I Jewelry Established 1817 SILVERWARE a Articles suitable tor on ALL OC CASIONS Let sao you our Stock JIT I a k v Vi A f a j i flfi I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER trusty ebon all otuer a riser to to North York pa to advance fitch PROMPTLY work GUARANTEED and prices T Grade i Conies eX Ont Friday March J TBRKS4lil mar In advaac OUR GUARANTEE hi tale it J teONE2S NEWMARKET THIS WEEK J One Case Flannelette Remnants In Stripes Cents per Yard AT TBB Toronto Jobbing House THE BANK OF TORONTO Total Assets Open a Savings Account at Th Bank Toronto by depositing one dollar or more The practice of regular weekly or monthly addi tions to yoar balance will soon pro duce results will interest you C H TAYLOR Manager Newmarket GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED PAUSE AND CONSIDER WHY SO MANY BUY THEIR PROM PEARSON This is the a both bard wood and In inch for the tott no bum and throws oat two ood heat Their coal too of tt beat but how it otherwise rt SCRANTON A Pearson Park Ave onto better capercailzie between Dec Sept but lor the present birds are protected by anfajltbertr round close season lasting until hares between Dec and Oct The present law otter and rouskrats Members are beginning to make Last week Mr Graham ii the abaence of Mr McMillan notice ol motion lor an order lor is 4m M Pure Show takes place in Hall on the and will continue till Jowl Friday amusements to be pro vided would Rive the Minister of Ag riculture a jar if held Fall Fair A well known lawyer in the son late Robinson formerly a re sident Aurora passed away sud denly and unexpectedly on Saturday He was at one time of Aarora and contested North York in tbe interests in years later be again was a candidate as an Equal Shortly after he removed to this city and a few years ago contested a mayoralty election bat was in all these larger of Deceased leaves a wi dow and four children Durnan of this city who weovtp Australia to wrest the worlds from George Towns ai sculler with defeat by three boat lengths The race was for a and the chan An immense crowd wit nessed tbe contest but Eddie had his wings clippedall the same no other sculler except Towns can touch bint Charged with using the mails for fraudulent purposes E Roddeo was arrested on Saturday plan was alleged have been to of fer a sum of money to be divided be tween those who sent correct solu tions to bis puzzles Those who an swered received a circular with a more tempting offer to sell eight boxes of pills at cents a box Searching revealed the fact that receipts for Febru ary waa over Eight girls were employed packing up pills Tbe new Lords Day Act came into force on the 1st of this month One of the important changes is the ab solute prohibition of the sale of pa pers on Sunday Bookstalls in ho tels and news agencies were Hosed last Sunday throughout city Hefty advances made to Toronto Hotelkeepers by the city brewers were revealed in statements put in evidence at the license inquiry Four brewers out of seven composing Toronto Brewers are in terested in hotels with a total sum loaned of almost The builders laborers bare made a demand upon the employers or cents per hour A lady left her muff valued at a cab last week An advertise ment offering reward was publish ed and the cabdriver returned with the muff and claimed tbe reward lady then bad cabby arrested for theft That Toronto Is in need of a bet ter system of life saving for the bay was the view taken by the property committee Commissioner Harris reported in favor of keeping up po lice patrol on the bay between and pm from May to Sept SO Any young man cm a farm with enough start far bet ter that living a corporation in the city country life is worth all The woman who was found dead in the vacant lot 1 yards waa Mrs an not Mrs Mary Asians Jury brought in a verdict of death from exposure and Tresurer has received a cheque for the first pay ment by Ontario Government of the citys share of the taxation on railways under the new Railway Act The actual share of city totels but the Government deducts eta per day for each To ronto patient in the Provincial insane Toronto credited with having patients In the Hls thigh so completely ripped open that It required a hundred stlt- to close the wound re sult of accident itba years old of hut week He was about to lie a ball when having dropped the tuck was the animal charged SfJJlS him caught him on the thigh with its long horns and tossed him times in the air Toronto Junction is to have a let ter delivery Two letter carriers have already been appointed and a third will be named before the system is inaugurated the 1st of next month Nathaniel formerly a bookkeeper lor the Canada Furniture Manufacturing Co was committed tor trial a few days ago on two charges of theft The amount be admits taking is over Hall- man stated to the President of the Company that gambling on horses card tor Mi die- The Governments new measure On Monday