a about DEPT S S Excursion Union Sunday School tend holding their annual Picnic to Centre Island Park ftWr June Please re serve the dale for further particular Improvements Mr A Thompson has built a lino around of bis rcsMeucv oh Prospect Ave Mr Maw is a verandah in front his residence on Park cm 1 A TT Brletlcts With Us weather warmed right up ft a in the coal fields settled day mowers are Mission Circle Mission of the Methodist Church hold their regular meeting on night June at oclock The will the form of an Illustrated address given by Miss Campbell of the- Italian Mission in Toronto Silver collection is AT and Garden Seeds in ox Hulk SUGAR HALF SUGAU FIELD AND All DEN CLOVER TIMOTHY AIRIKK SOWING MX In fart we parry au stock of all kinds seeds uj cell them at reasonable prices for FIRST QUALITY Always a Bargain 111 our Window R A SMITH D1RKCT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA Sample Boots Pain patent calf and regular up to On sale this week pair At Hunt ers c Nearly fifty ladies attended monthly meeting of at the Parsonage on day afternoon Mrs Armitge presided and also say a reading Miss furnished the business were served it too cool and wiiuiy to bo on the as 1 a China Hall Grocery 1 A broken shaft at the on Tuesday sal of nearly the whole day and a halt the machinists at Canes Factory worked all night on Tuesday to make the delay us brief as possible Work resumed Wednesday noon Womens Institutes J About ft ladies attended meet- of the Newmarket on the lawn of Mrs Walker near the Industrial oi Saturday Weather Ws and- address by was propticir and interesting ml permit A Starr to give an account hi her trip to California in the winter and this be reserved lot some future inee lug and a very social time was enjoyed Queen Quality Shoes styles same prices as sold over tor sale at Newmarket Good Results In Painting are obtained using High Quality Paints make it our business to Satisfy Hardware YOUR IS TO FOLLOWING SPE CIALTIES PICKLES Sweet in Bulk bottles we have Mixed and ChowChow and Pickled Walnuts 30c bottle Pan Yan Cackles 5c bottle Pan Sauce bottle Ceylon Relish 20c bottle Catsup 10o and JAMS Imported Raspberry per jar Imported Strawberry 20o jar Imported Spring Lemon Butter Imported Spring Orapge Butter Imported Spring Pineapple Butter Also a Full Assortment Table Jellies in Quart and Pint Sires WL BOSWORTH The Leading Reliable firocep Prompt Delivery Phono CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets Methodist Sunday There was a large Attendance last Sunday and the Decision Day exercis es conducted by the Pastor wre a most glorious consummation- of new building enterprise when of the pupils made their decision for a Christian life of this be ing young men from the- Gym A special Reception Service will bo held on Sunday morning June im mediately following the sermon of Mr property on St East of tho Brickyard was sold through the Town Real Estate to Mr Kemier Toronto and Mr Frank Sullivan of St except four building lots previously sold for We understand that it Is the intention of the new pro prietors to lay out the whole place in building lots open new streets and build several houses season Sixteen out of the lots at the North End were also sold and some these will have houses thereon be fore the season is over The Passing of a kn Townsmari Wo are called upon today to for one of the oldest Lest known and most Universally esteemed residents Newmarket one whose genial smile cordial hand- shake and timely word of advice aha tender sympathy has feeen of welcome greeting to hundreds of our neigh and fellow townspeople for three j generations oldest representative life in our town passed fully on Monday ami shall no logger seci under the favorite trees lawn or our the of our old and esteemed friend for sixty years has been an honored and representative citi zen of Newmarket cohVJVenclng about that time- a mercantile career tout associated him with the oldtime names of Padfield and Simpson this later partnership being a forerunner of the successful business career that established the widely known Toronto firm of- It Simpson Co Ltd latterly the firm ot and Al len was established and continued to Since Toronto World of the Ontario Governments proceed y tern that will heavy lines era violate Its provisions and the will likewise bo subjee prfKUUes in similar amounts By abolishing system the bar will hot he worth the salary ol the barlend er and will local option Sir Wilfrid in his at banquet made a good pointed Hero is Reciprocity Was In States as well American lumbermen fanners Am flshermeh ispucd It as strongly as Moreover it is an open secret inat during the IumI of the contest When every was to ypeClaltnterests in the States With those in Canada- to defeat reciprocity and sung lustily God Save the King while whis pered to each tod save pur monopolies and trusts Our Conservative In North York ftill please make a note following record of a in would be be lieved were not the facts bated f he young woman Mary Smith by name now trial is alleged to have stolen over worth ol which are to have been purloined from de partmental the city She was as a domestic Mrs A In the trunk the found a large collection of vahmble a costly punch and imported and valued at alleged have been stolen from her employer the various articvcs were assorted out before her in the detect ive and she set aside the stun which did not belong to her has been admitted to bail on one surety of cash which she out of her tank account f Boom la Town Property Last Saturday the whole thrive here for several Home- t 35000 the Corn- ode