Tor Sale ft Lime and Brick Apply to it is that small College Newmarket tar Toronto Letter Via men and several American pacers are endeavoring loconccn- olmnnW For Sale at Once ft Brick House with modern On double t American 1 arc putting their money into these of country almost to a man arc 1 Hughes A sent f gj Farm for Sale 100 acres lot No Con of East acres cleared 1 small frame house log house Price Want to sell at once Apply to Baldwin Out anxious that the instead of he ing bought cars at country Points should be brought to tho mar ket at Toronto like the and on their merits Grace Hospital nurses held a dance i last night in the Nurses Home About attended down the bill on the POINTS Good Roads movement is come Small stay It is estimated that the with beautiful lawn largo fruit stable etc Nice homo of Ontario during past lor farmer retiring Enquire of expanded 510000000 and 3 let ill l I i in on patching up their bridges Had this sum been proper ly on a permanent road this Province most westerly entrance to HU 1h4u to boast Of Sunday a small runabout Miss I Starr is spending two vacation Mrs Major Allan was visiting J Miss Lukes in Bradford last week Mrs Bert Lloyd and Jack visited Mrs Boyd Main St tills week I Hazel and Wright visiting relatives in Toronto this woek Mrs Willis visited her pa- rents in Aurora three or lour days this iAht I For EASE and Voar CORSETS TH Quality i A 11 I Ml It A ID AND OVERALLS wear like a PIGS NOSE Pair J I I I try parts It is just the bridges as with but a vast change is now sotting in way a Mrs K Rogers and Russell ol small are spending a week with and landed the doctor in a pool Vale muddy water For taking milk from a doorstep We Card of Thanks Mrs Wood St desires to express her sincere to neighbors for their great kindness and attention during the illness and death of her mother Though strangers in Newmarket they have found very sympathetic friends Farm for Sale acres inTp of Whitchurch miles east of Aurora Well culti vated watered and fenced Soil A clay loam Outbuildings new brick house barn stabling for head under water Silo and windmill rural mail de livery To close estate of the late Henry Reynolds It Reynolds Au rora Executor Flower Show Owing to the lateness of the sea son management have decided to postpone the Annual Flower Show until Wednesday and Thursday Aug and MARTIN President KEITH Secretary At the Jackson Point Picnic a few J Mm days ago Premier Whitney with assu ranee declared that his Ad- 1 had all the pre- 5Sf election promises solemnly made to Pepper was pe by the people is this true Did not promise that if the Conservatives were returned to tho W wanted at Acton on a tration of license law would of check was arrcst- from the of on Monday was an politics To plead that a- Georgetown the law is not so much under influence paHy politics a previous Government is a long way short of the radical change im plied by the promise of entrusting its administration to a commission of permanent officials foreshadowed by the- Premiers pre election promise of this on assuming power Grit Inspectors were supplanted by Conservatives leaving the system subject to parti Kan as much as over AN OF PORTENTS exception of the mariners and perhaps constable About mothers and children given an outing via the Metro politan- to Bond Lake the other day tho expense being borne by the Star Fresh Air Fund The donations to this fund reached over up to Monday last St Georges Anglican Church John St and St Margarets Anglican Church Ave will probably Ik united into one congregation with Rev J Moore as vicar not Cater than November 1st of this year Congregation meetings of both churches have been called to consider matte There was a big falling In the i business done the citys free baths compass of and perhaps week the wet weather keeping of lew minor discoveries mankind at homc be until aboul the of the people took a dip last century had scarcely advanced lotal in the application of the forces of j Wilson general manager Nature since the days of Toronto and York Radial Co lb or even of Cheops in whose era few Civic Holiday the tremendous power of the lever was utilized to a far greater extent than at the present time And what a revolution has taken place in this direction within almost while hoarding a ferry boat for the Island where he is living tor the summer that will confine him to his I bed for a week Mr Wilsons knee cap was broken Hon Mackenzie King Minis ter of Labor opened the Street Rail way Mens Picnic at Beach on Monday by an appreciative and the lifetime of the of the pres ent generation Steamships now plough main in all directions al most entirely taking the place those graceful fairies of the sea the address old East and the China stretched clipper railways travelling at light ning speed day and night have re placed the old lumbering coach mo tors are horse drawn vehicles and perhaps even Wednesday August across a gas stove with the jet turned on and the pas pouring- out within a few inches of her face the body of Miss lanoGam- ramdly entirely superseding 27 a domcsUc employed 31 Chestnut Park Road was found these may he partly supplanted f Mon RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE had been PARE now essential to civilization tourist that marvellous discovery wireless Virginia n the aeroplane And then the dav evem apparentl photograph the cinematograph and wiU whilfl ponograph all inventions of n- to an iron