Newmarket Era , June 7, 1912, page 5

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i4 -V- gxiifltef St to loan on prank iwrrtoSEER and collector A IS and House Decorator Niagara and Newmarket Not True fl WHw us lor publication he marriage Miss Micks of called at the Saturday and sin ted thai notice was Whoever Hip iktUett us is liable fmc if Author can proved Clonk ST Newmarket Street Dp Wilkinson DENTIST Block Newmarket i I i altry paths ly- which Fowl Davis Oat hout Industry tec logs tint and expending ver loot by hind hand lever I Eland- inches grade oil lull set i Compare than evidence v f Ontario Pierre Builder Contractor Carpenter and Maker Painter and PaperHanger MAIN STREET BRADFORD Free 3m4S Dr COLLEGE ST TORONTO o Aurora North AT J GREGORYS Cleaning Pressing Pant Making Above TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE g Newmarket Mrs at I lie wood last the Wit on Monday price of writing per has up twenty per cent the high cost League Mr SoVer la coming to the Methodist Mon day evening under tin- of the EpWotth League to give a talk on Now Englands oldest colony by tar An story of aland ami sea whose history is a present day romance told by aw Dont to hear him iOc the value of good looks of a from bright eyes and a cheerful demeanor any of them know also a means to bis free froid headaches backaches lassitude and extreme nervousness because many have teamed the value of as the most aid to better condition from this the wars aggression waged for the purpose conquering other lands enriching themselves by the these provinces thus to gefierai better territory a great to a nation as its wealth when It Increases its cause whenever a too therein who are real of the wealth aro alsfi and tho conqueror aiia ng Modern government knows large to or the reviving it to profit thereby One or two things ma however money is money is exchanged real wealth with other nation in which ttw greatly the or NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE regulating the bowels antjUxer they the ihe digestioii Better belter looks better spirits follow the Use of Beech- Pills so noted the World over J Graduate i College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or OficeBoyds Livery Phone This Is a Good town Let us get all the good out of it we can The way to good out land Is to it The way to got tho of a town is to develop it It is a poor foVni that is all pasture It ought tobe worked lie is a poor farmer who is content to take merely what nature sends He is a poor citizen who is willing to let the town shift for it self taking only such benefits as come without labor The man who is satisfied to harvest merely what comes np will have on diet of- weeds Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Papers issued at private il desired 1 tp J Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the Royal College oi and mem ber of the Royal College- of Surgeons el England Former asMtant te Eye Hospital and College Ear and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor aud Timotky St Newmarket Telephone No Consultation My service may be had at any the day or night by calling at the or For Their tend eveiy bo Industrial Home The met day and accounts liy own territory which she has rexl The word own is Take for instance docs sot own her Colonies they are In fact nations with the Mother Country to whom no of tribute or t Their are- settled by the Colonics I not by the Mother trey 1 So at present moment conquering a does not give any to the which hi could not have had money Is the and not real wealth from abroad and prlros so we see that in modern world impossible a treat nation to receiving a in thojaiv these Why dp we undertake- wars quest then rtl Hut they aay this Is All War are surety a nation Is just in defend Ing to any violence and the Words o Scripture are wrested to this Poter fought they say- in the yes nndthut Very night he his- Master ilUt the Oj ttStufe bids U pel by What is the law Christ- yes but low Hit navy to be and our and Capitol oc cupied this would ruin of our Ifade destruction our Krojiire that today ho nation destroy our trade and on without conquest is sale ft long amounting Nor can the take tha natural wealth and a population to about or this sun was wealth o for the alterations just which not formally annexed plated which will bo a great our credit and systems com The Commissioners were well pleased with everything about the NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones rCall before ordering elsewhere GEO Furnace Work Plumbing Eayetroughing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a in p Toronto Allandale 1035 GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto PHOTOGRAPHS I ate equipped to produce Portraits that are right and our long experience la back of every picture we make The child the parent the all of a good likeness and artistic fin ish when we do the work Come in at any ot if more desirable an appoints I Plot Artist