Tfaofi J RobetffcsoD Street to loan on good Farm ij Doon AUCTIONEER Collect Now market r DIVISION COURT CLERK Accident and for Lit Insurance ft Specialty Bolton and I DENTIST Newmarket Wilkinson DEW 1ST in Block Newmarket Cthombtrglot and M Wed In each month Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 the Newmarket at private residence It NEWMARKET IN Head Stones CaUBeforeOrdcringBlaowhore Presbyterian Church While the pastor Is enjoying Ms hoi- Mays the pulpit will be supplied by of Alexandria Co only son son of Rev Knox College Nie will closed for repairs The Hoard of Managers arc log for improvements to during holidays The work of raising the floor to a grate will commence on Aug and ft that will bo com- within two wet The seat- capacity will be enlarged par MAM at they bo extract ed oat out for over I Dont bo too and They MAY bo saved Curdy mat tor to Worth five IK cot TIT 1 The Flower Kntrics the Flower Show should be made with Secretary Keith not later than Monday next and at the same time those who desire the car- tor to call for their exhibits must leave word Indications are favor able for a good show though it is not as good a season for flowers as last year Citizens generally show their in terest in Horticulture by their at tendance next Wednesday evening when the primacy scholars under the direc tion of Miss Ironside will sev eral songs and flower drills by special views by Rev Cornell which will in clude California flowers and the fin est natural scenery in the world Members nonmembers only Let there be a good crowd Very Sudden Death Word was received here on Sunday of the very sudden death Mi Hughes brother Mr James a member of St Andrews Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Sea the Bathroom Outfit at tho mm LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Tort to Presbyterian Choir Fergus who took hemorrhage of the stomach and was carried from the choir in a dying condition passing away almost instantly Several in the congrega tion fainted and the service was dis continued Mr Pattison was the only son of a widowed mother a leading merchant and prominent business man and al ways took deep interest in the wel fare of the town He was at one time a member of the Council di rector of the Fergus Horticultural prominent Mason and lead ing Conservative When troubled with tarn blisters insect stings core feet or heat rashes ZnmBok Surprising bow quickly It and I Cmca cores on young duo to chafing Is made from No fats- no mineral poisons Finest healer and QUCCESOR TO DENTISTS V A tor North IOramosa Cow er North Hay Holland King Luther London Marlboro Oakland ton smith Millers Convention The millers of York end the count ies of Ontario met in convention at Newmarket a few ago The meeting was for mutual benefit and to discuss questions relating to the trade Mr Love of Mt Albert was elected President of the Association and Mr Baldwin of Aurora Tin- visiting millers were driven around the town in carriage and royally entertained by Mr V They were afterwards shown through Mr Baldwins mill and saw the gas producer engine in operation The members separated early in the evening fering that profitable day had been spent t Op S J Boyd In Toronto also of the College of and mem- tar of the Royal College of Surgeons England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone No Consultation Hours services may be had at any hour the day or night by calling at the S or phone No Cheap Eggs There will be no cheap eggs in Can ada this year present prices of and cents dozen in the country are the highest on record These prices are two cents higher than the prices last year at this tame Seven years ago any amount of eggs could bo purchased at a At that time nearly all Canadian eggs were sent to England Now there is hardly an egg goes to Eng land from this district The produc tion is hardly enough to supply the homo demand notwithstanding that nearly eveny farmer is keeping more chickens than he did then The de mand from the western markets will surpass all records and we have al ready sent several million of eggs there Canada is now the consumer of the eggs produced in this country and in consequence is more independent in establishing the prices Spend Your Vacation at Seaside The low rate excursions via Grand Tmmk Railway System to Old Or chard Me Kcnnclbunkport Portland Me St John Moncton N Murray Bay Que Halifax P I S etc will enable you to do so at small cost Tickets gooI going August 12 re turn limit August Full Riot in Spain Lisbon Portugal July The de states that com plete anarchy reigns in Barcelona all the principal streets and arc continually sweeping them with shot populace behind the barricades in windows and on the roofs return the fire with deadly effect The kill ed and wounded are numerous on both sides The booming of the guns can be heard for miles Huge flames are visible j at different points where buildings are being destroyed Explosion St Paul Aug An explosion of gasoline followed by a destructive fire in a building on West Thirdstreet Saturday afternoon is known to have caused toe death of five persons and the injury of six others The police believe that the bodies of four other persons are still in the ruins The dead Roam years old Mrs Gafnoh 50 years old child supposed to be Clifford Gamble years old and two unidentified men explosion blew the building to fragments in an instant and set fire to and badly damaged the po lice station