i I T J B I J L J I THE NEWMARKET ERA HMD AY FEBRUARY Weeks fTHAT OX A Wne Lecture Knowles Gait the author of St the Attic Quest and minister of Presbyterian Church in Canada will lecture on Second Fiddlers in he Town Hall on Monday Feb A largo attenrfamx Is Down to Business hens are beginning ibeir work for replenishing the with Spring activity but not many of them can equal the sample Silver Wyandot egg which Miss Park ins sent lo the editor last Saturday It measures Inches in by inches and weighs 1 ounces can beat it Newmarket high School The now Principal Mr J entered upon his duties last Tuesday morning- and the Trustees who wore present as well as the pu pils were highly delighted with his opening address He appears to Have a thorough grasp of the situation and w have no doubt trmt under his management the school will maintain its former creditable standing Lots of last Sunday The Foresters big concert tic Town last Mrs Jackson is laid up a sprained ankle Farmers Institute at Aurora to day and Newmarket tomorrow Mr Blizzard has got a pret ty fine display room full farmers requisites Bear Saw His Shadow Trainmen from up North report that old saw his shadow on Wednes day and without murmur or com plaint quietly retired to his winter quarters lor another six weeks ac cording to the traditions early settlers of part of the continent of America It the part wisdom not to discard flannels or al low the furnace to go out till alter St Patricks Day SCHOMBERG Agricultural Society held their annual meeting and it was well attended finances were reported in a aTorable conditio The following were elected lor the ensuing year President I Shaw 1st J J Edwards 2nd ton to attend the wedding his cou sin R It rooks and were Ben USE POWDER AND NEVER I I BUTTERICK FASHION BOOK With Delineator LEMONY ILLS Presbyterian Church At the annual congregational meet ing hold a couple ol weeks ago all reports were very satisfactory shew- increases all the line in numbers and amounts raised dur ing the past year All the officers were reelected The worshippers at the Presbyter- Ian Church are promised a rare treat i on Sunday next when they are to have the services of Mr Fred Davidson of the Heather Male Quar tette of Toronto All lovers of music would do well to hear this fine art ist and the Management are to be complimented in giving the people of Newmarket the opportunity of again bearing him Salt Icy Sidewalks Experts tell us that a sprinkling of coarse salt will soften the most stubborn ice Of course it takes tame The salt will not shovel the roe off hut it will disintegrate it to such an extent that it can be easily removed with a shovel Salt is more effective as a sidewalk cleaner than ashes and is not so apt to stir up the anger of the lady of the house who dislikes to see her carpets soiled Friends Church There was a full house last Sunday evening to see the pictures the Life of Christ and Friends Mis sionary Work in Japan Next Sunday morning the Rev will occupy the pulpit and the pastor will be present for the evening service On Friday Feb the Willing Helpers purpose giving a social Sup pers will be served from six to eight and an excellent program will be fur nished Complimentary Banquet The editor of the Era has attended many banquets in Newmarket but lor completeness and uptodateness in every respect the banquet on Thurs day evening ol last week tendered by the business men Newmarket to the President General Manager and Directors of the Office Specialty Co it has never been equalled First ol all the Court was elegantly decorated with Hags and special electric lights tables with beautiful flowers and floor carpeted The menu embraced seven courses and was served in excellent style by numerous and obliging waiters In addition to the guests of the ev ening about men of New market surrounded the festive board and during the evening music was sup plied by Messrs DunkUy and Benton His Worship Mayor Pearson grace fully presided over a brief toast list The King was followed by a Stirling patriotic song His Majes ty The King by Mr son Potter secretarytreasur er Graham directors Neil McDonald John James Harvey Leonard Ed March- ant AM Lloyd John Deacon Josh Courtney Hart Davis Cupid got in his line work in which culminated in the marriage two of our popular young Libbie Hastings has returned fcomc spending a week with rel atives in Toronto Miss May spent a week with friends in There was a good attendance at the Church on Sunday tuning last The pastor Re A I preached a very appropriate sermon his subject being in people Mr Frank Koran and Annie The marriage ser vice was performed on Wednesday morning by lip Father Wedlock at the ft parsonage The young couple left on the early train for a thort honeymoon trip to Toronto and other places Miss Tracey acted as bridesmaid and Mr Francis he supported the groom their re- last Some ol our young men are expect ed to sing at League Friday even ing We hope there a good attendance has returned after spending a week rel atives in Mongolia Notwithstanding the Inclemency weather on Wednesday there was good attendance at turn Mr and Mrs Koran will reside the prayermeeting held at the home in- Their many lends of Mr Joseph with whom we heartily join wish Miss Raymer was the them a long prosperous and happy of