heatef asphyxiated party from Richmond Virginia thirtytwo visit- y so nv city the beginning of r rOm going steamers and though Thece two raen altogether perfected ttat remarkable five marrled the crowd might perhaps be Most touris6 teteSi called the means of Nwt Monday is Torontos civic which provided Excursions by rail and batteries could be constructed pa- are rf rent in could see the all Stations in Canada East Port Arthur Marie St Clair and Detroit Rivers also to Detroit and Port Huron Mich Niagara Falls Buffalo Good Going PM trains Aug 3rd and all trains August Return Limit August Full information and from J Ticket EXPERIENCE Trade Desiors C a tod mar DM Mat ffcteaU Co lnti clr- ofaar edenUfloJooroal- Term for a prepaid Bold his son upon a the same such a distance could be achieved hearing his actual voice And thou what advance in surgery and medicine and in the department ol bacteriology in the knowledge of the causes of diseases with by the discovery tlie Xrays the increas ed facilities in locating injuries And lastly what potentialities and what surprises must bo in store for us in connection with radium it only it- can in sufficient quan tity And even if the dismal of scientists in predicting the exhaustion of the coal measures are verified yet in that event we could regard the calamity with equanimity For It is computed though com putation must be more or less that a small piece that wonderful substance suspended from the ceiling heat and light a room for a period approaching two tnousand years all this marvellous advance and all these wonderful discoveries and in ventions achieved during the course practically of a century Truly prophecy that the close of this dispensation is to be heralded by AH and Tom Longboat will in say New land Beach Saturday night in the first of their time by the telephone raC A chicken famine has prevailed in this city during tho past two or three wgeks because farmers are not bring ing them to Seventeen cents per pound wholesale is freely offered While crossing avenue on Monday afternoon David aged 5 years was knocked down an aulo car and is now lying in a critical condition at the Sick Child rens Hospital The owner of the machine is not known Tho Methodist Missionary Board Executive have appointed nine mis sionaries and two nurses to go out to China- this fall The customs receipts on Tuesday totalled It was gen eral business but made up tjie record of any one day at thi6 port In an interview this week Gibson urges more atten tion to rifle shooting and lass to and Hon J Davis and family left J on Monday for St Elmo tq spend a month Mr and Mrs Murphy Toronto were guests at the Methodist Parson age over Sunday Mrs Harris and daughter of To ronto spent the weekend with her sister Mrs Cornell Mrs Manning has returned after a delightful visit with Misses Wallace at Lindsay Mr Hawthorne bandmaster at Colli was in Town last Fri day calling on some of- the band- boys Miss Irene Kjrby has just return ed home after spending two weeks holidays in Toronto at sisters Mrs George Stark Torn Burke left Saturday ev ening for a months vacation tang and the Minniccogueshene Is lands Georgian Bay Owing a lire in the premises that Mr Coombs has rented in St Catharines he will he delayed a cou ple of weeks in removing from Town Mr photo artist leaves tomorrow afternoon to attend an Old Boys Gashering at Palmer- Ston and expects be gone three or four days Mrs and daughter from Pennsylvania visited her bro therinlaw Mr M Hughes last Tuesday It is years since her last visit here Miss Veda Campbel lias gone to home in Belmont for her annual vacation and Miss Mabel will play organ in the Methodist church for the next Sundays Mr Burgess formerly Science Master in Newmarket High School was in Town last Monday and gave the Era a call Jj is now residing in Toronto and is interested in oil operations in South America Miss Lulu who has been visiting relatives in Town for the past month has returned to her home in Toronto accompanied by her cous in Miss Maw who intends spending a couple of weeks with rela tives The marriage of Miss Elsie Thomson daughter of Mr and Mrs Archibald Thomson of this town and Mr Harold Garrett of Da vidson son of Mr and Mrs Garrett of Bradford wiib take place quietly in Newmarket on the of August After an absence of years Mr Martin Robinson will leave on Thurs day of next week for London Eng land accompanied by his eldest daughter Miss Rebecca Robinson He intends visiting his two in Berkshire and Hull respectively and expects to be gone a couple of months ft- I Love Hamilton but Oh My Automobile Four fellows once journeyed to Mountain View Park And all went on well till they heard a remark By a lady that automobiles could bo hired To the garage they went and got what they desired the they told to go like tho deuce He then took his seat and turned on the juice want to make the last day of our July Sale and SemiAnnual White Sale i in tfiSlt- We wderto this end we must offer special induce ment the coming mi in is we muse oirer special for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY 30 AND31 We offer the following list DONT stay away You will be amply repaid for your Bargains for Women- 150 Wrappers for 90o Womans Wrappers of good quality prints in spots and fancy figured de signs in black navy and cardinal ground fitted waist linings deep yoked frills and full skirts with deep gather ed flounce regular to 150 on sale at each