Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1909, page 4

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EBHH a -j- T T I -7- i a I 1 i r a J j T I 1 nil THE ERA JUNE 1909 J Qrowth of the West I if Tries Wonderful Fruit An on Every I f I Hit it- Lancaster Out Sept I wo a martyr for many to that distressing complaint chronic Constipation I tried many kinds of pi I la and medicines without benefit ami consulted physicians but nothing did mo any real Then I began to JVultjitlvcs and these won derful fruit tablets entirely cured me At first I five tablets day but now I lake only one tablet every two days I am now entirely well and thanks to FruIUatlvcs I give you permission to publish this testimonial Madame Zcnophllo Bonneville This Is only one more link In Che Chain proof fall to euro or of the bowels a box or for or trial box At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa la Prairie Bulletin Is die title a fourpaged flysheet published by the Twenty Thousand Club The second number is to hand furnishing statistics in regard to the flour output of the Western Provinces but more especially of Portage la Prairie Manitoba showing that it only stands second to Winnipeg of all the other flour manufacturing centres of the West Quite recently the Department of the Interior Ottawa issued a map showing the numerous elevator in Canada together with the capacity of the same and possible output of the lour mills in the Western pari of the Dominion The Portage la Prai rie Bulletin quotes largely from the statistics accompanying this map and proceeds to state that the larger elevators in Ontario head the list in the matter of capacity but the grain is simply received in that Province several hundreds of miles away from the grain growing sec- tions in the West however the elevators are In the heart of the ag ricultural districts and arc handling home grown products exclusively Winnipeg elevators have a capacity of bushels St Boniface which Is practically a part of Winnipeg bushelsmaking a to tal elevator capacity in that City of Calgary ranks second In the throe Western Provinces with an elevator capacity of In dian Head Mask third with and Portage la Prairie fourth with exceeding Brandon ele vator capacity by bushels But the daily output of flour and the absence of Hon A across the Atlantic Hon Charles Murphy will be Acting Min ister of Justice i Quebecs alleged claim against for lor lands sold which were set aside as common rchool lands has been refused by the Supreme Court The arbitrators that Ontario was only to Quebec in the sum ot and this decision will probably end the controversy between the two Provinces n tin LIMITED idin Are now Wain Prairie exceeds all other points except Winnipeg as will be seen by the following reported statistics Portage la points is Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a in p in Toronto Newmarket at 1025 GOING SOUTH Leave a p m Allandale 535 Newmarket Toronto 715 ae Brandon Portage la Prairie to he port only four larg in located at Mis t Only those o suffer from Piles can know the agony the burning throbbing stabbing pains which too ceases ana the way ic wrecks the life I- thousand vho to tier piles but whom it has One such I ay or Green woo Toronto She For liii yearn I acutely h m pile that time 1 spent an imtncy on and but not no rase was different to eUe I had toed it me 1 am grateful for tin and at I never had piles once since I know the cure is permanent Another thankful woman Mrs A Gardiner of Catalina Iriniiy May She says In my effected a cure twelve i I been I r I i an I piles I had U1IHg VlflOUi KllUs f Old etc but never came anything to do no I tiled which cured me liosinay of helping SOUK from piles to try tin- wish of one who ha found ijreit is a purely herbal bairn and should be in home Cutts cuts ulcers blood- poisoning prairie itch sunburn blisters sore feet summer sores and all and injuries of the All koH a or Members of the Australian Parlia ment appear to the habit of say ing things across the floor of the House- not strictly in axcorylaocc with the rules of deliberative assemblies were recently rebuked by the Speaker for transgressing rules of One of them willed the Premier Judas and the other said this was not lair to who at least had the grace to hang himself doubt both men thought they had said something smart The Mormon settlers up in Alberta should be taught wholesome lesson by the authorities must not dominate in Canada A from Alia says that a mob of thirty or forty Mor mons on the 27th ult threatened to hang and severely handled two Gen tile men and a woman at a Mormon settlement twentyttvo miles from The ruction arose from the marriage year ago of a Mormon jrirl to a Gentile and Various Inside Trim i All Jointing kinds of Turning Custom Work such ReSawing Ripping as Dressing Matching Scroll Sawing c will receive Prompt Attention An Authors Own Story Continued from Page Government are in op- Saskatchewan The arc Prince Albert With Mayor Oliver and