i IV ljjjVrij j ijjjuaiaaaaaaWaaaaWaWaaiaMaat oor You can trust medicine tested 60 years I Sixty years of experience of- that I Experience with Sir- the original Sarsa- the strongest Sarsapa- rilla the Sarsaparilla the doc tors endorse for thin blood weak nerves general debility Est cannot lb title re- of Tha lire J so win I Co KmC Aim Of J HAPPINESS ftHEAWA COB I TO RECORD J j Mr Crawford has quite a con- tract grading a new driveway on his I premises J Mr purchased a new J driver the best in P is engaged on the river farm for the summer Mr and are busy drawing stone for their new of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat Makes the WHITEST BREAD LIGHTEST BISCUITS CAKES In i- Mil Toronto a 3 Houses for Sale Apply CEO VALE corner and Vfctiiin fits Newmarket- I Our new market opens Friday the with substantial prizes Seed oats are very scarce and com- good prices in this locality The keepers of this re- report this tobe one of the hardest winters on bees for man- years Home have lost all and more have lost half of their bees from some un known cause as most of the colonics had abundance of surplus honey Farm for Sale Con Kin Ave Toronto Room Rent gentleman boarding Apply at Era Office BLENDED FLOURS flour in one Bread and Pastry making ii qualities of Ontario fall are combined with Manitoba spring wheat Which adds strength and nutriment J LEND ED FtdURS not only the V best for all home baking they are also MOST ECONOMICAL Theyyield MOREi bread cakeandpastryto the pound than any other it and you will use no other jiy For Sale Corner lot suitable tor building Convenient to tannery Apply to y To Let Large front rooms suitable for light housekeeping Also two la dies can get breakfast or dinner Apply at Era Office AURORA A Toronto company have the Heaver tannery taken out of the machinery and shipped it the city This tannery at one time did a very large trade and even at this very late hour it is proposed to call a public meeting and sec if a j joint stock company cannot be or ganized to retain the industry the town On his retirement from the princtj of the Aurora High School still in pursuit of the cattle and one Mr was presented by the being closely pursued by one of Made in Ontario S mm with a an address handsome suit case and CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought tin dogs I shot the dog that was so pursuing said calf and found the calf in such an exhausted condition that it had to bo carried to my barn where it shortly afterward died J shot the other dog in actual pur suit of others of my cattle t For Ten Good Building Lota on Andrew Btreet Apply to J PARTRIDGE Newmarket For Sale The convenient Brick- dad Dwelling on Botsford occupied by J A m m 1 FOE SALE A a roomed house Good cement Stable and Barn Domestic water Garden arid trees High School Apply to MRS J SPRING Bears he Signature J If is remodelling his house the cost of which will amount to about Rev Sargent of occupied te pulpit of Memorial Christian Church Sunday and preach ed an excellent sermon a iitgc congregation Rev A Grant A well known here lias invited to he- come pastor of the church at The public library board arrang ing for a groat concert on the of May 1- fames will give a tea in the of the church on Tuesday April House for Sale or Rent The roads around here are getting That house and premises belonging try and some of the farmers have to Frank Doyle on Street star lid seeding Apply to Draper and six fast Monday The bunch Barrister Newmarket weighed As Mr Fran has erected a Ws house For or rite getting things in good shape eh Cottage and Frame for sale corner of iht Prospect Ave and Pearson St ive ana ftt laatKutidav K J spin Court Office w a few days in For Cheap We arc sorry to hear that Elder ami wife are beiul to a of sickness One house with they will better iiea and stable on Street Mr Joseph Pollock is back One Urge cottage with fin lota recently vacated by rear of Public School be sold a I am short of directors of the VmmW Rural their nirlfng A Monday and I nor taut business was transacted The visited the home of Mr and Lot for 8ale last Theyouug- iXHHAMH boy not the big boy tip TOM pit are Bit by Bit Why should our feet grow weary or our hands refuse to toil Although theres much to make us sad more to make us smile swears I shot the foes surround us said dogs in defence of my own pro- hut these we shall outwit within my right as a British We know and on subject and claim that the judgment were winning bit by bit rendered herein is contrary lo the principle of law and justice and with- Never overlook those lessons that are out the jurisdiction of the court written for our good Yeoman not only lost his printed on the paths we action for damages against Dr tread and published on the wood but was fined for from hud to blossom killing the doctors dogs Telegram moves before the fruit is fit We know and that should cheer us on were winning bit by bit Make this a Happy Winter be compelled to stop work and Rheumatism Make free of pain now to take See how the sun comes slipping out along the eastern sky An instantaneous blaze of light would blast the strongest eye So streak and beam come sailing forth each bright and brighter yet We know and thai should cheer us- on were winning bit by hit How gradually art from age to heals the Kidney cures unfolds that loving lore I and iron horse we flit We know and that should cheer us on were winning hit by bit afl The tyrant drink still keeps the field I and leads a mighty host Lindsay has a novelty officer Chamberlains Salve is good