UO legal J- Public Ac OH A a to a Security rt em ploys a dog catcher now pta ftc wucnoM so taxes has increased from to During last will of the late Atrd of was a for probate The estate is farm is J Banters son three daubers arid a fc Pur- T7 grand-daughter- receive a small- each J- v Aurora J A Mr exReeve whit er church has sold his arm stock and j standing crops and has bought the to at Current property on St Newmarket occupied by the late John Rogers he intends to reside in the near future Mrs Oliver has bought Mr Fred on Nia gara street and takes possession the 1st or Sept prank Dunean AUCTIONEER Ml Robertson DIVISION COURT CLERK for Life I a Specialty Bolton Millard ftic Street sad O Banket voice MtoViS if DENTIST Dp W DENTIST Office Id jl Aurora fctop Metropolitan Tee Also or Reflating At Prices St The Davis Leather Co arc putting through the tannery over hides a day and find such a difficulty in keeping a supply on hand that an or der was given last week lor hides to be shipped from the old country One wonders where all the leather goes to and yet the output is all consumed Ontario and Que bec Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES at private realdwce NEWMARKET LATEST IK Monuments and Head Stones- Before JAMES Furnace Work Plumbing 3 Specialties 8 Next to Smiths Grocery Livery L Mm Orders fcU49M G1 rewrite attentic Musical Exams The result of the Exams of Toron to Conservatory of Music held at this local centre is as follows Piano Department Intermediate Grade Pass Elsie Penrose Pine Or chard Junior Grade Pass Beat rice Lloyd Pine Orchard Primary Grade Honors Laurel and Florence Huston equal Pass Vera Hogg Mount Albert Ruby Smith Conservative The picnic of York Conserva tives Is to he held today Friday at Jacksons Point It is announc ed that AttorneyGeneral Dr Minister of Education Carney P P M P P and Lennox P P are expected to be present New market MilitaryHand will furnish the music and there is to be a display of fireworks in the evening The fireworks in the afternoon will be supplied by the various speakers Farm Produce market last Saturday Prices u follow Butter to lb to per Strawberries to per box Gooseberries 10c quart Potatoes to bag New Potatoes peck Green Peas to per peck Cauliflower per head Hearts lb Green Onions Carrots and Beets Live Chickens to Old Hens to lb Live Ducks lb Turkeys lb pigeons Hides No to Hides No Calfskins 10 to Sheepskins to Tallow i The Flower Show Last year when the Flower Show was held here a number of disting uished gentlemen Came up from To ronto in a special Mefropolltan car and were greatly surprised and As- lighted at the magnificent display of flowers and early garden vegetables on exhibition There are many peo ple in town who have never taken the trouble to visit the Flower Show right at own doors and are totally ignorant of the natural beauty to be found cultivated right in our own town Dont let It be said any longer that you never visited the Flower Show but go to the Skating Kink next Wednesday evening and see for yourself are expected to wake their entries on or before next Mon dayevening town drays will call for the exhibits on Tuesday morning exhibits will be pro- peri classified on Tuesday evening and Judged a professional expert on Wednesday morning Wednesday- afternoon the Flower Know will le for Infection Wednesday evening Promenade- Concert will be given by the Town Military Hand and a will also be open The admis sion on Wednesday evening has been reduced to J for adults for children in the hope that will attendance and beneficial of Show upon the community more apparent In future than In the pest the Era to absent friends Trie Misses flobercs of Parkfdale are WithMiss Hay Dr Campbells from Minneapolis were enraptured with the Beauty of Orchard Beach as a sum mer resort Miss Marjory of Newmar ket visiting with Miss Helen Rbh- Robertson of son of Mr Ross Robertson is enjoying his vacatfoh- cfio Hollow with Mr Mr Bell of Toronto June- tion visited friends here oyer Sunday A change of occupants at Otto week took place last week Ten more young ladles from Toronto are now in charge Miss Isabel King and Miss Mary A hayrack ride and watermelon feast were the extra features last Friday evening and a picnic on Monday af ternoon The services at the Union Church last Sunday were largely Rev of Toronto preached morning and evening on the subject of Applied Christanfty and the ev ening discourse was exceptionally good At this service a splendid so lo was rendered by Master Harold one of the best boy sopranos in the city Next Sunday morning Mr Wilson the circuit will preach and two young ladies visiting at Roachs Point will give a duett Song service in the evening Mr may give a short address Mrs Crooks of Detroit Mrs James and Mrs- T Doyle were guests of Mr Fred last Fri day A postponed meeting of the l is to take place next Saturday evening at oclock at the cottage of Mr Ross to decide definitely about the Regatta on the first Mon day in August Some of the camp ers favor a list of events for the boys and- girts Orchard Beach from Mr- Yates place to the pro perty others favor from Point to Roachs Point and include sailing events It- hoped there will he a good attendance as the Re gatta has become- an event of general interest which is looked forward to with much pleasure There Is another matter which will come up for discussion and that Is the location of Orchard Beach station The cars have been stop ping at Mr lane but thoughtless people leave the gate open and the family have had some trouble already besides being In fear that the barn may be fired a stray cigar thrown down some night Mr Morton offers to throw open a street at the rear of the postoffice provid ed the campers build the road This would be quite central hut the north- end people are not inclined to con tribute to this object as the church crossing Is more convenient for them and a station there the pro perty would accommodate both Or chard Beach and Roachs Point un less the Company is inclined to build two stations The Metropolitan disappointed a lot of