Controller dissenting the- Toronto Hoard of Control decided last Friday to an nex the of land in York Town ship immediately east of the present City limits There are houses on this annexed portion When all is the City will have annex ed the whole front of York Township take the whole municipality and the rest the settle on separation from the City with Coun ty seat at the Canal Town of North York thatV people are talking about 903 158 IP McBride has sold to Mr P Meyers the Newmarket agency lor the Wonderful a- K I Moose law and Saskatoon In Alberta Calgary has an output 1500 per day Other localities in Alberta combined produce 310 barrels All this development is the growth of comparatively lew years and will give the reader some con ception of the enormous amount of products be anticipated the neat- future from those Provinces It like wise furnishes an index of the in dustry and enterprise of the people who have of this o Sudbury Northern Star of Wed nesday makes the announcement that fourteen days ago a big strike was made in the region of 75 miles from Sudbury and mining men are sounding its praises In the days since its discovery over a thousand men have the scene Some miners declare is a hack number compared with Shining- the Troy Press great tree This new lies Algoma and north- made homes in part Gowganda road Dominion It is announced that Mr The Troy Press most righteously condemns the modern comic supple ment as a stale and insipid out growth of yellow journalism and a gipss in an ethical as well as moral sense The pictures present ed all too frequently give a false conception of life injurious to the minds of children and take from the thought of our youth that reverence for parents and superiors that they should entertain Clergymen both Protestant and Roman Catholic as says regard the for Patsy and he slipped j but his fall was broken and suits followed New York May Patrick aged four is the luckiest little Irishman in New York in spite of the fact that he is the youngest me my troubles thirteen children He fell five like most folks most of them never stories yesterday and escaped with happened Still Ive had clothes a slight gash in the head He was lines break and jelly that wouldnt playing on the fire escape of his jell Hut Ive had a very happy mothers flat when he fell off He times a along My is good the ftre Himself and are always on stories down and bounced from there speaking terms rent is paid to a sto tn Why should I not speak well of the stop flow rf low where he tumbled into a womans Now I haie written much more I on fe I It just seemed easy the skrt write all this to you and S through I even gone over it to see j but broke it is fairly correct for I have felt that I was not writing for critical reading of it Some of it may he of interest but if it is not let me suggest that you write to my sister Hannah She will write me up with all the cardor of a near relation just as 1 am wart and all There now I forgot to M of my proudest achievements trapped thirteen mink one was twelve years old I have the skin of one tanned it my self Thirteen is an unlucky number for mink Also once won an scholarship in mathematics also a silver medal in a ladies bicycle race second prize and there were on ly two in the race 0 of I fall when Yes sir comic supplement as vile and demor alizing and urge parents to cut it out Another Immense Plant at the Canadian Ottawa May Canadas chief naval and military advisers will ac company the Minister of Marine and Use Minister of Militia to London in July in connection with the coming subsidiary Imperial conference on the defence of the Empire Admiral head of the protective cruiser service of the Marine Depart ment and Lake chief military adviser to the Minister of Militia will cross the Atlantic with Hon Mr and Sir Frederick Borden and assist at the conferences with the Imperial authorities relative to Canadas cooperation with a gen eral Imperial scheme of naval and military defence The date the conference is not yet definitely fixed but it will probably be in July I 1 Incandescent Oil Lamp MR MEYERS will also faith fully serve the Newmarket pa trons on Monday Thursday WITH only the purest best and safest American Oil sold In Canada house West of Market grounds on Timothy Street YEARS EXPERIENCE Pittsburg Pa May 27 Another has just followed suit of the Telegram staff has two or throe other incorporated appointed Secretary of the Pro- Towns and discontinued the ringing Department of Agriculture and of curfew and we notice by an ex- private secretary to Hon Duff change that other places are about In view of the aeroplane coming in- aCtion to use the go together ihe tried it for some years but gradually other municipal enactments the rf wi not on have states that Mr Road- laxity of official allows same to S K toleration Too many telcPhonstetiS ad dUlles at the passing of by- move toward centering the iron and steel industry of the United States on the borders of the Great Lakes was made today