Poet Office Phono Farm Produce market last Saturday morning was the largest for some time Lots of potatoes ottered and the price was to drop Vegetables are be coming more numerous also plams and flowers Following were the usu al prices paid Butter per lb to Dressed Chickens per lb to Apples per to Potatoes per bag to Tomato Plants box Rhubarb 5c bunch Green Onions 5c bunch Lettuce bunch Asparagus bunch Live Spring Chickens per lb Live Chickens pet Old Hens per lb to Llye Turkeys per lb Live Young Pigs- 550 to Hides per lb to Calf Skins per to to Sheepskins to Tallow per lb A Great Race for Life One bright and stilly night lost week a certain corpulent ruddyfaced gentleman was near too head of St breaking into window of a home the res idence one of our most respected citizens hut within caught the noise of cautious foot steps beneath his window He quick ly snatched his trusty double barrel sharp shooter slipped outside and discharged the contents ot the barrels over bead of miscre ant who roared like a mule I as ho thought there would be no cy shown from an irate man disturb ed by he took to the boot end of his anatomy and cleared a cedar hedge undertook to Jump a wire fence but his corpulence was too heavy for bis muscle ud his toe caught on the wires which rent his clothes almost from his body hut another shot the reminded him to move quickly which ho dirt from fence to terra arid away he went with the speed of Arabian mustang trying to catch his long lank mate who hud got the start of him down road by quite a few rods but wo couldnt catch him Such is tho fate of Jhe eavesdroppers Funeral of Albert Thompson Much sympathy was expressed for family in the fatal accident Mr Albert Thompson on morning oi last week and the floral tribute were very beautiful compris ing Crescent from Directors of Davis Leather Company Spray from J M Walton Bank Man ager Aurora Wreath from Directors of Win Cane Sons Wreath from Employees of Cane Sons Spray from Mr and Mrs Brock Toronto lied from Employees of Davis Leather Company Wreath from Sons Wreath from Brothers The funeral took place on Friday afternoon were Very large ly attended Over one hundred men were present from the DavleTan The service was conducted by Rev Snider of Holt and tho ramalns were interred at the Newmarket Cem etery The pallbearers were three sons two brothers nephew Arthur and Raymond Thom son Christopher Thompson of Bar rio Garry Thompson of Holland Landing and Ernest Mackenzie relatives in attendance a dis tance were Mrs Victor Thompson Alto Mr and Mrs Thompson Holland Landing Mr Noah Mackenzie- Mrs Her bert Aurora Mr Stanley Toronto Archer Toronto Mr Wooding Marie Mich Farmers Excursion The annual excursion of North York Farmers Institute to the On tario Agricultural College will be oh Wednesday A will be made to have the teachers North York accompany the party This is the popular excursions of joe sea son and no doubt will be well pat- zed The special train leaves Newmarket at a and ex pects to return about p The fare is cheap only A special Metropolitan car Sutton at and connects with the at Huron St md car will also bo- provided for the return- trip same night The Au rora connects at King Crossing and a special train is provided for the return trip the same night All tickets north of Maple are good to return on by any regular train have such a delicate interdependence that the vie tot must depend upon the financial and industrial security of all centres So that the conquered territory was confiscat ed or the trade commerce de stroyed it react disastrously upon the Hence teal and military power can do nothing for Rations exercising that power able working It Your trade could be by the destruction population which is not for the invader lie destroyed the popuTat ion he would destroy his own which would be suicidal as you say your credit would be destroyed and your Empire collapse so also wWld the countrys capital and credit dis appear because o delicate dependence fiftanee and You Can Save Money By Buying From Us I Full Line of ic Light w 11 f I I I V Oils Glass Etc AWALLAN NEWM A RKET a i 1 r- r Leaving Ottawa The Era congratulates Mr if It McMillan a North York boy on his new appointment as Chief Forester of British Columbia The following is clipped from the Ottawa Free Press Province of British Columbia having resolved upon a vigorous and effective system of forestry is to away from Ottawa one of bright- est of the many bright young mew in the service of the Interior moot McMillan has been appointed chief forester of British Columbia and has therefore tendered his resignation to tke effect from toay An Ontario man by birth Mr luJltan has secured bis new appoint ments reason his merit as a forester lie received his in forestry at Yale university under Professor Henry Graves who suc ceeded as chief of the United States forest service Mr Graves considers Mr McMillan as one of the most brilliant graduates W forestry from Yale and it is largely upon his