people last Monday morning They promised a- car to leave Jacksons Point at oclock but it never left till and people all along the line waited tor over an hour in a pouring rain only reason the conductors could give was that tkere was power in the wires The it is stated now makes regular trips from the chief ports on Cooks Bay to and return every Saturday It is a very pleasant sail in agreeable weather A good many people came clown on last trip to Morton and Roachs Point and return the evening Another bitch in the mails between and Keswick last Friday The Kras and other mail matter post ed in plenty of time that morning In Newmarket did not come to hand till next day It is lime this liction was Whether the fault is in the post or the mail carrier contractor ought to he ascer tained This thing is becoming too monotonous to lie agreeable to tour ists The Inspector of the Toronto Division should make with the view of remedying this just cause of complain There is no use of hav ing a postoffice at Orchard Beach if the malls are riot delivered regularly Mrs Isaac of Boston Is a guest at Mr Walt Sutherlands cottage Mr T If gasoline yacht has returned from whither it was taken recently for repairs and is now in active service on the Hay Mr It and family are now up for the season at their cot tage here All the cottages this resort are now occupied Mrs McOhlc was visiting with Mrs for a few days during past week point tourists are now occupying the at that re sort and Belle Rwait has its quota of visitors The establishment of an early morn ing car from Jacksons Point reach ing proceed to Toronto on the seven oclock car will be more and more appreciated as the timet goes Robbie Millar of Toronto is spend ing a few days with Herbert Lloyd of Minneapolis at Lloyd Lodge The Colonel celebrated his birthday one day last week Mrs Fred Lloyd and children from the are spending a few days with Mrs David Lloyd at their on the shore A few yearBag before iwheat- had ed anything Igce 1 present farmers Lrted Mr wheat to the nearest mill and during the grinding politics with their neighbors to return contentedly with feed of dour for home use If at that time some soothsayer had predicted that In some sections of the province wheat growing would abandoned on count of Western competit that termers would refuse to accept flour made their own wheat when Manitoba flour was available they would have smiled pityingly the poor deluded pessimist -But- this decline in the market The intimation given a short time- ago thatvpeitions were in flop Lords Day Act be so amended as to permit the playing of professional games on Sunday tion of the fact that by loosening the of Sabbath Observance and permitting Sunday car ser vice Toronto has opened the door to other classes of her people who now seek a wider sphere of Sabbath desecration We have no Idea that if on I Parliament will lead a sympathizing ear to the prayer of the petitioners i l It Is to be hoped that the moral exactly what has happened to the On- K- farmer Millers are now great mass of the people to run only eight or ten hours a day will not be shocked by any such with the result that feed double what it did in the days before the Western competition had cut into the market It is sale to assert that during the last twenty years farmers of Ontario have lost millions through the decline In the demand for Ontario flour in this province While here Ontario Western flour has gained an enviable ascendancy en terprising Ontario millers have been able to compete successfully- with Western flour in the Maritime Prov inces where Ontario blended flours captured the market Enough Western wheat is added to the finely flavored nourishing Ontario wheat to bring up the percentage of gluten to the proper strength and now even in Ontario the most popular loaf sold by the largest firm of bakers is made Ontario blended flour and the public have been quick to respond wherever the new bread is put upon the market as it is now shipped daily to a number of towns through out Ontario What has won the unprejudiced ap proval of the Eastern Provinces to be well worth the attention of the Ontario farmers whose inter ests are best served by doing all in their power to encourage the sale Ontario wheat As the new flours find their way Into general thru- out the homes of Ontario the wheat- market will improve and stockmen may expect to secure bran and shorts at a more reasonable flgure In creased demand lor Ontario blended flour will doubtless have a great deal to do in evening up the difference in prices Ontario and Manitoba wheat amendment to legislation True it is now held by the courts of the land that there is nothing in our existing Jaws to prevent playing of baseball or other lawful games as a recreation on the Sabbath but the playing of league games would violate two distinct sections of the Lords Day Act 1st because section forbids any person to work lor gain at his ordinary calling on Sunday or employ anyone else to do so 2nd because another clause forbids anyone to engage in anypublic game or con test for gain on Sunday or to be present at any public performance for which an admission fee is charged This blocks the professional gamester who would rudely shock the moral sense of the community by indulging in public contests for gain or hire and- hereby desecrate holy day Thete is no blotting out the fact that the logical result of Sunday base ball would be a Continental Sunday something the people of this A to a very large extent are decidedly opposed to At present we have a Sabbath Observance law in harmony with the moral sense of a vast ma jority of the electorate and it would seem the part of wisdom let well enough alone For Era The Garden Sepulchre A banker The conviction entertained of late years by so mariy weir qualified to judge that the traditional sacred sites of Jerusalem cannot possibly he the actual spots where the great events commemorated took place and the synchronous discovery of an cient tomb outside the walls and in the immediate vicinity of the Hill of Calvary or Golgotha