Newmarket Era , December 9, 1910, page 6

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f J -v- V 1 NV if Albert Telephone SELL OUT MANAGER Selling at Wholesale Prices 9 Best Granulated Sugar Ban Comfort Soap a Com Meal Hi Com Flakes for Corn Starch for a pack age Star Ammonia for tea regular 30c for regular for regular- for Coffee regular for lb Washing Soda 3 Its for 5c Sulphur regular lbs for Pot Barley regular 5c Jelly Powders regular age or for Epsom Salts regular for 2c Baking Powder regular for Silent Parlor Matches a Coal Oil 20c a gallon HARTMAN METHODIST CHURCH The annual Thanksgiving Offering services will be held in Methodist Church next Sunday Dec Rev R BA of of will preach at 3 pm and pm for lb MOUNT ALBERT METHODIST CHURCH It is expected that Rev will preach in the Mount Albert- Methodist Church next Sun day morning The evening service will be withdrawn on account of the annual Thankoffering services at ENTERTAINMENT A grand concert under the auspices of the Mount Albert branch of the North York Womens Institute will be held in the Methodist Church on Friday evening Dec In addi tion to local talent Mr Do BALDWIN BREEZES Our sincere heartfelt doublejointed thanks are due the Era staff for the faultless manner in which they have set up the Breezes when you con sider the almost undecipherable char acter of my cherography to a set em up you have boys I know that it is a dry town but theres of candies and theyre worth tons of whiskey We had our first introduction to genuine- simonpure winter on Tuesday last week The introduc tion was scarcely over ere I fancied I heard a knock at my door I open ed it King Grippe was there and at hold of me- His grip was so firm as though he meant it It reminded me of my coz Frank Terry in our boyish and scrambles I mortally dreaded to get In the vicrIike grip of those paws of his Grippe caught me in the small of the back inflammation f SHARON tenor Mrs Wright Miss A backache plaster alto Mr A Miller and he next made for bass Miss elocu- They say disease al- and Mr C slide for the weakest spot Miss Ethel Hall is spending a week In Toronto The annual Sunday School Concert will be held in the Township Hall Friday evening Dec 16 A good program will be given commencing at 8 oclock Miss Jean Scott- the talented young elocutionist who was so well received last year will again be present served at close of program After a lingering illness Mr Isaac Shell died at the home of his daugh ter Mrs Gordon Bailey The on Monday was largely attended the remains being interred in Zephyr Cemetery A certain young man has a young ladys rubber Owner may have same by catling at a house on Union street Dont forget the Hockey Club Box Social next Tuesday evening Dec 13th shoe shop is located in Mr Foggs old building six houses from the Metropolitan station and Hank is already getting busy HOLLAND LANDING The Christ Church Ladies Guild are again to be congratulated on the success of the Sausage Social and Entertainment which took place last Wednesday The object was ip pro vide additional light for the church and new hymn books The llnunclal result was so satisfactory that it is hoped to have them in use before Christmas After a most enjoyable supper the Holland Landing Drama tic Society gave a highly creditable rendering of the comedy Love Money The dramatic was as follows Col Van Triton Mr Everett Glover to which we wish to call your attention to The QUALITY of these- goods is No They are in fact worth fully half as much more as we are asking for them i r trombone have been secured from sciz me See posters for full par- struggle ensued I finally made him ticulars PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH At the recent Communion service in the Church eight names were added to the list of communicants Of these four were by certificate and DRY GOODS regular He for lie of faith for yard Last Sabbath Rev for Shirting regular for 12c Tea Towelling regular lie regular for Thread all kinds a spool Table Linen regular for 20c yard Everything in Dry Goods and Shoes Hardware etc at Cost Price FWSMITH Queensville I Cameron took as his text Stand fast therefore in the liberty where with Christ hath made you free His topic was the struggle for reli- freedom as exemplified by the by the bill and a great lh general store I finally made him at the beat an ignominious retreat by liber- Township ol North ally dosing him with York has burglarized Quinine Tablets As he departed Mr owns a without any further hostile demon- general stock valued at from ten to I refrained from a strong Keen thousand dollars inclination to hasten his departure Monday Chief Con- by a prod with my pen Disere- stable- J P of York tion is the better part of valor 1 communicated with and I am cases of Sutton has French is making it uncomfortable for a ssue lhe of lightfingered gentry Some- in Persons were taken into custody body perhaps wanting to assist in the Thompson jer The court may investigate entity of stolen clothing was PERSONAL lit It will if requested covered in several houses In North Mrs and Mrs Milton Draper spent I A burning agitating all instable J Sunday with friends in Sutton An where tliei