Newmarket Era , September 1, 1911, page 1

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You need he one of our ALARM CLOCKS TGWAT and Graduate Optician The Era is acknowledged to be the Best Leading County Paper aa well as being Oldest in York County TERMS- per annum it paid in advance to the United State A No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance- You will be SURE to find WHAT YOU WANT OUR ASSORTMENT WATSONS JEWELRY STORE mi G Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor Newmarket Out i have added a complete stock Bicycle and Automobile Sundries PRICES AS LOW AS CITYEXPRESS and PHONE SAVED havent what you want we can get it on very short notice If we AUTOMOBILE Tubes and Carbide Spark Plugs Tire Tape to fill cute Patches all sizes Cement and Acid Patches Tire Testers Batteries Generator Tubing Blowout Patches Battery Connectors Sponge Grease for gears BICYCLE Cement Woodrim Cement Tires Casings and Tubes Valves and Stems Patch Rubber Spokes Nipples Lamps Carbide Pumps Balls for Par- arrival at NonCarbon GasEngine Toe Clips Oils I A PHONE W AND PLUMBING WIRING NEWMARKET ONT TheBankoToronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are finding these Joint Savings Accounts very convenient The money can be Withdrawn by either of the parties at any time without or by the survivor should one die- Interest is paid from the day the money Is deposited and continues to the day it Is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard INVITATION To all who Hard Coal Corn to the Build ing TORONTO EXHIBITION and for how in prepared you will an electrically operated COAL BREAKER MINING TOOLS AND P W PEARSON for Church ted Phone BOWSER AMD BISHOP faPt THE SUCCESSFUL z well Its no gOOd are an a Spur to success If roan lad youre looked at do feet ques tion right TOO discovered that for anybody Can never do lor you Examine Urge stok tod let us fit right with ciotfc- will stand F OUR TAILOR- PHONE IP MAIN Odf Toronto Letter It is announced that the General Conference Special Committee of the Methodist Church Will meet i the Buildings in this citv on the of October to arrange for the submission 0 the question of Church to a vote The Richmond Hill Old Boys have secured the Queens Own Band their reunion on Saturday will be held on mond Hill Frank- Burrows the driver of the auto which caused the death of Sam the beginning last week cxhonorated from all blame by the Coroners Jury training girls from about to i years age in the care of baby brothers and sisters thus relieving overworked mothers may become a Part of the work undertaken the educational authorities of this city following the lead Chicago what are called Little Mother schools Mr N Senior of the Mail tu torial stall left on Saturday for to take the city editors desk on the Expositor The Mail staff made him of a fountain pen previous to his leaving Toronto Ambrose fruit dealer at the corner of and Palmers ton avenue was fined and costs or ninety days in jail by Magistrate Ambrose was his creditors by making a sale of his store and goods and re fusing to pay his debts Before Judge Denton Friday last in the County Criminal Court J Parrel and George the two brothers hailing from Boston who committed an aggravated as sault upon Defective William Wal lace on June last were found guil ty and Sentenced to serve three each Kingston Penitentiary Or Hastings Medical Health of fr ee has discovered that some dairy men in Toronto are using formalde hyde as a milk preservative Sixty- four quarts of milk containing for- were seized at one dairy and at another The milk was emptied into the sewer Or George Foster was fined and costs by Magistrate on Friday for declining assistance to a man he was alleged to have down witi his auto This was the second complaint in a week A press incident of campaign In this city furnished by the two Tory organs At the Conservative meeting last week the announced that people gathered The World says the seat ing capacity fall is On Friday last while workmen were digging near the front unearthed a quantity of silverware such spoons knives forks pravy ladles etc Most of the ware bore a Crest a rampant and a couple of the ladles bad upon them The Royal Canadian in all pieces of silverware were found Deputy chief Constable Lambert Montreal died suddenly Mouse morning plexy As Iric result of collision On the Hay on Saturday evening Miss Hat- tie was drowned two Other Companions narrowly escaped with their lives The collision occurred between a gasoline launch a terry boat A member of the Toronto detective staff hand crushed on Saturday by falling from People get so used to getting and on street cars