Vaoh Offerings A splendid lot of this seasons newest Ginghams and Muslins in black and white and blue and white also a new lot of white vest ings and Batists floral effects and spots that sold all season at 20 and yd on sale at 15c yd A Clean Up in Ladies Oxfords 193 The balance of our ladies patent kid and don go la Oxfords that sold regular ly at and reduced to 198 A final clean up in Latlieo Reg 45 75 150 50c lines reduced to 75c 125 200 25c 59c 79c Bargains for Dm Colored Shirts in soft and stiff bosom sizes 14 to 16 regular and 100 on sale at each Hens Suspenders 25c A job in Mens Suspenders Elastic webbing- Mohair ends reg ular 50c pair on sale at 25c pair Mens 19o pair 5 doz Mens Cotton and Lisle Colored Sox in tan oxblood blue and green regular pair on sale at 19c pair pair for 50c Mens Vests and Light Coats Reduced The balance of our Mens Summer Vests 200 lines reduced to 150 lines reduced to Hens Work Shirts We have the best Work Shirt in Canada at Full 36 in long long sleeves big bodies double back and front heavy Rock Fast Drill sizes 14 to 16J only 75c each j AIAAIA1AAAA July Nearly went up j smoke last night when the Peterboro Lumber Cos mills on Point ham with a large quantity of and the big frame house of Florence Co were burned THE CRADLE July to H and Mrs Robin son a daughter BOAGOrt Friday July at Grace Hospital Toronto to Mr and Mrs Boag of Cedar Brae Jacksons Point a eon THB ALTAR SMITH DUNN Id Newmarket on the July by Elder at his residence Pearson St Mr Charles I Smith to Mrs Elizabeth both of East if AN OLD AILMENT A crofter met a friend he had not seen for some time and said Hello Archie ye been accomplish then will the while back angels trumpet sound long and loud Man replied Archie did ye no throughout the and He who ken I was laid that trouble His first ooo making baked Or boiled custard scald amount of milk to be used aside until cool then make knowledge being increased and and sot many running to and fro is being your custard and bake it as usual rapidly fulfilled And when all is it will ke perfectly smooth While sitting afc Jacksons Point on the at on Thursday July coming to this earth to J during the thunderstorm Sam atonement for mankinds sins J by Himself bearing the penalties 1 lo the sight of one eye the crofter And what kind ot by Justice will again de- Slg they ca No influenza I didna bear you were ill soend in majestic and attended by angel and by cherubim and seraphim trouble is that I can hardly explain re plied Archie but after yer hetter ye feci very lazy in fact ye I Then will thoso who have served and feel inclined anything I obeyed Him receive their reward a day long Man man said the crofter dae Afllltaoe that Ive been that way tWs last twenty years and couldna find a name for it -ooo- stored Packet Dover England July Hubert Lathams second- attempt to fly across the English Channel ended disastrously today AUoost in the moment of victory his monoplane fluttered down into the town rushed to the phone and tak ing down the receiver shouted to the hello girl I want to talk to my husband What number please To cook smelts so that they will be came from central How many fasten the head and tail bands do you think Ive got you together with a after the thing shouted the irate fish Is dipped in egg and crumbs lady sea two An excited lady living Just out miles beyond the Admiralty pier THE TOMB EYRE At Richmond Hill July 26 1909 Nancy Eyre aged about years Funeral will place at hex- fate residence on Thursday afternoon at Said Johnny to Art as they rode Cemetery Gormley On Gorham St New- market on July Mary aged years On Srigley St Newmar ket on July 2eth Annie wife of Mr John aged 54 years Deceased came here from Wyoming to visit her daughter Mrs Wood about two months ago and was not in very good health The remains were taken back to Wyoming for in terment DICKSON At Aurora on July Mary Blanche youngest daughter of the late Jolm Dickson LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH A GOOD CANADIAN DINNER IN THE WAY OF GOOD FRESH VEGETABLES Canadian Peas Canadian Cabbage Canadian Tomatoes Canadian Scans Canadian Potatoes past the Gore I wish I had brought just cents more Then they got to the Mountain and up it did toil Its a pretty steep hill said Paddy to But it wasnt so steep as the price theyd to pay For the automobile man was a giddy old jay- Just half bucks from their pock ets he wrung Now they all sing that beautiful chorus called Stung A like a with a broken win Thousands of people crowding the wa ter front saw the fan and for near ly half ah hour they were kept in suspense not knowing whether the daring aeronaut bad met death or had again been rescued from the wa ter THE LEADING tataftOttdertakiflg House You buy your Furoitare Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night attended to at John Millard Phones and 26 S St J MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET I Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention The Strawberry season Is at close and now for Cherries and Rasp berries The crop is a good average on and you can depend on us giving you good value CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE I a HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR WOOL a not leave your Order WITH US FOR COAL AND GET THB BEST NUT STOVE AND EGG VW W H E V Hard or Soft Wood Short or Long or Dry Hemlock Phone or order from Carters J Turner Manning ARCHIVES OF TORONTO