Better Than The in MilHner at I up to present exceeded expectations far surpassing any previous season Miss White Can Please You if anybody can Why wear an old bonnet when everybody else Is getting the latent and the beat fctyle And the way the trade in general is increasing is proof that we are pleasing our customers Call at the Reliable Store C COLE KESWICK git Mr and Mrs Ceo of Beth- Pi Tom Echo answers Where esda were visitors at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Terry last week Mr Evans of was visiting relatives in town last week Mrs Davis spent a few with her parents Mr and Mrs Terry Today Tuesday our Miss Ve ra has attained what is to my view the loveliest stage of young womanhood ie her eighteenth birth day I can say and say truthfully many good things concerning Vera She is the possessor of many admir able qualities of mind and heart She Store in North Looted Robert Acton Mr Sidney Harold Weston Mr Ivan Away back since the month of Louise Herndon Miss Cecilia Taylor Miss Morton Miss Inez Fuller Mrs Ambrose Miss Perry Marjory Ambrose Miss Edith The performance reflected great credit on all who took part in it During the so los were given by Miss Salter ihd Miss Flora The Independent Order of Friends will attend service at Christ on Sunday evening next at oclock Miss Kate of Toronto is spending a few days Miss Mr I spent in He says the walking from Newmarket is good Miss Marsh spent 1 few days week in Newmarket Hob has retired from active life He handed over No to Master Mechanic Scott last week and Ice keeping her moving Hob is in the city this week taking in he sights Marshall hit the pike last Wednes day morning Jim Smith is raking No over the road now- Buffalo Bill is still acting con ductor on No He says he was down to the city over Sunday and that everything is OK Womans Double Knit black- wool Mitts Elbow Length Regular for 30c 2 Womens Felt Boots Kid Vamp good strmJ leather soles Regular 5175 for 3 A fine line of Regular for Mens extra Heavy Tweed Pants Regular for 5 Boys Shoe Packs oil tan Regular for SI Mens Wool Sweaters all kinds all sizes Regular SI no and for I age 21 Leslie is a popular favorite and leader Miss Olive Lloyd entertained a mini- amongst our young folks and in her of her young friends at pleas- business clerking at the store birthday parly on Saturday and obliging She is now under Mrs 1 McLean and daughter Miss Canadian laws qualified to receive Irene returned last week from a vis- applications for her hand and heart it with relatives at Thornton and Toronto Mrs Paisley spent the weekend at guest of Miss Could Miss Alice Smith spent Monday in the city La On the title page of a magazine which a gentleman friend Rends me is an illustration of a young Canadian wearing la La tocque for ages immemorial has been the national winter headgear of Smith the genial agent at habitant or French Canadian It has With warrants in his pocket Brown proceeded to North on Tuesday morning of last week to get Thompson and Rose After arrest ing the men the party were forced to stay ail night in the burg and came to Toronto next morning when the men were locked in the jail as there is no lockup in that district Con stable Brown had to stay up and keep an eye on bis men all night long in the house where they were arrest ed Before Brown went back after he arrested young in Toronto With three men in the lockup Brown proceeded to get his last man who was working in Walter Thompsons lum ber camp on the seventh concession of East and after a lit tle chat Brown brought to Toronto appeared before the station returned this week gradually wore its way into favor from his vacation which he spent til it become the chief Magistrate and was friends at During Mr of young Canada and you must to up with Ihfl For Choice Breed ing Ewes Berkshire Boars and Sows Bred to Imported Boar Jznty Co we and Heifers J B stops at Farm Phone You Ought to Sec Our Xmas Fruits before buying QUALITY the very BEST and the prices- Select Valencia Raisins lbs for 25c cents Thompson Seedless Raisins 10c per lb Griffin Seeded Raisins per lb Best Cleaned Currants per lb The list in Peels Spices Fruit Candy etc at the most moderate of prices- Get Interested in the Voting Contest THE SMALL BILLS us sec a sample of your Clover Seed I Out is fur ftv item CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS nun fin DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT TERRY MANAGER Mirth bars a thousand harms lengthens life Shakespeare and Local Option for Sutton YONGE STREET NORTH The Poplar Hank School is having a Christmas Entertainment on Dec Dont miss it Every effort is being put forth to make it a success The program will consist of drills sungs and tableaux The amateurs will play The Obstin ate Family a special feature of the evening will be The Holy City illustrated and sung by Mr Barker Metropolitan Car No I WINTER TERM In the Central Business Col lege of Toronto begins Ian The business world initt crowded with competent If you Possess a training graduate from we guarantee to place you in a position or refund yotir tuition Everything is in favor Send or new cata logue today and learn more about our plan to help