1 f I a d THE NEWIIARKET FRIDAY J Good General Servant at Apply Silver Prospect Ave to Mrs Carpenters Wanted None but firstclass workmen apply Pickering College Newmar ket Wanted Immediately Experienced General good Cook for email family No washing good wages Apply to Box P Bra Office Prorogation of the Legislature Practically of tlto Legislature was on Thursday evening last week but the formal proceedings of prorogation took place on Tuesday Although busy session it was briefest on record lasting eight weeks during which time measures passed law against 210 last year in sitting nearly twice as long The I t 1 if i i Apprentices Wanted For DressMaking Immediately Apply to Miss at Co I Apprentices Wanted Apprentices waited to learn dress making Apply to Miss Evans Hun ters Store Newmarket Money Found On Street Require at this a larger and more important unit of the work completed is thus by the Globe A measure of law reform the main feature of which is a limitation of ap peals Progress of the power policy in val idation of contracts and authority to raise money to build Provincial transmission line Miss Kennedy of Niagara the guest of the during vacation Miss Ethel Nurse and Stanley of spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs Low Vc pleased to report that Mrs Thomas has utmost completely recovered from the effects of the acci dent the last week Her condition was quite serious for a day or two The family of Mr J Wilson Fresno Cat In quarantine for the past six on account of their little girt having diphtheria but many friends here will be glad to loam that the quarantine is raised Mr J English of writes Somehow older I get stronger the desire I have for the weekly letter home which POINTS i Mrs vas visiting in Bradford last week Mr Brock was homo from Toronto over Sunday Mr Locke Fox spent over Easter with friends in The noted Tom Longboat was in Newmarket last Monday Mrs Howard Cane gave a tea yesterday afternoon Mr Sherman Fletcher spent Good Friday at home with friends Mrs J is spending a wcok with her mother in Mr Jack Montgomery of Toronto visited his mother on Good Friday supplies I find J cannot do without its regular visits Kind re- ste OVERALLS WEAK LIKE A PIGS NOSE Home of Quality NEWMARKET SEE OUR IMMENSE RANGE OF WALLPAPER BEFORE BUYING 111 Miss Lonora Fletcher spent the The creation of the new of Easter holidays at homo with friends in the re- Mr Pretty of wrve the holiday with Harry serve Tlie establishment of a legal Sale Window Frames with glass com plete suitable for storm sash hot- bods or glass partitions Price cadi Apply at this office Hughes Real Estate Agent Has for nice Building Lot ft Ask him where it is fox for the equipment and conduct of licensed hotels and provision for standard temperance hotels under Provincial license ami supervision The changing of the financial year limiting of the powers of the Provincial Auditor Increased protection provided for men working in the mines with se vere penalties for nonobservance General consolidation of the sta tutes Improve operation of the Provin cial insurance laws Intensive grants and regrants of land ami money to railway corpora tions to build or extend lines in Northern Ontario the most im portant being the grant of acres to to Complete its hue West to Port Arthur Cheap House and Lot IN Must be sold ONLY En quire of M Hughes Real Estate Agent Newmarket Nothing Better THAN PURE WATER Now is the time to have your welt or cistern cleaned a new Pump in stalled or pumps repaired Estimates given Lowest Rates A Newmarket NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I hereby notify the public that I shall- not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife Julia after this date GEO April Girl Wanted For housework Experienced pre ferred MRS MEYERS Timothy Street To Farmers During the session the Libera Op position though unsuccessful sought to secure the repeal of the three- fifths clause in the local option law also contended for vigorous and in telligent forestry policy for an effi cient system of technical education for civil service reform for the re moval of the administration of the li cense system from the arena of party politics for an intelligent and better method of presenting public accounts and voiced a policy of opposition to Government proposal to grant large portions of the public domain to railway corporations During the closing hour of the ses sion last week Premier Whitney paid a tribute to Hon Mr leader of the Opposition He said I do not it would he proper to let the session close without saying that in ray twentyone experience I have never known a leader of the Op position who has paid more careful dignified and industrious attention to the public questions that came up for discussion than has my friend op posite The was prorogued by His Honor Lieut Governor Gibson with the usual formalities but only a lim ited number of members were present on the Mr Robertson of Thomas was home for Easter Sun day Mrs is spending this with her aunt in Rochester Miss is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in the city Miss Vanderburgh of Richmond Kill spent a few days with Miss