Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1909, page 3

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VtrVrA v FRIDAY rut APRILS i I J I J Weeks Hems wt ti a hood a this rubber- colds Postponed At Home to be by the Aid St Pauls Church Wednesday evening next has been post poned indefinitely on account Cream opened at Simpsons and a piano bus been put in for the entertainment of guests The parlor will be open Good Friday all day and evening arc loom Ouf Toronto better Missionary Tea meetly will be at of Mrs Jackson April at Garrett I Toroato This city is moving on and bar or will an on LUo Tea RICHMOND HILL bar Within three months another from to An Jj hotel twill be course Easter Trill taken construction It is to be located on up An Invitation Is extended to all a todly hutton St and will be eleven stories BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure I I I I friends Church gave a very able last morning and the pastor In the evening The Rev Allen Doyle will preach morning and evening next Sunday The public cordially invit ed Division Court J lis Honor Judge Morgan held a sitting of the Division Court the County of at the Court House here on Wednesday It was the smallest Court we have had here for a long time only cases on the docket High Wind Vic had a tremendous blow all Wed nesday afternoon and evening but fortunately there was not much dam age done A fir tree on Eagle St was blown across sidewalk smashing fence in front of Mr Simmer residence A window was blown out the Holler Skating Rink and smashed to pieces Several bouse shutters and small signs were twisted some wires were broken anil other minor damages And the gentlemen will be welcome Dont forget the date Tuesday next being accidentally run into by high Estimated cost Brief lets Tho Directors of the Newmarket who stopped tho car Society arc arranging for the annual soon as possible The Co also excursion to go to in June maple is about a failure in this section Mr Win is putting up a verandah and making other his residence on Prospect Ave Mary of Aurora left of which is cash and real estate All is left to her daugh ter Alexandria -ooo- AURORA a trolley car The children were playing on the street and ran in front of the car as it was passing No is attached to the as sent a doctor up from Toronto to attend to the injuries oo EDiTOHinii botes The threefifths clause of the Local Option Act was retained in House on Wednesday on a vote of to While the House of Commons was considering a resolution moved by A liousc was burned at the North on Friday last touch- end of the corporation on Wednesday an into the supposed to of incendiary departments of Government a origin following a blackmail letter preclpitakd by remarks of which has put the people in greater Foster who made an than last week The gracious insinuation against the detective department has been unable romi Sir Wilfrid replied in to unravel the mystery scathing terms amid protests from Mr Foster during which loud de risive cries might be hearU from mem bers such as sit down Take I your medicine etc Mr Foster Two new mail routes have been not tackle the Prime Minister and the boxes delivered again in a hurry will be a rural mail cen tre and both of the new routes will operate from here The first route takes in four little villages The courier will leave the Government paid to Altona to Atlia to Mongolia and back to the starting point Mi The second also starting from and ending at swings around through Ringwood and The boxes are all out now and as soon as the farmers get the posts in to the ground the system will go in to operation Mr Barton Ward wears smile Its a girl Mr and Mrs John Clever visited friends at Churchill last week Miss Jessie is visiting Mrs T Mr Kennedy of Toronto spent Sunday at his home here Mr A Barnes was a Toronto visit or for lew days Mrs Jason Unifier has returned home from Toronto Rev wife and child of Oshawa are spending a few days with their relatives Mr French the- assessor is mak ing his annual round in the neighbor hood Mrs Beech and son of are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Geo Sage Mrs Prank Ward who has been quite sick is we arc glad to say slowly improving Mrs of Toronto was a vis itor at Mrs Pattersons Mrs Patterson is spending There was quite a spirited discus sion in the Public Accounts Commit tee of the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday morning It transpired that or fifteen adorn a somewhat obscure part of Parlia ment building Mr said You could buy the Indians them selves and bring em down here for less than SI apiece Mr Clark Northumberland asked Does the Provincial Treasurer say he thinks this expenditure was justified Won Mr replied Certainly Mr Clark rejoined Then I must say I havent a good an opinion of the Provincial Treasurer as I had Fancy of the peoples money for Indian portraits to hang on the walls of the Legislature A Creditable Piece of Work it was thought by some of the lead ing plumbing contractors in Toronto and else whore that when Mr A contracted to install the plumb ing for new Friends College here it would be impossible for a country shop to handle such a large work sat isfactorily Mr Giles the foreman plumber at Binns Hardware was giv en sole charge of the work and has completed the work of piping requir ed to the entire satisfaction of the architect the work having to undergo a very severe test before being passed This speaks well for our own Town Christian Church Last Sundays services were de voted to the Missionary aspect of the work in general and the Christian Church in particular and addresses given at the Laymens Missionary Congress formed theme of day The pastor was assisted in the presentation these by Messrs A Williams and 1 Stephens and three addresses were given at each service forming a very pleasing vari ation for the work of the day These addresses