i I I Weeks Sf fc -A- Tim Earners institute that VS to have been held in Mount Albert on Jan will be held in r Sutton West I I I STORE Go to out winter ahead as Sleigh ride Party Christian Endeavor visited Endeav or- at the Church near Van- or on Tuesday and hag a splendid time returning home mahout one oclock wr j if Ikaver Cloth model Coat length our lines BLACK and tailored collars Pill Reduced a try fame A Mend to make a good steady fa pes dozen at AULEY v Material I Christian Church The Ladies the Christian Church holding a talent sale of home made on Feb in the the Church Doors open at oclock The ladies expect to reputation for Come and prove at Brief lets The next dance of the Ten nis Club will be held on Friday even ing Feb in the Bank Toron to Hall Dont the Supper in in the Presbyterian Church next Tuesday evening- Last Social The young people ot St Pauls Church are holding a last social be- lore Lent in the Sunday School next Wednesday evening Feb at ocloc when there wall be games music and as usual All will be made cordially Welcome Baoquet MlsfiionanraiiqU5 faTtlhe- Church OTwmarfce CO Tuesday Supper by oclock Hon Da vis The Churchs Canada Mr J of Toronto fill speak World will I he good music No will be made In the best played and fastest game of St Rauls defeased Newmarket at Mutual street rink last Wednesday by score of score at hall time being 33 The game was a hard fought dne from start to finish both teams playing good St Pauls proved to be the stronger the result they were forcing the Tafc- of the second half of the game few minutes previous the call Newmarket led by one but by a hard and strenuous fight St the remain ing goal The Talagoos played well but showed a little weakness near the although they rained on the St Pauls nets they were unaMe to increase the score Two goals should have been credited to them in the second bail first scrim mage in the St Pauls goal which was not allowed while the j second time the puck was light Inside the posts but the umpire would not al- SPEECH FROM THRONE FORESHADOWS Home Circle Wednesday night being the regular Both teams now tied for the District and it is likely that they will have play sudden death game at Judging by the game last Wednesday Newmarket will win and an ex cellent showing and ithc Stovepipe Blond d splendid on the right The second the second Parliament whose destines will Sir James Whitney was opened by hisHbn6rtheLiuteiiahV- at presence of Mfs- and this year made the scene more brilliant than fori years past The Chamber was croVded Jong before the arrival of His Honor J the right the Speaker two rows of chairs were members desks and three seats were reserved oh the light hand for Mrs rfibson and next sat Lady Miss Mrs PyheJrs Han- Mrs Beck Mrs Hendrie Mrs Cochrane Mrs Duff Mrs Lucas Mrs Crawford Jjj On the other side sat Charlton Mrs W i Cotton Mrs Sweoney Crawford J Gage John King Mrs Geary Mrs A Mrs A Mrs Representatives of the bench the churches the bar the militia and other prominent citizens faced the Speakers chair among those being the of Toronto the Bis hop of Toronto Rev Carman Archdeacon Cody Rev Dr his Worship Jhe Mayor Chief Justice- Sir William Meredith Mr Justice Mr Justice Mr General Cotton Col Major McLaren Hon A- -Charlton- the meeting Circle 305 of or dinary business nine new candidates were initiated under W OBrien A short program was An excursion was run down owing to the storm therrooters did not arrive on the scene till nearly halftime when they did get there Tided and a splendid feeling of J the noise was deafening Never mind you Lots more fun to come yetrt least we all hope so and we all earnestly believe that strength and progress was manifest ed The thanks of the members are heartily given Mr OBrien who has labored with them for the past- few jit means better time J Lineup The Circle meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in the Workmans Hall A Reception Newmarket St Pauls Racine goal Day point Coulter cover si Bond rover Lavigne n I I Doyle centre Mm Walter Huron street was the of a reception in of her sister Mrs oil i A a was gowned In lhe white satin and Duchess lace trim- will seed and orc rnts Mrs wore white silk J f with diamonds and pearls The house- w fe was elaborately decorated with palms roses and carnations An elaborate and dainty lunch was great name for himself in the hockey Dished choice music for the occasion On leaving for home each guest Was t a souvenir lhe fair last Wednesday but the score Do Not Forget I twisted around the wrong way Where are all these- town tiuns to Theres got to be oyster supper and in school room of the Presbyterian Church next Tuesday February 1st The women of the congregation are endeavoring make this one of the Important events of the season J lie program will given in the church promises to he of excep tional merit Mrs Sidney Could will give several selections- and everyone should en deavor to hear this talented Mr will give a humor- and pithy and Mrs For and Thomas render some ridings the former appear ing for lhe before a market audience Mr too will be In some of thing doing The next match in the se ries will be played on next Tuesday night in the home rink between the and Toronto Canoe Cluli Of course we are all sure of the certain winners In the practice game last Thursday between the and Wan derers the former team won out by a i A very much onesided game was played last Saturday between Picker- Bradford which for the College and w In a complete victory best musical selection children ft on Counter