Newmarket Era, 30 Jul 1909, page 1

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I I I 1 GENTLE J A SEE WATCH CHAINS AND FOBS i tt i fjj fV I BRA give homo news than any two other papers in North York 1- 1 Watchmaker and Graduate Optician NORTH 1 combined is acknowledged to bo Leading County Pop r i f A A rtatOi j 1 INTELLKSrENGER to tap to ftrg freely according coDScbnco above otter liberty Item it r- I- 250 and on UP WE HAVE NEW NECK CHAINS LETS 28 Dingle Copy cto Each I Newmarket Friday AND No paper cent uteide of North York ualcsa in advance to UolfoJ Li per ftnntim I it paid In See the Blue MINNIE BEST raw had been It not often the chance occurs to buy every that is kept in a well assorted Hardware Store at a Reduction of aw PER CENT We believe it will pay us to allow you these re ductions rather than move the Stock to our Now Store now under construction We are obligod to vacate our present premises before Sept 1st and not having fig ured on the Extra Heavy Expense of putting up a New Building will be obliged to raise at once We are going to do it by giving you tie Biggest Bargains ever offered in Hardware Stoves Tinware Granite- ware Sporting Goods Paints and Oils PAINTS PHONE STOVES PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING NEWMARKET ONT IN THE TH SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF AN EC TORONTO of TORONTO ACCOUNTS may be opened lor sums large or THERE IS NO DELAY or diffi culty about opening an account and money be whenever required INTEREST IS PAID on your money FROM THE DAY YOU LEAVE IT WITH THE DAY you take it out BRANCHES In Ontario Quebec and the West CAPITAL REST ASSETS FIELD Manager Newmarket Incorporated South End Lumber Yard kU I I J n Phozc Cor Church and CARTERS FRED HOOVER AND HUDSON BOWMAN Perfect Are what you expect from the tailors Perfection of fit mured when CLOTH High Class Tailoring Reliable Goods Superior Fit au the potato upon we have built up pur busi ness See our Spring and leave yGur next with A ILL Gat Toronto On Saturday next the annual ftUhYcHc tournament of the Toronto Police Athletic Association be held at Beach The moot this year promises to any ever Chief Chamberlain of Vancouver will be present by two of the best of tho Vancouver force who won the all- round championship of the Dominion at Winnipeg on the The Government has ofTerod a re ward of for information which will lead to the conviction ot per sons who stoned the house of License Inspector Thomas French of West Kent at Chatham on July and broke a number of windows A collection of gold and silver arti cles known as the col lection have been stolen from the museum of the Normal School and police have sent out circulars to all towns and cities notifying t lie- po lice to be on lookout for the ar ticles On Friday of last wheat was marketed here at or per bushel lower than aid wheat It is said a ear load was ordered at that price by a city dealer to come from Norfolk County Grain is some days earlier there than in York Ontario or Peel Counties Right on heels of the announce ment of Mann that they would the work of building the ho gazed into Canadian Northern from Niagara fore him He ope Falls to Ottawa the Cataract pi- 1 reply when a poke m the ribs from rectors announce at Hamilton that Mm the crossing sweeper silenced they will meet their financial agents him next month to arrange for the exten sion of the radial from Oakville to Toronto Tho inquest on the death of ward Gaboon a brakesman employed on tho who was jolted from the top of a freight car in the St yard last week resulted in a ver dict of accidental death He gave night and great was the excitement and anticipation of all mu sic lovers Along the crowded way being push ed and shoved by many a passer our little friends Arnold and by Jim shoes unlaced and full of holes jackets torn and capsfar too tight ne iin me hand and asked f them into the long lighted for speaking some hurried directions hurts me here touching his breast An Im colder like than most ever was afore I wish I could see I wish I could hear her say more bout that Home for little children up in the blue sky Who put it there Am And how get it I kinder wish I was there for a It hurts so here an my cold like As the night wore on the breathing came with great difficulty and oc casional moans from the little street arab could be heard Arnold drew the old bags closer around his com rade and assured him that he would be in morning But morn ing found him hot and restless All day Arnold stayed by him and to wards evening little Jim fell into a deep quiet sleep and said often that ho could bear the lady singing he could see the blue Waking at last he cried out as if in great pain Then stretching his thin little hand out to his comrade of many days whispered I see in strong wild gusts all t down wards evening seemed rather to in- W crease The little crossingsweeper faces but eye and