Newmarket Era, 20 Aug 1909, page 7

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I 5 Goods a ION to MO yd for yd tor He for yd c lor yd 30 for 00 for and treat you will ON metro as SUM imger i bands second to none in Fair rrfieet at evening to ir tobe The tee Nets ready for September fetch It the bouse Of Africa next the Ib parliament- jig Prices Dozen Dozen 1 t Cottons ill ic yd j ft J Sutton Store close every Wednes day afternoon during August August SU Best Quality for preserving at Close Prices Spices Whole and Ground We tell only the Best in Quality Jelly Powders Ail Flavors from a to for a pfcge One mates a lull is ox about 3 toddy bears left Montreal on Tuesday being presented to the Dominion Park Co of that city Farm Laborers Excursion To Manitoba Saskatchewan arid beqta going returning is the attractive route via caD and Fort Frances Ask nearest Grant Trunk for par ticulars as to transportation beyond Winnipeg dates con ditions etc Horticultural Society A meeting of the Directors took place on Tuesday evening As there were no appeals against the decision of the Judge at the Flower Show the prize list was confirmed and the treasurer will send out cheques to day to all prizewinners A number of bills were passed and the work of the Society all cleaned up for the year jng the last Garden Party of seav son on Mr lawn on fues- date BHeflets A crowd of young people wereafe the cap on Wednesday ening well supplied with rice con fetti old shoes etc looking for a newly married failed to appear Somebody carried off a torch on Wednesday night after the procession return to Fire will greatly oblige the band boys Baking Powder We a pound can put up for us to cell for It is good m Cooked Ham We certainly handle this line to the lest advantage for our custoraers Our Meat Sllcer cuts it any desired and every slice of same It is nicer and goes far ther for sandwiches etc just what wanted for picnic parties and hot generally Sweet Pickles By quart or pint We have one lite that pleases everyone who uses Item Now for a Struggle At Exhibition Park on Saturday next a Championship Lacrosse Match will he played to decide the of three a red- hot time may be anticipated The match will be between Orillia and the Newmarket Talagoos The boys are deserving of support and it is hoped that there will be a good crowd of spectators to cheer thcin on to victory Ball faced at sharp Dont miss seeing the struggle Newmarket won at Orillia on Wed- score to Hurrah The home of Mr Amos Hill on Millard Ave was the scene of a hap py company on Wednesday when bis daughter was united in wed lock to Mr Harden The ceremony took place in the drawing room which was decor ated with bouquets of flowers Rev F Cornell officiating The bride who was unattended was dressed in cream veiling and was given away by her father There were fiftyfive present and after receiving the congratulations of the company tea was served on the lawn the ta bles being in charge of the young la dies of the Friends YP S The brides brother Mr Walter Hill of Toronto acted as chairman- and con- speeches followed by the pastor Messrs Jos Cody Hudson Bowman ECj and John The evening was spent in a social manner and the happy cou ple left for Guelph on the six oclock car next morning to spend the honey moon with relatives The bride was the recipient of many beautiful useful May they live long to enjoy them TERMS STRICTLY CASH Money Refunded for Any Goods Returned FOR OTHER BARGHINS SEE LARGE BILLS i 4 WASH GOODS MUST GO Read this List of Bargains China Dept We are still offering Specially Low Prices to clear out Dinner If want one now is your chance JUST OPENED A large lot of with Heavy Gold Edge bill useful pieces YOUR CHOICE R A SMITH The Leading Up a Youth Swept into the Whirlpool Death of Mr Last week Mr H who has his home with his daugh ter Mrs Jesse at Keswick for a number of years went to pay bis daughter Mrs of East a visit but had not been there long until he took stroke of paralysis and died on Sun day at the advanced age of 81 years Deceased was a man in every sense of the word respected honored by all who had the pleasure of his ac quaintance For a period ot twenty- five years or more he and his family were the life of the temperance lodge at Lloydtown He has always been a strong temperance worker a loyal Methodist and Liberal in poJUcs He will be greatly missed The re mains were interred at on Tuesday Town Council Niagara Falls Aug Mb Augustus while swimming in river at oclock this afternoon Was caught by the current and carri ed through the whirlpool When seen was alive and calling for help a quarter of a mile down the rapid With companions vlu years old went for a swim in at the old Maid of the Mist landing He struck out at once for the the stream then toward the bridge His companions called to him turn hack for the Is very swift at that point on down stream and was in the great sweep the first from the smoother waters to the boy battled for a time against the current but to no avail Then evidently realizing that he was be- human help to be thru the rapids which took the life of apt Webb and which