Newmarket Era , August 25, 1911, page 5

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J Robertson Barrister Notary Public c officeMain St Newmarket to loan on good Farm curity- Duncan AND Painter House Decorator CECoroer Niagara and Tecum sLoeal Baseball The winners of the Watson Trophy visited the studio of Mr Fergus last Saturday and had their counten ances reproduced on paper The photo turned out good and copies may be had by applying at the I UK whole system in the pink of condition 25h Streets Newmarket or G Clark DENTIST Main Street Newmarket bit Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private gar Papers issued at if desired Brief lets Bran tons store has been brighten ed with a new coat of paint The milk business of Mr A Starr has been purchased by Mr Will The cement work at the Canal ba sin on Street is progressing slowly Next Saturday is the last afternoon for the Factories to close down for the season Their singular curative pro perties discovered by an Indian tribe introduced pounded since In the Laboratories at Ontario NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones par Call before ordering elsewhere ic Fall Fairs Newmarket Oct Sept 20 27 Bolton Oct- 3 Oct 3 Guelph SeptUH21 Hamilton Lindsay Sept 21 London Fair Sept ate Oct Queensville Oct Sutton West Sept 28 29 Toronto Zephyr Oct that are would hard to beat the campaign thatfs being put up by the opponents of reciprocity the Liberal candidate in North York said on Saturday an election dodger had been circulated in this Riding stating that the reciprocity agreement is terminable only after one years A correspondent to Trie Globe writes The Conservatives nearly a century ago com- are usmg t country the argument that- the reciprocity pact if passed will be binding for twentyone years and whether Canada likes it or not she cannot get out it These statements are pure inventions campaign lies coined for pur- poses of deceit There is no treaty there is no binding agreement for a fixed term of years- The agreement for mutual tariff reductions is con tained in two letters dated January one from Messrs Fielding and to Mr P Knox United States Secretary of State other from Mr Knox to Messrs and From tha letter of the Canadian Representatives we take the follow ing extract We look for the continuance of the arrangement not- because either Party is bound to it but because of our conviction that the more liberal trade policy thus to be established will be viewed by the people of the United States and Canada as one which will strengthen the friendly re lations now prevailing and promote the commercial interests of Mr Knox said I take great pleasure in replying that your state- the proposed agreement is entirely in accord with my under standing of it In the face of these clearcut statements there is no shadow excuse for the publication or circulation of lying statements such as that refer red to Mr arid The Globes correspondent What sort of council Cause can it be that requires to be buttressed by lies Dr Indian Root Pills have a remarkable record for consistently curing purifying the banishing both countries headaches and clearing the skin a bo everywhere Qeorginh Council ii Dr J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto also Licentiate of the as fi England Former clinical assistant rfoorfielda Eye Hospital and Uni- College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England- omceCor Main and Timothy Telephone No HO Consultation erfSces may be had at any hour of the day or night by calling at office or phone the Time Card Toronto GOING NORTH a rn p 1025 340 A Teacher honored Last Friday about two hundred residents of Green Rivet in the of met on the beautiful lawn of Mr A Fuller for the of bidding farewell to Mr and Mrs A Lehman on the eve departure for Richmond Hill where Mr Lehman has been engaged as Principal of the Public School MrIehman is a son of Mr During the evening the Section advantage the occasion to present Mr Leh man who has had charge of the school there for the past eleven years with an address and a quar tercut Oak Combined Writing and Hook Case- Short speeches were made by the trustees and others ex pressing their regret at the removal from the village of such an efficient teacher and respected citizen Regular meeting oi above was held at on Saturday Aug Members present Minutes of previous meeting read adopted Several communications and ac counts were laid before the council The Clerk was instructed to write Mr John Graham and draw his to the fact that the officials of the township had engaged a lo bury a sheep owned him Match come from England with him and a Fife Birch will be taken to England by Mr Humphrey his peo ple who arc well connected weal- Mr had a little thy having communicated that experience on Thursday morning last s cable at- I which will likely have a good effect upon the owners of motor boats He I man I went to his about and found what appeared be HARDWARE STORE ELEGTR mm You Can Save Money By Buying Froi From Us w Full Line of Councillors Stiles and Lake were quantity of water in the hold He ordered to examrnc the Mossington the pumps to work and the liquid Bridge on Lake Shore Road and have intruder was soon dispelled me put in a safe condition for trav- J is fond of a si el Now Oar Toronto better s put in a safe condition for tr is fond smoke and in acceptance of the of an early morning desire call of Beverley the Rev David Miller of Glasgow of the Baptist to- indulge his fondness in this regard Church of this city he lit his pipe But the effect was A says that I more spontaneous and spectacular Politics will not he discussed at the A grant of was made to Sutton Agricultural Society The Reeve was granted months leave of and Councillor Shier j than he anticipated for when the Exhibition luncheons appointed to act in his absence