when a contract was closed by the Algoma Steel Co Calgary Alta May flow cubic feet of gas f4 hours started last night at the Well in Last Calgary This is the first How of gas of commercial value traces have been discovered as tho drills have gone down Ottawa May A clerk named Claude Waiters was ar rested by the Dominion Secret Ser vice on two charges of stealing mail matter yesterday Witters was caught by a test package after he is alleged to have stolon a pearl stick pm addressed to a Toronto resident by an Ottawa jeweller This is the second case of mail thief two weeks the other resulting in the getting three years in Kingston Penitentiary Waiters was remanded for a week Monday did not pass without distressing accident from fireworks Mrs Robert Cotton was going Street wheeling her nine months old in go- cart little lad set oil sky rocket He tried to hold it in his hand and when it burnt his fingers dropped in on the sidewalk The rocket flew along the walk and just as it reached the gocart shot up and struck the baby in the eye At first it was thought the eye had certainly been destroyed but yesterday Dr Ardagh believed there was a slight chance saving the sight though a very slight one indeed Packet I J As i long plane hitching post on the roof I in the Mercury J dates from June 1st ie to be delivered at Sault Marie Canada as quickly as It is the intention of the busily as secreeiry the laws cures evils All over Ontario and the Londoners back of Provincial Milk Commission which the Province freely passes laws hut naV immense steel he was recently appointed their enforcement is quite a different lmiIis Canada turning out bars arvi thing A little more wholesome steel Tho Ontario Government recently dread of law violation would add to of ordered marie of appointments in the general comfort of the general sJl0ws erected the new provisional judicial district public will be rivals worthy of even the of Rainy River They are William j Hon P Roy Speaking of the recently appointed Junior Judge for this County Mr J Herbert Denton His Honor Judge Winchester said have known him many years and his appointment lis a welldeserved promotion It is too a recognition of sterling integ rity mi I Designs Copyrights c ma oar opinion free probably r i it roo redely latEf jMmicam the Age Annuity scheme of the Federal Government is proving a grand success The income of the fund has reached J Purchas ers of annuities are from all points over the Dominion and it is ahle that very many of distant places such as Dawson ahj the Yukon generally Anderson Baker sheriff William Herbert Elliott local registrar of the High clerk of thc District Court and registrar of the Surrogate Court Arthur George clerk of Peace and District Crown At torney Geo local Treas urer for monies disbursed by the Gov ernment the administration of jus tice in the district All the appoint ees at Fort Frances for yew prepaid filii 1 PIN On Thursday of last week in order KC ipaaa for the Bank of Montreal to c Present Sir Win Mulock Jill June nth two appeals from orders of Official Referee Kappcle in connection with the liquidation of Ontario Bank and one application for an order removing the Royal Trust Co as liquidator AND- X Hi IP ill BANANAS CHEAP AT THE Little Fruit all kinds of Fruit S We are quite of the mind the Signal No question hut if promoters seeking railway were granted their requests on the condition the road must be built without public aid would become a lost art The despatch from Kansas City Mo rdatod May 20 states that James Sharp charged with the murder of Policeman M in a religious riot in that City in December last was found guilty in the second degree and sentenced to years in the pen itentiary Sharp is the religious fanatic who with his family invaded Manitoba announced himself as a Messiah and with loaded guns defied the NorthWest Mounted Police to in terfere with him Twentyfive years in the penitentiary will cool his ar dor for sensational notoriety and best mills will Canada be Pittsburg mills The by far the largest in late president of the defunct dc St Jean was found guilty of making false returns regarding the banks afiairs at St Johns on Friday last with his form er colleague in the Legislature and now Judge presiding at the court It is said the scene was a dramatic one when Mr Justice Monet with tears in his eyes pronounced sen tence condemning Roy to five years in St Vincent de Paul Penitentiary The judge said I want to render sentence in a very few words that all hankers tempted to act as you did may learn it by heart and always re- I member it You will dur- and twenty injured The in your detention to think tornado swept up the James River Tornado in the States St Paul Minn May 30 Special despatches received here state that seven persons are known to be dead many arc dying and over a score are seriously injured as a result of a tor- nado which swept over Dakota late yesterday The storm was especially severe at where the residential section of the city was