recommendation that Hon the Minister of Lands Forests of made his choice of Mr McMillan to be the chief for ester of the Pacific Province Mr McMillan was yesterday in con sultation here in Ottawa with Mr Overton Price the vicepresident the National Conservation commis sion of the United States who was engaged by the government of British Columbia as on expert in the selec tion of the start of the new forest service that Province Together out plans for a vigorous campaign for the whole province of British Columbia beginning this summer It Is a happy coincidence that the inauguration of this great work should comp with the assem bling in British Columbia this year of the annual gathering of Cana dian- Forestry Association which meeting promises in view of the ad vanced policy of the new British Col umbia minister to tho great est o- forestry ever gathered together in America Although Mr McMillan severs hi connection with the Federal service today he will not go west for some time yet having determined to take a wellearned holiday before assum ing his new duties them to restore- it wouldbe to put an end to the condition in your country which caused the chaos what about this wealth and industry that yon sheak of Why all you have to do is to look at finance of Europe to see that you do not There the public funds and investments of the small undefended countries are than of the nation defended by colossal armaments For example the Three Per Cents of powerless Belgium are quoted at and the Three Cents of powerful Germany are only eightytwo Besides there is a much standard of comfort in these small countries and the aver- age man is seven thousand francs better oft than in the- powerful coun- tries The shrewd capitalist has seen all this that the more a nation wealth is protected the less sectire does it become and so has invested accord- Kingston June A terrible fatal ity occurred at the Canadian North ern Hallway construction camp at twentyfive miles north of Kingston about o clock on Saturday afternoon result ing in the death of eight men ahd in jury of six others were engaged at the place of blasting are best for nursing mothers because they do not affect the rest of the system Mild but sure a box your drug gists a conquered nation the would not destroy the competition of the merchants Bather would he have to meet their competition on keener terms than before because they would then be within the others customs lines Besides as wo have shown above the conquerors could not take a penny piece from the citi zens of the conquered people to re imburse the cost of because they mode any taxation they would simply taxing them selves as the others would then be a parb of their country Thus domination or command the ii If itwere political power jmdustty So the only means lot and widened territory meant general wellbeing and prosperity ought not nations to be much poorer than the great But this is not true matter what tost an- credit amounts in savings banks social progress standard living we find the citizens of small states other things equal are as well off or better than citizens of great states Aggressive warfare is also waged with the idea that the trade petition of rivals can be disposed to by conquering their rivals Norman Augell to whom I am in debted for many of these refutations says in his Great Illusion H is a physical and economic to capture the external or car rying trade of by mil itary conquest are impotent to create trade for the na tions them and can do no thing to confine the commercial become and so accorn- of other nations By annex knowing that modern wealth requires no defence We have dealt with the military and commercial causes now- let us deal with them on grounds A cause of our complacency with war and therefore a cause of war itself consists in that callousness to human misery which the custom in duces We are shocked to read a single murder and yet perhaps in the next paragraph we read with indif ference where the editor tells us he has hurried a second edition to press in order that he may be the first to gladden the public with the in telligence that in engagement which has just taken one thou sand of enemy were killed Now is not this latter intelligence one thousandtimes as deplorable as the first Yet tho first is the subject of our sorrow and this of our joy We labor to- save a few lives from gallows but where is our solici tude to save them on the field Life is life wherever it bo sacrificed Yet we regard the miseries with an difference with which we regard others If our sympathy were excite respecting them should be powerfully prompted avoid war The want of ihts sonable and virtuous sympathy is one cause of prevalence of war lb the world And another Consists in national Irritability It is often assumed that the best way of Supporting the dignity and maintninigg the security of a nation is when occasions of disa greement to assume a atti tude and a combative tone Nations thus surround with