Mr- game was introduced last to mend the Act to provide week Among the most Important tor a twocent rate was debated by changes are the enactment of the a majority J lowing close season superseding the present law Deer moose reindeer The motion of Mr Borden Nov to Oil It both ion leader for more effective inclusive grouse pheasants Lit ion for the prevention of disputes fowl partridge woodcock between and workmen was black and grey squirrels between up for consideration The member Dec and Sept quail or wild for moved an amendment turkeys between Dec and Nov 1 that present legislation in addition wans or geese between May and to that already before the Sept ducks all kinds or any would meet all requirements nod other water fowl between Dec this was carried by a majority of and Sept snipe rail plover or any other birds known as shore bird Assembly Notes Dominion Parliament I Royal As time wears on a few waders between Dec and Sept strongly prejudiced French Canadian lo apprehend that their mother tongue will die out in the Dominion I Parliament Among these is Mr P for who moved that the language be placed on an equality with the Eng lish language in all public matters Sir Wilfred moved in amendment that Mr motion was by reelecting the contracts male constitution of Canada already by Government When the the motion come down will The House of Commons devoted three hours one day last week to the discussion of details of Hon Mr return of with Bill The Minister woodenwmv re- Justice had given his opinion of the competence of Parliament to leg islate on this subject He submitted several amendments As changed the clause will be that when the em ployees in question arc union men or women the request must be signed by the officers of the union when they are nonunionists it must be signed by not less than ten employ ees duty authorised by a majority vote of a meeting of the employees affected In tbe Senate Hon Senator Fer- called attention to an extract from a letter purporting to have pectins the Central Prison rout mot Mr- a order and in the Mr Preston Brant moved tor re turn showing the contract price and for other details At opening of the on the printed details in summarized form of receipts and ex penditures of the pa year es timates tor the of the Province direct and Indirect a sutement of the tor certificates to railways and annuities were dis- tributed The receipts for to- been written by Mr T Preston tailed and the stating that South Africa can more 672017907 leaving a sur- readily millions of an agri- plus of 42929932 The estimated cultural population between Table expenditure for totals Mountain and the Zambesi than Can- the estimated receipts can support west of the Great Lakes Such a letter should not have been written by a person in pay of the Canadian Government Mr Preston was not expected to ad vertize other countries Sir Richard said be would enquire in to the matter and Senator lan added if Mr Preston had written such letter he should be dismissed Id toe Commons Railway Commu te a few days ago Hon Mr Em- took strong exception to the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Co bill to give permission to build branch lines in Ontario Mr mersoo pointed out that the addition of certain now included in bill would grant an extension Of time to all other lines of this Rail way granted in previous years to the James Bay Railway Co such aa the line from Toronto to Ottawa and from Toronto to Sudbury Some of these branches might be outlawed by now The bill was referred to a subcommittee to suggest alterations During his budget speech last week the Hon Provincial Treasurer reference to growing municipal In debtedness Ontario He knew of towns that were going beyond nil bounds tearing up streets and laying costly pavements oo back In many cases the men in charge had no expert knowledge duty he said to urge that there should be more care in municipal ex penditure In this respect Hon Mr has given- ft much needed warning Mr Provincial Treasurer delivered his budget speech on the 28th There nothing specially sensational In bis two hours address He was followed by Mr P lor Kingston who while the Hon Treasurers finan cial delivered a speech characterized by moderation and good taste He pointed out moat clearly that while the Government laid much on the buoyant fl- condition of the Province it was in reality largely due to the seeds so well gown hy Li beral Admlnlatratlooi Amid he declared the Liberal bav ins broken the abound claims a rightful share in wtuttever glory ntr laches to the budget submitted that day Home is what we make it and some never make it until about am The Ore whistle sounded the alarm about halfpast one Saturday afternoon Cause a tank of gaso line on nre In a abed in the rear of Economist printing Mr who happened to be among the first to arrive told one of the men to throw bis coat over th hole in the top of th and the result was the extinction of