con- and- leads of- arc well pen for a large ITA condition the where land tiding l Canadl Greenhouses Gorham St Gut Flowers Daffodils Narcissus Carnations Sweet Tulips Kerns etc Funeral Designs of Every De scription Mado on Shortest No tice Bridal a Specialty Lettuce Parsley Radish Pep per Grass PRICES REASONABLE Phone 139 Quite a crowd at Mr Rogers Sale on Tuesday evening County Council meets next luesday Farmers Excursion to in First appearance of the Town Band this season was at the Ball Game on Tuesday evening Mr Eves new residence Is getting well The lathers will soon bo through and the plasterers will he on next week Mr Frank Bennett is putting in the electric wiring Mr J Cane has sold his auto and is getting a Ford through Mr Ken Robertson foundation is ready for a new cement walk on Prospect Ave from Thompsons machine shop to Huron St- Flags were flying all over Town on Monday in honor of the Kings birth day mm Sporting Requisites A good assortment of baseball la crosse tennis and fishing tackle Plies can be had at Hardware Hon you prices as wo Scrap Wanted Having located on Superior Street opposite the Grand sleds I am prepared to pay Top Price for oil kinds of scrap Iron brass copper rubber rags bottles etc delivered on the premises or if notified through the postoffice I will call and collect tho same F A Bain Wagon kept all the time Tenders for Public School Sealed Tenders separate or bulk will be received by the Architect up to the evening June for the erection of a SixRoomed School Building in will be of stone and ntlck stone trimmings flat roof plumbing warm air heating etc Plans specifications may be at Architects office on and May The lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted DR CLARK Chairman of Board r E TENCH 4wA8 Newmarket- 1 Turnip Seed I will be in Newmarket next Sat urday with the D Canadian Gem TaVe no other In Its place Almost a Fatality The necessity of having electric wiring properly attended to was em phasized last Sunday evening A line wire at the corner of Prospect Ave and St where it connects with Mr Merrilts house was not properly attached and the result was that with sagging and swaying of wire with the wind the insulation was worn oft and the caused short circuit On the same lino was the residence of Mr Nicho las About- he went in to the woodshed and took hold of the glass bulb to steady it while turning on the current with the other hand but he received a shock which knock- id him down senseless When ho to consciousness he aw that wire was pulled down and tab globe broken Then he realized that proba bly the breaking of tho globe saved his life About the same time word was sent to the electric station and the power was turned oft until the engineer discovered the difficulty and Cut wire This what caused the slight cessation of current during church service last Sunday evening wouldbe worth while for the Town engineer or some other compel tent person to spend a couple of days going over the Town and exams Ining the main wires oth er similar detects The electric wir ing in new houses should also be ex- by Insurance inspectors the plastering is done Keep By buying a straw or am a bat at Hunters the of that partnership in the seventies Mr had been more- or less actively engaged in doing accountant work in which he was acknowledged to have few su periors Although in every way a represent ative townsman he never allowed himself to become a for municipal honors but was doubly de voted to civic duties which allowed- him to serve agricultur al society from the year of its or ganization and for years thereafter For a period of nearly thirty years his energies were untiring in behalf of the development of the plans and the grounds of the Newmarket Cemetery Co of which tor twentysix odd years he was the secretary and superintending director Mr- was the youngest son and only surviving child ot the late John jr who came with his fathers family from Pennsylva nia to Whitchurch in and suc cessfully operated milling interests for many years at John was a prominent citizen here about in the pre and Rebel lion days a Justice of tho Peace and latterly Clerk and Treasurer of Whitchurch And in politics as have been the family almost univer sally staunchly No doubt schooled by a fathers in firmities and later by the lengthy and serious illness of his mother the Catharine Wilson Bogart de ceased proved himself to he of most tender and faithful impulses which qualities his friends and neighbors were not slow to recognize Fifty years ago in Oct 18fi3 Bogart married Safah Jane the eldest daughter the late James and Caldwell of this place and with this estimable lady our citizens sympathize as in the loss of a devoted father with their son Edgar A Mr was a regular attendant- at St Andrews Presbyterian Chinch and one of the charter members of the Newmarket Lodge of Rev CCurry Presbyterian will conduct the funeral service at the late residence of deceased p m today Friday All the starch has been taken out of Conservatives who while in Op position tor ten years before the last election insisted that the con tracts tor dredging made by Hon Mr were improperly let and that the contractors were not of character to be trusted Indeed the first instructions given to Mr A- Merino as head ot the Public Service Commission by the Present Govern ment was to make a thorough in vestigation of all the contracts which the Department had made for years and especially where the work was still under way We are now told that this investigation has been thoroughly made and the Commission report their inability to discover a single