Ver non Miss Maw of Toronto spent East er Sunday with her brother Mr Maw Mr Silas Pearson of Toronto spent over Sunday with friends in Town Mr Bert Cane of Toronto spent Easter Sunday at his old home Miss of Toronto spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs i Miss Edna and her mo ther spent Good Friday with friends at Bradford Mr Root and wife of spent rood Friday with in Town Mr 1 Vernon of Toronto vis- to all Mrs who lias spent over three months with her sisterinlaw Mrs J E left on Sat urday for the North West to settle up her late husbands estate previous to returning to her old home in the Southern States Miss Maud Wallace and her friend Miss Brisband from Lindsay were the guests of Mrs Manning on Good Friday in whose honor Mr and Mrs Manning entertained friends in the evening They left for To ronto on Saturday evening Miss Idella Spring of Moose Jaw writes It would seem as if we were out of the world if your pa per did not appear in our home Its coming is always looked forward to with great joy We have excellent spring weather in Moose Jaw and seeding has already commenced Colonist Excursions TO PACIFIC COAST MEXICO The Regular He gets everywhere he climbs everywhere that he doesnt break through His sensible mother likes it but dreads the effect on his clothes She need not if she knows about the durability of Staunch Materials are chosen Expert Tailoring is insisted upon The seams are silk sewn and the bid den parts where the wear counts especially strengthened Theyre not afraid of the hoy and he will like their appearance Double Breasted Norfolk Daily until April oneway se condclass colonist tickets will be is sued by the Grand Trunk Railway System to the following points at very low rates Vancouver Seattle Wash Spokane Wash Port land Ore Los Angeles San etc For further information tickets apply to any Grand Trunk Agent Piece oys uits TO uits to 3J to iece Suits o f A Berkshire Boar will bo kept for service on tot Yonge St Terms ft CHAS ROSE A Valuable Property Of acres good brick House Kitchen and large woodshed cellar furnace shop barn Choice fruits Just outside Corpora tion of Newmarket Taxes low M HUGHES Real Estate Agent Must Be Sold WITHIN TEN DAYS Owner mov ing West A onestorey house Kitchen Hall acre good land and orchard stable ft front- A SNAP Enquire of HUGHES Real Estate Agent Eggs for Hatching From English Leghorns and a grand pen of Minorca The Lea that lays Is the hen that pays per setting For by J Near High School Newmarket Ontario has sold to Mr P Meyers the Newmarket agency for the Wonderful K IM Incandescent Mantle OH Lamp MR MEYERS will also faith fully serve the Newmarket pa- on Thursday WITH only the purest best and safest Oil sold in Canada house West of Market grounds on Timothy Street BOTES Word comes from British Columbia that a strike of magnetic ore been developed at the mouth of Camp- hell river on the east coast of Van couver Island Claims have been staked by Messrs John McLennan Ban Sam Smith Vancouver Prof Hoffman Ottawa gauge sam ples running magnetite The discovers say the deposits lie twenty miles back of the mouth of Campbell river They staked claims all over where twenty feet wide appear They claim that there is plenty of coal and timber for mining purposes During the past week Mr Justice has given decision that an ed itor proprietor subeditor or report er has the right and may apply for the protection of security for costs under the statute respecting libel and slander his judgment the case between two reporters in Ham iltonone on the Spectator and other the Times Mr Justice Riddell refers to a number of cases but says In none of these is it held that any one connected with a newspaper from managing editor to printers devil is not entitled to security for costs Fortune hunters in libel suits will please take notice Because a partisan commission ap pointed by the New Brunswick Gov ernment were unable or unwilling to trace what had become of of public money granted conditionally to the Central Railway Co said com mission assumed that it had been misappropriated while Dr Pugs- ley was in power The latter de clares that a satisfactory explanation can and will be made He has an nounced that he will deal with these charges on floor of Parliament at an early day meanwhile asking his friends to suspend judgment until the opportunity offers The request is reasonable and from the confident tone of Hon Dr in regard to his Innocence we make no doubt his trducers will find they counted without their host itcd over Easter with Ills mother I Mexico City Mrs Vernon Mr Morrow and wife of spent two or three days in Town this week with relatives Mr and Mrs- Irwin spent a few days last week at Mr Mrs Rev A Belfry and her two hoys from spent the week cod at tho Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs J Muir Mrs Harry rough ton of was the guest of Mrs J on Good Friday Mrs of Toronto visit ed her daughter Mrs Sidney Morn ing during Easter holidays Miss Nettie Lehman and a gentle man friend from Toronto spent East er at the home of her father Mrs Maw and Mrs J Mc- Manus are attending WCTU con vention at Weston this week Congratulations to