Markham Economist nut The w of a will discover its efficacy Try Pills morning and night note improvement in your health Insurance Commission report hits Hon Geo Foster a hard In th Commons last week he asked the Minister of Justice what communications he had had with the Commission Mr worth replied I have never said nor is it a fact that I hare had any communication- with them of an cial character Liberal Poor Foster he getting shattered County byeelection to the Assembly wk meea- by the demise of Mr Kidd tbe late Member will take place on Monday March Healthy Babies Healthy babies are good babies It Is only tbe sick child that cries all the time Mothers it you want lo see your little ones smiling and hap py give them Babys Own is a smile in every dose The Tablets cure all little ailments of childhood arising out of a disordered condition of the stomach or bowels They are good for all and are sold the guarantee of a govern ment analyst to contain no opiates or drugs Mrs D Kirk Dumfries S says always use Babys Own Tablets for the ail ments of my little ones and find them a splendid medicine A fewdoses al ways restores them to perfect health I would not be without the Tablets in The Tablets are sold by druggists or by mail at cents a box from The Dr Williams Medicine I A Visit to King Edwards Cory Country Home A delightful interlude in the weekly round of duty found me transplanted one day from the desk to the princely galea of and by favor I was allowed to roam thru grounds gardens conservatories and preserves and peep into the chambers of the house Over against the beautiful Norwich gates which linger in the minds eye like a wrot- fairy are the hothouses in which I was cooked till parbojled and as red as the strawberries that led tbe virtuous soul into sore tempt ation Orchids and grapes figs mel ons and pineapples bananas and end less other such fruits and flowers be guiled one into believing oneself In Paradise but for the purgatory of a too unyielding conscience and its j dread of the terrors of law The I part of Tantalus is one that terribly wrenches the performers reverence tor the eighth commandment orably forced into reluctant hones I innocently gaped and again while a silent prayer went up to the strawberry pots above that one perchance even two or more of the lusciously dangling baits might haply drop into the accident ally open mouth but no Tbe fates were sulky and in fear of lockjaw I supervening I suddenly waxed rigidly virtuous After all whats a trump ery strawberry In a few weeks I shall feast on thousands and these I look at them fairly are pale and pimply and no doubt dabby I moved on proud to bursting with conscious enlargement of conscience above ones covetous fellows Across tbe high road that so irrev erently brushes past the very nose of royalty we tread the rich greensward and read how this tree was planted by friend and that one by some guest until we come to lowlying mansion with its good I old English look The gorgeous new ball room at one corner sug gestive quite as much of a chapel In Its exterior The rooms are draped in but painted ceilings of some and the walls of others with the gold and white mouldings In almost all have a bright graceful ness this sunny day well balancing the rich green and rainbow hues of the terrace gardens outside The famous portrait by him self is here discovered and many an other well known painting hangs in these rooms The long drawing room with its linencovered furniture In piles looks like a model of Switz erland in a case of gold and creamy walls The more sombre dining room is brown and gold with carved and gnarled pilasters and the richly floriated ceiling is grandly set off by the bright hues of its immense Turk ey From this banqueting hah to the rd room is but a step and from billiards to the long Ameri can bowling alley Is but another a long Inclined plane floor with grooves for the returning bowls and high over the skittle end are cushioned pew for lady spectators And all along the wall opposite the windows is a panoramic painting of the scenes in the carrying of a certain gift from its home in India until its arrival at And there right fac ing the window at the end of a gra vel path sits the Gift in his huge timber pagoda A great squat brazen Buddha brass not brazen faced for so jovial a god was surely never adored by man His broad ex panse of face jo glows with the jol lity that is born of fat complacency that the Arst look into that radiant banished all wordly care and the second gaze obliterated even my strawberry hankerings A hap py gift to a happy prince but the perfect peace expressed in that serene face can never be realized in our mad cap western world bowling sa loon opens into a sort of boudoir from which the fine large gunroom is entered forming a sort of wing to the main building The ornamental garden is of course most charmingly laid out with beau tiful peeps and large views of the outlying