practically wiped out four says The alternative is public ownership the construction and op eration of railways by the Govern mentEliminating private manipula tion and private profits of the clients of the hank you have ruined Some of them are dead from sorrow caused by your crime and some others have lost their mind The punishment meted out to officials of the Ontario Bank and Basque de St Jean for making false returns will be wholesome warning to all finan ciers to make strict compliance with the Eighteen men were tied to the A despatch from Ottawa on the whipping post in one day recently at ult states that the Dominion Wilmington Del and given a total Government had of 255 lashes This beats vious records An Ottawa press despatch dated May states that cil have been passed appointing four new Ontario Judges Mr J Her bert Denton of Toronto is appointed to the new junior Judgeship of York County Mr J McKay KC of Sault Marie is given the Coun ty Court Judgeship at the death of the late Judge Mr Rogers of was appointed to the new from to Jamestown de molishing farmhouses and destroying much valuable property The farm house of Geo Graves near Ypsilanti was blown into the James River Mrs Graves and her two young daughters instantly killed The other members of the family were in jured provisions of law and have due e demolished all of the regard to common honesty ooo- of the Jamestown Fair As sociation the loss being and several other large buildings- Forty residences were destroyed at and huge elevators were crushed into kindling wood the terrific wind Several towns have been completely cut off from communication and it is the death list will be greatly Spent at home reacts in benefits with unceasing general profit Sent out of town its life is ended Kept with the home merchants it is a messenger of continuous benefit Business men should awake to the importance of keeping this dollar at home and make a bid for it by judi cious advertising T TTI DEBILITATED A Womans Sympathy Marys River was added the Amer ican Senate Possibly the addition of this rider may result in rejecting Treaty At any rate it is mat- the discouraged la your doctors VLSS W to your a heavy physical burden I know what delicate have been discouraged too but learned how to SSAV to Government as doctor bill I can do this of re la my hands his one box others Kila that no Windsor you and moans that the fcenefite of the need do Is to write for a countries may be ronto Judgeship and two new Onta rio Judgeships were created by an Act of the Ontario legislature last session Wo arc given to understand that the appointment of Mr J Denton to the junior Judgeship of York County is being received by local circles with much favor The now Judge was educated at the Collegiate He Boware of Ointments Catarrh that Contain As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such reports articles should never be used except I Oklahoma City May Forty per- prescriptions from reputable Perhaps more were injured as the damage they will do be- the University of Toronto a ten fold to the good you can possi bly derive from them Halls Ca tarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo O contains no mercury and is taken internally acting directly upon blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Cure be sure you get the genuine It Is taken in ternally and made in Toledo Ohio by J Cheney Co Testimonials free Sold by Druggists price bottle Take Halls Family for con stipation last night in a tornado which devast ated the Oklahoma towns of Key West and New York May 27 A despatch to the World from Ind says John Morgan living Ills on the Wabash River near this city was baptized in the river at He wore a shoe in which there was a loose string This dragged over the bottom of the river A mussel closed on the string Morgan lulled it out on tho bank after When he opened the mussel shell he found a pearl which he sold NO NAMES USED WITHOUT YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLEAGED MEN victims of and later ex who are failures la life you the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the of energy and vitality give up in because you have trtaud other doctors eieetrfc belts I triisl various drug store nostrums Our New Method Treatment from the of deipair re stored happiness to of ant of and out Wo rera- for each individual p to symptoms and comjilicatloas e patent medicine This bone of our ut our Dot all for we remedloa each case curable ft We hare done tbrouibout for over CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Are you a victim Have you lost Are you Intending to marry Has your blood k i pur New Method wifl cure you What it has done tor others It will do for you Coniultation Free No matter has treated you for an opinion Free of Cfaarre Book Boyhood Manhood Diseases of Men CONSENT on or Lbt ud CoU of Treatment FREE FOR HOME J i Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich TORONTO

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