Alderman T P Doyle on being elected President of the L A for this year Miss Laws of spent the week end with her cousin Miss FarVa Mrs and her two children from were the guests of Miss over Easter Sunday Miss Ethel has gone to to taVjQ a course at the Mc Donald Institute in Domestic Science Mr and Mrs Frank McDonald of Mt Albert on friends on Bol ton street during the Easter holidays Mr and Mrs John Coombs of Maple spent a couple of days this week with their son Mr A Coombs Mrs Manning had a few intimate friends in on Monday even ing in honor of her mothers birthday Mrs and granddaughter of King City spent Easter with her daughter Mrs P MacCallura Prospect Street Miss Minnie Morrison who has been attending Normal School lias been successful in the re cent examinations Mrs of Lindsay was here over Sunday- Mr has secur ed a house on Millard Ave and will remove here shortly Miss Street has returned home after spending over a week visiting relatives and the postmaster at White Rose Mr and Mrs Harry Glancy enter tained a tew friends on Wednesday evening Miss Miriam Nelson of Au rora was an out of town guest THE TOMB COOPER At his late residence near on Thursday April James Cooper in his year KENNEDY At Toronto on April Reuben J Kennedy in his year DEGUERRBOn Thursday April 8 Ambrose B A assist ant principal and mathematical master of Gait Collegiate Insti tute son of the late Peter Guerre of aged TRENT At the residence of her son- inlaw Titus W Robinson Bedford Road Toronto on April Elizabeth widow of the late Henry Trent of Creemoro formerly of Newmarket in her 76th year Funeral at on Monday At Newmarket on April 1909 Mary wife of Mr John aged years In East Gwillimhury April Vallery Madeline daugh ter of Mr Herbert mos days JONES In East April Everett Jones aged 29 years 8 mos and days JOHNSTON fn King Tp on April 1909 Wm son of Edward Johnston aged yrs mos and days HAMILTON In East Gwillimbury April 5 Mrs Geo ton Sr aged years and 6 KING At Lefroy April Agnes wife of Mr King in her year Deceased was sisterinlaw to Mr King at THE to 30 to Childrens Brownie Blouse 21 to to The Spring and Summer Suits are ready and we are confident that we can please every boy and every parent that calls SHOE A SOLID LEATHER BOOT FOR BOYS WE GUARANTEE this Boot to be absolutely solid leather OAK TAN SOLE HEEL AND COUNTER Vamp runs underneath Toe Cap If you want Satisfaction buy the TEDD SHOE It is officially announced that Mclnnis exMP for Vancouzcr has been appointed judge of the Coun ty Court at Vancouver in succession to the late Judge Cane The de ceased Judge was a son of the Wm Cane of Newmarket The Clinton New Era reiejfrirffe to the bill of the M P for to turn the hands of the ahead for an hour during the summer sea son makes this comment There is a probability that the House of Com mons clock would stop short never to go again if a bill could be put through to cut down the Indemnity and shorten up the session by cutting out days of useless discussion Morris a Windsor boy died of lockjaw caused by a cut wrist which he sustained by a fall from his bicvcle Hon resolu tion to increase the pay of postoffice employees was adopted by the House of Commons 0S Mrs M W accompanied by her son Mr A Bogart left on Tuesday for a little holiday trip South sailing from New York Wednesday morning for the Bermudas Messrs Jackson J Mc Kay and Coombs interviewed the Minister of Education yesterday regarding the regulations concerning Approved High Schools Mr Arthur Belfry of Philadelphia Pa attended tho gathering of Odd- Fellows In Newmarket last Friday and left for on Saturday morning to visit his brother Mr Will Belfry Holt on Sunday April 11th Susannah widow of the late William McFarland aged years and months KESTERAt the home of her sister and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Geo Holt on Sunday April of pneumonia Ellen daughter of the late George ter in the year of her age THE LEADING Undertaking flonse can buy Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night cell attended to at John Millard and m j TUB CRADLE BARKER In Newmarket on March 26th to Mr and Mrs W Barker a son In Newmarket on Easter Sunday April to Mr and Mrs R W late of Glasgow Scotland son ROBINSON In Newmarket on April 7 1909 to Mr and Mrs John Robinson a daughten THE ALTAR April 1909 Mr L Stoufier of Ring wood to Miss Frances Hoov er daughter of Mr Hoover of Dixon Hill CASE CASE At the Temperance- parsonage Aurora April 5 by Rev Madden Lillian Case of King Tp to Mr Freder ick Case of Albert Toronto on Sunday April Harry Pellis of Newmarket to Miss Dora Berks of Toronto have a great variety of Fruits in Fresh Dried or Canned Our Fruits are all canned at home and every jar guaranteed The season for Marmalade Oranges will soon be over Better Buy Nov J Furniture Undertaking All Oiatro will receive In Foreign and Native Grown Tomatoes Celery Cabbage Onions and Carrots have Fresh Smoked and Salt Fish To clear out our stock of salt fish we will sell them from to 9c per lb Seeds just arrived 2 Pkga for Nalsmitha Bread fresh every A I Lumber We or Have and the Lath Shingles Cement uilding Material Ws at Right Prices S3 W H mil am TORONTO