a sort of artificial which they throw wtdo in quest of irritation and by which they are stimulated to to- venge by every touch accident or inadvertency who are easily offended will easily offend If on every offence we fiy we shall of necessity provoke exasperation and if we a people as lent as ourselves we may probably continue to butcher one another Un til we tease only from emptiness or weariness of slaughter fro threaten war is therefore often to It If nations when they could bo at peace- there would he very little the world The wars that are for insults to flags and an endless train of similar motives are perhaps gener ally attributable to the irritability our We at no pains to pacific towards the offender our remonstrance is a threat and the nation which would satisfac tion to an Inquiry will give answer to a menace than a menace in return So at length we begin to fight not because we are but because we are angry Continued on page J j OurSpringStock Is arriving dally I VALUES the Best Toronto Jobbing House NATION AH sea can do nothing for commerce and industry or general wellbeing Thetf war is waged for tribute thah which they hope to from a conquered people by confiscation and a large Indemnity Let us suppose that England should- capture some European port and try to turn tbe annexed and confiscat ed property to account It would be only the shares and bonds that could be annexed in the form of booty as the material property would be quite small And the value of these is only in proportion to reliance which can be placed upon execu tion of the contracts which they con tain because contracts are up set and the courts the country from which contracts jlerive their force are paralyzed by this military confiscation Now the Value of these stocks and shares a the whole credit system would collapse because they would be at the mercy of the foreign gov only concerned- to exact trib ute So the finance and Industry of the country would bo In a Condition of panic and disorder And Lou- financiers who would bo involved In the panic would exert their in fluence on the British Government to the process of this confiscation which was proving such failure Now considering the indemnity ques tion Is it possible to make an ac tual transfer of say a thousand mil lions worth of wealth from one to the other considering the cir cumstances of present day politic and if so is it desirable for those who receive it We consider England she could not pay thousand millions in gold She would pay in credit equivalent- paper and unless this could be ex changed for commodities it remains paper and nothing else And If this money goes into a country and never comes out that country received no addition In its real wealth Sup pose Germany should withdraw amount from London Then this would to founding of many man manufactures and trades and the suffering of their trade and com to a greater probably than a thousand million since about ninetyfive per cent of German in dustries exist because of borrowed English money so that Increased banking charges would surely destroy them course we will not Ray that Is Impossible for one Government to rea- it Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS C ASTORIA I 9 TREADEASY The TREAPEASY Cushion Sole Empress Shoe i- uo of who 1I Cottfonfclc NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER WRIGHT YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs TAKE ALL RISKS Curt J MotLoJ Trutmtnt r I impossible for one Government T sect the to frle NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY Thou of youny men am annually swept to A through tad It have any of lowing it you and weak dent and gloomy eye dark circle under them weak fcack vii Irritably of heart bashful nd losses sediment In urine pimple on eyes sunken hollow cheek careworn expression poor memory distrustful energy and strength morning restless chanjceablo snoods manhood premature decay bono pains hair loos throat etc YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New can cure you and make a man of yon Under Its the brain becomes active blood purified so that all pimple blotches and ulcere disappear the aeries become sirens as so that nerrousness and dee pendency vanish the eve the face full and clear energy returns to body and rooral physical and system are all drains no mere vital the system Dont let quacks and rob or your hard earned W cure or do EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFipEXTlAL No matter who has treated you write for an honest opinion Books Illustrated on Secret DUeiies of Men QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST R Cor Michigan Ave and Detroit Mich All Utters from Canada must be to our Correspondence meet in Windsor Ont If yoa desire see personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as see and treat mo In our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Writs fof J ARCHIVES OF ON TORONTO

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