you Central College it The School for i borough Training a THE GUILD The Guild held its final Literary meeting for this year last Wednesday night The topic was Famous Peo ple and the following twelve j sketches were represented j Sir Isaac Newton Miss General Gordon Case General Washington Mr- Harold President MIhr Sum Sir Edwin Landsecr Mrs I For rest Laura Olive Joan ol Arc Miss Moore Martin Luther Miss Peters Stephenson Master Lyh Stokes Thomas Edison Miss Gould Darling Miss Florence Dr Mr In connection with her sketch Mrs Cameron surprised and delighted her audience by reciting Mo A particfjlariy in- the yjllagf which resulted in eldest daughter of Herbert Xluu While playing about the house childs clothes fire ran into the open air wind fanned the lame so vi if at before they could be by the lit tie girlV body terribly burned much fcuHering death followed on Saturday II child was a favor ite from J he best a self tant one of known book A talented and trained accident occur- Cameron the French- on night Canadian with a facility pos- death of only to one reared in the land of the habitant so it is no wonder that her inimitable Interpretation of Dr poem fairly took her hearers storm nor would they be content till Mrs Cameron re plied to the persistent encore by an other selection from the same author f he musical part of the about Baldwin These hats also are quite becoming to some of our young ladies when modestly wont but when worn a reckless manner who the Sam Hill cares They give the wearer a rowdy expres sion quite in keeping in many eases with their character J 1 Foster is the first to make a vigorous tackle on the hush lie has already grit up a large amount has purchased four acres In wood- i craft Joe Is a wiseacre Beyond the temporary inconvenience hope nothing serious may result from Wallers experience in wood splitting It is clearly evident that his forte does not lie ft that direc tion neither does Prof Owls HI defective vision makes clipping oil I toes Overhead lines are to be watched out for when at such a fob Since the biographical sketch Mistress Idas pig was written sev eral Important Changes have arisen As a reward Of merit for jovial disposition the little Chap has keen They are Magistrate thought the evidence ad duced sufficient to put him on trial at a higher court Gates and I went in together He took sonic cigarettes and I took some plugs of tobacco and a pair of nocks said Rom- in telling his story They forced open the bolt which held the bottom of the door he said Gates was on his mothers hail while the others will Stay In jail until all appear before Morgan next Tuesday in keeping with the excellence of the Messrs and A for of J Brooks 0chm A A M Diln F Franklin J Cain p Fle J Mainprise Johnston Oliver and V PL Thfjk Murray A Corner Interns Corner Brooks and equal Corner- it Teacher gave ft duets old and Bonnie Ides the accordion solo by Mr and also responded to encores The Sunday School choir Where the Morning Glories Twine Another numb which Over the Draper appreciated was Ocean Blue by Messrs Mr If Rom presided and gave an address which though brief was ap propriate Instructive ftrd interest ing i he meeting closed with the srd benediction pronounced by Cameron the of opinion Is that the Literary has a suc cession of splendid meeting year each one a little better than its awarded a are as much alike as two course being Irish they had to have a scrap to see whos v ho Nov they are truly amicable May prosperity at tend them rides by rail are not all theyre cracked up to be especially when compulsory A Sutton crook has flown to avoid such a treat We have here some young men worthy of public note They are model young men Charles Anderson Is one of our very finest For straightforward honorable business and social life he leave to bo desired ills simple promise Is pre ferable to most mens bonds Bert ram Chapman is another young of fine moral and Intellectual worth prettily and friends may well leproiid of attendee him Lieut Hiram Cringle sets a fine to Canada his kindness and consideration his mother and sisters I know what am saying for some rough and tough weather from now Mr took a busi ness trip to Toronto on Tuesday There was no school on morning owing to some defect In the furnace pipes which required inten tion Mr Cody and Miss Cain are preparing for an afternoon Christmas Concert to he given by the scholars in the school house before the Christ mas vacation Miss Milne of the north school Is also preparing a Christmas Concert In her school Mrs Stephens spent several days School Reports Report for November Junior Di vision Senior Class Walter Hill Hi lary Stephens Wright Floyd Watson Ralph Launcelot Wright Raymond Watson Junior Bertha Ethra Willie Oxford McNeill Kathleen Moore peter Milne Byron Hill Ralph Hill Floyd Mitchell Part Emma Donald Pearson Marie Watson Alice Basil Miller Pearl Miller Smith Senior At the Local Option meeting in the Town Hall on Friday Dec 2nd an instructive address was given J I McKay editor of the Express- Herald After speaking of several places where Local Option prevailed and as a result business conditions were better the speaker turned his atten