which It is believed is the veritable Holy Sepul chre is to man a matter of the greatest interest And when the subject hi examined in the both of the sacred writings and of history that conviction is more and more strengthened and in tensified and the greatest wonder is excited that the legendary and ima ginary testimony should have been so generally and almost universally ac cepted by which the traditional site was assigned as- the true locality of the Sepulchre Truly beautiful lor situation is the royal of Jerusalem The visitor who would wish to gather the best- idea of its beauties and of Its form er magnificence should proceed foot from he Jaffa rate walk along the rough bridle path outside the vener able walls skirting the Vale of she of so many memories of horror and superstition past the an ient Pool of still naturally supplied with apparently clear wa ter past tomb and other of the past and on to the ever sacred Harden of The Mount of Olives Is then ascended whence the view of the ancient city Is sublime and imposing and If si magnificent now In lis decadence what must it have been in the days of all its glories and after a walk along the slopes of old lie blue mountains and the Dead on the one hand the Holy City on the other and he hill country of Judaea in front the visitor descends a preci pitous path anil proceeding along the road Soon In view of the place of tile skull the two black caves forming the eyesockets and the low er cave forming the mouth still as distinct as probably were when gave Hie name to Golgotha more than two thousand year ago And nigh unto the place adjoining this hill of Calvary Is- the garden still maintained by the Fund which purchased and keeps from desecra tion this sacred site Is the Tomb In which it is most confident ly and most emphatically believed the Saviour of the world was laid af ter making expiation for the sins mankind aye surely lor the sins of the the sum mit of that hill hard by And He win ever welcome with His loving smile all who come to Him for for giveness But all who must alas I on Day be prepared for His withering frown Birth On Monday wife- of Mr Joseph Wilson of a girl Mrs Brown of Toronto a guest at the home of Mr Luke Lyon Mr Watson hardware merchant has removed to the new ami hand sonic store of Mr At ridge One of best industries is that of Mr At ridge His Sash and Boor Factory has been taxed to its utmost capacity and his increasing trade is evidence that he is giving satisfaction Spain and Switzerland have sign ed a treaty arbitration twentyfive Japanese were killed in by soldiers in mutiny The Kings Cup at was won by Lieut Addison the Aus tralian team Thirtyone persons killed and many injured in a wreck on the Pere Marquette near Salem Mich Thus OConnor a thirteen-year- old buy was killed at by touching an electric wire In a spirit of bravado Five persons died in New York Friday from the heat Nearly two thousand ore arc on strike at Superior and other Lake Superior harbors Montreal gave Sir Wilfrid Laurier a magnificent reception on Saturday The college graduate who has not yet struck a job should not be discouraged and jump to the hasty conclusion that lalentfs not- appre ciated- In the business world Possi bly the man who hands out Jobs will not have a vacancy until next week Ice cream comes under J he pure food law and must contain riven per cent of fat hardly seems possible that In cream there would he such an opportunity for adulteration hut inspection already shown that there arc In stances where there Is a of fifty per cent A farmer has made the discovery that will be of vast Importance to farmers during it dry season He has found that by planting onions and potatoes In same Held in al ternate rows the onions being so strong bring Tears the potatoes In such volumes that the roots of the vines are kept moist and a big crop raised in spite of drought The- number of deaths occurring among young children during the summer months is simply appalling In the city of Montreal last week children under the age five years died and nearly all the deaths were due to stomach and bowel trou bles With ordinary care most of these lives might have been saved Watch food given lie ones Do not feed meats see that the milk given Is pure and give an occasional dose of Own a medicine which surpasses all others in preventing and curing and bowel troubles AT TH- Leading Hardware Store WHILE THEY LAST K Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at 10c Dps Shoe Regular goods selling at Stove Brushes Regular 25c goods selling at iOc Or one each of the above at Dor Whisks Regular goods selling at Dor Kalsomine Brushes Regular goods selling at Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling at ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS WEitB BOUGHT BY US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT FURNITURE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH FOR SAMS- J A W ALLAN COMPANY A R NEW K E T s i Mr r- fct SUMMER SUITS OUR WORSTEDS AND TWEED SUITINGS y For Summer Wear are the Best In Town We guarantee satisfaction In Work manship and Fit and Prices Right WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO L ATKINSON MAIN STREET MADE IN CANADA I by A CANADIN COMPANY REPUTATION FOUNDED Ori MERIT A3 WELL AS AGE ALWAYS FPU THE THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO MONTREAL OH TO CONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA ST JOHN WANTED EVERYWHERE THE REC CALORIFIC Ourwflrra air heat producer churches large public buildings possesses a very important feature in the that it has two air courses the air- travels tip through both the inner and outer castings All products of combustion and completely come in direct contact with surround the hot air columns the largest amount of heating surface to every square foot of grate surface ever achieved in a warm air heater The flue construc tion admits of heat being forced direct to the most distant and most exposed J part of the building be warmed to WRITE CATALOGUE THE RECORD MACHINE CO a i STEPHENS Agent Newmarket