Holers- Bert Brown became Of Mr Walter lackon A quiet but wry pretty wedding solemnized at the home of the brides St Mary Is St Toronto when M bride of the stall Toronto iA fcoji of lhe the Bra only the relatives the being The Wedding march play ed by Toronto cousin of the bride and the bride given away by her Mr Brown Ceo of bride and of To ronto The was unattended charming white wearing the cus tomary veil and carrying a lr of while roxes and of the valley- the rWts and sweet hft city caterer at the conclusion of wbicbjx Mr A acUd a chairman 5 and proposed the health of the bride which httitily responded to by t groom other speeches previous to AtpktUite Oil Che happy for And Montreal to fcpetid the The bride- was the recipient of many beautiful jfts On their return they at the score above mentioned it sterns as though the Pickering College bunch are a husky lot of player Whats become of Silverware We would call your atten tion to the newest pieces in our Silverware They are handsomely de signed with highly polished and covers Theie- are an especially useful dish they make possible long alow at a heal which est to nutritive ele- of food and it aimable flavors CO J end and Steamship Tickets of Marriage Sheriff off York and many others In Charge of a Travelling The travelling escort consisting of twelve members of the Can adian Dragoons arrived at Govern ment House at and at trot ted to the Buildings guarding his Honor in front and rear and side The bore the mace which hone but he might wield and laid it upon the table and his Honor read his speech to which the Premier ami the other members of the Cabinet were observ ed to listen with amazement at- its accurate forecast of the plans they had in mind for present session Before adjournment- the two new members who had been returned since last session Dr Mason in East Vic toria and Mr Doyle in Middlesex were introduced to Mr Speaker Text of the Speech The Speech of his Honor was as follows Mr Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly I am glad meet you again as the representatives of people of Ontario at the opening of another Session of the Our thanks are due to Almighty God for another bountiful harvest the general prosperity of our people it afforded me great pleasure to take part in the welcome accorded under auspices of my Ministers to Sir Prime Minister of the Province Quebec a few weeks ago as an acknowledgement of and return for the gracious and gen erous hospitality ol which the First Minister my Government was the recipient in the of Quebec on the occasion of the celebration of the founding of that city by and the Quebec Battlefields Such visits cannot fall to result in strengthening the bonds of mutual affection which and do exist between all the Provinces of thc Dominion Assistance for Provincial Library Vou v- I be glad to know that substantial progress has already been made in the restoration of the Legis lative library which was destroyed by fire some months ago in this con nection we have to acknowledge the prompt and generous assistance ac corded by the Governments of the Do minion- and of all the different Pro vinces of Canada as well ftS the Gov ernment of the United States in re placing Important public records that were lost It Is the also of Ills Majestys Imperial Government to aid in the same way will be asked to give formal expression of thanks of the Legislature for Die ValualAc assistance thus- freely afford ed these Governments well as by several private donors Cheaper Text Books By making advantageous contracts With the publishers my Government has been able greatly reduce the price of text books in the schools of lie Province Adopting the principle of open competition wherever possible in awarding contracts textbooks of the beat modern both In respect to contents and mechanical production have been obtained The Public School reading books may HOW be purchased by parents for their children at of previous price and there arc corresponding In the cost of other Public School and School textbooks New Discoveries of Gold expansion of the Mineral In dustry goes on apace revenue de rived tbfiefioin in the ten months preceding the 31st of October to about one million foli ar The output of silver from the mines of Cobalt has placed this Sudbury supply of this VtejBast- have heed in Ontario to be favorable It is becoming more and more apparentthat J wealth yet Agriculture the fiscal year ending 3Ist 1909 the Temier laming and Northern Ontario transported accident 580948 and the total net earning the railwayforthesame period amounted to the of if2r There is good ground for the be lief that there are no better lands in Canada thap in clay of Ontario millions of acres settler During the past year quantities bay oats and tables have been raised and shipped the Provincial Railway which in turn has brought in large numbers agricultural such as mowers ploughs outfits etci More Farm- Laborers and Domestics The provincial yield of agricultural products for the year was a fairly good one and prices Were higher than for many years past- The qual ity of dairy produce was never so good see some of the results lhe efforts put forth and instruction provided by the De partment of Agriculture The attend ance at the Agricultural College has increased and- the Wisdom of the appropriation for tho Winter Fair at has been made clear by the increase in the attendance and the number of exhibits The work of the district representatives of the Agricultural Department assigned to a number of counties in the