Several accounts were ordered paid lighted match was thrown into the water its touch responded with a Liberal candidates will contest all the Divisions of Toronto at the ByLaw providing for the of Name that HI led the whole elecfions of County Township School rates was passed after which Coun cil adjourned to meet at on Saturday November at pm GOING SOUTH Leave market Toronto m p Strang Betting Case Furnace Work PlumWng of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Neat to Smiths Grocery SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA ASKATCHEYAN t lin LOW COLONIST RATES A Humbug There is the rounds in New market at the present time humbug prayer in the shape of a chain letter It was started by some freak 3 years ago who said it was from the pen of Ivawrence Mass- Bishop Lawrence disclaimed any knowledge the prayer and did his best to stop the fake but it has spread to the Colonies of Britain and now it has made advent in Newmarket The following in the prayer AN Oh we implore ihe lelp us from all evil and take us to dwell with The eternally Copy and see what will happen It was said in Jesus time that all who will copy this prayer and tend it to friends will great Joy H who will not copy it v ill meet with some Dont break the chain The wonder of wonders is that in these 20th Century days we have peo ple who are enough to write nine copies of it for fear of impending calamity Throw it in the stove Last lti Clubs lawn a fcplctlid game was played by against JFi and in a win for W A On Thursday Menar lt Lister by shots On Dr lawn a ft Dr Unit fit and bat a Brad ford team composed of Holt by shots Dr lints lawn Is splendid con dition and it a pleasure to play on it Nov is the time for some of to get to the door his beard and hair singed called for help Some campers across the river rush ed over in canoes and the flames were Montreal Aug Their parents So extinguished but not before con- having wagered that they could J damage bad been done The not do the stunt David Kennensohn top was burned the outside boathouse The supposed water in shooting at Long Branch this the boat had been gasoline and said to have been below the whole surface within the building was standard The tricky winds are held afire With some difficulty he responsible ight Supplies feeing mm Mi Paints Oils Glass Etc j A a AN ft mm t The arrest of Karriest Joufret on Saturday prevented his fourth mar riage The three women to whom he had been married arc all alive He appears to he a bigamist all right The exploding of a coal oil stove in a house at Triller and Arthur Brooks students at the Connecticut State University start ed from their home in Norwich Conn two weeks ago to walk to Montreal earning their living by the way By their wager they had three Weeks in which to do 150 miles They reached here yesterday having taken tist two weeks and twelve hours and with thirteen cents sur plus capital of the boat was scorched the Wcy Harry Thursday ions were largely destroyed and of last week destroyed all the interior of the boathorn was dam aged The incident Will he of some tangible value to motor boat ovu lars generally who will be prompted thereby to use even greater caution tents in handling lighted matches in the vicinity of gasoline boats viiie Forester furniture in the place except a law kitchen chairs House was damaged to the extent of covered by in surance No insurance on the con- Summer Sale STORE CLOSES EVERY Wednesday Afternoon DURING- JULY AND AUGUST f I Toronto Jobbing House i The Popes Illness Rome Aug The Pope has al most completely recovered from his recent serious illness He heard mass Saturday in his private Chapel He no longer complains of pain in knee The physicians however a a precautionary measure urge fur ther rest There is no doubt that barring ac cidents within a week the win have practically recovered but it is an open secret that his health will not be completely restored for sonic time and there will be a long per iod convalescence No public audi ences likely to held before Oc tober The doctors insist on the Ion rest cure as the only for avoid iu a Possibly fatal relapse Pius however unlike his predecessor does not cling to life in convinced that he is not to live long and being a superstitious nature is inclined believe the tradition- he will pontificate only one year more Fatal Auto Accident AND HELL wealthy citizens to keep weir During the riots in Walts on ten men were by an plosion London Aug ilsf King lOeorge has gone to Scotland for I groUMihoitlng but be been in Special Trains fXtX Ann Trains Colonist Car on all Trains Mo choree Trains Toronto to Vinnipe and L ATKINSON un by giving to the graphic a bowling green This is the Premier Mr and opportunity which may not- occur had Intended to return to London again and a M would be strike trouble kept up any predated by present as well as I longer When he received the news future that be strike had been settled the On Monday evening a large crowd I King wired his congratulations to was the grounds to x games the Government between vs Fergus and Willis vs These games were probably the best iwwling seen on the green this bad the of who for and this explains success the Wth end the was tie Cleaning Glueing I Greenhouses on the the Canadian put it shot A good game ended Fergus fowling and Willis played len- did It the former Willis The on Monday night leases winner of and winner of to cm fro ittt Two young lives were instantly crushed out late Sunday evening in an automobile accident which happened on the Dundas road a few miles west of The bursting of a tire while automobile was travelling at a very high rate of Speed is be to have been the caute of the car swerving and turning over sever al times crushing the two occupants to death Clyde Birch of U Church Street Toronto age years em ployed by Mr Win of the Bros wholesale