newsboy on the corner and full of wondering interest and forth words of encouragement thc and now and again snatches of where d she weird childish song would rmg out thn come for us She on the night air and be borne hurried- W n away with the wind her hat men and well dressed ladies turn- camo listen and smile as they hurri- ilon by hut few heeded the old time- They could worn cry Buy paper Sir one pen- bright lights and bear ny Buy paper kind lady only a watched the people penny passing in Then a side door opened At last thru the crowd came toward smiling face of a kind lady Taking than by the hand and paused and purchasing a paper the wee lads if it were not time them to be running off home out of an usher near by she smiled and tho cold they gazed for eft t0 a moment then with short quick of beauty But only laugh pitiful to hear they replied for a moment They were taken in we haint got no home to go a to We sleeps in old Joes deliver away near the front of the church As wagon way down the the left them looked wild- bridge round and then sitting down on where crimson cushioned seat drew j breaths of strange bewildering wanderer into he Home I ana tner go and where he found the Friend of little stay with them all night M children in the blue A pirated smile spread over the moments passed and still the up face of Arnold the little newsboy as people he grew face of the lady be- ned his lips lor a arabs lost all memories of the earth lived as it were in a beauti ful drcarn where neither papers were sold nor crossings swept How long they dreamed they knew not nor seemed to care but slowly door and an angel in blue an a seemed to come nearer and nearer her I see the blue His eyes closed He lay very still and Arnold wondered where he had seen her what Jim could mean- Yes it was so Up out of the land of shadows into Eternal day far be yond the midst of years people with dreams out into immortal Light had passed our homeless friendless tired Why Mis he aint got no father mother never did have found in old Joes deliver to The Age of AirConquest The sailors on the ships in the were the first to discover that was approaching They heard the buzzing of the motors two or three minutes before they could discern the aeroplane like a big white butterfly glid ed over their heads- as fast as a train of cars and with almost as much j noise It reached the cliff near the grey turrets of Dover Castle swoop ed around twice in broad curves and disappeared it was not long before half the pop ulation of Dover dressing as they went were rushing towards North Kail Meadow Photographers and were crestfallen be cause they had missed the great event for which they had waited so long Among the first to arrive were two customs officers Close upon their heels were several police and their services were needed to re strain curiohunters who imme diately began to pull the machine to pieces for souvenirs Many others foreseeing that the monoplane would be as a historic refic wrote their autographs thereon The city officials conceived a happy thought and with consent raised a tent about the machine and charged an admission of sixpence view it The profits from this enterprise will go to the hospitals and the police pension fund and the exhibition did a big business all day Calais France July Louis flew from the shore of France leaving behind a group of spectators who while filled with admiration at the Km his life unexpectedly of course to days we were him down there wagon He lay there acryin till pulled him out Then we j them The lights grew brighter still stole a from a gal on the corner and the music swelled forth in grand- me and him did We run fastsheer sweeter strains till it seemed never seen then got job to like A burst from the Heavenly Choirs Two or three themselves Then Lady Landlord mans daring feared lest he July This sleepy old might be overcome When the word seaport town experienced she keenest Came that ha1- reached known in a generation when a land mighty cheer was sent up for whitewinged birdlike machine with a great crowd had gathered The news of his triumph spread quickly loudly humming motor swept out from the haze obscuring the sea along the distant French coast carry boxes for a man the man buns again and save others A little lad under nine years of Some pit Ctl at that work Then jcame forth before that great audience he went away and we stole her eyes found out the lonely children slept in old Joes her and she smiled to them large of pocketpicking The real longtailed coat started him asellin arc the parents papers and lies been asellin e for The Mayor says the city will not approach the Eilctric Light Company we relative to any plan for taking over the companys plant The announcement that Mr J Car son of London is to be appointed to dont the vacant Inspectorship of Public It Libraries Whitney Jim moved nearer to Arnold and said I see the blue Do you Shes