and another adjoining Chief of Police OConnor an irreparable loss in the destruction of his private gallery crooks a collec tion of pictures 4O0O4 information and tickets from auv wife Gets Bail of Vil lage Township was releas ed on bail by Judge Denton yester day and bound over to appear for trial at the September General- Ses sions The charge against Rhine- dress is that he severely whipped his Grand Trunk Agent Will Probated The will of the late John Salter who died at his home- In Holland that if there His Honor accepted bail bond by Mr Wallace Ave and the accuseds ow re cognizance for In releasing Judge Denton warned were any The New Grocery Store l the place to find everything Fresh and UptoDato Confectionery the Best by all the leading houses FOREIGN AND LOCAL FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IceCream Parlor OPEN Hare you tried our Buns etc not what you have for the baking la simply de- Try it Farm Produce Splendid market last Saturday Large quantity of butter eggs fruit and vegetables offered Prices were as follows Eggs per to Butter per lb to 20c Dressed Chickens per It Red Currants boxes for 25c Red Raspberries box Cherries to pail Black Currants quart Gooseberries per Radishes per bunch New Potatoes peck Green Peas 25 to peck Carrots per bunch Beets per bunch Onions per bunch Live Spring Chickens per lb Old Hens per lb Live Ducks per lb Old Live Turkeys per lb Pigeons per pair 20c Rabbits 25 to Hides per lb to Calf Skins per lb 10 to to J2 each Sheepskins each to i Tallow per lb 5c Landing on June was filed for plaints as to the manner in which probate in the Surrogate Court he treated his wife he would once this morning estate of j j j r never hurt nobody before in was divided as follows Emily Sal- lite sald after obtaining ter widow Holland Landing permission to speak It ceives800 and an annuity Jessie on account of what may Wesley daughter Newmarket Honor knows that I did what I Rose Fuller daughter Hoi- did land Landing Mabel Haycock a grandchild Roger Salter son Queensville Ethel Ballard daughter Holland Landing John K Salter son Holland Land ing personal effects Alice Wesley Mildred Salter Bertie Salter Geo rge Salter Mabel Haycock Puller Edna Salter Hazel Salter Florence Salter grandsons and granddaughters receive a share of the residue The will of the late Henry Broad who died at his home in Aurora on April 22nd has been fileU in the Sur rogate Court It disposos of a prop erty of made up as fol lows Household goods pro missory notes bank stocks cash The estate is divided into two almost equal parts bequeathed to tho wi dow Maria A Broad and Thomas Henry Broad both of Aurora The deceased stipulated that a monument costing not less than should be erected over his grave circumstances remarked Judge Den ton You had great provocation Toronto Mail COO The exterior of the Walker is now decorated with bay- and boxwood trees from Belgium A gar den and lawn have likewise been laid out in the rear of hotel Ontario fruit and vegetables has driven the foreign proWuct the practically Where and cars per day used to stand on the siding now there arc only lew scattered cars A quiet wedding was solemnized a oclock Thursday of last week by the Rev Edward in tho chapel of St- Simons when Nora Constance daughter of Mr was united in marriage to Mr Wesley Wright of Red Deer Alberta Last Friday Leo Chung Ling charged in the police court with keep ing an opium joint was and costs the Act which came into force last May This is the trying season when friends on their vacation send you picture of beautiful streams and shady nooks where they have been Last week- huge upright weighing pounds hauled thru streets by sixteen horses caused considerable excitement at cor ner of Adelaide and Victoria where traffic was blocked for time The great piece of steel wap drawn all the way from the Canada Foundry Companys works via and Adelaide streets to the place where the new Rheas Theatre is being built at Richmond and Victoria and it will be used under the balcony of the playhouse Rev R of Watford arrived in this city last Fri day He is years of age antf has travelled mites to pay a farewell visit to his children and grandchildren before closing a long and useful life He first went to Australia and returned to England and mrihrhs later left for Toron to One hundred and fiftytwo passenger trains pulled in and out of the Union Station on Saturday abouJi the same number on- Monday Over people were handled during each day Coal took a rise of 25c a ton on the first of this month Mary Bristol a young woman years of age was brought to the General Hospital from a few days ago suffering from a badly scalded neck and chest She was wording in a laundry and while car rying pail of- boiling water stumb led and fell On Friday last seventyfour sickly children from the slum districts of this city happy and joyous as they could be under their circumstances were placed on board the Steamer bound for Whitby where they are spending ten days romping and playing on the beach and bathing in Lafeo Ontario To many of them it will be a happy pleasure never be fore i experienced The Fresh Air Fund inaugurated by the Daily Star responded to by generous citizens pays the expense The cement merger appears to have taken counsel form It is quite pos sible that cement will be increased price at an early day NEWMARKET f STORE see m I You Can ii Full Line o Light Paints Oils Glass Etc WEWBIARKET c ft