that they get care- lews The building and Including exterior decorations arc lighted lights at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition which opened Monday In lr city For three years of Hon Blake have won Scholarships In University Toronto grandsons are Harold and Hume Wrong and Gerald Or secretary of the Methodist Young Peoples for ward for Missions Is tack from a trip through the maritime provinces and Newfoundland He opened and attended three The musical education No- 33 Single Copies eta each YEARS AGO From Era Aug 30 SaturdayNight Religion From the Literary Digest If every Christian woman would have a- real vital Saturdaynight re ligion there would he less Sabbath desecration observes Miss Hilda Richmond who contributes a novel view to the problem of nonattendance at Her strictures apply to the people of towns villages and small friends from shopping en Saturday night and in a very short time the movement will spread so that the tired workers wiH least he con vinced that there are many women who really care for their physical and spiritual wellbeing Further There are weary discouraged mor tals in every small town or city who have not been able to sec Christ in the people who profess to ho his fol lowers and if so little a thing as Auto Turned Turtle London Aug Two Till- nen Jackson and A were badly hurt in an mobile accident on- the Governors I road about ten miles from London at a late hour last night Jackson was driving along in the darkness when he suddenly saw a rig ahead and turned out The man sitting with him lost his head and seized the steering the apo- Rough Lumber and Inside Trim of for Trim OAL tj Sty it 15 Cub Mm or W H EVES Offer torn la been neglected It ay My Treot Boyd OUT the and tin Junior Organ han dle truth a If It were a concertina lis music of the Liberal preH Is not In which the telegram delights day a barrel of oil froin a wagon on King street near car when some dunce applied a Match to it resulted In a call to fireball oar service was delay ed for a while In coseequencef Mr VI In LtUiral Hon in North Toronto Division About veterinary men their wives borsesfaow at the stables of iihury FtUatt on Thursday of week The quality the Wan a to iWm Osier of during the past wetV sold crop off his apple orchard to a for a sum ornowiy It Is es timated that orchard will yield 4760 barrels one ICO I providing Country people and town people alike swarm the streets until nearly midnight leaving for their homes at last regardless of the tired workers who must put the goods in order straighten up accounts leave stores In some semblance of order and then go home to bathe and drop into restless slumber It is no wonder remarks this writer in thy Christian Advocate Pittsburg that it is to get clerks and business men out to church or Sundayschool The wo men it will appear are the Ifnquents Perhaps if only buying were the evil would not be so great but men women and children clog the stores to visit and have social good time The clerks tired from standing on aching left all week must politely wait until the dress making the canning the preserving the- social attain and domestic tribu lations are all others we had better back to the old custom that made it a time of preparation for the Sabbath when everything in the home was peaceful and orderly and the day of all the week the best was ushered in in cairn and Of course the stores will not be enabled to close early the next week hut in time the little lea ven will leaven the whole lump and merchants and their helpers will he enabled to enjoy the Sunday morning services because Christian men and women especially the latter had a ft well as a serious hurt Drowned at Athabaska chief de- Saturdaynight religion Sunday one Dead in a Show Pa Aug Twenty- six dead from suffocation twenty- live seriously Injured and thirty suf fering from minor hurts That is the human toll exacted last oyer risking the during an inexcusable panic at displeasure of and then movingpicture show in the hear the comforting news that the shopper was just looking ltir developed a slight defect round Hut clerks are paid for wait- burred a noise- like a fog upon people some one is sure to click A small hoy shouted fire say is true but they are Just time flesh and blood ike people and row a foreign miner a giant in proportion jumped fro11 the seat and ran wildly for the same In a moment there was a lighting struggling mass after him at the head of a narrow stairway which led to the street the foreigner tripped As he rolled down the stairs he swept others their always advanced that argument was awaiting their turn to In the habit of disposing of her mod- tlU