all blue she is lords like a piece of sky Arn cant you see her Speak Am But Arn never spoke nor moved He watched as it- seemed from afar his Lady in Blue He sat with his I nigh a year and gets nough dont steal buns no more I stole this yer broom I got Some day I reckon Ill pay the feller back if I kin get to spare and he me aforehand states that the Cabinet had tangled history of two not yet considered the matter and forsaken little lives She could The k weeks so strangely so distinctly in each seemed to whisper a soft request The druggists of this city do not beat of her now pitying heart words if in answer entertain the notion that cigars that were uttered long ago For right down as drugs and privileged to as much as ye did it to one of the least of these ye did it unto me up up sac carried and g twice- above the cliffs P Dover alighted on English A calm Frenchman Louis Bleriot a portly and man of thirtyseven descended from the sad dle limping on a bandaged foot which had been burned on his previ ous overland flight Immediately two compatriots who had been waving a big tricolor flag as a signal for the landing upon him enthusias tically embracing him shouting and pounding him on the They with a few sodjers and others who were celebrations every j hands clasped tight together and eyes sang forth in tones of perfect peace Jerusalem the GoMen Then the organ quieted down As happened by chance scene were the to and there where is one of the oldest and soil I most popular of aviators in France and is winner of the prize of in connection with Gabriel the aeroplane manufacturer for their contributions to the pro gress of aviation Only yesterday he was decorated with the Legion of Honor He is a graduate of the celebrated Technical School of France He became interested in the problem of aviation in He is said to have had more miraculous escapes in his career than any other aeronaut be on the ma a crosscountry flight from persons to wit- all are classed be be sold on Sundays On Thurs day of last week four druggists who ers in front opened her to the little ever used he crossed the Channel a little less than a half an he of Theres a Home for Little Children above the bright hoys she said I want you blue sky Up up sV come and see me tomorrow at the hearts of the homeless orphans what wene summoned on charges of selling I to no quick- to his comrade he whispered A club license where liquor maybe answered the little wa Is Wc I Am im- di h sold is sought for by tte Lome Park used to and listen to the front whJreat si Comity Club The cottagers of he door a big house down by the old there locality the are very much opposed to bridge It was ness the finish of a most remarkable feat left three miles from Calais about am On one of the smallest monoplanes in an hour twice as swiftly as the fastest mail boat His speed averaged more than fortylive miles an hour sometimes it approached sixty miles He kept about feet above the sea level and for ten minutes while about mid- j channel was out of sight of both coasts and the French torpedoboat destroyers which followed him with his wife and friends aboard The wind was- blowing miles an hour and the sea was great to see the light j Lade sang a aviator swathed a license being granted as they out and hear the noise in- song that night and her audience of drilling impervious moved to the Park to be away from side Hut a man used to shoo us listened and admired as never before to the a place where liquor is sold A pewhen hed see us A she and He wore also a life belt lition will be sent to the Provincial Would you like to go right inside Holy City The little waifs could eyewitness of the landing thus Secretary against the license being f that House tomorrow night and not quite understand why she should describes it Very early in the sit in a soft seat and hear move her hearers when singing fieri morning a wireless message was re- had a quarrel with music and see the lights If you glad to King of Kings from Cains that at knitting factory i promise to come Ill meet vou so new to them this flight Then Jerusalem and strange King j quick succession came the news that last the lingering strains o and fl organ died down into silence and making Dover It little lads she oer the and the expected that he would land west granted Two Italians an in three to In view of the increased cost of from each of the food stuns and especially the advance them and passing on down through children moved a out from th Hover but from the direction the price of bread pies and cakes the crowded streets she not see warm Haven of Rest into the cold was soon evident that he would many of the restaurant keepers in nor hear the fantastic gestures ac- air hurried along down thei to the eastward Only a few the feel they are justified in rais- by the wandering com- 8 the laughing gayhearted minutes after the wireless announc ing the price of meals About