have unaided hurnap he deliberately turned down stream and began a grim fight for life in all the history of the river ban such a brave battle been hut frail hoy went Into the rapids swimming strongly and held his own until be wave which curls up the old elevator Then be went uryier for a second was lost to sight of the scores of people who stood on the lower arch bridge A gals aam he diappfared If to each time fitting desperately against the but When within yards of the whirlpool his strength gave out jA was lost to view hen be swam perhaps yds farther thai HA the English- wan rapt The san now be een in the Whirlpool are wait- log tot it to be brought far erf to be caught High School Hoard A meeting of the Hoard was held last Friday afternoon when the esti mates for the year were considered It was decided to ask the Town I Council for a levy of This is more than year but it is not as much as we expected as a fourth teacher has been employed in the school ever since Christmas to meet the requirements of the Educa tion Department and quite a large sum had to be spent for drawing mo dels scientific equipment etc A resolution was passed authoriz ing the Principal to use the old books in the higher grades of the school so far as possible for the present year but pupils entering the school will require to buy the new series The on Supplies was to purchase five more drawing models to complete the set School opens Tuesday the of September The Principal was in town on Tuesday and was rnet at the school by five members of the Hoard Mr McLean was delighted the site building and equipment throughout and spoke hopefully of the prospects On the other hand the were well pleased with the personal ap pearance and manner th new Principal and there is every indica tion that the good record of the school will be maintained The Council met on Monday even ing the Mayor in the chair Pres ent Messrs Keith Doyle Rogers Vale- The minutes of last meeting were read and approved The following accounts were or dered to be paid J Gibson Duncan Pittsburg Coal Co 3332 freight A Yule duty 1484 J McGrath unloading Osborne sundries J Morrison Co pipes for wells 3375 Thompson repairs Can Co 2106 gravel Eves Lumber Eves cement Buck drawing gravel Millard drawing gravel Trusty drawing gravel Lawson drawing gravel 5140 Randall drawing gravel J Newton drawing gravel 2850 Cole drawing gravel J A Allan Pay charged to College 3247 Pay Sheet No 10 newwalk A communication from David- son re increase of salary was re ferred to the com On motion the council adjourned Fancy Ginghams Cham- brays White and Fancy Colored Muslins ties etc Big range of Colorings and Patterns ranging in prices from 12 to for Fancy White Muslins- in Checks and Stripes Cream and White and Prints and Shirtings reg and 8c yd for Check Apron Ginghams reg for 10c Black Muslins in Spots Lace Stripes yd Apron Linen with Braided Border lye Summer Clean Up Hosiery Cloves Underwear goods i Fancy Colored Dress Mus lins in newest Patterns and Colorings reg Prints Light Grounds in Spots Stripes Figures good Washing Prints clear ing at Fancy Stripe Dress- Linen for 17c and 30c for Linen in Pink 1 lot Fancy Colored Grenadine Muslins id stripes and checks regular price sale price yard Blue and Copenhagen reg 25c for 17c Dress Ducks in Spots and CI Stripes ref for He Ladies Fancy Lisle Lace Hose in White Tans and Grey Sizes 8J to 9 price to Clearing at pr or for i Ladies Plain Lisle Cot ton Hose in White- and Pink Sizes I and price to for 39c A Line of Ladies Black Lisle Hose to be run off at loc at Small Prices Laces Embroideries Buttons Combs It is impossible for to give a full list of all the many Bargains to be had in this Dept Here are a few picked out for your guidance Childrens Linen Collars in Tan and Reds with rows of Hemstitching Reg 25c will clear 2 for 25c Mosquito Netting in Red Yellow and Cream reg yd Swiss Cambric Embroidery and Insertion Four lota at about half price Lot 1 lot 2 Lot 10c and lot 15c Ladies Lisle Hose in Black and White and Brown and White Checks and Fancy Black and White and Brown and Black Stripee 60c for Misses Plain Lisle and Cot ton Hose White and reg 25c for 18c Misses Lisle Lace Hose in Black and Tan regular lines up to to go at Childrens Lisle Lace Hose in Black and Tan price up to yours during Sale for Childrens Black Lisle and Cotton Hose Fancy Embroidered in Spots and Figures Reg 25c for Ladies Lisle Gloves in Grey Tan and White wrist length 55c or Ladies Fancy Tan Lisle I Hose regular sale price Pearl Buttons 18c loc for Beauty Pins for Black White Dome Fast eners a dozen for Spring Hooks and Eyes in Black and White reg card clearing for Safety Pins small sizes cards for 5c Hand Bags a Good Assort ment for 79c Ribbon Silk and Satin Various widths in all colors up to 20c yard for 175 Mens Wash Vests 1 lot Mens Fancy Wash worth sale price Mens Odd Coats 1 lot Mens Odd Coats made from allwool cloth worth from 5 to sale price lot Mens Moleskin Pants slightly soiled worth 100 sale price A Good Umbrella 69c 3 only Mens Selfopening Umbrellas worth 100 and 125 sale price each Wonderful Bargains in