I on i Yards Check Ginghams it I III f I Toronto Jobbing Tliey Help Your Stomach Out And Save a World of Wretchedness HAM SLICED TO SUIT I refunded teiK Joseph Perkins Old Stand Local Option Campaign Fridays Star state there are about municipalities that have decided to consider the adoption of local op tion- and these may be supplemented by twenty others voting takes place in January and already strenu ous campaigners are beginning work The places are as follows Cities Towns Aurora Place Cornwall Gait Jindsay jkefc Pic ton Port Hope Perry Marie Stay- j Villages ton Falls Fergus Georgetown Grand Valley Teeswa- Towns Almonte Aurora Bradford Albion Aiigusta Bancroft Bertie Brooke Bromley A that cannot digest a good meal is certainly a sore trial It has been responsible for almost everything In the way of human misery up to The trouble in moat cases is that the 1 and other digestive organs lack vigor Not enough of the juices necessary to digestion are nor does stomach work up the food properly The worst of It is that there not sufficient nourishment taken out of the food to restore the systems vigor and the trouble goes from bad to worse The stomach needs help Little Digesters meet the need exactly One Little aiter each will ensure perfect digestion provided of course that the food l good and wholesome to cure Indigestion and Dyspepsia or your money will be refunded at your or by mail Send the Blind to School Principal Gardner asks the assist ance of the Era in impressing upon the parents of children with defect ive sight the advisability of sending children to the Ontario Insti tution for the blind to he educated The Institution located at and maintained by the government of Ontario free of charge of for hoard and tuition it is a school for the education of children and youths of both sexes under the age of It is not- a hospital nor an asylum nor a home but a school where children who cannot see well enough to attend the public schools are giv en an education including music and taught to do such useful work of the blind are capable of do ing Such education and training must promote the comfort happiness audi independence of those who are unfortunately deprived of the blessing of sight therefore the Era recommends those interested to cor respond with Gardiner Prin cipal I in time to complete arrangements before the of the next session on September 22 St Catharines Ont July In the space of an hour or two moiing flames burnt one of largest factories and the number of people thrown out of work comparatively small in view of the size of works the blow will betolt by the city CHEAPER Your CLEAN OR DYE curtains and draperies will look as and as nsw wo or thorn A small and way on data hi nut My Valet THE CLCAHU Adelaide St Toronto ft i PA Mi I Town Council m The Council met on Monday even- ins the Mayor in the chair Reeve and Messrs Rogers Vale Schmidt and were present The minutes of the last rneel- were read and confirmed Council resolved into Committee of Whole Councillor Doyle in chair The following accounts were ordered to be paid Bell Tele Co tolls July drawing earth J Buck drawing gravel Board ol Hearth Toronto House waif O R pufting in culvert Robertson Co service cocks Y fire brick 50 Can Foundry Co box 200 A Williams air pump and tank 22300 A R Williams tanV carting do J Murphy cartage R Randall drawing gravel Wm do V cement to Chief to be paid if cor rect Pav Sheet No I Pay Sheets 5 weeks new walks 54314 Foundry grates referred to fVUe presented financial re port from Jan to June 30 On motion of Mr Keith seconded by Mr Boyle the report the clerk was to the Finance Com On motion the Council adjourned Better than camphor balls to keep away moths and girt good odor to clothes is the following mixture sewed up in little bags and placed among the clothes Onefourth of an ouncct of ground cloves and j way seeds an ounce of dried common J salt half a pound of lavender flowers j half an ounce each of dried j mint all mixed well together The handles of knives should never j bo immersed in water 05 after time they will discolored and loosov t rr ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS Every case submitted to attention of our Medical Staff who consider the symptoms complications and and then decide as to the and curability Specific remedies are then for the case and are compounded by our owo chemist In our own Laboratory Such appropriate treatment cannot fall to cure as specific medicine are selected to core that trouble you We no cureall medicines like roost who nf the same to alike and cure cone We bare treated patients throughout Canada for over twenty years and can refr to any bank a to Cure or No We Treat all DUeaiea of Men and CONSULTATION FREE If to Call Write for a for Home Treatment v to tn re Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich BOOKKEEPING with all Commercial and Eng lish subjects thoroughly taught by mail or at College Write for particulars to CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Yonge St Toronto H Shaw President Mrs M HUGHES is offering BARGAINS -IN- J to clear out of Summer A good chance for any who have not got a Summer Hat mm a I ADIAN Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast good going May to Sept SO limit Oct Liberal Wide choice of route Go by tne direct Can adian line see your own coun try the West the Rocky Moun tains Visit the Seattle and special Talk over with I 1 V L AReHlVES OF ONTAR1 TORONTO