tion to Newmarket One convincing proof that there is more business done in the own is that the Carrying trade is increased In spite of this fact there has been a decrease of per month in ex press charges on liquor from May to Oct 1010 the hooks of the Express Company show an aver- age increase per month of This makes a total increase in express in merchandise brought in of per The Travelling Xmas is Coming MRS as well P CHAPELLE has as well as her present store out for Christmas the store oc cupied by Mr- in order to make a better display of her goods and give Better Satisfaction to her customers who are looking for suitable presents And we have them for old and young Dolls by the Toys by the carload China and Glassware Hooks Stationery Postcards the Thou sand MRS P CHAPPELLE the- Express Co states that like conditions- prevail whpreever Lo cal Option has been introduced In answer to the argument that Lo cal Option will ruin accommodation the speaker showed that the market Temperance House is proving Angus j good business Investment In the first six months the most trying Primer Wright lean TORONTO LETTER Marjory Gordon Ethan Alice Smith- Junior Primer Fred Ar thur Hill Cun ningham Cecil Wed do Tablet Class Lena Smith Jean McNeill Bond Irene Charlie Doane P Cain Tcacbc P Ret For the information of our contemporary or any others who may be exercised on account of omission of four post in North York In our review of the time of any business Undertaking a of declared mnk- a yearly dividend at least on investment and that after a sum was laid aside for improvements It furnishei the best accommodation Newmarket has had Travellers say that this per day Hotel is equal to any per day Hotel In country Doth from a moral and from bus iness point of view Option Is a complete success It was regretted that Mayor Pear son was unable to he present because of illness Wood for Con Bast Gwillimbury to in to purchaser in Toronto last week Miss Frank Milne is assisting In the Telephone this week villagers are enjoying books selected by the Public Library Hoard The Hockey Hoys Social is to be held On Tuesday Dec young peaple ol the community ore cordially invited to and join In the merriment I Last Wednesday was the of a pretty wedding at the home Mr and Mrs Kemp Thompson their daughter was united to Mr Harvey of Newmarket A McNeil their forming the ceremony The bride gowned In white satin van attended and his friend Head On their return from Wedding trip Mr and Mrs will reside In Newmarket Another wedding In the village was postal service for last ye ar we now take occasion to supply 1 the Cy Total venue Allowance 1 KG is marked as being In New Instead of Ontario BUTTON A public meeting of citizens at Hall on Wednesday night passed resolutions condemning the rules the street car company After the meeting a fierce riot followed Many were in jured by missiles thrown car windows cars were damaged Mrs author of Sowing Seeds in Dannie and the ScCCM Chance is announced to give read ings at McMaster University Friday evening under the auspices of the Womens Literary Society Mr Levee lias decided not to enler the the mayoralty next Miss years of age hat missing from her home lor the week Several prominent Toronto waited on Civic Committee this week and urged to get busy in Organising an Hon bring tourists to this city Looking after main chance of course For 8ae A and wind stacker al io a Apply to THAVlPrt Holt Tho Congregation Knox Church Sutton will celebrate the of the opening of their church on Sunday Dec 1Mb and on Monday Dec On of the church and now of Vctor preach both morning and evening Special will be rendered by the choir On Monday evening Dec re will be the anniversary social In St James Hall A really good pro gram music and readings will ho given and refreshments will be serv ed It hoped that not only the congregation but also our many friends will gather to rejoice with In our anniversary Program at Sutton Methodist Sunday relieve and cure of the stomach the active needed for the digestion of all kinds of food 50c a box National Drug find Chemical Co of that of Mfsfl Amy Foster and Arthur of on Wed nesday of this week A Mac- officiating fdr Vm Hill on Tuesday had the misfortune to lose a very valuable cow for- which ho had recently paid between two and three hundred dol- larH the Cantata and Tree In tho ChUI Oh St James Hall on the evening Thurwlay Dec 0 evening 21 ENTIRELY NEW IN EVERY LINE Dry Goods Rubbers STOCK Winter Underwear Hats and Caps Wool Knit Coat Sweaters Fine Rubbers for Men Ladles and Children Mens Heavy Winter Rub bers voting contest for purpose holding the Ladles Aid is creating an twit A proram Is being arranged and a good time Is Watch this column In our next weeds Issue when further particular will appear interest Children Cry FOR A Boots Dishes Shoes for Everybody Fancy Designs In Chlnaware Old Willow Clover Leaf Plain White TolIotSet Groceries at Lowest Prices WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE AND PROMISE TO USE NORMAN S Vi it a win appear UrJSr a iiS -j- TRY Us a Shaven I iolt A J I A to mt I i YOU SQUARE YORKE ttiteii

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