Miss Sunday married life Dee ton World -oo- During This Month Many Lines MUST be Cleared Out to make room for Large Spring Imports The White Goods Sale will be continued this month to help along this Clearing Sale a in Heavy Rubbers and Over Shoes The prices will surprise you W A BRUNTON I There good aueudanceit he Ladies Aid Social which was held at the home Mrs Edgar last Thursday evening An enjoyable and profitable time was spcut amounted to about th close of program the following ad dress was read by Mr and the presentation a purse a sum money was trade by Mrs To Mrs Otto Tranmer Dear Mrs We the members adherents David- Methodist Church iu desire hereby to convey to Horn on Jan to Mr Mrs Art Marshall a daughter Miss Terry and her niece from Newmarket are visiting her bro ther Mr Milton Terry Miss Lulu Crosby of Zephyr is vis iting her uncle Mr Milton Terry Mrs Long of is vis iting her brother Mr Gear Miss Mabel Elliott is spending a lew days in the city Mrs John Curtis is visiting her daughter Mrs of Auro- to the Provincial Govern ment to purchase House on Cornet of King and Streets it through it will mean the erection of a new Gov House in another pari the city Newmarket Markets Feb Fall Wheat per bush Mr Jenkins was the guest of Oats per bush Barley per bush per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Hotter per lb Eggs per Mr on Sunday last Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Geese per lb Turkeys per lb Miss Ethel Hambleton spent Sim- day in Newmarket At the home of Mr and Mrs Hugh a of London Mr Wildman of Toronto anil market Sale Register uetJie io convey lo you Guests was most heartily thanks lor services as church a very interesting event ived and responded to by Mr organist and to express our the afternoon of Yawman Mr Mr Lomb and for the happy event which the marriage of Mr Rous of Rochester Mr led you to resign that position We Wioir daughter Margaret assure you that your work so cheer- Archibald to Mr W of THURSDAY Feb Mr Schmidt ol New- and efficiently given was always appreciated and we sincerely that for many years lo come exceedingly pretty in of white silk mull As the march was being played the vice to the cause and kingdom of our room Lord and Master where the ceremony was performed by 51 00 0 25 00 CO 0 0 23 30 55 0 14 0 i floys Heavy Wool Hose Pair A CORSETS All the best The Ladies Store of Newmarket in trust Mr related the growth of the business in Rochester from you will find opportunity disposi- and one in to l to vour talents and ft two men and one people in with payment in wa ges last year of years ago the firm started in Newmarket with less than hands and a weekly J J will have a sale of arm stock including highgrade cows Implement furnitures etc on lot in 5th of Whitchurch Nine months credit or oft for cash Sale at am lunch at noon Prentice Hoover Will you expression kindly accept this slight Walter Amos in the presence TUESDAY Feb Frank of our gratitude and relatives willsonwili have important pay rollof now they have over wishes for your long and continued sale of cattle pigs implements 300 on the roll and pay in wages happiness and prosperity S50 per week nearly the whole Signed on behalf of the choir and which SILKS for SKIRT WAIST SUITS and PRINCESS GOWNS all the new Shades plain and fancy stripes Plain Colore Louesene for good looks and service this Silk is chiefly noted Regular for Fancy Stripe Paillette soft and free from dressing Regular for 69c Black Grain Silk or Coats and Dresses A rich corded or fine poplin weave Superior quality regular for All Wool Delaine 3 yard lengths Regular for yard DONT FORGET OUR ANNUAL WHITE GOODS SALE BIG REDUCTIONS IN MENS WINTER SUITS I PHONE of Mr whole is spent in Newmarket wr congregation by Rev Moore pas- visits this town about seven j tor The Misses Cleaver of Owen are visiting at Mr John this week Mrs is visiting relatives in Toronto Obituary One by one the active laudmarks of a past generation arc passing away Mark Arm Stage the subject this obituary was the son of and Anna Armitage born in 1821 In he married Margaret Scott and in 1869 they settled in then Wes tern Canada in the Township of where they resided continu ously till the time of his demise which took place on the at the advanced age years In re ligion deceased was a Quaker in politics a Liberal He leaves a widow one son and two daughters to mourn the Joss of a loving husband and father The relatives have our sympathy times a year and expressed very warns feeling towards the place Mr said the Company has never regretted locating in Newmar ket and expected that in the near the plant here would be doubled The visitors were driven about town during the afternoon and also Smith took a run through Pickering College I lower of Li visiting Mr- expressed his surprise at parents Mr Mrs J Lemon the progressive appearance of a good I took in tin Mrs of Reach is spending a few days with her sister and Mrs a very daintily provided repast A number of valuable presents were by the bride In the evening the bridal party left amidst a shower of good wishes for London and im mediate points The brides travel ling suit was a becoming shade of brown with a handsome white hat trimmed with white fur On tlieir return they will reside in many friends of Mr and Mrs Langford