ments of the uncared for little multitude our laddies never spoke till start message forty assembfcd in Sandersons Cafe chins same side door out of sight was received at Dover East King St last Saturday night Jim who was she Did came forth to Hardly had this when and to form an association the blue stuft on top of her her cab keeneyed coastguard scanning lithe sea with his telescope the and affiliate with Retail Met hat It was chants Association This Friday evening a farewell reception will be tendered Dr and by that Mrs Menzies m Street at rtu mat an to old Joes wagon by China who are about to re- see all those pretty and hear bd turn to their field of labor the noise which comes outside I I close together beneath theing every instant- The Andrew director the wonder what its in or what makes like the blue away up Both them spoke at once in the sky when the smokes all gone y there she goes Is she that was within sight And say wont it he jolly fun stood for moment j Hastening to the east of push by that chap which shoos us then on through the moving bay I was fortunate enough to arrive iilsslonaries of the away looks like he owned the earth crowded streets they went their way moment before the airship which sbyterian Church at and set beside that great lady to old Joes wagon by the old was flying fast like a giant hawk The craft approached the cliff grow- Hudson Ray Mining Co charged It with giving a bribe of to And again the shrill childish voice John who was arrested some evening air ago was released on bail Paper Sir- Buy paper Sir On- j Fiftyfour per cent of the daily ly a penny Sir j weather forecasts the bags and straw slipped away back to the warm lighted church and Beautiful heard again the story of a bright blue sky Home- for little children above the to left and then turned his machine blue sky Ah happy to the east aod came to thc ground wanderers if some angel kind could in the meadow It circled with con- come from the Home Land ease and made the landing noise of the engines was audible in a mo ment so swiftly did it come swooped overhead from right- v and heartily wished that the Kmperor of Russia was going to visit the Emperor China Touray to France on March in a monoplane His latest achievement prior to crossin the Channel was a flight on July from to Orleans a of twentyfive miles He made a landing covering the dis tance in fiftysix minutes ten sec onds including a stop of eleven min utes near to examine his aer oplane By this achievement he won the French Aero Club prize Hubert Latham made a daring but unsuccessful attempt on July to cross the English Channel in his monoplane Latham got away splendidly under perfect conditions from the top of the at and had covered about half the dis tance at an average height five hundred feet when he was obliged to descend on account of the motor out He was picked up by the torpedo boat destroyer and taken back to Calais M monoplane is of the Latham type but is smallest flying machine yet built- ted with a threecylinder motor which is and drives a twoblad ed propeller The pilots seat is in a skifflike body behind the wings Denounces the Czar London July A deon- by the organized labor party was held in Trafalgar this ev ening to protest against the visit of the Emperor of Russia England Various political leagues socialistic and other were while numerous banners which headed the different processions were inscribed with uncomplimentary toes such as Czar remember his bloody hand Bernard Shaw during the course of his speech said he had no doubt that the KiDg was sufficiently Let the hinging we of him Mr Shaw declared that he was particularly anxious to avoid violent language and would simply in conclusion the Crare ST MIGRANT cat Office during last current the snow lay like take them safeiy back to the easily but even though it touched the year were a complete success thirty- great white shroud oer turret moor of little children lightly it was slightly damaged seven per cent partial success and pavement falling down in dawned cold and his achievement today en per cant a partial failure and clouds It was Chrtetna Eve St J the prize of offered by tyranny and fo two per cent a complete failure James Church was lighted and warm their posts to battle once more an- London Dally for tl John A Anderson the alleged and crowds were harrying from all day with the moving tide across the English bank swindler was arrested Von- of the big city to pta world march on his rivals Hubert Lath- 1 When take a glass of last Friday A detefcbive left musical concert of the season That as crawled into and Count Lambert both of Iced Tea It will prove here next day to bring bark Lady Ltnord Englands most accustomed Jim whom to make the attempt delightful as mx to Toronto for trial hidingplace mow singer was to be there that Say AReHIVESF TORONTO fiomctidD iday

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