Hats and Caps MOSTLY ALL LESS THAN HALF PRICE A Big Cut In Mens Felt Hats Side Combs 10c lot Pine Valenciennes Luce j 1 Anil TnrOMiAtirt Dresser Combs 15c for- Blouse and Skirt Supports two reg for Pearl Buttons assorted sizes per do and Insertions regular prices and yard sale yard lot Lace Collars regular price was price each Y O U CAN F HUNGRY DRUG rural mall rfeltvry x Co route have fceen mostly to tralna Glasgow Aug starting at an early hour in retail business quarter of Glasgow today destroyed several squares of buildings The damage is estimated at London Aug Jos Weir lot con North Dorchester was attacked by a bull in his barnyard yesterday arid fieverly injured The threw him down and attempt ed to gore him but having been de horned only succeeded In breaking a rib Weir finally managed to hit the a blow on the nose with a and escaped over a fence Wis Aug Lake at Minn a sub urb ot disappeared during the night and when residents of the village this morning they saw only the sandy lttom A dam feet long at the foot of the lake has broken Liverpool Aug lit Hie o the Line sank feet water after a fire which ha1 for 15 hours bad for ward part of Ship The hull the boat little damaged and offi cials say that it will he put into commission In time to prevent any de- Jay to sailings was raised last night and taken to Glas gow for repairs Aug Word was here this afternoon the death of James an old tJxhrldgo boy at New He has been 111 with typhoid fever but bis rela tives here had no Intimation of un til a few hours his death Ho was one of most popular boys a member of the fire brigade and bunt club and an allaround ath lete and his funeral will be largely attended ftesldes bis mother he Is survived by three bro thers A of Mew of and Hen of Further Reductions In Dress Goods of Cord effects Plain Fancy in Black Grey Old Rose Bed Navy and Greens reg yd One lot High Class Plain Fancy Dress Goods in Worsteds Panamas Homespuns Tweeds etc in a Fine Selection Colorings reg sell- lines up to During Sale- wo will clear them at Black Taffeta Bilk yd wide reg- a yard for Black Taffeta Silk for 50o Bargains in Linens and Towels No Unbleached Table Linen reg and 30c yd for- No Urlbleached Table Linen reg for 39c Np Bleached Table Linen for Table Cloths Fine Bleached Linen with Border size 87x60 each Mens fine split braid straw Boaters worth up to sale price Mens fine Manilla woven Hats a splendid light cool sum mer bat- worth salo price 1 Table Mens assorted Straw Hats a general clean up of odd Hues tome were regu lar 2 hats to clear all at price Land and Water Camp or Out ing Hats in mottled blue and white red and white green and white and plain colors sale price each Space docs not allow to itemize the Soft and Hard Hats so to make a long story short we lump them all at one price and give you your choice of I any Felt Hat in the store for regular prices range up to each Mens and Boys Cloth Caps worth up to 25c sale price eaoh Mens and Boys Cloth Caps Motor and Golf styles worth up to 76o sale price 26a A Great Big Clean Dp in Summer Footwear and Damask Linen Towels up to 17c each 12Jo 30 pairs Ladies Kid and Patent Colt Boots Cuban heels either or Balmoral cut prices to sale FOn WOMEN Pains Mens STARTLING BIG PRiCE UTS Lot Mens gooa Tweed Pants light and dark colorings slightly damaged worth up to 160 tale price pair 1 Lot Mens good Tweed Pants large assortment of pat terns slightly worth tap to pair lot Mens Fine Tweed and Worsted Pantsin browns and blues worth Up to sale price 138 1 lot Mens Fine Worsted Trousers well made and shaped worth up to sale 1 lot Mens Extra Fine Worst- Trousers latest style and colorings worth up to 75 sale price 246 1 lot Mens Imported Woreted Trousers strictly up-to- date worth up to sale price 1 lot Boys Knickers made from good an Tweeds worth up to sale prico 1 lot Mens Blue and Black Pant regular prices up to price 166 1 lot Mens Good Tweed and Worsted Pouts worth up to 250 sale price pairs Ladies Tan Calf Choc olate Kid and guar anteed Patont Colt Ox- fords any style Goodyear welted and hand turned Boles regular prices to 400 salo prico Misses JBlak or Chocolate Kid and Patent Loatyier Slippers and Ox fords regular prices 150 to sale price 119 price Childrens Black and Chocolate Slippers regular prices 109 125 to 150 sale price Childrens Black and Tan Slip pers regular prices 100 to 125 sale price 75o pairs Ladies Dongola Kid OxfordsGoodyear Welted or turned soles Cuban or common sense heels rog- prices to sale prico 246 pairs Ladies Kid Oxfordp Cuban heel style welted or turned soles regular price to sale price 186 pairs Ladies Dongola Kid Oxfords- Cuban pat- tip light or heavy soles regular to salo price a of Clearing Lines Mens and Roys Shoes Pairs Mens Patent Colt Oxfordsb orlaced welted soles regular price sale price 25 Pairs Mens Guaranteed Patent Colt Blucher fords eitlier all or with calf tops reg and 450 sale price 1 lot Mens and 260 heavy Boots sale price 145 1 lot Boys Boots all kinds and all sizes from to regular prices up to 200 sale price 120 i i MARTIN CO NEWMARKET

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