for Any ftl 7 T ltrc an hf his ancient guards disease of the skin ft allays the are flying from their post fc or I4n4 for her or AJ Caw to Protect Cattle We know and that should cheer us on I were winning bit by bit Small Duties jWhen right and might in battle meet the conflict may he long The duty of doing not great things whose lips shall but what we can Is the very top triumphant song and sum of human obligation One diamond sword in freedoms cant get beyond It one ought not Ja been worsted yet to stop this side of It It rncana We know and that should cheer us on the doing everything that you- were winning bit by bit can and chiefly It means the doing John Anderson in The Alliance of things that issue out of the heart toward God and man it means setting aside of and faying out energies in unselfish not r ntsV to be raited service It nean merely occupation Industry y not busy but busy affections sympathies pur- poses You cannot shun its almost J Ware Dont Die at Cure The Indigestion Which Is So Liable To Lead To Apoplexy- For A change in the Ontario law lhst shall giVe cattle protection from doyi fclriilar to that enjoyed by fclifcep is be under preparation by JO James Jiexity Minister of Agri culture That such a law is for Collars by a me Mr Justice recently refund Tie oBer lor tale a with ho decision of the of beautifully situate Court l for on the shores Jodouin a farmer of Lake filcaw about half a mitt W 4fc from PO and close fa helng by the Toronto ft York Racial Railway Joe atatloa lott on vht We information leading from to the they had en chased for two Lake northward tnniwww before the information Orchard Beach a licit from w some of the lota on the Late shore Terms For further par- and Plan apply given thereupon hurried Proprietor or to J RJBERtBOU Solicitor weapon to my pas- lure farmer and found the dog la pursuit of cat tle endeavored to frighten them but unable to do to and then went for a gun and upon my turn about one afterwards going found the dogs whfch time was Modelled upon cicntific principle a of curve of grace and elegance in 4very pair A You can buy at various iniermedUic prices ranging from to J Are Models Notice one half per cent for the current quarter being at the rate of six per cent per annuni on the capital stock of this bank has been declar ed and that the same will be payable at the bead office and at the branches on and after the day May next The transfer books will he closed from the 1st to 15th May both days inclusive the Board STEWART Toronto March General Manager Branch A LISTER Manager Newmarket vV Between One source of happiness to in their love of detail They- enjoy every detail of life Iney the- of their work Hiey do not love it a man loves his for the sate of an end They look close at what they are 6V- arid they do not take pleasure la their children an fcey are A defect even it bo a destroys In them far iess than It destroys hat of a man f oppressed by- the thought what that defect will mean in the If a woman Is by nature her fears apply for Utile things If a man is be fears when the fit is upon debacle of beaten and earth men time goes a little slower They take pleasure in each jewel Ol that makes op happiness and are not fretted because the riot complete Of this they have no doubt the inevitable Aetect- much brilliance little grasp and tendency to frivolity They are apt to fritter away their lives and minds little things They become with the details of piny as well the of work no have J more of keen than women have but thegeopportimJ- ties are short lived The happiness of the moment they are less fitted to take The difference between the sexes in this particular might we believe be j- That the people of Ontario rely thus summed up A man Is happy the prairie provinces for a consid- whenever has anything him portion of their flour is today happy hot a vomata Is happy that few would care to deny OFCANADA S- j I STEEL ROLLER With fltranc tttM Steel Thick Sled Drain up to Roller Ram like a bird raj by or name BIS- SELL Look out for it i Write for Booklet I Ontario Wheat lor Dredging ever has to make no- j tf th v j has been M Tenders addressed to under- uciic th r0B iene and endorsed Tender HELLS THAT SWIM- to biid Dredging will be received up to and I lie bust If ng west There including Monday Mav 6th or JpnW thousands of farmers who the dredging required at the grow less wheat than formerly and places in the Province of Ontario s Thwro Fish Mostly Can i- fined to Tropical Sea The Idea of shells belng any- then grumble because the price of during the present year Belle River where else except upon the lran and shorts has advanced from Chenat Ecarte Kincardine I or to river beds little startling twelve or fifteendollars a ton tothe Elgin Port 1 Point Yet the who pursues bis almost phenomenal figure of twenty ward Stanley fionS work from ship lu can and or l In spite of the Thames Blind riiver every or bis net or our province production of this bridge Meatord Owen SauS S Is bow T and Telegraph Is- Tver not a at a r m ands Harbor and Dark relation of the also I Channel Midland only seen on at a certain Hamilton time of tbe year The real ocean shell- tt specification and form of fiBh arc mostly very small In the In- tender can be obtained at the Depart- ocean they my be seen by mil- me the loot it has of Qi lions One which tears the appalling tin Ontario market it had m jn name of Cnvolinlu hah the advertised ami I odd peculiarity of coming to the -sur- a strong flour rich in gluten J Sg4 to be which a at sharp every evening it has won