were introduced by remarks from the pastor and were listened With marked attention during their delivery at both services and it is Mrs Patterson is spending a hoped that a large increase of sub- at Mr Stapletons Union- five Conservatives for the general mission 1 BUTTERIOK mm i PATTERNS and NONE HIGHER few On moving a six months hoist to the land grant scheme of the Ontario Government to the Hon Mr McKay made Premier Whitney look like thirty cents He asked What does the reservation of white pine mean There is no white pine The Crown will practically convey to the Company everything that is along the route The people of Ontario will not be misled by the statement that white pine and minerals are re served for where pine is reserved there is none and there arc no min erals in the clay belt Only as re cently as the of Sept last the Premier had assured a deputation of farmers that under no circumstances in the future would a land grant be made railway companies That was a definite pledge From every point of view therefore the bill was to Ik condemned On the vote he- voted with the Opposition work a unanimous call was extended of the church will result The C has organized a Sewing Circle which meets every week look- inn to a bazaar next winter At the quarterly business meeting of the church on Monday Rev pastor another year The Raster services next Sunday are full of promise Special ser mons special music special decora tions mid collection for Home Missions to remain as Many people have a habit of ailing How much better it would be to learn to keep well For health after all is largely a matter of habit which all may acquire with a little practise a of Mrs Hughes At an early hour last Friday morn ing Mrs Hughes peacefully away being conscious up to the very last For the past six I years she ban been a helpless invalid the result of a stroke of paralysis but it never affected her mind or speech and she was always very glad to see the many friends who called upon her and was very com municative bearing her sickness with great Christian fortitude No one could he more attentive than her on ly son Mr John Hughes Town Clerk with whom she has resided since the death of her husband over years ago Deceased was the daughter of John and Catharine born at on the of June and was married to the late Hughes in They moved to Newmarket in- and she has been a resident here for over years Out of a family of five brothers and three sisters the only surviving mem ber is Mr W of Newmar ket Many and beautiful were the floral tributes of respect and sympathy re ceived from personal friends as well as from tho Town Council and I O 0- The funeral services took place on Monday afternoon conducted by Rev assisted by Hew and were largely attended- The were six deceased Messrs Fred and George Toronto Albert Edgar Frank and Martin of The remains taken to Newmarket Cemetery for interment teach good habits to Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowels If you are subject to Bilious Attacks suffer from Constipation or are troubled with Indigestion Nervousness or Headache Pills will reform all these bad habits and set an example of good health- which the body will quickly follow You can break up all sickly habits by occasionally using the health suggestions trans mitted by Pills Prepared only by Beckham St Helens Lancashire England Sold by all Druggist In Canada and S America In boiea cents BIB CT21 Oik V All above have been inspected by the Government Seed Inspector Phone J NEWMARKET The building is being erected by a few Americans ocelots Mexican cats man aged to crawl into the tigers cage at the Zoo The tiger soon de spatched them and had an unexpected meal Tramps nave been prowling around and they are suspected having caused four fires which hate occurred in the neighborhood during the past three weeks VicarGeneral McOann of St Marys Church Hat hurst St who lately vis ited Pope Plus and was by him raised to the dignity of a domestic prelate has been asked to direct the pilgrimage of Americans visiting the Holy Land this week He will re cite the prayers and go over Way of the Cross at Jerusalem on Good Friday Harry Todd aged fortyeight years a bill poster for the Grand Opera House dropped in the hallway leading to his room Todd had been out tor the evening and was just re turning to his room when he was stricken by heart failure Miss Kate the young wo man who was found frozen to a tree- near a few weeks ago died on Saturday at St Michaels Hospi tal Exposure was the cause Miss who was on her way to see her brother strayed up north and lost her way in the bush Freddie the little 3yearold of Geo Watson Sheridan Ave on Sun day morning last in playing about the room somehow stumbled fell backwards Into a tub part Jul of boiling water Although pulled out immediately he was so badly scalded that life is despaired of A palm house is to lie erected in the Allan Gardens Rev Dr Gordon of Winnipeg well- known minister and author of a scries of hooks under the de plume of Ralph Connor is at- the home of his brother Dr A Gor don St West suffering from influenza He is getting better There is in Toronto today a lion of paintings stored away In some place or another worth anywhere from to Jir0000 The collec tion is what is known as the Russian Art Section at the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition held at St Louis in The paintings were sent to Canada to avoid paying customs duties to the States and have remain ed here ever since The Ontario branch of the Domin ion Temperance Alliance is already for the- local option con tests bo held next January Hol land Landing is on the list of com ing possibilities It is thought the anchor out on the plains will hold but it will be hard on the canal navvies On Monday last as A Hoi- land was tried in the Police Court for forgery There were eleven charges against him He trie I