Province brines the question of instruction di- home to the farmer anjl is highly appreciabed by the people During the recess preparations have been in progress for making renewed and additional efforts to induce A winter jr This Sale this year will include IN A the desirability of further with preference to rjensation Injuries to A Commission be issued haying- for object an enquiry into the working Of such legislation with a view- to an enactment dealing with this very important subject and hay ing due regard to the conditions which surround it here It pleasure to inform you that the revenue of tho province are considerably in excess the es timates The Public Accounts will laid before you lor your consideration at the earliest moment and the Supple mentary Estimates the year will also be submitted for your approval at an early date feel assured that you will give consideration to the various servants A Agent has been appointed in London where valuable office premises been en gaged and prospects arc good for the year The Milk and welfare of this great Province will by your deliberations i Newmarket Markets Jan The Commission appointed several perisn 1 months ago by my Government to in- 0a3 3J 3 quire into the existing conditions ami methods whereby- milk is now being produced cared for and supplied to the people of the Province for do- Barley per bush mestlc consumption and pur- per lb poses and to investigate the methods 0 whereby clean wholesome samtary per bag is being successfully supplied to ohickens per lb 0 has concluded its labors Geese per lb he report of the Commission will a 24 26 i 15 36 ota toes per bag 55 Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Boys Heavv Wool Hose 25c Pa Alii A CORSETS the heart i xvi The Ladies Store of Newmarket I SILKS for WAIST SUITS and GOWNS M all the new Shades plain and fancy stripes- Plain Colored for good looks and service this Silk is chiefly noted Regular 75c for 59c Fancy Stripe Paillette soft and free from dressing Regular Black Grois Grain Silk for Coats and Dresses A rich corded or fine poplin weave J Superior quality regular for All Wool Delaine Blousings 3 yard lengths Regular for yard DONT FORGET OUR ANNUAL WHITE GOODS SALE BIG REDUCTIONS IN MENS WINTER SUITS Turkeys per J 7 Li 0 Toronto Markets milk consumers and the be laid forthwith Considerable progress has been made in carrying out the construction of the transmission lines required for the distribution of electric power to I Jan the various municipalities that enter- Fall Wheat per into agreement with the Hydro- Goose Wheat per bush 1 Electric Commission for supplies of Barley per bush power Efforts have in the nmnUme Oats per bush 40 0 been made by petitions in that be- Rye per bush hall and otherwise to secure Peas per bush 37 0 0 of the legislation of last ses- Hay per ton ifi CO passed at the request of Eggs per do interested having for its ob- Butter confirmation of the contracts en- Potatoes per bag terod Info between municipalities Chickens per ft arid the Commission The answer of Ducks per the Province to these petitions for- per lb warded on December firmly Turkeys per lb fl resisted interference with legislation clearly within the limit of Provincial jurisdiction but Up to the present I time my Government has received no information as to a decision by the Dominion Government Advance in Price of Food The remarkable and continuous ad vance In Hie price of foodstuffs and of many articles of household use has attracted and certainly merits public It has already caused hardship in many households and promises to add to the bur- den of living especially in out cities towns except In the case of j pie large Incomes It seem that prompt and thorough inquiry is necessary with a lev to the possible- suggestion ol a remedy Obviously is condition of affairs affecting the people of the Dominion of Canada as a whole within the purview of the Dominion Government and Par- I lament and it is to be hoped that inquiry will be instituted A site near City lor the new Central Prison has been Secured and f the work construction will lie commenced In due course The work of revision of the Stat utes has been proceeded with as rap idly as regard for the Important of the work will allow and It Is hoped will be finished during the year A large number of the revised Acts will he laid before you for your approval New Assessment Act The Special Committee appointed at the last gesfldn of the to whom second report of I Standing Committee on Municipal Law adopted by the House on the Second of April last and several bills to amend the Assessment Act mentioned therein wore referred with Instruction to mset and the same during recces has made a report which wlVIbe present ed to you for consideration to gether with n hill thereof Hill- several statuUB of a public nature will herald you PHONE W C A 1 BANK OF MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALIv PAID UP REST UNDrNIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 00 OS Branches at all Important centres in Canada and in London Bag New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking business INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH CO ROSS a iM I- AT During We will Sell AT COST PRICE I Men Overcoat ard uits AT COST PRICE Good Grocer ie COST PRICE ROCHE COY r MILLARDS BLOCK mine of Cobalt ban placed li nature will be j i I J third anions the sllver-produc- My Ministers have find under con- i I AOCir- in 1 t c as tfiiM tV- Si A ARCHIVES OF ONTARI it I I I TORONTO I gftzaa J write