the theatre there was derate amount of work early on at- indescribable pile of morning the Sunday dinner in the of the steps battling like that family always being- eaten out- side the house and then she would enjoy a refreshing bath a nap and a quiet period of reading or rest- until supper time Supper was little more than a lunch add then The stable and Sheds In the In fresh comfortable garments A grounds at were she would out enjoy the een- totally destroyed by fire on Monday Ing shopping and there meet- night The fire fa supposed to be of her friends and buying few Incendiary origin and started things that needed BO special care in way in on Patrick street and could have been pur- It quickly spread north and south Chased any time To her the going and by the time an alarm was turned from place to place was recreation the fire brigade arrived was hut to the weary clerks it was any- burning on Hrant and get tired when Saturday night just as we all do There are women who call themselves good Christians who blandly argue that it Is no hard er for the clerk to stand behind the counter than for the shopper to stand in front ol it but the cases are not similar at all One woman who thing but a rest know there are some people who say the clerks would not go to church they had thy opportunity to sleep a day Saturday but Is not lie point Maybe some of them would not but they should have the chance to say whether they will will pot Just imagine the behind the counter Is your daughter or or your intimate Sat urday night when yoJ aimlessly wan der from store to store having goods pulled down that you never Intend to buy or really buying articles It will enable you to see how tired she Is and how very hard ft must be to be pleasant- and Cheery when tbor hot and her feet are tired and And think of the lit tle delivery hoys out on dark streets and back alleys delivering parcels that might earlier In the day If somebody had had enough grace and religion to order early magazine and newspaper up the appeal to shop early t holiday time In order not to destroy Christmas spirit In toe hearts of clerks but Christian Can caw the burdens of all year round Inorder to bring about reform writer suggests that one Influential goodnatured woman who modestly statfcfl her views and enlists in her can be the means of dls- a dozen or more of streets as well The alarm was turn ed in a few minutes before ten oclock and In about half an hour the fin had practically spent Tlie grand stand was saved and a small section of the cattle sheds on street The water pressure was totally inadequate to Cope with a fire any considerable dimensions In that section of the town fortunately the wind was blowing from the west Had It been from the oast or north a score of boUsee have fallen a prey to flames Residents on went side of Patrick street had their dwellings scorched but the damage was small The estimated value of the WAS SI to The Agricul tural carried an Insurance of and Its lost therefore In about thousand dollars Times 1 Trees Our nurseries are open tlon at time In the subject of fruit growing will do well to inspect our Immense blocks of growing Peach Apple Pluto and cherry trees small fruits Omamea- trees Shrubs It our local Agent has not called you write us Catalogues or terms to AgenU tent on application Bros Browns Nurseries County Ottawa August 25 Mr Superintendent of the Rail way hands branch of the department of the Interior has received word from Athabasca Landing Alberta of the drowning at Port on July of William Thompson a member of Frank explor ing party Thompson who is only years of was crossing the Atha basca River a leaky boat along with Crawford another mem ber of the party The boat began to sink and its occupants plunged into the water in an attempt to swim to shore Moth Thompson and were poor however and had a hard time it Thompson strug gled as test he could but finally be came exhausted and sank never to Come to the surface struggled was finally rescued by men who had witnessed the plight of the two men from the shore and put out boat Thompsons body has riot been re covered although every effort has been made to locate It Thompson who was a nephew ol Crean belongs to Ireland lie came out a year and a half in Join the party whi Is an has been exploring the northern boundary of Alberta for two years for the railway lands branch O Threw His Sweetheart from Lake Steamer Detroit Aug Craved with Jeal ousy because his sweetheart Grace Lyons had refused to have anything more to do with him Walter Hopper of Philadelphia picked the girl up In his arms and threw her overboard the upper deck of the Puritan the middle of