to prove an alibi but miserably failed and then admitted his guilt The magistrate sent him to Kingston to stone for five years A third Police Magistrate for To ronto was provided for in the Stat ute Law Amendment Act which pass ed the Legislature this week Word was received in this City on Tuesday that George Slack who was sent to Kingston Penitentiary for life from here passed away that morn ing He was sentenced to peni tentiary in On Friday of last week- a remark able occurrence took place in St lames Church when Canon Welch was about to deliver the midday Lenten sermon A welldressed Lenten sermon A welldressed passed swiftly up the centre- aisle to the communion table and started to speak in a loud shrill tone to the congregation verger of the church was hot on her trail and gently the young woman to walk into the vestry from where she quietly went out Canon Welch showed no sign of disturbance but as well as ever Ed returned here from New York last Monday where he was or dering a new shell He says the boat is to be ready by July in pre paration for a race with the worlds champion Dick and possibly for one with Greer of Boston The new boat will weigh only pounds the lightest boat ever rowed in Can ada It will have out riggers The Independent Order of Foresters a grand reception to Hon Elliot Stevenson Supreme Chief Ranker of Order on Tuesday ev ening last Over people assem bled In the hall and the warmth of their greeting afforded unmistakable evidence of the sincerity of their en thusiasm The gale on Wednesday was terrific and played havoc in all parts of the City A large number of glass windows were blown in and on many streets in residential districts trees were uprooted while telephone and telegraph wires broken One electric light pole was broken Lake Ontario waters were tossed about in great shape DRESS GOODS This tore is lamed for its display of Fine Dress Goods Everything the heart may desire is shown here and at prices with- the reach of every purse One Special this week different colorings at is Cashmere 36 inches wide In per yard yards of Embroidery from three to eight inches wide with insertions to match all at per yard This is a better shoe store than many think We carry thft bast assorted stock of all the latest styles for men women and children and make a distinct Specialty of MCPHERSONS SHOES They fit all over not in spots Always pleasure to show them- J ES Boxed Natural Figs lb Dried Peaches lb Fancy Seeded Raisins Full lb Package Pink Salmon tin N School Reports S NO SCOTT Report for March Class Evelyn Annand Thompson hon Lyman Pear son Garfield Clar ence Thompson Willie III Sarah Myers I lay ward Lil lian Washington Jr 1 1 L Olive Hay ward Flossie Thompson hob Dunn Willie Money Edith Myers Charlie Shepard Class Nathaniel Hoover hon Victor San Valentine Sansom Franklin Myers Erie Hay ward John Myers Pt Myers Tom Money Myers Beatrice Money L Whitney Teacher SEE OUR DAINTY COLLECTION OF WASH FABRICS SEE OUR DAINTY COLLECTION OF SILK NET LAWN BLOUSES Leading Millinery Dry Goods and Tailoring House Ladles you are invited to come and see Display Millinery and while admiring the acquaint yourself with our Special Easter beautiful creations No East Senior Annie Tunnv Mar ia George Junior tenia Howard Senior Gibson Walter Tunny Junior Ala Andrews Frederick Swain Part Clarence Ethel Senior I Hazel Ross Williams n Which you will DECIDEDLY SAVING It pays to appear well dressed and being well dressed you must wear TAILOR MADE CLOTHES that have style and hold their shape OUR experience is your safeguard We know how to Tailor to get the best results Phono 117 o Gran a Jury Presentment The Grand which made its presentment Monday morning reports that the city jail is overcrowded and in a condition not befitting such an ion Remarking on this Judge Winchest er said may come to pass that if the condition of the jail is not bettered the Grand Jury may indict the city No doubt the is in bad condition and it might be con sidered acommon if the city continue to be carelessly and wanton ly neglectful They also recommended aboli tion of the Grand Jury as being su perfluous Other suggestions were that wo men prisoners for the jail he sent to the Mercer and the men be put in the womens wards that the meat supply to te Industrial Home at Newmarket be looked into that wife beaters he whipped and that To ronto police department enforce the bylaw in regard to vehicles standing in the streets Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP 1 mi UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore BRANCH AT NEWMARKET Live Stock Market Six hundred saloons and breweries will be out of ncss Michigans nineteen counties Peas per bush Bran per top Shorts per ton Very little change on the Toronto jHay per ton live stock market this week Dutter per lb Exporters sold from to for the choicest and as low as potatoes per bag cattle were active chickens per lb of lbs sold readily from T per lb to Medium quality from to Good demand for veal nisi- From S3 to paid according dry- ten 0 23 a ii oo 0 0 00 0 15 0 20 0 20 Fine Catalogue is mailed free on request Write for it if you have any notion of an excellent course Central Business College To ronto H SHAW SHAW Sec Live hogs J from J 675 try places Newmarket Markets Barley per bush Oats per bush rice Worth More Money OO Wreck on the Wednesday blocking the line Corner of Main Timothy Sts next to Forsyth Hotel Toronto Markets ewes from to Top April price for lambs and for j Fall Whear per Iambs Goose Wheat per bush 0 0 51 0 0 00 12 COIS 24 75 0 20 150 25- 0 40 oil cars in Toronto Barley per bush to quoted at coun- Oats per bush Peas per Kay per ton Eggs per doz Butter per lb Potatoes per bag j Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Geese per lb April Fall Wheat per bush 1 55 56 I 0 Turkeys per lb SEE THEM

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