confec tioners and Miss Koehn of Sheridan Ave Toronto age IS a native of Out arc the vie- liins of the accident Only one eye- witness of the affair has been found lie is Mr Melville Watson of Dixie and he said that he Was driving In his buggy when the automobile pass- led him at a speed He around watch it and saw it suddenly turn over He ran to the scene of the accident asking if any body was hurt but received no re ply lie was then joined by Mr L Shaver and the two of found the bodies of the girl and man They must have been almost instantly killed for the girls skull bad been broken and the mans chest in badly Marshall Sutton was notified hut after inves tigation decided that no was necessary The car was lying shat tered in the ditch It not morning that Mr owner of the machine acquainted with the facts and jbfi said that had given permission to Birch US tk the automobile out Sunday evening was- found in Identifying tin young mans body but It was some time before It was found out who the girl was Finally her name was discovered on a postcard room Her par ents live at ihrrlin whence tin girl had come short lime ago The remains of Ihc unfortunate girl will be sent for What the real cause of the dent was nobody will ever know say that Heaven means harmony while hell means out of said a minister in a recent Sunday sermon Primarily and they are inward conditions of the secondarily they are the exter nal results of these conditions Heaven is the state of the soul in which the Image and reflection of iod dwells in which love peace joy wisdom and power arc united Such a soul dwells in heaven and Creates a heavenly atmosphere Hell the presence of the opposite con dition wilfulness hardness coldness selfishness Some seem think heaven is a place which if ve can squeeze into we shall he eternally happy They forgdt that is largely a condition of mind depending not so much upon cur ex ternal surroundings as upon the har mony of our nature with our environ ment Mere entrance into heaven Will not constitute happiness No place in Ihc universe would he heaven without the essential elements of happiness within the soul It is is a law of our being that the soul abandoned to sin has the elements of hell lire within earths hells are those greed stinginess hypocrisy intemperance unhappy Monies guilty conscience gambling and the evil all of them blighting blasting damn- human souls Hardware Newmarket phone it J 30 Adelaide St W Toronto they are I a a i Order Your Flowers Decoration Day EARLY on Wo LAIAUOLi I BAH J I The held their monthly in be Methodist Church j At meeting dele- were appointed to the Convention which in to bo held at Whitby xt meeting will be held in HO NEED of Late and Wants ft PERRIH J FOR FLETCHERS J D1X and Collar Maker AND attention to REPAIRING I Binder also carry a lull Hue of tight Axle Hits Whips Sweat Fly Sheets Plough tines Collars Brushes Hoof Ointment Cure etc Manufacturer of all kinds of HARNESS opinion that the front tin burst an I that the put the brakes on too quickly The sudden the car to overturn and the occu pants had no time to even Jump Hie auto is completely wrecked and tie roadway signs of accident it lin torn up or lime distance Birch had come to Toronto last winter from San and It believed that his parents live In Angeles California Mr Sent a telegram to them but If he receives no word ioffc alter the funeral himself He to the chauffeur as a very steady young man and a careful driver ft wan found on Monday that the homo of Birch wan in Hastings He left home months ago and lived in the States tor a while He came to Toronto Angeles with friend who It Is city soil that is best adapted to raising a crop of wild oats Montreal Aug While the railway bridge at Terrebonne fast J night two boys a terrible accident resulting in the of the younger Jos aged elev en years and serious Injury to his older brother yrs The lads were hall way across the bridge when saw the lights a locomotive approach loosing his brad completely the younger brother plunged Into the river and was drowned The older one crowded himself the rails atone side of the track and was struck by the passing train Help soon arrived anil attended wounds of the injured boy who is likely to re cover The younger boys body was found today- Admiral the Japanese Kel son now touring this Country Is jut five feet high comfortably trim to fulness of figure and allghtly bandy legged He holds his rigidly erect walks a little step Hl face Is mahogany brown all broken into little wind wrinkles about the eyes and with lines of force from nose to mouth His arc with the cheeks he pattern and markedly upturning A grizzled that to striving under limita tions covers all his chin and loops up about his ears he talks Admiral voice Is low and de void of accent or His help Ml speech particularly when he li talking with one ol bis countrymen they are constantly lighting up and Ming to a blank expression Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Office See our 1 1st of pfrtlcS for Sale Parties going West will hud it to their advantage to call see us We have on our 1 1st Some the Very licit Land both private and sli the MANU- Total If you iuu thinking of Life Insurance we nave it in It is Very that we should have the privilege of explaining to you of Abstainers Investment Policy with privilege Or If thinking of Insurance we have it Safe Sound In ASSURANCE of London or the l CO Oldest undone ol tho Strongest Companies in the World or UNION ASSUR ANCE of London England Try our Heaver Brand Hardwood Flooring Manufactured by Sea man Kent Co of for tho Hardwood Floor you want We have on our list a good Business proposition Anyone going Into Business Town It would be to their advantage to communi cate with us Si Builders and Contractors Newmarket i a IS J

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