join in wishing them prosperity and happiness etc at Sharon commencing at 1 oclock No reserve months credit except for hay hogs and roots Missionary Banquet The Laymen of Fast of the Bradford District in connection with the Methodist Church have complet ed arrangements for a grand Mission ary Banquet in Mothodlst Church Newmarket on Tuesday evening of week The gentlemen selected as chairmen of the several committees is a guar antee of success and the gathering will be one of exceptional importance- The chairmen are Messrs W Hunter Newmarket T W Evans of Bradford York of Aurora ami John A Macdonald of King City The Banquet will he served by the Womens Missionary Society follow ing the reception in the church au ditorium at pm Vocal selections will be rendered by Mr Ralph Andrews of Aurora and Mr Eugene Barker ol Newmarket The speakers arc lion J Davis Newmarket and J L Starr KC of Toronto The former will peak on the Responsibility of the Church to Canada Rev 1 Nor man of Japan may possibly be pre sent The tickets are limited to Out side delegates will be supplied first and the balance will be disposed of in town If are anxious to attend secure your ticket early at lous Drug Store There will bo no appeal for money The objects of the gathering are and Inspira tional It will no doubt be a grand success town Mr considered the secret ol SUCCCSS was Plan Push and Qual ity of the goods which are being placed in the furthermost ends of the world Things are looking up In Newmarket His speech was also hu morous and very effective Our Mercantile and Manufacturing Industries was ably responded to by Messrs A and 11 S Cane As the guests of the evening had to leave on the 10 oclock car the toast list was cut short and proceedings closed by singing the National An them It was certainly an evening of good fellowship and will soon be for gotten Mr Proctor deserves treat credit for the manner ill which the catering was done and the Committee is io be congratulated on the suc cess of the affair on such short no tice i ol our citizens TORONTO LETTER concert in Stonfiville last Tuesday evening when Dr Cleaver of suller- recited the story Jean I u mind on Val Jean jnesday cut the external jugular vein in his wifes throat and then attempt- Feb Frank will have an unreserved sale of farm stock- and implements on I lot in the 3rd con of Sale at one oclock months THURSDAY Feb Mr Good will have an extensive sale of stock implements household effects ete on lot con East Sale at oclock months except for grain roots and furniture etc or off foe cash W If Feb The two- yearold son of Mr McCarthy was burned to death by his taking fire as he played about a small heating stove Tie Evidence of Your Eyes Is all you need weigh when selecting ono of our beauti ful watches It pays to buy the best watch you can afford j At our prices anybody can afford a pretty good one The handsome goMfittcd Ladles Watch warranted for years ffc show excellent value at Our Optical Department is supplied with all the best lines in spectacles ami eyeglass ware L CO- Jewolore and nt Railway and Steamship Tickets Issuer of Marriage Licenses l i ft o There was a attendance from here the Christian Church at Churchill on Sunday t hear the Rev Burr el Baptist minister r to r Miss Mable has returned to her home here after few weeks visit in Toronto Mr of spent Tues day with friends at Pine View Two of young people from here Dalian took trip to the skating rink at Mt Albert on Saturday evening and report a pleas ant time Frank always has a smile anil knows how to make you welcome We will often I Mr Sam Toronto spent last week with his mother here who was owing to a bad cold and took her back to the oily with him till alter the cold weather Owing to the extra good sleighing on Tuesday morning eight loads of pail timber left here at the same time for Newmarket The scril was you know in the rear Several of our sports went down to on the special train Wed nesday evening to see the hockey match between Stoufiville and Sutton and report a good time both at the game and on the train to see little Howard a severe attack of pneumo nia R and were guostsjat on- Sunday Miss Gladys rooks has skirted to take lessons in French twice scribe thinks Scotch should be sufficient Mr J school teacher of was a guest at Pine View on Tuesday Mrs Phil and Fred at Dixons Hill Thursday that Phil has bought the Speight farm as tak ing the oil it Mr and Mrs Samuel WcKcwon vis ited their brother at on Russell Anderson of Paid our town several visits of late Dig Miss entertained guests from on Sunday Mr A Robinson has gone to terribly painful Railway Companies have his own lift ease The The biography the life that made writes charity in the largest letters OF NT Established CAPITAL ALL PAID OP PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 1 I I I I 00 12000000 Branches at all important in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Hanking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customer- of the OUrio Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS j fiaaff2stQ ffjiiga a J A DOING r It will pay you to wait until Friday 11th Tell your friends about it I Next weeks paper Also Large Circulars They will you the entire story f X WANTED Salesmen and Salesladies MILLARDS BLOCK Apply at once