censurable case As a result the Government has decided that it cannot do better than renew the con tracts made by the Literal Minister and allow the con tractors to on arid complete their work The acts which have been renewed run into hundreds of thousands ot dollars wearing the ton add to or your Personal Seasons Shades In Tins are More Varied ThlsSeosons Shades In fans are More Varied Attractive than Oxfords exceptional natty w The Men Newmarket l MAN WANTED AS SALESMAN Go J A Several of our citizens are putting attending her daughter Mrs Ellison ft pill is a hard one for Tories swallow but the investigation is a noble tribute to Hon Mr Pugsley whose department they censured Travers before Sir Meredith gave a few tip on how the banking system Canada should bo conducted to safeguard the public Perhaps Hon Mr Bordens Minister of Finance or some other member of his Government will take the hint In reply to the question how to safe guard the public W Travers said Yes the Government could by fol lowing the American method hav ing a bank examiner step in at an un expected time and examine the con dition the bank Tho examiner has power to close the doors when the steps in think that what Ca nada should do is to create a separ ate department within tho Depart ment of Finance and put a competent bankman the head of it That man could go into the head office of any bank at any time and tell how- it stood Nearly all the business is done through the head office Tho branches are only arteries to bring In deposits Tho losses are through the head office The circulation a bank should be found ed on its reserve and that reserve should be in control of the Gov ernment By July suitable rooms for the Public Library and Reading Room Secy Board Vacancies tor more at The Cedars Cor Victoria tad Park Ave Scott Boarders Wanted Near Factories Apply at the corn er Ontario and Superior streets MRS CHRISTIAN up new lawn fences which add to the appearance of our burg Messrs S Stephens A Yew and S Williams have gone to to work on the new County Bridge Marvel and Alvin Hill have been visiting their cousin Ruth who had the misfortune to burst blood vessel in her shoulder Mina spent the weekend in Aurora Nettie ot Toronto spent the weekend at her fathers Frank Creedon of was visiting friends on Sunday Walter Wiggins Aurora spent last Mrs Stevens has returned from Sunday with his sister Mrs Murray Reaver i I a Lackawanna Anthracite Prisoners Sentenced On Wednesday last Judge Denton passed sentences upon the following prisoners convicted at the Sessions Edward Elmer Melntcsh theft and receiving Four years in penitentiary Joseph Radnor criminal negligence in driving auto Eight months James wounding his wife With intent to maim Six months Joseph Smith common assault- Four months common assault- Two months Samuel Kruger wounding with In tent to malm Two months Louis Becker assault One month Miles theft and receiving- One month Saul month In jail Edward Humphries common ot a month in jail Rev J Trebble preach the annual sermon to the members of the on Sunday evening- June Members are requested to meet at the Court Room at oclock ser vice at The Kettleby Branch of the Wo mens Institute held their annual pic- at the home of Mrs J Elliot All those who were unable to attend missed the interesting address of Exclusive Agents for the Celebrated Lackawanna Tho Best in the World for Domestic Use PROMPT DELIVERY A CAR LOAD OF PEA COAL JUST IN I AT FULL LINE OF FLOUR AND FEED LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES the weather the J ytSSS was a- good attendance at the iH ROLLED OATS FOR FEED ALWAYS ON HAND cream social given by the members the League FORES I ER Hurrah The Bell Telephone Co have their poles planted in Kettleby SUCCESSOR TO V DENNE CO last Phono NEWMARKET i 51 or a Wont a situation as errand boy do you well can you tell me how far the moon is the earth eh Hoy Well sir I dont know but I reckon It aint close enough to it would be interesting to know something about the toilet for cows by Toronto milkmen In most cases says Dr Hastings Medical Health Officer In- his bulle tin of health or May the cows sup plying milk to Toronto better housed and fed than many citizens ot the city He goes on to say This week one of the dairy farms supplying certified milk to Toronto was visited by the director the laboratory The cows were housed in a large bright wellventilated stable with cement floor and plenty of clean sawdust for bedding Each cow had a drinking fountain at its head and the stable was as clean as hose broom and scrubbers could make It For three hours in the middle of day the cows had out to pasture on the new grass When brought back they were all cleaned In tho following manner just as they are before milking Each cow was taken in thrn by a man equipped with a of water and a cloth- Even the tail was carefully cleaned so that no dirtcould into the milk during the process of milking Spe cial attention was paid to cleaning the udder and the leg of animal were washed down with a hose clean sawdust was sprink led In the cow stalls and the ud ders were afterwards wiped dry with clean towels fresh towel being us ed for each cow HydroElectric Power has been By purchasing direct from the Manufacturer the Gerhard is not a Price Prohibitive Instrument even to those of Limited Means Used Pianos taken Prices constantly on hand at Write J Limited ALL SQUARETORONTO At i fcrt 1V errands lie quoted for at pet 1 S the Era to absent got the Job horse power for p ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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