scenery Everywhere are signs of new ideas tracks diverted Openings made in woody knolls and new drives cut through wild bracken tracts of park by which a constant succession of surprise landscapes charm you as you drive What pleased onbotanical sight seer was the abrupt transition from trim and artificial Dutch garden beds to the Wilderness wherein nature ap pears to act as head gardener as sisted no doubt by well subordinat ed art The refreshing irregularity of the view absence of and milliners primness luxu riant dont of the nappy- and trees and gone booses with trs poetical spirit of freedom denied to your garden plots And to crown the illusion there axe elks and the newlycome Ideer browsing near the rockbound rivertike lake as wild in its mimic cataracts and weedy reedy as It bad never created by the hands of hirelings Away the distance are the red and allow deer in their hundreds but what and whence Is that fiendish screech Arc really leagues away in the wild j woods and Is this some hungry tiger sharpening his teeth for a lunch upon our carcass In our floah of agony our eyes like poor Tom Bowling go up aloft as fearful always do in the piety res and up there among the crows nests atop of that waving pahnlike tree see Lord pet pea cocks carousing to the top of their bent brandishing their garish fan- tails and letting off yells as though they were being plucked for a pie My ornithological training being on a par with my botanical it came as a revelation that peacocks net as in spectors over the rearing of infantile rooks Onrlordly grandee did the honors of lower regions by posing in full state attire on the top step of the approach to the tennis court and by his solemn ceremonious return of my salute it is evident he had taken honors in the School of the Lord High Chamberlain at Court The tennis court of white concrete walled in with tall white wirework Is quite hidden by the clustering trees that keep it cool and subdue the shouts of the young princes roy al childrens children cousins and all sorts without end who love to disappear from the society of court iers for a rompish game in freedom A little way off on the bank of the riverlake is the Cottage In whose dozen cozy rooms the single guests of sleep the sleep of the just They have only a three minutes saunter from the man sion and with the snug kitchen be hind creature comforts at untimely hours are not too hard to id Less so than to find your way out of the Blaze so curiously invented in the Wilderness for though its are only waisthigh they can keep wanderer wandering by the hour wherefore mates beloved by all young true lovers The stables where seventy aristocratic horses find palatial quarters and the farm wher practical work of countryside life is brought to perfection must not keep us longer Our way lies fsr across the stretch of woodland where the ruddy sand of the new drive strikes a harmonious contrast with the dainty new green shoots of- the larch and firs and the frowsy brown of tbe rabbithaunted heath Here we are In veritable Scotland its heather and black moor land by the mile and now we a nook of our own old England hill and dale reaching leagues away russet villages and wcatherwvni churches rich farms and fair mea dows all spread like a pictui below as we pass the sort of Swiss chalet where the Queen has picnicked these forty years and from whose glats- walled tower a mighty sweeps from the not far off sea to the everchanging scenery inland Here lies the charm of lovely estate It gives you bits of every type of English scene and the broad glasstness of the briny Wash as la the sun It ceaselessly turns from sheen to dullness gives the Rule Britannia flavor to the whole And what of tbe lord of these lands This A typical oldEnglish squire homely in his borne while princely in his post as first gentleman of his country The first to resent want of respectfulness be is also the last to embarrass the bungler at who fails in nerve while profounily wellmeaning A prince and emperor who will step from high company to open the door for a footman with a coalbox is one for whom hearty comes as a right And the alacrity with which the Queen has stepped out to pick up tbe fun of an elderly lady while passing in highway is an index to affection ate regard felt by the whole country side for their kindly neighbors at The laborers on estate who have always been free voters oftener than not voting for the radical candidates used to be feasted at the birthday supper of their Prince who himself took the head of the table like a fine old English gentleman one of the olden time Ask of him a a landlord snd they all want to an swer your quest inn with a hip hip hurrah In turning ones back on so rare a the pleasing ions of its physical beauties are mel lowed with a grateful satisfaction that the owners find their chief est in making it In all Its as sociations with their neighbors rich poor that grander than alt pat a aapy St