Michigan late night The boat was forty miles from shore when the deed was committed Al though a lifeboat was lowered within seven minutes the crew failed to re cover the body which was drawn un der by the wheel News of the murder was Mashed Holland by wireless and officers were in wait ing when the steamer reached her dock on the Michigan Hide Hopper was Immediately on a charge of murder and be will be given a hearing tomorrow MlSS Lyons left Chicago yesterday and it Is alleged Hopper disguised himself and followed her to the boat When he approached her she up braided him because he had been drinking Tills angered Hopper and helost control of himself Hopper Is thirtyone and Miss Lyons was twen tysix Vankleck Hill Aug Fire was discovered yesterday morning In the store occupied by Alter two bourn hard fighting the fire was under control Too whole of goods In the store and cellar as the furniture In the dwelling over tbo store were badly by fire and water fire seems to have started near safe In of fice was opened and all taken out with the exception of some change also sllverwiro cut glass and other goods are Mr Fergus felt on Monday Aug 21 for Petrolla to accompany Mrs Ire accompany Mrs home Ho 1 supposed to have been Stultcd by burglars The demise of William Lyon Mac kenzie on Wednesday last is an nounced in the 67th year of his remarkable manthe rebel lived to sec the day that his fellow- country men honored him as a P Tne Northern Railway employee will hold their the on adjoining Newmarket day nest A fire on Tuesday last destroyed barn of Mr Robert Traviss Con- of Whitchurch It was struck lightning A hearing injunction against the erection of a Town Hall is nounced to take place next Mr institutes the injunc tion writ A public meeting is announced be held in in favor construction of the Georgian The for the meet ing is signed by leading merchants Toronto David- Wilson announces il lumination on Friday evening Sept fi and the annual feast on the following The Union Sabbath School 3rd Concession of Whitchurch announces a picnic entertainment on tho of September A letter from Virginia US toVnoco users of the Northern States that Southerners arc poisoning to bacco to kill oft Northern Abolition ists Market quotations arc as follows Fall Wheat to Barley cents peas Oats 3GC but ler eggs He YEARS AGO From Era Sept Married At St Pauls Church Newmarket the 1st Inst by Per A W Mr T Townlcy A Barristeratlaw Winnipeg Man- to Frances M daughter of he late Died At Avenue Road Toron to on Friday Aug Sarah Ellen second daughter of Wm Esq MP for North aged 11 years and months Died At on the 26th Sarah fourth daughter of the late John Davison formerly of Newmar ket aged years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery No Company 1 Battalion York Rangers will go into camp at Niagara on the of September Queenavllle Items state that last week the Brass Band welcomed homo Messrs Mahlon and fames loo Wright and Wm Turner and wife after a three months visit in England At on Tuesday last Rev Alfred Bedford P Moore were married by Rev Dor root The ceremony took in the church and a large number villagers witnessed the proceedings Mr and Mrs John left for the city last Friday to spend a week Miss Minn Jackson in Toronto over Sunday attending the birthday parly of Miss Mayes Montgomery or Hamilton Newmarket fast week a visit to Mr I Mr J Davis reeve of King Is attending the Conference of the Methodist Church he being a delegate of the Tornnto Conference Mr 1 C Stokes of King Is on a trip North on account of tiki 111 Fatally Burned Cooking a Meal Cornwall Aug 21 A ter rible accident took placo at the of F Bailey Masscna when his eldest daughter Miss Mabel Bailey one of the most popular young In was fatally burned Miss Bailey and her mother were prepar ing supper by an alcohol stove and Mabel held the bottle of alcohol in her hand while lighting the stove The fluid exploded in her hand set ting fire to her clothing She rushed from house and throw herself on the grass in an effort to extinguish flames and was assisted by sev eral neighbors who saw her rush out It was some time before doctors ar rived but within fifteen or twenty minutes there were five of them working over her Her legs were horribly burned from ankles to body her arms nearly to her shoulders From the start the doc tors realised that the was so badly burned she could not recover and their efforts were mainly directed to lessening her sufferings She died hours the accident She was years of ftgc was very popular J topi Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A Era to absent rfSSKirfev

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