considerable- favor I at th h nii which has caused a decline in wheat f filing of tenders Contractors must other Cleodora risen at growing from Glengarry to Essex People- who fcuffer with headache palpitation bad In mouth after eating and any the other result Their digestive Canadas High Grade Commercial cannot care for the food properly and Shorthand and the of the blood els In brain get little merit- become brittle and finally yield to the fierce blood and on then said to have a be paralyzed or die from successful In all diseases of digestion and vacations Commence now the prescription called has proved Itself of great value It relied TORONTO ONT relied upon today aa a certainty to relieve the worst troubles in digestion and make a complete cure That wlii cure the wont form of stomach trouble ex cepted and give relief In proven by the guarantee if It gives cent box refund the money un- cures A like this must Inspire catalogue J Principal and Alexander ft Chara Frail these tiny shellfish loss of money to Storm ever Injures therm They all Ontario the last fifteen years possess power of being all owing to a on the able at will to sink a few feet part of the consumer the of Ken arid there they That the Ontario wheat fan be remain when gales blow perfectly blended before grinding with be ready to begin work within thirty days after the date they have been notified of the acceptance of their tender Tenders will not be considered un less made the form supplied and rise again when the weather enough of its western rival to bring with the actual signatures of tenderers Improves Of up to the proper percentage largest of these ocean swim- gluten while retaining the superior mers Is about three Inches In length and color of the Ontario grain Almost nil lire most brilliant In color those found the fleaonVrio wheat in the Maritime Provinces the Ontario blended flour Purina Measure favour and the lime is Wheat Is noW 15 In W Ontario twenty to comb load boll bushel barrel homeroll oil wheat combined In cental and with that of- the Further confusion Is also caused tenderers An accepted cheque on a chartered to the order of Honorable the Minister of Public more the of the market for Works for one thousand dollars AAA fc the fact that the bushel of wheat va ries from sixtytwo ponnds at enlarged- market for Ontario wheal created by the demand increased earn- Jin Gloucester and Taunton to eighty flours means pounds at Monmoutii and for Ontario farms and while Aberystwyth It Is sixty- Implies a welcome in the live pounds boll weighs three Imperial bushels throughout six at Ber wick pounds prices now paid by for feed The use of the blended Hour is in fact a matter ol economic im portance to everyone Interested in pounds nt Hamilton A mens- the financial progress old Ontario lire pounds country districts t must accompany each ten der as security deposit in connection with the dredging to he performed The cheque will be returned in case of nonacceptance of tender The Department does not bind it self to accept the lowest or any ten der By order Secretary Department of Public Works Ottawa April anil pounds Milling In Inngfords sawmills at Mean were destroyed by fire Millers Worm Powders arc a won derful medicine for ailments of child- Unique Advertising A tale Is told of nnd of Ids belief in advertising One day he engaged whole of a per repeated a two lino Norman upon It over and over must been reieiitcd times The Metropolitan Hallway Co upon page in the smallest lias purchased a right of way from Why do you waste your money their track the at Rich- asked friend noticed Hill and it is- the intention to that name line so often not I connect the two systems for the more a have answered your pur- convenient handling of freight poser I Half a would never have caused you to the question re plied Mr At least peo ple will that to lino was the way I figured It will hold a spring fair on May UNGMSII SPAVIN re moves all hard soft or loused lumps and blemishes from horses blood spavin curbs splints stifles sprains sore and swollen throat coughs etc Save by use one bottle War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure known Sold by J ft Francis Darner aged of Do ver accidentally shot himself while hunting and died In a couple of hours WHY GAM LIKE OTHER I EAT MEN DO YOURE A SLAVE TO DERANGEMENTS THAT ONLY CAN BE REACHED AND CURED BY SUCH A TRIED AND TRUE REMEDY AS ONE DAY i Hand William was one urging a man he knew to stop drinking to ex cess when the man suddenly asked Can yon of easy way to do replied readily it Is Just as easy as to open thy hand friend Convince mo of that the explained and I promise up on my lienor to do as you tell me Well my friend Peon answered whenever thee finds a of women who pure Fruit pepsin that Is pleasant lo in hand open that hand before troubles why It Is so In the work It does touches thy thee ai they will tell that they have but as harmless as milk helps all never drink to excess gain- I to live In such a hurry that lhc distresses hey have no time to keep welLif to the great army of troubled v people would take Dr Von Stans Tablets a traveling com cat hearty meals- with No Surplus Wealth What are yon going to do your surplus My friend ails There tile experience of any from health stand life M the pleasures as they come la no and as you do so the Doctor table vest pocket doctor they act parfund works permanent cures directly on the digestive a cents a box Druggists and Medicine dealers i y J- A lv It only man la from fettows that axt CUR ttlVES IN POWDER in IJ5 BY J J